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1、此文档是笔者学习VHDL的第15天写的笔记知识点,其中不少包含了初学者容易遇到的问题,也解决了一部分遇到的问题。本次更新包含11个知识点,力求以简单通俗的语句,解释清楚那些遇到的问题。该文档知识点杂乱无章,笔者想到一点就会写一点进去;力求能够给初学者理清思路,更加坚定自己不确定的概念。知识点1:变量&信号当前态和输入决定case present_state iswhen s0 = if din =0thennext_state = s1; elsenext_state = 3. present_state状态输出l 当前状态l 输入Moore:输出组合逻辑电路,仅和当前态有关。Mealy:输出

2、组合逻辑电路,当前态+输入- Quartus Prime VHDL Template- Four-State Mealy State Machine- A Mealy machine has outputs that depend on both the state and- the inputs. When the inputs change, the outputs are updated- immediately, without waiting for a clock edge. The outputs- can be written more than once per state

3、or per clock cycle.library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity four_state_mealy_state_machine is port ( clk : in std_logic; input : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; output : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) );end entity;architecture rtl of four_state_mealy_state_machine is - Build an enumerat

4、ed type for the state machine type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3); - Register to hold the current state signal state : state_type;begin process (clk, reset) begin if reset = 1 then state if input = 1 then state = s1; else state if input = 1 then state = s2; else state if input = 1 then state = s3; e

5、lse state if input = 1 then state = s3; else state if input = 1 then output = 00; else output if input = 1 then output = 01; else output if input = 1 then output = 10; else output if input = 1 then output = 11; else output = 10; end if; end case; end process;end rtl;- Quartus Prime VHDL Template- Fo

6、ur-State Moore State Machine- A Moore machines outputs are dependent only on the current state.- The output is written only when the state changes. (State- transitions are synchronous.)library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity four_state_moore_state_machine is port( clk : in std_logic; input :

7、 in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; output : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) );end entity;architecture rtl of four_state_moore_state_machine is - Build an enumerated type for the state machine type state_type is (s0, s1, s2, s3); - Register to hold the current state signal state : state_type;begin

8、 - Logic to advance to the next state process (clk, reset) begin if reset = 1 then state if input = 1 then state = s1; else state if input = 1 then state = s2; else state if input = 1 then state = s3; else state if input = 1 then state = s0; else state output output output output = 11; end case; end

9、 process;end rtl;知识点8:process,case顺序,敏感process内部只能有顺序语句例如 IF THEN ELSE END IF,CASECASE语句无顺序无优先级process组合逻辑电路,需要把所有输入信号写进敏感列表描述时序逻辑电路,需要包含时钟,清零,置位等顺序描述语句只能出现在process中知识点9:Generic使用方式GENERIC写的地点,注意是ENTITY和PROT之间!generic(N : integer := 4);必须是整数才能被综合知识点10:with select和case和when else1. with select 赋值的目标信号

10、必须是信号2. case 赋值信号可以是VARIABLE,也可以是SIGNAL3. case无顺序无优先级,with select也是并行4. case用于process,with select用于ARCHITECTUREARCHITECTURE内部有:并行部分书写:条件信号赋值语句q = d0when s1 = 0 and s0 = 0 elsed1when s1 = 1 and s0 = 1 elsed3when s1 = 1 and s0 = 0 elseZ;选择信号赋值语句with comb selectq=表达式1 when “00”,表达式2 when “10”,Zwhen oth

11、ers;知识点11:REG,latch,FPLATCH:E=0保持,E=1,输出Q随输入D变化,Q=D;FP:,输出Q随着输入D变化, Q=D;REG:就是由FP组成,多个FP级联,数据位D0D1D2D3,再时刻,同时置入各个FP,然后输出。library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;-entity latchfp is-port(- D : in bit;- Q : out bit;- en : in bit- );-end;-architecture bhv of latchfp is-signal Qreg : bit;-begin- process

12、(D,en)- begin- if en =1 then- Qreg=D;- else- Qreg=Qreg;- end if;- end process;- - Q=Qreg;-end;entity latchfp isport( D : in bit; Q : out bit; clk : in std_logic );end;architecture bhv of latchfp issignal Qreg : bit;begin process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then Qreg=D; else Qreg=Qreg; end if; end

13、 process; Q=Qreg;end;知识点12:VHDL 顺序语句和并行语句u 并行语句:1. 进程语句PROCESS2. 并行信号赋值语句l 简单信号赋值语句:目标信号 比如说cnt是std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);那么cnt1,others=0);就表示给cnt的第1位赋1,其他位的全部都赋0,结果cnt=“”;cnt 0)把cnt的所有位置0;知识点17:滤波器的一些性质l 滤波器对于信号滤波,不同的滤波器种类(贝塞尔,切比雪夫,巴特沃斯等等)在表现在:1. 设计的滤波器的截止频率处衰减是否快速2.是否在滤波设计的通带内是否是平坦的(上述滤波器有一些在滤波

14、器比如设置的Fp=3khz前某个区间(通带内)就已经开始出现了衰减3.对阶跃信号的表现。l 众所周知,理想的LPF幅频特性为在截止频率处是垂直的,认为高于Fp的信号频率全部被衰减,实际上高阶的滤波器也很难做的特别陡峭。l 信号的群时延,不同种类的滤波器的群时延是不同的。群时延的概念:不同频率的信号同一时刻进去,出来的时候是否还是同一时刻出来。如果某种信滤波器的群时延很差,即使是通带边缘做的非常陡峭,也是无用的。l 滤波器对阶跃信号的响应,有的会出现非常大的过冲,这也是一种滤波器的性能指标。注:滤波器的阶数越高,通常其截止频率处的衰减的特性也越好。知识点18:结构体说明语句结构体说明语句是指在放

15、在ARCHITECTURE和BEGIN之间的语句结构体和begin内部主要是定义:信号,常数,数据类型和函数等-还能例化在entity内部的architecture定义的信号只能在该architecture内使用,如entity内部有多个architecture,结构体A中定义的信号不能在在结构体B内使用。library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;entity lihua isport( clk : in std_logic; sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); clkout : out std_logic);e

16、nd;architecture behave of lihua is component fredevider2 isport( clock : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic );end component fredevider2;component mux2 isport( data0,data1,data2,data3 : in std_logic; sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); dout : out std_logic );end component mux2;signal clk1,clk2 :

17、 std_logic;begin u1 : fredevider2 port map(clock = clk,clkout = clk1); u2 : fredevider2 port map(clock = clk1,clkout = clk2); u3 : mux2 port map(sel =sel,data0 = clk1,data1 = clk2, data2 =0,data3 = 0,dout =clkout);end;知识点19:子程序子程序:主程序调用它以后能将处理结果返回给主程序:过程PROCEDURE和函数FUNCTION过程:定义一个算法,具有多个返回值或者不产生返回值,形式参数可以是:IN OUT INOUT,可以使用wait语句或者顺序赋值语句。函数:函数往往只有一个返回值,形式参数只有IN,函数中不能使用wait和顺序赋值语句。知识点20:例化和打包例化元器件的打包library ieee;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;package pac is component fredevider is generic (N : integer); -普通元器件没有generic这一行 port( clkin : in std_logic; clkout : out std_logic


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