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III英语学习动机与成绩的相关性研究(提纲)引言1.1 文献回顾动机是 L2 (第二语言、外语) 习得过程中一个重要的学习者因素,因其可变性受到了中外研究者和教师的广泛关注。在这方面影响最大的是动机研究专家 Gardner 及其同事历经 30 多年的研究,针对第二语言态度,动机和成绩之间的关系在加拿大进行了首例实证调查,成为二语动机领域中的开创性研究。他们把外语学习动机分为两大类,即“归附型动机”和“工具型动机 ”。具有工具型动机的二语学习者将学习第二语言作为他们达到某种现实目标的途径或工具,而具有归附型动机的二语言学习者的学习初衷则来自对目标语言学习的兴趣或对该语言所反映的文化内涵的学习热情(Gardner, 1972) 。动机也有内在动机和外在动机之分。内在动机来自个人对所做事件本身的兴趣,外在动机是外部因素作用的结果。内部动机更有利于学习者对二语的学习,同时动机强度比动机类型更重要(Ely, 1986; Ellis, 1994) 。近年来,大量的研究表明学习动机与学习成绩关系密切,对其有显著影响。同时,一些关于动机的深入调查表明,学习动机对学习行为的影响可能与学习动机的类型相关(Biggs, 1987, Watkins 等, 1988.) 。动机被认定为影响学习成绩各因素之一(Herbert J. Walberg and Margaret Uguroglu, 1980) 。国内也有不少知名人士对动机的研究做出了很大贡献。例如:华惠芳,文秋芳,秦晓晴,刘志华等。内在动机与长远的成功有联系,外在动机与短期成功有联系(华惠芳, 1998) 。学习动机强的学生较学习动机弱的学生更能坚持学习,更有成效,并且在一定意义上说,学习动机与学习效果是相辅相成的关系,而非一种单向性的关系(沈德立, 1991) 。成就动机对学生学业成绩影响非常显著(刘志华, 郭占基, 1993) 。1.2 研究问题(1) 初中学生学习英语的动机现状如何?(2) 英语学习动机与成绩是否相关?(3) 英语学习动机预测成绩的百分比是多少?(4)高分组与低分组学生在英语学习动机上是否有显著性差异?(5)男生与女生在英语学习动机上是否有显著性差异?III 研究方法2.1 研究对象本次调查对象为忻州播明中学 100 名初二学生,尽管他们来自不同的班,但所学内容完全相同。其中男生 48 人,占 48,女生 52 人,占 52。2.2 研究工具本次调查的研究工具有调查问卷与英语测试。问卷是根据陈丽如在对中学生英语学习动机调查及激发策略研究中的自编表命制,采取 Likert 五级量表的形式(其信度系数为 0.78) ,包括学习动机的四个方面(内在学习动机、外在学习动机、学习动机强度、归因) ,共 30 个问题,其中有若干反向问题,为了描述的方便,反向问题的分值在输入电脑时已进行了反转。英语测试是调查前不久所调查学校的期末英语考试题,利用学生的考试成绩将其分为高、中和低分三组。考试排名的前 27%标记为高分组,后 27%标记为低分组。2.3 数据收集2008 年 12 月 30 日,问卷由受试者的英语老师代发,为了提高调查的信度和效度,要求被测对象在课上规定时间内完成。同时问卷中设有一定量的反向问题,防止填报问卷过程中出现定向思维。共分发 100 份,收回 96 份,有效率为 96%。2.4 数据分析使用 SPSS 社会科学统计软件进行了如下分析:(1)描述性统计功能分析英语学习动机以及其四个方面的现状。(2)相关分析功能分析英语学习动机与英语成绩的相关关系。(3)多元线性回归功能分析英语学习动机能够预测成绩的百分比。(4)独立样本 T 检验功能分析高分组学生与低分组学生英语学习动机是否有显著性差异。(5)独立样本 T 检验功能分析男生与女生的英语学习动机是否有显著性差异。IV 结果与讨论3.1 英语学习动机的使用现状 总体来看,初中生的英语学习动机并不算强,相比较而言,他们的内在动机较强。同时,他们已意识到学习英语的重要性。3.2 英语学习动机与英语成绩的相关分析整体而言,学习动机与英语成绩呈显著正相关, 其相关系数为 0.538*。内在动机也与成绩呈显著正相关,其相关系数最高,为 0.821*。3.3 英语学习动机预测成绩的百分比内在动机能够预测成绩的 67.1%。3.4 高分组学生与低分组学生英语学习动机的差异高低分组的学生在学习动机方面存在显著差异,高分组有更强的内在学习动机。而低分组有更强的外在成绩动机。3.5 男生与女生英语学习动机的差异性别之间在学习动机上无显著性差异。 结论研究结果表明:(1)总体来看,初中生英语学习动机并不强,相比较而言,内在动机略强,这将有利于他们今后对英语的学习。同时初中生已明确认识到学习英语的重要性。(2)英语学习动机与英语成绩关系密切。内在动机越强的学生英语成绩相对越好。动机强度同内在动机一样重要。 (3)内在动机对成绩的预测最强,因此应加强学生的内在动机。(4)成绩好的学生与成绩差的学生在英语学习动机方面有很大的差异。成绩好的学生有更强的内在动机,从而促使他们更有效主动地学习英语。而成绩差的学生成绩动机更强,他们学习英语更多是为了取得好的成绩。 (5)性别之间在英语学习动机上没有显著差别。V英语学习动机与成绩的相关性研究系班:外语系本 19 班 姓名:连锐 学号:200502111024 指导老师:秦志强摘要:本文采用定量研究的方法研究初中生英语学习动机与成绩的相关性。被研究对象是来自忻州市播明中学的 100 名学生。通过研究发现:(1)整体而言,被研究对象的英语学习动机并不强;教师在学生的英语学习中扮演了重要的角色。 (2)英语学习动机与成绩之间呈显著正相关, 相关系数为 0.538*,在 0.350.65 范围内,可作粗略群体预示;内在动机和动机强度是提高学习者的成绩的两个关键因素。 (3)内在动机能够预测成绩的67.1%。 (4)高低分组在英语学习动机方面有显著的差异;高分组与低分组相比有更强的内在学习动机。 (5)性别之间在英语学习动机方面无显著性差异。关键词:英语学习动机;英语成绩;初中生1A Correlative Analysis between Students English Learning Motivations and English Achievements Based on an Investigation of Boming Junior Middle School系班:外语系本 19 班 姓名:连锐 学号:200502111024 指导老师:秦志强Abstract: This article aims to investigate the relationship between English learning motivations and achievements of junior middle school students with a quantitative method. The subjects of this research are 100 students from Boming Junior Middle School. Results show that: 1) Generally speaking, the subjects do not have strong English learning motivations;teachers play a very important role in students English learning. 2) English learning motivations have a positive significant correlation with the students English achievements; the Pearson coefficient between learning motivations and achievements is 0.538* (in the range of 0.350.65); intrinsic motivations and motivational intensity play a very important role in improving the learners learning proficiency. 3) Intrinsic motivation can predict 67.1% variance of English achievements. 4) There is a significant difference between high- and low-score students in their learning motivations; high-score students have stronger English learning motivation, especially intrinsic motivations. 5) There is no significant difference between the male and female students in their learning motivations.Key words: English learning motivations; English achievements; junior middle school studentsI Introduction1.1 Literature reviewThe word “motivation” comes from the Latin root “motiveers” historically, which means to move. Thus the literal meaning of motivation is the process of arousing movement in the organism. Maslow (1970) has advanced the theory of 2hierarchy of needs ranging from basic physiological needs to self-actualization. According to him,“Motivation is constant, never ending, fluctuating and complex and that it is an almost universal characteristic of particularly every organism state of affairs.” Gardner and Lambert and their colleagues conduct the pioneering research on the language learning motivation. In Gardners model, motivation consists of four elements: a goal, a desire to attain the goal, positive attitudes toward learning the language, and effortful behavior to that effect (Gardner, 1985). The dichotomy of motivation types, i.e., instrumental motivation and integrative motivation are extracted at the level of goal (Dbrnyei, 1998:123). According to Gardner and Lambert (1972, 1985), learners with instrumental motivation learn the second/foreign language as an instrument to achieve practical goals, for example, furthering a career, while those with integrative motivation learn second/foreign language just for interests or desire to identify with the target culture. Various studies have found that motivation is strongly related to achievement (Gardner and Lambert, 1972). In the late 1950s Gardner and Lambert initiated a series of studies investigating the relation of attitudes and motivation to achievement in a second language. Studies show that positive attitudes and motivation towards the target language and target speakers are strongly associated with second language proficiency. Another influential motivational dichotomy is intrinsic motivation vs. extrinsic motivation. Learners with intrinsic motivation aim at achieving internal rewards such as happiness and satisfaction from language learning process, on the contrary, those with extrinsic motivation consider language learning as a means to gain certain goals. It has been revealed that integrative motivation and intrinsic motivation seem more contributory to successful second/foreign language learning than instrumental motivation and extrinsic motivation, though contradictory findings exist; motivation intensity is more important than motivation types (e.g., Ely, 1986; Ellis, 1994; Larsen-Freeman, 1991). Motivation is considered to be one of the several keys to effective learning (Herbert J. Walberg and Margaret Uguroglu, 1980). Spolsky (1969: 275), too, found a positive correlation between a positive attitude, learning motivation and the English proficiency of foreign students at American universities. It proved that Positive 3attitudes will lead to an integrative motivation to learn the target language. The first investigation on the relationship of attitudes and motivation between the achievements in a second language was published by Gardner and Lambert (1972).Researches in China have also found the important role that English learning motivation plays in learning English. Many Chinese researchers, such as Hua Huifang (1998), Wen Qiufang (1996; 2002), Qin Xiaoqing (2002), Liu Xiaoling (2002), have done a lot of contribution in this field. Research on Chinese English learners motivation has mostly followed Gardners (Gardner Qin Xiaoqing Shi Yongzhi, 2000; Wang Xiangling Wen Qiufang Wen Qiufang, 2001; Wu Yian, 1993). Hua (1998) and Shi (2002) both confirm that most Chinese learners hold a “certificate motivation“. Wens (1993, 1996, 2001) studies show that surface motivation is more common among Chinese learners. Gao Yihong (2004) proposes that Chinese English learners motivation can be categorized into instrumental motivation, cultural motivation and situational motivation. The motivations can be divided into intrinsic motivations and extrinsic motivations;the long-term success is closely connected with intrinsic motivations, while the short-term success is related to extrinsic motivations (Hua Huifang,1998). Shen Deli (1991) points out that the learning motivations are correlative with the achievements.As the description above shows, motivations are the keys to the success of English learners. Many empirical studies on it have been conducted on the basis of relevant theories. Although great progress had been made in the study of English learning motivations, there is still a long way to go for our country to find some effective methods to improve the L2 learners English proficiency. It is also a fact that lots of researchers investigating the relationship of learning motivation and achievements in China do not pay enough attention to the junior middle school students. Given to this, the author of this thesis attempts to investigate the general situation of English learning motivation and its relationship with achievements of junior middle school students with a quantitative research method and aims to improve their English achievements.41.2 Research questionsThe research questions of this study are as follows:(1) What is the overall situation of English learning motivations in junior middle school?(2) Are learning motivations and English achievements correlated with each other?(3) How much can learning motivations predict English scores?(4) Are there any differences in English learning motivations between high- and low-score students?(5) Are there any differences in English learning motivations between male and female students?II Research methodology2.1 Research subjectsThe participants of this research were 100 students from four classes in the same grade of a junior middle school (Boming Middle School in Xinzhou City).The four classes were ordinary ones and they shared the same language learning context and materials. The detailed information of the subjects was contained in Table 1.Table 1 Information of the SubjectsClass 01 02 03 04 Number PercentageMale 10 12 16 10 48 48%Female 14 10 11 17 52 52%Total Number 24 22 27 27 100 100%2.2 Research instrumentsThe research instruments employed in the study included a questionnaire and an English test.The questionnaire used in this experiment was adapted from the questionnaire of 5Chen Liru (2008). Its form was five Likert-scales from “totally disagree” (1 point) to “totally agree” (5 points). Altogether, there were 30 questions, including 6 items of intrinsic motivations, 14 items of extrinsic motivations, 5 items of motivational intensity and 5 items of motivational attribution. Among them, there were 5 negative-worded questions. For the convenience of describing, the negative-worded questions were shifted into positive-worded questions when their scores were put into the computer. Cronbachs Alpha of the questionnaire is 0.78.The English test was a latest English test given to the subjects school before the questionnaire was administered. The total score was 120. The scores of each individual were used to classify them into three groups: high-, middle- and low-score gr


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