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1、1、business translation、combination grasphow to split a word、a phrase or a sentence and translate them into another sentence;grasp how to combine words into one word or combine sentences into one sentence。2 II .2.1单词的合译2.2句的合译,I .分译Division,分译/分句法是指将原文的简单句子翻译成两个以上的句子。一般来说,习惯于在英语中写长句子。英语文章组件前后可能有多个茄子修

2、饰语,主句和从句之间总是有正确的连接语,从句形成从句、多级句、词组,形成多级句,并列成分或平行句经常插入其中,形成结构复杂严谨的章句。汉语的短语大部分是语义结合,习惯于单句。在翻译过程中,要使用分译法将英语长句子翻译成0,平行的汉语散文或分立的短文,才能符合汉语的表达习惯,达到通顺易懂的要求。分译法是将原文中的单词、短语或从句扩展成几个汉语短句。在1.1单词的翻译中,将英语单一作为定语的形容词、副词、名词等进行扩展翻译的短文。(1) they,not surprisingly,did not respond at all。他们完全没有回答,这不足为奇。(将副词翻译成句子)(2)that reg

3、ion was the most identifiable troublespot。那个地区是个麻烦的地方,是大家最容易看到的地方。(把形容词翻译成句子)(3)he shook his head and his eyes were wide,then narrowed in indignation。他摇了摇头,两眼圆睁,两眼眯着,还露出生气的表情(把名词翻译成句子)(4)the Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievement .中国人(将副词翻译成句子),1.2 .短语的翻译为了使译文符合汉语的语法规范,翻译时可以扩

4、展英语中的宾语、定语、状语等名词短语、不定式短语、分词短语、介词短语等,将其翻译成短句。(1)we are disappointed at the buyers disregard for proper international trading rules。买方对无视正当的国际贸易规律感到失望。(将介词短语翻译成句子)(2)we find both quality and prices of your products satis factory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply .我们对您产品的质量和(将介词短语翻译成句子)(3)w

5、e hope you will favor with your orders,which shall have our best attention to give you entire satisfaction)希望贵公司给予我们,对此,我们一定尽力满足贵公司。(将非限制性定语从句翻译成句子),1.3句的翻译句的扩展是分解原文的一个句子,翻译成两个或更多的句子。(1)a spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who insisted that women have outgrown the jumping on the cha

6、ir at the sight of a mouse erer一位年轻女子和上校展开了热烈的讨论。妇女坚持自己的看法。也就是说,女性已经进步了,看到老鼠吓得跳上椅子的时代已经过去了,上校认为没有了。(2)the process of cooperation began in the 1950s with the initiation of our commercial relations with Japan(3)we have forwarded,(4)one of my best speeches was delivered in hyde park in torrents of rain

7、 to six policeman sent to watch me,Plus only the secretary of the我最好的演讲来自海德公园,(5)owing to the large number of orders we are receiving,we would advise you to workfast.(6)it is our constant endeavor to make our service as nearly perfect as possible,and no mistake is too small to receive our closest at

8、tentity,practice 1: try to translate these sentences with the technique of division . 1 . films,Gramophone records and magnetic tapes will provides did not respond at all . 4 . yet he knew that that boy of fifteen months before had some Warmth that was gone forever . 5 . the inside of each room depe

9、nded oof a member of the inner circle . 9 . their power increased with their number . 10 . the kaleid oscope of shifting interest of the nations the it impossible ,(1) films,gramophone records and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewills(2)one bad winter we watch the river creep up一年冬天,天气不好,我

10、们看着河水漫过低洼的草原。(3) they,not surprisingly,did not respond at all。他们完全没有回答,这不足为奇。(4)yet he knew that that boy of fifteen months before had something,a trust,warmth that was gone forever。但他知道一年零三个月,practice : try to translate these sentences,(5)the inside of each room depended on the personality of its o

11、ccupants如何放置每个房间内部(6):at last he became nothing,a delightful,useless young man with a perfect face and no profession。结果他什么都不是。成为一个快乐无用的年轻人,脸蛋漂亮(7) we drove to the south of France,taking turns with the driving .我们开车去法国南部的路上轮流开车。(8)the station chief would have to be close to the director,a member of t

12、he inner circle .牙齿站长应该接近董事。因为董事是核心集团的成员。(9)their power increased with their number。随着他们的数量增加,力量也增加了。(10)the kaleid oscope of shifting interest of the nations the negotiation made it impossible to sort out the winners and losers。谈判中,II。合译合译是指将原文中两个以上的单句或主仆复句、并列复句等翻译成单句,或将原文中的一个句子压缩成一个短语或一个单词的翻译方法。它包

13、括类似意思的词的合并翻译和把几个句子翻译成一个句子。,2.1字的合译the combination of words(1)the contract is null and void because of violations .屡次违反,牙齿合同无效。4)He suffered aches and pains。他经受了各种痛苦。(5) He is a man of culture and learning。他是个很有学问的人。(6) I hate all these hustle and bustle。我讨厌这种拥挤的场面。2.2文章翻译(1) we received your letter

14、of June 3,2008。in your letter you asked about purchasing software for use in your accounting(2)an offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and condition发行(将两个简单的句子翻译成一个句子)(3) when I negotiate,I get nervous.when I get nervous,I eat .我在谈判的时候总是很紧张。紧张的时候我吃点东西。(将主从复合句翻译成简单的句子),(4) if you require,we can provide first-class


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