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Unit 1 We need to protect animals.,三案导学初中英语八年级上(外研版),Module 9 Animals in danger,预习反馈,1.优秀小组: 优秀个人: 2.存在的问题: (1) (2) (3) 一份付出一份收获!,New words,danger n. protect v. orange adj.& n. cousin n. brown adj&n. reserve n. mad adj. surprising adj. kill v. hard adj. away adv. dirty adj. awful adj. peace n. find out,危险 保护 橘色的;橘子 堂兄弟,堂姐妹,表姐妹 棕色的;棕色 禁猎区,自然保护区 极度激动的;发狂似的 使人惊讶的,出人意料的 杀死 困难的 掉;去 脏的 极讨厌的;极不愉快的 安宁,和平 发现,bear,camel,elephant,lion,snake,tiger,What am I?,They are in danger now!,Do you know what happened to them?,学习目标,1掌握protect, in danger等单词、短语和句型等基础知识;能够运用所学句型谈论濒危动物的情况和动物保护。 2通过自主学习,合作训练,灵活运用所学句型谈论濒危动物及原因,提升口语表达能力。 3增强环境保护意识,积极参与英语实践活动,大胆展示,团结合作,为团队争光添彩。 目标引领方向,激情点燃课堂!,Listen and answer,Listen and answer the questions. 1. What is Betty reading? A. A newspaper. B. A book. C. A magazine. 2. Which animals are they talking about? A. Pandas and elephants. B. Pandas, tigers, lions and elephants. C. Pandas, tigers, lions, elephants and bears. 3. Which animals are in danger? A. Pandas and tigers. B. Lions, elephants and bears. C. All the animals above.,Listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and answer the following questions.,1.What is the conversation about? A. Pandas. B. The Wolong Panda Reserve. C. Animals in danger. 2.Why do many animals have no place to live? A. We make the water dirty. B. Many people kill them. C. Our villages and farms are growing bigger and were taking their lands and forests.,Role play,反复阅读对话,熟练掌握谈论濒危动物的句子,然后分角色表演对话。,自主学习,1.独立思考,迅速浏览、快速完成“质疑探究”部分的三个单词、短语和重点句型的用法。 2.明确自己的疑问,以备小组合作讨论解决。 3.书写要认真、卷面整洁;有疑问的地方用红笔标记。,合作探究,内容: “质疑探究”部分题目。 要求:【激情投入,活力四射】 1组长协调,先一对一讨论完善答案,然后小组集中讨论疑难点,注意方法、技巧的归纳总结,实现智慧整合。 25分钟后,老师出示“展示分工”,组长要注意根据分工情况有重点地讨论,帮助小组成员展示最佳答案。 3. 书写要认真、卷面整洁;有疑问的地方用红笔标记。 目标:参与积极,讨论高效,争取解决个人所有疑难! 让生命的活力充分涌流!,高效展示,要求:展示同学要书写工整、规范,答案力求简洁、规范。 非展示同学疯狂朗读课文。,激情来自你的迅速行动!,精彩点评,要求:1.声音洪亮,自然大方,思路清晰,语言简练。 2.注重方法和规律的总结,尽量补充拓展。 3.其他同学认真听讲,做好笔记,及时质疑。,总结升华,(一)单词和短语 1. danger n.危险 (1)Be careful!There is a danger ahead. 当心!前面有危险。 (2)The doctor said the patient was out of danger. 医生说这个病人脱离了危险。 (3)The dangerous tigers are in danger. 可怕的老虎濒临灭绝。 2. surprising adj. 令人惊讶的,出人意料的 adv. surprisingly 惊讶地 surprised adj.感到惊讶的 surprise n. 惊讶 短语:to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 in surprise 惊讶地,3. We are taking away their lands and forests.我们正在剥夺他们赖以生存的土地和森林。 The police came in the night and took him away. 晚上警察来了,并把他带走了。 Away went the boy. 那男孩走开了。 注意: away是副词,当人称代词作宾语时,放在away之前;当副词放句首时,句子倒装。,4. on earth 究竟,到底 What on earth can we do?我们究竟能做什么? When on earth are you coming here?你究竟什么时候来这儿? 注意: on earth 意为“究竟,到底”,常放在一些疑问词,如what,when,where等之后。,5. find out (1)Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。 (2)Read this passage,and find out the answer to this question. 读这篇短文,找出这个问题的答案。 find out意为 “查明,找出”, 多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无形的、抽象的东西。,单词短语 即时练习答案及点拨:见教师用书,(二)重难点句子探究:,1. It makes me mad! 太让我气愤了! 该句为“make +名词或代词+形容词”结构,形容词作宾补。 Absolutely, but its hard to stop the killing. 确实如此,但要制止却很难。 该句中动词不定式to stop the killing做主语,it是形式主语,代替动词不定式to stop the killing。,重点句子即时练习答案: 见教师用书,学以致用,拓展提升,Look at the following pictures. Decide which one is the most important to protect. Then work in pairs to talk about them.,Protect them!,Humans (人类) and animals are friends. We should live in peace (和平相处).,Why are some animals in danger?,整理巩固,迅速整理巩固本节课所学重点单词、短语和举行的用法。 2.巩固整理的过程中,存在问题的地方要及时质疑解决。,Exercise,一、选择题 ( )1.Its interesting _ this game. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )2._is really hard _them to climb the mount. A. This; to B. This; for C. It;for D. It; to ( )3.We need _ the housework at weekends. A. to do B. doing C. do D. does,B,C,A,二、写同义句 1.To answer the question is easy. _ easy _ answer the question.


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