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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2017八年级下册“完成句子”专题复习练习1.警察已经查出谁偷了那位妇人的项链。The police have _ who stole the womans necklace. (find)2.木兰打扮得像一个男孩,代替父亲去参军打仗。Mulan _ a boy and took her fathers place to fight in the army. ( dress )3.这本书与电脑有关。The book _ computers. ( have )5.我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分。 We are still only _ the job. ( halfway)

2、6.你愿意和我们在周一晚上闲逛吗?Can you _ with us on Monday night? (hang)7.过去的几年中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _ in China in the past few years. (take)8.我们做任何决定之前必须认真思考。We must _ before we make any decision. ( think) 9.如今多亏了互联网,我们在家里就能买到我们想要买的东西Today,_ the Internet, we can do all our shopping from home. (thank)10.医生叫我躺下

3、休息两天。 The doctor asked me _ and rest for two days. (lie)11.你似乎发烧了,为什么不量量你的体温?You seem to have a fever! Why not _ ? (take)12.我总是帮助老师分发试卷。I always help the teacher _ the papers. (give)13.令我们吃惊的是他已通过了驾照考试。 _, hes passed driving test. (surprise)15.他们正在为期末考试做准备。They _ for the final exam. (prepare)16.这些树太

4、小了,你不能砍倒它们。The trees are too young, you cant _. (cut)17.我们学校有35位女教师。There are thirty-five _ in our school. (woman)18.近来拥有轿车的家庭数量增长很快。_ families that own cars has been growing quickly recently. (number)19.妈妈又给我买了一部新手机,并叮嘱我要更细心些。Mum bought me a new phone again and asked me to_ . (careful)20.作为一个登山者,Ar

5、on习惯了冒险。As a mountain climber, Aron is used to _. (take)21.他临死前献出了他的全部书籍。He _ his books before death. (give)22.如果我们的钱用完了,我们可以卖掉一些旧家具。If we _ money , we can sell some of the furniture. (run)24.由于战争,他们的水源被切断了。Their water supply _ because of the war(cut)25.你无法永远掌控每件事。 You cant always _ everything. (con

6、trol)26.自从爸爸病了以后他就戒烟了。 Father has _ smoking since he became ill. ( give )27.不要担心,我会让她振作起来的。Dont worry! I can _. (cheer )28.学会与人交朋友你就不会感到孤单。 Learn to make friends with others , you wont _. (feel) 29.这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。These teams are going to _ the Olympic Games. (try)30.当我主动帮助她时,她礼貌地拒绝了。When I offer

7、ed to help her, she _ my help politely. (turn)31.你长得真像你母亲。You really _ your mother. (take)32.学校专门设立一个班来帮助阅读能力差的学生。 The school has _a special class to help poor readers(set)33.他努力学习,因为他不想让他的父母失望。(let)He works very hard because he doesnt want to _ his parents. 34.只要你相信自己,就能把你最好的一面显现出来. (bring)As long

8、as you believe in yourself, you can _the best in you.35.我们计划在周末野炊,但是否进行取决于天气.(depend )We are planning to go for a picnic this weekend, but it _the weather.36.这本书太有趣了以致我爱不释手。(put)This book is so interesting that I _. 37.自古以来,钓鱼岛属于中国。(belong)Diaoyu Island has _ China ever since long long ago.38.我盼望进入高

9、中以后能够收到你的来信。(hear) I look forward to _ when I enter Senior High School.39. 在北京很多公共场所不允许吸烟。(allow) Smoking _ in many public places of Beijing.40. 中国正变得足够强大能够面对任何挑战。(enough)China is becoming _ face any challenge.45. 毫无疑问,知识源于质疑。Without doubt, knowledge _ _questioning.(come)46. 到上学期末我们已学会五首英语歌曲。By the

10、end of last term we _ _ five English songs.(learn) 48. 约翰和汤姆都不知道怎样处理这个问题。 Neither John nor Tom knows how _ _ _the problem.  (deal)49. 春天是植树的季节。 Its time _ _trees in spring.(plant)50.使我们惊讶的是,他什么也没说就走了。 To my surprise, he left without _ _(say)51.人类和动物应

11、该和睦相处。 Humans should _ _ _ _ animals. (get) 52.由于大雨,他们停止了打篮球。 Because of the heavy rain,they_ _ basketball. (stop) 55. 她的父母正在自学英语。 Her parents are _ _ English.(teach)58.他不敢在课堂上回答问题,因为他害怕出错( make )He dare not answer questions in class, because he is afraid of _61.他告诉记者他购买废旧自行车钱用完了(use ) He told the i

12、nterviewer that he had _money to buy old bikes .63.这位女士把她所有的钱都捐给了慈善机构去帮助穷人。(give ) 64.The women _all of her money to charities to help the poor .66.My sister_ _ her bike yesterday.(从摔下)67._ it _ (仔细考虑) before you make an important decision.68.When Jeff heard his elder brother lost his life in an acc

13、ident, his eyes _ _(充满;装满) tears.69.What about _ Jane a _? (给一个惊喜)70.I                   (不再)spend too much time on computer games.71.听到这个消息我情不自禁的笑了。Hearing the news, I cant_(help) 72.爸爸给了我一本小说,我迫不及待的打开它。 My fa

14、ther bought me a novel, I_open it.73.这本书值得一读。The book is_.(worth)74.所有的旧东西都被卖光了。All old things_.(sell)75.他们已经出发了。They _(set)78.妈妈要求我每天晚饭后和她一起散步。(take) My mom asks me to _ with her after dinner every day.79.她花了一小时写日记。(write)She spent one hour _ . 80.到了我们该练习说英语的时候了。(practice) Its time for us _ . 81.我等

15、到天黑都没人回电话。(call) I waited till it was dark, but no one _ .82.我姑姑喜欢弹钢琴。(enjoy) My aunt _ the piano . 83.他们正在那一街区新建几栋新楼房。(put)They _ several new building in that block now. 84.如果露西来,她会感到惊讶的。(get) If Lucy comes, she _ . 85.我将站在山顶上呼唤着你。(shout) I will stand on the mountain, _ .86.我最好的朋友总是帮助我展现最优秀的品质。(bri

16、ng) My best friend always helps me_ the best in me. 88.他习惯在周末和朋友和一起闲逛。 (hang)He is used to _ with friends on weekends. 91.他并不介意向我们许下诺言。他相信自己可以履行诺言。 (make) He doesnt mind _. He is sure that he can keep them. 92.他这么努力地学习就是为了取得更好的成绩。 (get)He studies so hard that he _. 93.他看到老师走进教室时就没再跟同学说话了。(stop) He _

17、 his classmates when he saw his teacher come into the classroom.94.当我在生活中陷入麻烦时,我也将不放弃自己的梦想。( give ) When I get into trouble in life, I _ my dream, either.95.你们为什么不因为大风而推辞演讲呢?( put )Why dont you _ the speech contest because of the strong wind?96.为了让我爸妈更高兴,明天我将要在家陪他们说话并照顾他们。( cheer ) Tomorrow Ill talk

18、 with my parents and take care of them at home In order to _.97.Peter看起来不开心是因为刚才他发现妈妈在快速查看了他的日记。( look ) Peter looks unhappy because he found his mother _ his diary just now.98.昨天当灾区开始下大雨的时候,那些士兵正在搭建帐蓬。( set ) Those soldiers _ tents when it began to rain heavily in the disaster area yesterday.99.依我的

19、观点看,父母们不应该总是将他们的孩子和别的孩子作比较。( compare ) In my opinion, parents shouldnt _ other children all the time.101. 自从暴风雨逐渐变弱后,孩子们就已经进入了梦乡 ( fall )The children _ since the storm died down.102.老人们喜欢去森林吸收新鲜的空气。Old people like going to the forest _ the fresh air. (take)103.在电影里王子变成了一只青蛙。(turn)The prince _a frog

20、in the movie. 104.朱迪和马里奥将于3月20号结婚。(get)Judy and Mario will _ on March 20th.106.尽管她交出某些玩具感到沮丧,她还是很善解人意的。(part) She was very understanding, although she felt sad _ certain toys. 107.你已经决定清理你的书包里的物品吗?Have you decided _ the things in your schoolbag yet?(clear)108.赶快,否则我们会错过早班车。(hurry)_, or well miss the

21、 early bus.109.在我五岁的时候就喜欢上了吉他。(fall) I _ the guitar at the age of five.114.中国以长城而闻名。(know) China_ the Great Wall. 119.猫正在追赶老鼠。(run)The cat _ the mouse.122.她已建立了一个网站,在网上销售它们。(set)She _ a website to sell them online.124.布朗夫人经常劝告我们要吃健康食品。(advise) Mrs. Brown often _ eat healthy food.126.这是个阳光明媚的热天,

22、所以我们决定去我们酒店附近的海滩。 It was sunny and hot, so we to the beach near our hotel.(decide)127.因为恶劣的天气,我们不得不呆在家里。Because of the bad weather, we had to _.(stay)128.因为晚上没有什么事情做,所以每个人似乎很无聊。 There was nothing much to do in the evening, so everyone seemed to (get)129.我在玩滑翔机时,我感觉到我像一只小鸟。 When I tried paragliding,

23、I I was a bird.( feel)130.我们惊讶有90%的学生每天都在上网.We are surprised that ninety percent of students _every day. (use)131.Mary每天花费一个小时帮助做家务。 It takes Mary an hour _ every day. (help)132.熬夜对人的健康是不利的。 It is not good for health _.(stay)133.我的叔叔周末从不购物。 My uncle never _ on weekends.134.我的手机与你的手机不同。My mobile phon

24、e _ yours. (be)135.我们享受一块儿学习的快乐。 We enjoy _.(study)136.何老师总是对我很关心。 Mr. He always _ me.(care)138.星光大道给人们提供了实现梦想的平台。Avenue of Stars gives people a way to make their dreams_.(come)139.你认为动作片电影怎么样? What do you _the action movie? (think)140.我计划明年暑假带孩子去北京参赛。I_take my child to take part in the competition

25、in Beijing next summer holiday. (plan)141.我想弄明白你发生什么事 I want _what happened to you. (find) 142.我妈妈喜欢情景剧和肥皂剧,但是她受不了游戏节目。 My mother likes sitcoms and soap operas,but she_ game shows.(stand)143.她认为体育节目一般般,她不介意看它们. She thinks the sports shows are so-so, she _ them.(mind)144.当这部动画片于1928 年11月18 问世于纽约时,它成为

26、第一部带有音乐的动画片。 When this cartoon _ in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music.(come)145.我妈妈上周寄了封信给我。 My mother _ last week. ( send)146.现在他能够说两种外国语言。 He speak two foreign languages now. (able)147.良好的生活方式和你的健康有关系。 A good lifestyle your health. (do with)148.我不能许下诺言,但我

27、一定尽力而为。 I can't ,but I'll do my best.( promise)150.下个月他家打算搬到武汉去。 His family _Wuhan next month. (move)152.当你处于危险中,请拨打110.When you _, please call at 110. ( be)153.他每个月飞往北京两次。He _ Beijing twice a month.(fly)154.下周一就会有一部新电影。_ a new movie next Monday.(will)155.你同意他的意见吗?Do you _ him ?(agree)156.当她

28、长大的时候,她想当一名律师。 Shes going to be a lawyer when she _.(grow)157.妈妈要我当医生,但是我没有确定。 Mom wants me to be a doctor, but I _ that. (be)158.请把那些胡萝卜切成碎片 Please pieces. (cut)159.每年中国人庆祝端午节是为了纪念屈原。 Every year, Chinese people celebrate Dragon Boat Festival _Quyuan.(remember)160.该是享用火锅的时候了。 It is time _ hot pot. (

29、enjoy)161.这个杯子装满了水。This cup _ water.(fill)162.我没有空。我不能和你去闲逛。 I'm not available. I can't with you. (hang)163.他直到下个星期五才会离开广州。 He Guangzhou until next Friday. (leave)164.你需要人在店里帮忙吗?Do you need in the shop? (help)165.他今天必须照顾他的妹妹。 Today he has to his sister. ( care)166.他正在期待你的好消息。He is your good

30、news. (look)167.她为什么拒绝你的邀请? Why did she your invitation? (turn)168.假如明天她不解决这个问题的话,我们将请求老师帮助。(solve) If she _ the problem tomorrow, well ask the teacher for help.169.詹姆斯建议我们去云南旅游。 James _ take a trip to Yunnan.(advise)170.这个男孩太小而听不懂你所说的话。The boy is too young what you say.(understand)171.和别人分享你的烦恼会使你觉

31、得轻松。 others can make you feel relaxed.(share)172.这几天我们正在准备黄老师的生日聚会。These days were _ Mr. Huangs birthday party. (prepare)173.如果你有困惑的话,别闷在心里! Dont _ if you have some problems. (keep)174.他用刀切除了他一半的右胳膊。(cut)He used his knife_ half his right arm. 175.我们应该掌控我们自己的命运。(be)We should _ our own fate. 176.他多次尝试

32、过戒烟,但失败了。(give) He tried_ smoking several times,but failed. 177.他父母买房子花光了所有的钱了。(run)His parents _all the money to buy the house. 178.你们在街上踢足球,会招来麻烦的。(trouble)You will_ if you play football in the street. 179.多亏你的帮助,我的房间看起来整洁多了。(thank)_your help ,my room looks much tidier. 180.使我吃惊的是,这个老爷爷竟然会说英语。(sur

33、prise)_,the old grandpa could speak English. 181.他同意举办生日派对。(have) He agrees _a birthday party. 182.如果天气下雨,我们学校就需要推迟举办运动会。(put) Our school need_ having the sports meeting. If it doesnt rain.183.我希望你们能想出一个比这个更好的出游计划。(come) I hope you can a better plan for the journey than this. 184.我们曾经很快乐,尽管没有钱。(used

34、 ) We without money.185.我的手机坏了,你能帮我修修它吗?(fix) My cell phone is broken. Could you help me ? 186.我在说英语方面有困难,你能帮帮我吗?(have) I speaking English. Could you help me? 187.你的帮助使我按时完成工作成为可能。(finish) You help to make it possible for me_ this work on time. 188.Jack长得像他的父亲。(take) Jack _ his father.189.你告诉我的一切,可能

35、影响我自己的看法。What you have told me may _ my own position. (make )190.你能帮助解决一些事情吗?(help)Could you please _ a few things?191.我终于明白了我们需要共同承担家务。(share)I finally understand that we need _ 192.我认为Jack依赖他的父母太多。(depend) I think Jack _ his parents too much.193.明年

36、学校将提供我们一本字典。(provide, dictionary)Next year the school _a dictionary.194.做家务能够教会学生怎样照顾他们自己。(look)Doing chores can teach students _ themselves.195.为了保持教室干净,同学们每天放学后打扫卫生。(order) _ keep the classroom clean, classmates sweep the floor after class every day.196.我认为对于孩子们来说做家务是有益的。(do) I think its helpful f

37、or children _.197.放学后一块儿倒垃圾你不介意吗? Would you mind _ the rubbish after school? (take)198.你为什么不和你的父母亲交流一下呢?(communicate)Why not _ your parents?199.我爸爸在吃饭前总是浏览下当天的报纸。(look) My father always everyday newspapers before meals.200.在他看来,他的父母完全不理解他。(opinion) , his parents dont understand him at all.201.有些父母总是

38、与孩子们争吵而不是交流(argue) Some parents always _ children instead of communication.202.他们删除了网上的打架视频。(cut)They the video about fighting on the web.203.我每天直到闹钟响才会醒来。(go) Every day I dont wake up until the alarm _.204.大多数学生都处于太大压力之下。(be) Most students _ .205.不要把我和其他人比较,我已经尽力了。(compare)Dont others, I have tried

39、 my best.206.我们学校很好玩,你要不要到处看看?(look)Our school is an interesting place. Do you want here? 207.我刚才给妈妈打电话,但是她没有接。(pick) Just now I called my mother, but she _.208.尽管暴风雨打散了很多东西,但是我们更加紧密团结在一起了。(break) Although the strong storm ,it brought families and neighbors close together. 209.过了一会儿,风开始减弱。(die)After

40、 a while,the wind began 210.他病得一点儿东西都不想吃。(feel)He is so ill that he _eating anything. 211.当老师走进教室的时候我们都在看书。(come)We were all reading when the teacher the classroom.212.我们上周听到有关打架的消息很吃惊。(surprise)We hear the news about fighting.213.当我妈妈在做饭的时候我爸爸在玩电脑游戏。(cook)My father is playing computer games while m

41、y mother .214.当我看见这些照片的时候,它们使我想起了我的童年。(remind) When I looked at these pictures, they _ my childhood.215.如果你去北京的话,你会爱上它的。(fall) If you go to Beijing, youll _it. 216.朱迪和马里奥将于3月20号结婚。(marry) Judy and Mario will _ on March 20th.217.如果有任何问题,请随意问我。(feel)Please _ask me if you have any questions.218.在电影里王子变

42、成了一只青蛙。(turn)The prince _a frog in the movie. 219.据我所知,他将离开半年。 (know)_, he will be away for half a year. 220.当她听到这个坏消息时,她禁不住哭了起来。(stop)When she heard the bad news, she _.221.熊猫幼崽经常死于疾病。(die)The baby pandas often _ illnesses.222.昨天的这个时候王老师正在给学生们做自我介绍呢。(introduce)Miss Wang the students at this time ye

43、sterday.223.我弟弟喜欢看书,她的抽屉里装满了书。(full)My brother likes reading and her drawer books.224.钓鱼岛早在隋朝就属于中国。(belong)The Diaoyu Island early in the Sui Dynasty.225.赶快,否则我们会错过早班车。(hurry) , or well miss the early bus.226.你已经收到了你的笔友的来信吗?(hear) Have you your pen pal yet?227.当他上大学的时候他开始意识到他是多么爱自己的父母啊!(come) He how

44、 much he loved his parents when he went to college.228.这首歌把我带回到美好的童年。(bring) The song to the beautiful childhood.229.这位歌手是如此受欢迎以至于他已卖掉了数以百万的唱片。(sell) The singer is so popular that he millions of records.231.Tom已经去上海了。(go)Tom _ Shanghai already.232.吴老师总是鼓励我学习英语。(encourage) Miss Wu always _ English.23

45、3.我买这块手表两年了。(have) I _ the watch for two years.234.2015年6月2号士兵们正在江面上搜寻失踪的人。(search) On June, 2nd, 2015, soldiers were _ the missing people in the river. 236.你为什么不把你的旧玩具捐赠给那些孩子?(give)Why don't you_ your old toys to those children?237.你已经决定清理你的书包里的物品吗?Have you decided _ the things in your schoolba

46、g yet?(clear)239.男孩子天生具有运动能力。(be born)Boys _the ability of sports.240.如果你每天坚持不断练习,你将会学的更好。(keep) If you _every day, youll learn better!241.你可以通过大声朗读学好英语。(read) You can learn English well _. 242.她每天和同学会话来练习英语口语。(speak) Every day she has conversations with classmates to practice _.243.你能告诉我复习方法吗?(revi

47、ew)Can you tell me the way _?244.不要害怕犯错误。(make) Dont be afraid of _.245.我有一些担心的事情。(worry) I have something _.249.我们的足球俱乐部上周成立了。(set) Last week our soccer club _.250.刚才有人来找过我吗?(ask)Did anyone _ me just now?251.他昨晚在聚会上装扮成小丑。(dress) He _ a clown at the party yesterday.252.这本书使我想起了我的英语老师。(remind)This book _ my English teacher.253.你知道他是否将完成这项工作。(fi


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