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1、IELTS写作总结,写在前面:当年上雅思强化班的笔记整理加上自己的理解,尽量精简,虽然考题是2010年的,但应试方法不变By典嘿嘿=V= 20101201,Previous,写作主要看慎小嶷的十日突破雅思写作第四版就足够了,关键是看完后结合自身情况practice。 这是我上课时的笔记,我把觉得重要的做成PPT(乱七八糟的花样就省了哈),我尽量写些书上没有的,辅助着看一下就行了=V=,TASK 2 (Lesson 1),P.S:TASK 1主要看十日的Day 9 & 10,我就直接PASS了哈=V= P.S.S: 准备工作:准备一个属于自己的单词本,不需要太厚,有个十几页就行了,将遇到不会的又

2、觉得有用的词积累下来,背熟。,TASK 2 每年各类型出题篇数,社会(society): 15 教育(education): 13 环保(environment): 6 科技(technology): 4 媒体(media): 4 文化(culture): 2 动物(animal): 2 政府(government): 2,典典的话: 从篇数来看,着重准备社会类和教育类,其次环保、科技、媒体。有时间再准备剩下的。其实套路都是一样的囧。 = 典典的废话: 这也是为毛越到年底,越好预测的原因() 啊不过我同学说预测什么的通常都不准的,弄得我也不知道听谁的好了orz,TASK 2 议论文写作类型,四

3、种框架: 一边倒(50%) 两分法(40%) 报告类(5%) 新题型(5%) 具体写作方法和注意事项书上有讲,我大概写个框架吧 每个观点后都要跟一个例子,使文章有说服力,典典的话: 主要练习一边倒和两分法,有时间最好准备下报告类,至于新题型嘛,老师说就是一边倒和两分法的结合,视情况而定,于是可以54之(RP忒差的人才会考到后两种()),TASK 2 一边倒框架,一边倒(五段) 第一段:开头,表明文章观点 第二段:优势/劣势A + 例子 第三段:优势/劣势B + 例子 第四段:优势/劣势C + 例子 第五段:结尾,重申文章观点,e.g.: Do you agree or disagree(这种有

4、时也试用两分法,it depends),TASK 2 两分法框架,两分法(四段)(我比较喜欢这个=V=) 第一段:开头,客观陈述 第二段:优势A例子A、优势B例子B、优势C例子C 第三段:劣势A例子A、劣势B例子B、劣势C例子C 第四段:结尾,提出自己的观点,优势或或=劣势,一般都是critical perspective。,e.g.: To what extent do you agree or disagree? Discuss both views and give your own opinion. outweigh(类似这种XXX的),TASK 2 报告类框架,报告类(五段or四段)

5、 第一段:开头,指出问题所在 第二段:原因A+例子 第三段:原因B+例子 第四段:原因C+例子(想不出来的话C可以不写) 第五段:解决方案(不重要,关键是考主体段的分析能力),e.g.: problems, solutions, causes, factors, opinions What are the causes of this phenomenon and what measures do you recommend to solve this problem?,TASK 2 开头段写法-HOOKS,Funnel Hook(漏斗鱼钩) Question Hook(问题鱼钩) Refut

6、ation Hook(驳斥鱼钩) Quotation Hook(引用鱼钩) Story Hook(故事鱼钩),P.S: 是考生常用写作方法,也是最容易掌握的,因此一定要练好(考试中没准能写的出来的就真只有这种)。是牛人用的,能写得很精彩,但要在短时间内写出太难,因此作为了解。介于和中间,想拿高分不妨练练这个至于和嘛,RP好的人才能写好,因此PASS=V=,Funnel Hook(漏斗鱼钩),于是请想象一个倒三角,上面一层(第一句)介绍社会总体情况,中间(第二句)讲具体事件(点题),下面的尖尖(第三句)表态0.0 P.S: 句与句之间要用连接词 下面来看例子=V=,写作方法:由宽到窄,由大到小,

7、像漏斗一样(由于上课放空,所以这一段笔记没抄到囧,但是这种写作手法用的很多,我就扒个例子过来好了orz。其实很好理解哒),World/society,opinion,Issue/example,Topic: Some people think students should be allowed to evaluate their teachers job performance. Others believe that will lead to loss of respect and discipline. Discuss both views and give your own opini

8、on. e.g. : (慎小嶷作品)(这个太长,咱不用写这么复杂的orz) Today, it is standard practice for business executives to fill out performance- evaluation forms to give their assessment of their subordinates work.(总体情况) But whether students should evaluate school teachers job performance by their students has caused serious

9、debate. Some believe that students should be allowed to do so, while others claim that disrespect and indiscipline will ensure if students evaluate their teachers work.(具体事件) Personally, I believe both these two views have some merit.(从表态可以看出接下来是写一边倒还是两分法,这个明显是两分法=V=),Funnel Hook(漏斗鱼钩),再来看一个例子 Topic

10、: Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree? E.g.: (慎小嶷作品)(这个适合些=V=) With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print media as well as the electronic media dedicate large proportion of their space or airtime to detail

11、ed crime coverage.(总体情况) Whether the media should present detailed accounts of crimes has caused serious debate. Many people believe that the news media should stop giving details of crimes.(具体事件) I totally agree with their view.(表态),Funnel Hook(漏斗鱼钩),三个问题QA、QB、QC,分别与主体段中的观点A、B、C呼应,从细小点切入,事例具体化,引起读者

12、共鸣,造就排比气势,最后引出话题。 这类很少人写,我就把我的课堂练习搬上来,很烂,正确性也不敢保证,只可参考只可参考 Do you feel trouble if your favorite makeup you bought is with inferior quality? Do you feel uncomfortable to see advertisements stuck all corner when walking down the street? Do you feel frustrated when having good products but facing a gre

13、at deal of expense and do not know where to collect it? 再加一句引出的,这个我没写。orz,Question Hook(问题鱼钩),Refutation Hook(驳斥鱼钩),可以作为冲刺的目标,但如不能在短时间内写出,不建议用这个。 共四句 1、指出对方缺点/优点 2、示例(简写概括即可) 3、转折,引出己方观点,制造悬念(关键) 4、引出话题(一般是套话囧) 还是我的课堂练习,无正确保障,只可参考只可参考orz As the development of media technology, there is too much conv

14、enience for advertisers to advertise in every aspect of peoples life.(指出缺点) For example, tax messages, phone calls, leaflets and television as well which really troubled our daily life.(示例) However, can everyone imagine what situation would led to without the information that the advertisement carri

15、ed?(转折) Hence, critical perspective should be taken onto this controversial issue.(这话有够套的orz),TASK 2 (Lesson 2),TASK 2 主体段,简单来说,就是每段主体段一个观点对应一个例子证明,能举例证明最好,想不出例子就推理证明。 话题技巧:避免重复,即同义转换和代词替换。 E.g.: schooling学校教育 同义词:classroom instruction pursuing a program attending lectures regular education studies

16、at school tutorial system,正向指向词,be compatible with sth. 与。相一致(大政方针) be conducive to sth. 有助于。(这一条百搭=V=) be of enormous help to sth. be of 句型 contribute/conduce to sth. 有助于。 serve the purpose of sth. 实现。的目标 enable/avail sb. to do sth. 使。能够做到 provide sb. easier access to sth. 容易了解/获取,典典的话:这些个短语都超好用哒!能

17、让文章增色不少=V=,be compatible with sth. 与。相一致(大政方针) e.g.: 首先,学校开设音乐课和体育课与国家人才发展计划相一致。 Initially, offering courses such as music and sports at school is compatible with national talent development scheme.,开设课程:setting up courses/offering courses 人才:我们说的人才偏向先天:talented/gifted people;西方人说的人才偏向后天:trained res

18、ources P.S: 老师说写作不确定时态时用could和would准没错=V=,be conducive to sth. 有助于。(这一条百搭=V=) e.g.: 此外,看电视有助于提高孩子的想象力和语言能力。 Additionally, watching TV programs would be conducive to improve childrens imagination and language skills.,be of enormous help to sth. (这句型老外可喜欢了!0.0) be + adv. + adj. = be of + adj. +n. e.g.

19、: be very successful = be of great success be very significant = be of huge significance be very convenient = be of enormous convenience be very beneficial = be of huge benefit e.g.: 最后,送孩子到寄宿学校对他们的独立和自律有很大帮助。 Finally, send children to boarding school (resident school) would be of enormous help to b

20、uild their independence and discipline.,P.S: 国外称老年人为 senior citizen或 eldly people,contribute/conduce to sth. 有助于。 e.g.: 首先,听音乐有助于缓解来自工作和生活上的压力。 First of all, listening to the music is conduces to alleviate the stress from living and working. 缓解:relieve = alleviate = lighten = lessen,serve the purpos

21、e of sth. 实现。的目标 e.g.: 此外,广泛使用可再生能源能节约传统能源。 Furthermore, the widespread use of renewable resources serves the purpose of saving traditional ones. 可再新:renewable/recyclable 能源:energy resource 使用:use = application = utilize = employment 广泛使用:widespread employment,enable/avail sb. to do sth. 使。能够做到 e.g.

22、:最后,在校大学生参加兼职工作能让他们积累一定的工作经验。 Last of all, taking part-time job on campus enable university students to accumulate/enrich working experience in moderation. 表程度的词:insufficient moderate excessive,provide sb. easier access to sth. 容易了解/获取 e.g.: 积极参加各种课外活动使参赛者容易获得课堂上学不到的知识。 First of all, full involvemen

23、t in extra-curriculum activities of different sorts provides the participants easier access to knowledge out of classroom.,后置定语!,E.g.1: 不同渠道的信息 Information from various sources/channels E.g.2: 各行各业的朋友 Friends of all works of life E.g.3: 极为重要的发明 Invention of enormous significance,负向指向词,be vulnerable

24、to sth. 容易受到。的毒害 spell/lead to sth. 导致。 result in/give rise to sth. 导致。 go against/run counter to sth. 违背了。 set obstacle to/hinder sth. 阻碍了。 be detrimental to sth. 对。有害 fail sb. to do sth. 使。不能,这个也很有用哒!,be vulnerable to sth. 容易受到。的毒害 e.g.: 青少年很容易受到网上暴力和色情内容的毒害。 First of all, juvenile/adolescent is v

25、ulnerable to the violence and obscene online.,spell/lead to sth. 导致。 result in/give rise to sth. 导致。 e.g.: 面对屏幕太久会导致视力下降。 Besides, facing screens for a long time would leads to impaired vision.,go against/run counter to sth. 违背了。 e.g.: 高科技创造的转基因食品违背了自然规律。 Lastly, creating new food products with hi-t

26、ech such as transgenic technology runs counter to the law of nature.,set obstacle to/hinder sth. 阻碍了。 这个省了orz,be detrimental to sth. 对。有害 = be bad for = do harm to e.g.: 网上暴力与色情内容对青少年成长有害。 Additionally, the violence and pornography on the Internet are detrimental to the growth of juvenile.,fail sb.

27、to do sth. 使。不能 e.g.: 函授、网络教学等远程学习项目会耽误学习者问题的及时解决。 Finally, distance-learning programs such as teaching by post or Internet would fail the learners to seek a proper answer in studies in a timely manner.,观点词技巧换位思考 每段可分三方面分析话题个体(个人individual)、群体(企业company)、整体(社会society/government),TASK 2 (Lesson 3),TA

28、SK 2 主体段论证方法,层层推进法 三角论证法 正反论证法 顾名思义啦=V=,层层推进法英式,主体段第一段:Topic sentence reasoning supplementary 三句话,两次推进,主题句,正向观点A举例A 负向观点B举例B 反向观点C举例C,这么做的利弊,不这么做的利弊,P.S: 句与句之间连接词啊连接词!,虚拟语气!考官也很喜欢的说!,适用于层层推进的反向推理,和正反论证的反向推理。,从句if + -ed/should do, 主句 + would/could do,Without But for In a absence of,+ 短语,主句 + would/co

29、uld do,e.g.: If parents should/did not set a strict TV-watching limit, the children would waste study time even go astray. e.g.: In a absence of a higher educational background, young people would meet unexpected problems in job-hunting.,连接词啊连接词,如果每句都能用连接词的话,整个文章就会显得非常紧凑,有逻辑性。更重要的是还能凑字哦=V=,Besides,

30、moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, no only that, not in the least, apart from that, BALABALA书上有很多,如果觉得哪些连接词有用,一定要背下来并运用熟练。记在单词本里哦,另:还有插入语表忘了哦,即主谓分置老外经常用哒=V=,三角论证法美式,Topic sentence,reasoning,Supporting example,内容细化,句子难度递增,主体段第二段 木有例句(_),包装案例,让你编造的例子有说服力!,案例,说服力 精炼度,A. 信息出处 B. 人名地名 C. 具

31、体数据(小数点后两位) D. 对比对象,例子包含四个中的两到三个要素即可,全部信息可以瞎编,雅思作文看的是逻辑,不是真实性(),先写结果 + 后写方式,e.g.: (我的课堂练习orz) Last weeks Shenzhen Special Zone Newspaper(出处) coveraged that a farmer from Yangshuo, Guangxi Province(地名) successfully sold 87.69%(数据) of his soybean products to all round the country(结果) by putting produc

32、ts pictures on the website(方式). (33 words),案例,说服力 精炼度,案例,案例,说服力 精炼度,案例,一些有用的信息出处: 用简写即可,老外不是傻子,不过可以通过全称帮助记忆缩写 环境规划署 UNEP 教科文组织 UNESCO 儿童基金会 UNICF 环境发展大会 UNCED 粮食农业组织 UNFAO,新华社 Xinhua News Agency 路透社 Reuters News Agency 共同社 Kyodo News Agency 金融时报 Financial Times,正反论证法,Topic sentence,Reasoning + or re

33、asoning -,Example + or example -,e.g.: ban the tobacco? Reasoning +: government revenue example +:educational facilities Reasoning -:government revenue example -: unemployment,注重逻辑,连接词啊连接词!,主体段第三段,TASK 2 (Lesson 4),结尾段写法,这节课迟到了,一边倒的结尾没听到囧。大家多看几篇范文估计就会了orz(捂脸),两分法e.g.: The arguments from both sides a

34、re to be tested by time.(这话也是套的可以orz),报告类结尾冷处理,不注重解决方案,雅思考的是分析能力,重在合理性,而不是深刻性。,历年考题总结及思路,社会类 1、犯罪能不能防?能。 原因:贫富差距、人性贪婪。 方法:教育、严刑、心理疏导。 2、青少年犯罪原因及解决方案(这个容易,自己想吧orz) 3、在家工作的利弊 利:个人:方便、节约时间、健康 企业:效率、成本 社会:交通拥堵 弊:个人:不善社交、工作能力、缺乏锻炼 企业:不便管理、团队合作 社会:交通亏本(二线城市)、资源闲置,4、跳槽频繁的利弊 利:个人:寻找更适合的事业 企业:寻找更适合的员工、技术互通 社

35、会:资源配置 弊:个人:工作不稳定,收入不稳定 企业:团队不稳定,成本(新人培训) 社会:社会不稳定,犯罪率 5、人口老龄化/幼龄化 一边倒:弊端:开销(养老、赡养、医疗),教育设施,学位紧张,经济发展,劳动力 夹心层(Sandwich layer)生存压力大 6、追求物质/外表美的原因 本质原因:经济水平 内在驱动:成功、舒适的生活,爱美之心人皆有之=V= 外在需求:工作、职业对外貌的要求,7、迁移城市利弊(rushed city) 利:城市建设速度、投资、刺激国家经济 弊:污染、犯罪率、农业 8、医生教师是否应比体育工作者收入高? 角度:职业寿命、安全程度、隐私权 9、体育明星是否应该检点自己的场外行为 一边倒:应该。影响青少年成长、牵


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