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1、Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?,Section B,云南省广南县篆角乡中心学校 杨昌亮,(),(),Listen to 1a, then answer the following questions. What will a greener person do when he leaves a room? What will you do if you travel a short distance?,He will turn off the lights when he leaves a room.,I will w

2、alk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi.,Listen, read and say,Jane: Hi, Michael. Would you like to be a greener person? Michael: Of course, Id love to. But what should I do? Jane: First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.,turn on(开),(关),ought to,情态动词,应该,应当,十动词原形,You

3、 ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room.,ought not to,+动词原形,不应该做,不应当做,You ought not to get up so late in the moring.,(否定形式在ought 后加not ),Ought to疑问句,Ought 十 主语 to do sth(一般疑问句, ought提到句首) Ought we to go there ? Yes, you ought. No, you ought to not.,oughtnt,Michael: Oh, thats easy. Whats

4、next? Jane: Second, youd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if youre traveling a short Distance (意思是“代替”、“而不” instead of 后面常跟名词、代词和动名词, 偶尔也跟复合结构 ),距离,中考连接,Id like to walk to the school instead of -there by bike. A: go B: going C: goes D: to go,Michael: Thats right. It will

5、save energy and reduce air pollution.,B,Jane: Third, take a cloth bag when you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags. Michael: It s so easy to be a greener person Jane: Easier said than done. Michael: Well, actions speak louder than words.,布,行动,动作,(不可数名词),Easier said than done.,说起来容易做起来难。,谚语(1),Actions

6、 speak louder than words.,行动胜于言辞。,谚语(2),为下面的句子选择适当的答语。 1.-I want to be a singer like Jay Chou, but I think it difficult. -_ 2.-Its easy to finish the work on time. -_ 3.-Mom, I decide to work hard at English from now on. - _ I hope you wont break your promise this time.,A Actions speak louder than w

7、ords. B Easier said than done. C Where there is a will, there is a way.,C,B,A,有志者事竟成,a,b,g,c,d,e,f,b,( ) (1) Reduce waste. Dont buy cups or boxes which can be used only once. ( ) (2) Save electricity. Turn off the lights when you are not using them. ( ) (3) Recycle boxes and plastic bottles. ( ) (4)

8、 Grow fruit and vegetables yourself. ( ) (5) Try to ride a bike when you travel. ( ) (6) Give old clothes to the poor to reuse them. ( ) (7) Cover the pans when you are cooking.,e,f,g,c,d,a,Work alone,What do you often do to improve the environment in your daily life?,Work alone,we ought not to ,we

9、should not,protecting the environment. What should we do ?,(),Cut down more trees.,(),看啥子呀,水满啦,we ought to.,save water.,protecting the environment. What should we do ?(),we ought to ,plant more trees.,protecting the environment. What should we do ?(),we should ,we ought to ,save Energy.,protecting t

10、he environment. What should we do ?(),we should ,sort the garbage.,We ought to ,protecting the environment. What should you do ?(),turn off the tap.,we ought to ,we ought to ,protecting the environment. What should you do ?(),put rubbish into bins.,protecting the environment. What should you do ?(),

11、take a cloth bag,We ought to ,when you go shopping.,You ought to ,be a greener person.,学生自制奥运小纸条 环保方式学英语,4月25日,河南南阳市第四小学的老师在 教导学生们用废旧纸片制作成奥运常用 英语的卡片,这种生动的教学方式使学 生们对英语单词的记忆力更加深刻,并 且也培养了学生们的环保意识,we ought to ,(),use waste paper make English Card s.,Award-winning,Who are they,获奖啦,?,(),获奖啦,They,are,greener,persons,Usefu


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