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Customizing the slides,Fill in your name, college, semester, logo, and any other information you like on the first slide. Add administrative and organizational information on the following slides. If you would like to use other fonts, use “Format“ “Replace Fonts“ to replace the Verdana typeface used here. The slides use background colors to highlight certain slides or to mark a new topic. You can customize the color schemes with “Format“ “Slide Color Scheme“ “Apply“ (not “Apply to All“ !) These presentations are designed to be used with a projector (light text on dark background). If you prefer a conventional overhead projector you should probably switch to dark text on light background. To do this, choose “Format“ “Slide Color Scheme“ choose the white scheme “Apply to All“ or you can download the black and white version of these slides from the books website. You can add more slides with Ctrl-M or you can duplicate a slide with Shift-Ctrl-D. You can change the layout of the slides with “Format“ “Slide Layout“,Microfoundations of Financial Economics An Introduction to General Equilibrium Asset Pricing,Name of Instructor Institution, Department Course number, Semester,Contact,Class schedule (time & location): Instructor email office hours Tutorial schedule: TA email office hours Course homepage: ,Grading, % of grade will be based on assignments. There will be a midterm exam, worth % of the final grade. The final exam at the end of the semester is worth %. It is also possible to earn additional credits by writing a term paper.,Textbook,The course is based on Yvan Lengwiler, Microfoundations of Financial Economics (Princeton University Press, 2004).,The book is in reserve at the library and is available at the local book store,Other reading,Supplementary texts to which we will occasionally refer are Gollier, The Economics of Risk and Time (MIT Press). Cochrane, Asset Pricing (Princeton University Press). Campbell, Lo, and MacKinlay, The Econometrics of Financial Markets (Princeton University Press). Danthine and Donaldson, Intermediate Financial Theory (Prentice Hall). LeRoy and Werner, Principles of Financial Economics (Cambridge University Press). Campbell and Viceira, Strategic Asset Allocation (Oxford University Press). Ljungqvist and Sargent, Recursive Macroeconomic Theory (MIT Press).,Please amend according to your needs.,Other reading,It is important that you also read original literature. For your convenience, a reader with a collection of articles for parallel study has been placed in the libr


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