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1、1,Words in English单词词性与词义,一、词性(或词类)1. 英语的十种词性,2,2. 为什么要区分词性,句子是由单词组成的,句子的各成分(主谓宾等)在很多情况下均由某种词性的单词表示。换言之,句子成分与词性存在一定的对应关系。 知道一个词的词性,可以帮助我们更快捷地确定该词在句中充当哪一种句子成分。 把词性与句法结合起来,可以加强对句子构成的规律的认识,从而更好地理解句子。,3,例如: (请注意句子成分与词性之间的对应关系) 主语多由名词或代词充当: China is in East Asia We are proud of our country 谓语都由动词或动词短语充当:

2、 She may not like the idea Wed better take their advice,4,表语可由名词、代词、形容词等充当,作用是补充动词be和系动词(link verbs): Beijing is the heart of our country Thats mine The plan sounds great 宾语常由名词或代词等充当: Give me something to read What do you want? I want a beer,5,定语常用形容词、代词(又称限定词determiners)或数词充当: Its a lovely view这景色

3、很漂亮。 Ive a few questions to ask 状语常以副词充当,可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,甚至整个句子: The boy runs very fast Im a little worried我有点发愁。 Frankly,I dont like the idea坦白地说,我不太赞成这个想法。,6,但是同一种词性的单词并不能充当句子的所有成分。 使用单词不区分词性就会张冠李戴,出现把形容词用作句子的谓语,而把动词用作主语等错误。例如: Swim is very good to our health. (应为Swimming) This book quite useful for

4、 their preparation for the IELTS test. (应为This book is quite),7,8,词性的作用,划分句子结构 寻找关键词 缩小选择范围 做题提示 Complete the summary below. Choose your answers from the list below the summary. NB:There are more words than spaces, so you will not use them all.,9,Trust is a _1_ thing. Once _2_, it affords us tremend

5、ous freedom; but once trust is lost, it would be impossible to _3_. Of course the truth is we never know who we can trust: those who were closest can _4_ us; and total strangers can come to our _5_. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves - it really is the simplest way to keep from

6、getting burned.,3.词性转换,学习英语单词时经常存在一种误判:一词一性一个英语单词只有一种词性。 实际上,同一个词可以用作不同词性的现象在英语中非常普遍。 例如:,10,名词用作动词: 我们住同一个房间。 We room together. 谁领导这个代表团? Who headed the delegation? 动词用作名词: 整个礼拜我都很忙碌。 I have been on the go all week 展览会上展出了许多新的计算机。 Many new computers are on show at the exhibition.,11,形容词用作动词: 我去热一些牛

7、奶。 Ill warm up some milk 游游泳会使你凉爽起来。 A swim will cool you down 什么也不及眼泪干得快。 Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 只有在上下文中才能决定一个词的词类。,12,13,要学好英语,必须学会: 变“性” 同一单词,不同词性,14,“ 变性” 名词,动词转化为名词 我来试一试。 Let me have a try 我在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。 We stopped there for a swim 晚饭后我喜欢静静地看一会儿书。 I like a quiet read after supper,15

8、,有些动词转化成名词时意思有些变化: 这是决定性的一步。 This was a decisive move 在这件事上他没有发言权。 He had no say in the matter 市长带头捐了二十英镑。 The mayor took the lead and subscribed 20.,16,也有一些形容词可用作名词: 她头疼得厉害需要安静。 She had a bad headache and needed quiet 暴风雨之后有一段平静。(谚语) After a storm comes a calm 出口达到新的最高水平。 Exports are at a new high,

9、17,总数是多少? What does the total come to? 她年纪太小分不清是非。 She is too young to know the difference between right and wrong 国家的责任是保护它的国民。 The states duty is to protect its nationals,18,我给你留了一间单人房。 Ive reserved a single for you 黑人失业率是白人的两倍。 Unemployment among blacks was twice as high as that for whites 这只长颈鹿在

10、荒野中长大,但现在已经驯服了。 The giraffe grew up in the wild, but he is quite tame now,18,19,有少数词在一定情况下可用作名词: 你提的条件中“假定”太多。 There are too many ifs in your offer 在山里保暖衣服是必须有的。 Warm clothes are a must in mountains 你考虑这计划的目的和方式了没有? Have you considered the why and how of this plan? 不要找借口(辩解)。 But me no buts,名词判断的依据:

11、,前面是否有冠词 前面是否有形容词 前面是否有介词,是否有复数标志 是否有所有格标志 词缀,20,21,“变性”动词,名词转化为动词 你的票订好了吗? Have you booked your ticket? 谁来主持会议? Who is to chair the meeting? 它能坐一千人。 It can seat a thousand people,22,一些表示实物的名词也可用作动词: 许多村民主动提出给水灾灾民提供住处。 Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims 他们必须填补他们之间的代沟。 They must tr

12、y to bridge the generation gap between them 他狼吞虎咽吃下三大碗饭。 He wolfed down three great bowls of rice.,23,表示身体某部分的名词也可用作动词: 我交上我的辞呈。 I handed in my resignation 我们必须支持他。 Weve got to back him up 他必须肩负他的责任。 He must shoulder his responsibilities 我推挤着穿过人群。 I elbowed my way through the crowd,24,某些表示一类人的名词也可用作

13、动词: 设法这样骗我有什么用? Whats the use of trying to fool me that way? 三个礼拜她日夜护理我。 She nursed me day and night for three weeks 这群人受到大使的招待。 The group was hosted by the ambassador.,25,有些抽象名词也可用作动词: 好学生渴望获得知识。 A good student hungers after knowledge 开头这使他很生气。 This angered him at first 伤亡数以千计。 Casualties numbered

14、in the thousands 那天一整天风雨大作。 It stormed all that day. 这部手稿是八世纪的东西。 This manuscript dates back to the 8th century.,26,形容词等转化为动词 火车速度减慢了一半。 The train slowed down to half its speed. 雪莱没法使她平静下来。 Shelley was unable to calm her. 整个上午他都在屋里闲待着。 He idled around the house all morning. 那条河流入大海。 That river empti

15、es into the sea,27,她忙着收拾她的写字台。 She busied herself (in) tidying up the desk. 她希望改善你的状况。 She wishes to better your condition 你们都大大地冤屈了她。 You all wronged her immensely. 他的头发迅速变得花白。 His hair is greying quickly. 他放低了声音 He lowered his voice,28,还有少数其他词类的词可用作动词 (如副词变为动词等): 这帮助促进了他们的团结。 This helped to furthe

16、r their unity. 真相总会大白。 Truth will out 可否劳驾把我的信转给我? Would you be so kind as to forward my letters? 我附议。 I second the motion,29,动词判断的依据:,前面是否有助动词 后面是否有名词 是否有第三人称单数标志 是否有过去时标志 词缀,30,还有一些其他的转化情况: 他们请她重复表演一次。(v. adj.) She was asked to give a repeat performance. 他们举行了一个化装舞会。(n adj.) They held a fancy dres

17、s ball,30,31,拉力妨碍飞机的前进。(adv. adj.) Drag hinders the forward motion of the aircraft 他们开始向北进军。(n. adv.) They began to march north 战争时期城市实行灯火管制以防止飞机轰炸。(adj. v.) In wartime,cities were blacked out to protect against bombing from planes,31,32,介词与副词的辨别,Whos in the room? Mary is on duty He jumped off the h

18、orse Spread a cloth over the table 含介词的句子,Please come in. The play is still on I must be off Some birds have just flown over 含副词的句子,大部分介词都可用作副词,带宾语时为介词, 不带宾语时为副词。,33,英语中这类副词有下面这些: about above across along alongside around before behind below beneath besides between beyondby down in inside near off o

19、n out outside over past round since through throughout under underneath up within without,二、词义一词多义,学习英语单词时还有一种常见的误判:一词一意一个英语单词只有一种汉语意思 一词多义的原因: 1. 异 “性”多义同一个词可以用作不同词性,从而产生不同的词义 2. 同“性”多义同一个词、同一种词性也有不同的词义,34,英语单词的多义性,根据朗文现代英汉双解词典: go动词35种释义 run名词23种释义 great形容词7种释义 ,35,36,例如: He insisted that we shoul

20、d change our plan but we insisted that our plan was practical. 他坚持要求我们应该改变我们的计划,但是我们认为我们的计划是可行的. He suggested that we (should ) continue to do the work but the expression on his face suggested that he was very tired. 他建议我们应该继续工作,但是他脸上的表情暗示他已经很累了.,37,The character in the film is admired for his speci

21、al character, though he doesnt know any Chinese character. 这部电影中的角色由于他的个性而被欣赏,尽管他不知道任何的汉字. The present president present at the meeting will present presents to the advanced workers. 出席会议的现任总裁将会给先进工作者赠送礼物.,give (1) He gave generously to the church 他给教堂捐了很多钱。(代替donate) (2) What are you giving mom for

22、 her birthday? 妈妈生日你打算送她什么礼物啊?(代替present) (3) My husband gave me this cold 我老公把感冒传染给了我。(代替infect),38,(4) Our English teacher always gives us a lot of homework 英语老师总是给我们布置好多家庭作业。(代替assign) (5) Jones was given thirty years for the murder Jones犯谋杀罪被判入狱30年。(代替sentence),39,39,bad (1) Did you have a bad d

23、ay at work? 你今天上班过得不好吗? (代替tough, awful等) (2) Smoking is bad for your health 抽烟对你没好处。(代替unhealthy) (3) Frank had a bad flu before Christmas 圣诞节前Frank得了场重感冒。(代替serious),40,(4) The pain was really bad 痛得实在很厉害。(代替severe,awful等) (5) This milk has gone bad 牛奶变质了。(代替sour) (6) a bad apple 坏苹果 (代替rotting),4

24、1,41,(7) Jacky had said a bad word Jacky说了句脏话。(代替dirty) (8) I feel bad about not being able to come last night 昨晚没能来,我感到很不好意思。(代替guilty) (9) a bad girlboy 调皮的男孩女孩(代替naughty),42,42,43,要学好英语,必须学会: 变“性” 同一单词,不同词性 变“异”(变义) 同一单词,不同含义 结合上下文(语境),Exercises,辨别下列句子中划线单词的词性: This involves a change of attitude

25、in many ways. Since it is a learned skill we can change it and relearn it. They offer attractive facilities, good guarantees and low prices. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.,44,This should not provoke much surprise. I wouldnt be surprised if they lost. It has clearly caused a reduction in the number of students who are financially able to s


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