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口译网 1英美用词差异对照表Differences between British English and American English Words (Vocabulary)序号Num中文Chinese英国英语British English美国英语American English1 广告部经理 Advertisement manager advertising managerdirector2 天线 aerial antenna3 飞机场 aerodrome airdrome4 飞机 aeroplane airplane5 空姐 airhostess airline hostess6 化铝 aluminium aluminum7 美洲印第安人 American Indian Native American8 疯的 angry mad9 胎儿的;产前的 antenatal prenatal1O 逆时针 anticlockwise counterclockwise11 任何地方 anywhere anyplace12 公寓房 apartment house apartment building13 (人寿)保险 assurance (life)insurance14 茄子 aubergine eggplant15 秋天 autumn fall16 斧子 axe ax17 (舞台)背景 backcloth(theatre) backdrop18 绷带 bandage gauze19 钞票 bank note bill20 理发店 barbers shop barbershop21 酒吧招待员 barman bartender22 手推车 barrow pushcart23 浴缸,澡盆 both bothtub24 美容院 beauty parlour beauty shopsalon25 账单 bill(restaurant) account,check26 饼干 biscuit cookie(sweet),cracker(dry)27 黑板 blackboard chalkboard28 职员 blackcoat white-collar29 工贼,骗子 blackleg scab30 公寓房 block of flats apartment building31 喷灯 blowlamp blowtorch32 草帽 boater straw hat33 (汽车)引擎盖 bonnet(automobile) hood34 预定 book reserve35 售票处 booking office ticket office36 书店 bookshop bookstore口译网 237 书摊亭 bookstall newsstand38 (汽车)行李箱 boot(automobile) trunk39 礼帽 bowler(hat) derby40 (裤)背带 braces suspenders(mens)41 女傧相 bridesmaid maid of honor42 地堡 bunker sand trap43 夜盗 burgle burglarize44 公交车 bus bus,autobus45 出租车停车处 cab rank taxi stand46 日程表 calendar(university) catalogue47 公用电话亭 call box telephone booth48 行军床 camp bed cot49 候选人资格 candidature candidacy50 汽车 car car,automobile,auto51 有篷的车辆 caravan trailer52 看门人 caretaker,porter janitor53 停车场 car park parking lot54 客车车厢 carnage (railroad or subway)car55 购物袋 carrier bag shopping bag56 收银员,出纳员 cashier teller57 牲畜围场 cattle yard stockyard58 肯定地 certainly sure59 会计师 chartered accountant certified public accountant60 谈话节目 chat show talk show61 药剂师 chemist Druggist, pharmacist62 药店 chemists(shop) drugstore,pharmacy63 支票 cheque check64 五斗橱,衣橱 chest of drawers Bureau,dresser65 油煎土豆片 chips French fries66 名 Christian name given name67 喜欢挑剔的,难讨好的 choos(e)y picky68 砍刀,斧头 chopper cleaver69 电影院 cinema Movie, theater,cinema70 分类广告 classified ad want ad71 衣帽问,厕所 cloakroom checkroom,toilet72 终止辩论(以投票) closure cloture73 衣架 Clothes peg clothespin74 旅游车 coach long-distance bus75 公鸡 cock rooster76 棺材 coffin casket77 对有色人种的隔离 colour bar color line78 连裤内衣 combination union suit口译网 379 排字工人 compositor typesetter8O 骗局 confidence trick confidence game81 警官 constable,policeman patrolman82 火炉 cooker stove83 烹调书 cookery book cookbook84 谷物 corn wheat,stain85 圆锥形卷筒 cornet(ice cream) cone86 舒适温暖的 cosy cozy87 童床 cot crib88 线 cotton thread89 脱脂棉 cotton wool absorbent cotton90 县城 county town county seat91 炸裂 crash wreck92 油炸土豆片 crisps potato chips93 交叉路口 crossroads intersection,junction94 四分音符 crotchet(music) quarter note95 活期账户 current account checking account96 履历 curriculum vitaecv resume97 窗帘 curtains drapes98 (西餐)刀叉 cutlery silverware,flatware99 切,削 cutting clipping100 挡泥板 dashboard dash101 遗产税 death duty Death tax,estate tax102 除雾器 demister defroster103 储蓄账户 saving account savings account104 (电话)区号 dialing code area code105 拨号音 dialing tone dial tone106 寓所,住处 digs lodgings107 (电子)光盘 disc disk108 盘,碟 dish platter109 中转(电话,道路) diversion detour11O 区 division district111 捧水管 drainpipe downspout112 布店 drapers(shop) dry-goods store113 布(匹)织物 drapery dry goods114 晨衣 dressings gown bathrobe115 驾驶执照 driving licence drivers license116 复式车行道 dual carriageway divided highway117 垃圾车 dumper dump truck118 复印机 duplicator mimeograph119 垃圾箱 dustbin,rubbish bin Garbage can, ashcan, trashcan120 垃圾车 dust cart dump truck口译网 4121 清洁工 dustman garbage collector, sanitation worker122 发电机 dynamo generator123 地线 earth wire ground wire124 打蛋器 egg whisk eggbeater125 橡皮带 elastic band rubber band126 (电话)占线 engaged (telephone) busy127 引擎,发动机 engine motor128 火车司机 engine driver engineer129 保险 ensure insure130 自动楼梯 escalator moving staircase moving stairway131 房地产经纪人 estate agent realtor132 客货两用车 estate car station wagon133 到处 everywhere everyplace134 感叹号 exclamation mark exclamation point135 尾气排放管 exhaust pipe tailpipe136 速递邮件 express delivery post special delivery mail137 老工人 ex-serviceman veteran138 (电话)分机 extension(telephone) station139 (校外)继续学习 extramural studies(university)extension140 圣诞老人 Father Christmas Santa Claus141 电影 film movie142 电影明星 film star movie star143 消防队 fire brigade fire department144 鞭炮 firework firecracker145 第二层 First floor second floor146 鱼店 fishmongers fish store147 开水瓶 flask thermos bottle148 公寓 flat apartment149 电线,花线 flex electric wire150 足球 football soccer151 人行道 footpath sidewalk152 名 forename given name153 女工头,女领班 forewoman forelady154 创办人,发起人 founder-member charter member155 落地窗 French window French door156 冰箱 fridge refrigerator,icebox157 起居室 front room living room158 句号 full stop period159 殡仪馆 funeral parlour funeral home160 继续教育 further education adult education口译网 5161 监狱 gaol jail162 囚犯,惯犯,流氓 gaolbird jailbird163 越狱。劫狱 gaol delivery jail delivery164 监狱看守 gaoler jailer165 花圈 garden yard166 男厕所 gents,gents mens room167 眼镜 glasses eyeglasses168 萤火虫 glowworm lightning bug169 货物列车 goods train freight train170 货车 goods wagon freight car171 (男)毕业生 graduate alumnus172 蔬菜 greens green vegetables173 高兴的 grey gray174 杂货店 grocers(shop) grocery175 第一层 Ground floor firt floor176 花生 groundnut peanut177 市政厅 guildhall city hall178 运动鞋 gym shoe sneaker179 寝室 hall of residence dormitory180 手提包 handbag purse, pocketbook181 校长 headmaster school principal182 主干道 high street main street183 交通阻塞 holdup(traffic) tieup184 舒适的,如在家的 homelike homey185 假日 holiday vacation186 度假者,休假者 holidaymaker vacationer187 家庭作业 homework assignment188 引擎盖 hood(automobile) top189 汽笛 hooter(automobile) horn, siren190 实习医生 houseman(hospital) intern191 房地产开发 housing estate housing development,project192 生病的 ill sick193 留下印象 impression printing194 国内税收 inland revenue internal revenue195 侦探 inquiry agent private detective196 问隔,中间休息 interval intermission197 引号 inverted commas quotation marks198 五金 ironmongery hardware199 果酱 jam jelly200 牛仔裤 jeans Bluejeans, jeans201 果冻 jelly jello202 运动衫 jersey,jumper sweater口译网 6203 股份公司 joint-stock company stock company204 新闻记者 journalist newsman205 大壶,罐 lug pitcher206 旧货拍卖 jumble sale garbage sale,rummage sale207 立交桥 junction intersection208 番茄酱 ketchup catchup209 报摊 kiosk newsstand210 (长丝袜的)抽丝 ladder(hose 0r stockings) run211 女厕所 Ladies ladies room212 瓢虫 ladybird ladybug213 山崩,塌方 landslip landslide214 食品室 larder pantry215 备有洗衣机的自动洗衣店launderette laundromat216 厕所 lavatory, WC toilet, bathroom,restroom, washroom217 乐歇指挥 leader concert master218 社论 leader,leading article editorial219 行李房 left-luggage office baggage room, checkroom220 出租房 let lease, rent22t 信筒 letter box mailbox222 平面交口 level crossing railroad crossing223 救生带,安全带 life belt life preserver224 救生员 life saver lifeguard225 电梯 lift elevator226 有限公司 Limited liability company corporation227 唇膏 lipsalve lipstick228 废物箱 litterbin litterbag229 小指 little finger pinkie230 房客 lodger roomer,boarder231 分间出租房 lodging house rooming house232 棒棒糖 lollipop sucker233 有远见的 longsighted farsihted234 卡车 lorry track235 西装 lounge suit business suit236 行李 luggage baggage237 行李车 luggage van baggage car238 雨衣 mackintosh,mac raincoat239 疯狂的 mad crazy240 公路,大路 main road highway241 公寓 flat apartment242 玉米 maize (Indian)corn口译网 7243 蔬菜农场 market garden truck farm244 结婚证 marriage lines marriage certificate245 土豆泥 mash mashed potatoes246 比赛 match game247 数学 maths math248 吝啬的 mean stingy249 肉馅饼 meat pie potpie250 喇叭筒 megaphone bullhorn251 旋转木马 merry-go-round carousel252 喵(猫叫声) miaow meow253 里程表 mileometer odometer254 十亿 milliard billion255 半音符 minim(music) half note256 电影 motion-picture movie257 汽车 motorcar automobile,auto258 快车道 motorway expressway, freeway, super-highway259 连锁店 multiple shop chain store260 (口语)妈妈 mum mom, ma261 杂耍剧场,音乐厅 music hall vaudeville262 薄纱织物 muslin cheesecloth263 尿布 napkin nappy diaper264 肮脏卑劣的 nasty mean265 (酒水)不掺水的 neat(alcoholic drink) straight266 报刊经售人 newsagent newsdealer267 笔尖 nib penpoint268 睡衣 nightdress, nightie nightgown269 钞票 note bill270 支票簿 note pad scratchpad271 启事板 notice board bulletin hoard272 零 nought zero273 无处 nowhere noplace274 号码牌,汽车车牌 number plate license plate275 小型私人医院 nursing home private hospital276 酒店 off-licence liquor store277 普通股 ordinary shares common stock278 户外厕所 outdoor toilet outhouse279 包裹 packet pack280 明轮(推进器) paddle-steamer side-wheeler281 招待员 pageboy, porter bellboy, bellhop282 烤饼 pancake crepe283 蛋卷 pancake roll egg roll284 短裤 pants shorts口译网 8285 煤油 paraffin kerosene, coal oil286 包裹 parcel package287 过道 passage,passageway hall,hallway288 单人纸牌游戏 patience(cards) solitaire289 人行道 pavement sidewalk290 工资袋 pay packet paycheck,pay envelope291 人行横道 pedestrian crossing crosswalk292 商贩,小贩 pedlar peddler293 偷看 peep peek294 笔友 pen-friend pen-pal295 辣椒瓶/罐 pepper pot,pepper shaker pepper box296 童车 perambulator,pram baby buggy,baby carriage297 汽油 petrol gas,gasoline298 矿脂,凡士林 petroleum jelly petrolatum299 加油站 petrol station gas station,filling station300 猪 pig hog301 猪舍 pigsty pigpen302 石膏,绷带 plaster bandages303 运动衫裤 playsuit jump suit304 运动鞋 plimsolls sneakers305 犁 plough plow306 风钻 pneumatic drill jackhammer307 警察局 police station station house308 麦片粥 porridge oatmeal309 邮件政 post mail310 邮政编码 postal code, postcode zip code311 邮车 postal van mail car312 邮筒 postbox mailbox313 待领邮件 post restante general delivery314 研究生 postgraduate graduate315 邮递员 postman mailman,mail carrier316 土豆片 potato crisps potato chips317 电站 power station power plant318 班长 prefect monitor319 优先股 preference shares preferred stock320 不久 presently soon321 小学 primary school grade school322 监狱,感化院 prison prison,penitentiary323 个人的 private (business) personal324 公共场所,酒吧 public house,pub bar325 酒店老板 publican saloonkeeper,innkeeper326 公共设施,厕所 public convenience public toilet,comfort station口译网 9327 检察官 public prosecutor district attorney328 私立学校 public school private school329 沙袋 punchball punching bag330 轻便婴儿车 pushchair stroller331 睡衣 pyjamas pajamas332 八分音符 quaver(music) eighth note333 站队 queue stand in line334 跑道 racecourse racetrack335 火车道 railway railroad336 火车 railway engine locomotive337 火车站 railway station train station338 急流 rapids white water339 接待人员 receptionist desk clerk340 操场 recreation ground playground341 宪兵 redcap military policeman342 餐车 restaurant car dining car, diner343 来回旅程 return round-trip344 打电话 ring telephone345 环行路 ringroad beltway346 上涨(工资) rise(pay) raise347 摇椅 rocking chair rocker348 旋转木马 roundabout carousel349 道站交叉区的环行路 roundabout traffic circle350 推销员 roundsman deliveryman351 划艇 rowing boat rowboat352 橡皮擦 rubber eraser353 垃圾 rubbish garbage,trash354 橄榄球 Rugby football355 撬开保险箱的盗贼 safebreaker safecracker356 帆船 sailingboat sailboat357 轿车 saloon car sedan358 盐瓶 saltcellar saltshaker359 称呼 salutation greeting360 沙坑 sandpit sandbox361 月票 season ticket commuter ticket362 跑月票者 season-ticket holder commuter363 初中 secondary school high school364 跷跷板 seesaw teeter-totter365 全音符 semibreve(music) whole note366 十六分音符 semiquaver( music ) sixteenth note367 半音(程) semitone(music) halftone,half step368 股东 shareholder stockholder口译网 10369 股票 shares stock370 鞋带 shoelace shoestring371 商店 shop store372 售货员 shop assistant sales clerk ,store clerk373 店主 shopkeeper storekeeper374 购物中心 shopping centre shopping mall375 速记员 shorthand typist stenographer376 近视的,目光短浅的 shortsighted nearsighted377 连鬓络腮胡子 sideboards sideburns378 (汽车)消音器 silencer(automobile) muffler379 单程票 sight ticket one-way ticket380 (男式)汗衫,背心 singlet undershirt381 护士长 sister head nurse382 起居室 sitting room living room383 雪橇 sledge sled384 隐名合伙人 sleeping partner silent partner385 苏打饼 soda biscuit soda cracker386 律师 solicitor barrister lawyer attorney387 韭葱,大葱 spring onion scallion388 全体职工 staff(university) faculty389 戏院前排,乐队演奏处 stalls orchestra390 债券 stocks bonds391 果核 Stone(fruit) pit392 商场 store department store393 街灯 streetlight streetlamp394 责任编辑 subeditor copyreader395 地道,地下通道 subway underpass396 夏季 summertime daylight-saving time397 油盘 sump oilpan398 日光室 sun lounge sunparlour,sub porch,sunroom399 带课老师 supply teacher substitute teacher400 甜食 sweet dessert401 糖果 sweets candy402 糖果店 sweet shop candy store403 尾板,后挡板 tailboard tailgate404 外带食物 takeaway(food) carryout,takeout405 高脚柜 tallboy highboy406 水龙头 tap spigot(outdoors),faucet(indoors)407 馅饼 tart pie408 妓女 tart tramp409 免税的 tax-free tax-exempt410 出租车 taxi cab口译网 11411 电报 telegram wire412 话务员 telephonist telephone operator413 电传打字机 teleprinter teletypewriter414 电视(机) telly television,television set,TV415 水瓶 thermos flask thermos bottle,vacuum flask416 紧身衣 tights panty hose417 木材板 timber lumber418 时间表 timetable schedule419 罐头 tin can420 香烟店 tobacconists(shop) cigar store421 盥洗室 toilet lavatory422 手电筒 torch flashlight423 市政厅 town hall city hall424 工会 trade union labor union425 (道路)安全岛 traffic island safety island426 交通红绿灯 traffic light stoplight427 有轨电车 tram, tramcar streetcar,trolley428 手推车 trolly tea car,tea wagon429 运输船 troopship,trooper transport430 长裤 trousers pants,slacks431 长途电话 trunk call long-distance telephone call432 地铁 tube subway433 轮胎 tyre tire434大学本科生(一二三四年级学生)undergraduate freshman,sophomore,junior,senior435 地铁 underground subway436 短裤 underpants shorts(mens)437 殡仪业者 undertaker mortician438 电子管 valve(radio) tube439 杂耍节目表演 variety(show) vaudeville440 阳台 veranda porch441 (道路)边缘 verge(road) shoulder442 汗衫,背心 vest undershirt443 背心,马甲 waistcoat vest444 脸盆 washbasin sink445 洗衣粉 washing powder soap powder446 洗碗筷 wash up do the dishes447 废纸篓 wastepaper basket wastebasket, trash can448 水晶 watch glass crystal449 冰水 water ice sorbet450 隔板,护墙板 weatherboard clapboard口译网 12451 胶靴,套鞋 wellingtons, wellies rubbers452 粗面粉 wholemeal whole-wheat453 挡风玻璃 windscreen(automobile) windshield454 挡泥板 wing(automobile) fender455 无线电 wireless radio456 证人席 witness box witness stand457 工厂 works factory, plant458 人行横道 zebra crossing pedestrian crossing459 (拉)拉链 zip zipperAMERICAN USAGE BRITISH USAGEDIFFERENT WORDS - SAME MEANING1. Elevator2. Trunk (of a car)3. Subway 4. Scotch 5. Period6. Cookie7. Gas/Gasoline8. Kid(s) 9. Cell phone10. Sidewalk11. Soccer 12. Football13. Fall (the season, not the action)14. Vacation15. School terminology:a. Semester - there are two in a year, allowing for a break over Christmas and the new year.b. Freshman - a student in the first year of high school or university.c. Sophomore - a student in the second year.d. Junior - a third year student, or a student in the year before the final year of university or high school.e. Senior - a student in their last year.f. High School - secondary educationg. Public school - state runh. Private School - private 1. Lift (as an alternative to the stairs)2. Boot (of a car)3. Underground/Tube4. Whiskey 5. Full stop6. Biscuit7. Petrol8. Child(ren)9. Mobile phone10. Pavement11. Football12. American football13. Autumn14. Holiday15. School terminology:a. Term - there are three in the year - the autumn term from Sept to Dec, the spring term from Jan/Feb to April and the summer term from April to June/July. The April break is for Easter.b. Fresher: a first year student at university, especially used during the first term.Then we say - first year, second year, third year. e.g. shes a third year.c. Finalist - a student in their last year of university about to take their final exams and graduate.d. Secondary School - not high schoole. State school - state run, tuition is free.f. Public School - private, tuition needs to be paid by each student.口译网 13SAME WORD - DIFFERENT MEANING1. Fag - a derogatory word for a homosexual man2. Period - a full stop, (also a length of time or the hour-long lessons into which the school day is divided - these meanings apply in British English too).3. To table (something) - to put an issue or problem aside for later, usually because its too difficult to deal with.4. Tea - the drink, not a meal.1. Fag - a colloquial word for a cigarette2. Period - menstruation, not a full stop.3. To table (something) - e.g. to table a motion. To bring an idea or issue up, to suggest it to ones fellows, to put it on the table so that everyone can see it and start to deal with it.4. Tea - often said to mean the evening meal, but also a drink (with jam and bread).SPELLINGBasically the Americans like to make it as simple as possible - it doesnt take much imagination to figure out why.“ER“ - e.g. center, theater


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