七年级英语上册 Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject(第1课时)New words教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject(第1课时)New words教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject(第1课时)New words教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject(第1课时)New words教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页




unit 9 whats your favorite subject?生词课 unit nine (period one)teaching and learning goals: learn the new words of unit 9 in one class. let the ss read the words correctly and try to memorize them.teaching and learning steps:step 1 let ss read the new words by themselves in fours for 5 minutes. then let them read first, at the same time ask them to underline the combined letters(eg.ie/th/ch/gr/phy/wh/au/ay/ur/ee/oo/ur/ful/sh/ss/our/)and their pronunciations, then correct their pronunciation.(让学生小组成员间先自读单词,初步感知,了解自己哪些还不会读,以便下一步重点学习。)step 2 teach them how to read them by reading the phonetic symbols.pay attention to the underlined letters and their pronunciation. science, math, chinese, geography, because monday, friday, free, cool, thursday, finish,lesson, hour (此步骤的目的是让学生注意这些字母及组合的发音,复习了部分音标,了解几个字母组合。)step 3 get some individual ss to read and correct their pronunciation .(为了重点解决学生不会读的单词。)step 4 read after the tape.(听觉刺激。)step 5 read after the teacher . (因为学生听老师的发音会更清楚更有针对性, 老师可随时停下来纠正学生的发音,并可重复多次。)step 6 learn to remember words.let ss look at the pictures, learn the words.(利用图片使学生更直观的学习单词。同时通过拓展的词组和音乐的播放加深对生词的理解)science拓展: 1.科学老师 一节科学课 art拓展: 1.美术老师 一节美术课 an (stress the word “an” is used here)p.e.music(at the same time play a piece of music to joy the students)chinese拓展: 1.科学老师 一节科学课 geography free(= not busy) . 拓展: 从北京 到温州 step 7 let ss classify the wordssubjects:_( science, p.e., music, math, chinese, history,)days:_( monday saturday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, sunday)形容词:_(free ,cool ,useful ) (通过单词分类,为学习p52-53的1a和2a 做铺垫)完成思维树:step 8 :story time. i have some good friends,and we are in the same school ,but tonys favorite days are tuesday and thursday. on tuesday , from 2 pm to 2:50 pm he has art . he thinks it is fun , from 3 pm to 3:50 pm he has a music lesson for 2 hours , he thinks it is relaxing , and on thursday, he has a history lesson, it is from 10 am to 10:50 am, it is fun. for me , for sure ,sunday and saturday are cool,because im free, of course i like wednesday, too. on wednesday i have a geography lesson, why? because geography is useful .亮点:我认为亮点是第六步和第八步,让学生注意单词中字母及字母组合的发音,经常复习语音对学习英语很重要,还有给图片进行形象直观的教学,以及单词分类对帮助学生了解词性和集中记忆单词大有益处。课后反思:本单元单词较多,学生读的时间很长, 进行单词分类(思维树),再串联故事等环节过后,给学生自测的时


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