



每天30道口算和4道应用题 月 日 星期29864244 486 = 6231+20 = 37 = 85 11 = 53+2115= 284 = 18+2210 = 12 46 = 39 37 = 408 = 324+10= 23+2720 = 28+47+13 = 369 = 38( )8( )42432 38 = ( )7 = 2 ( )( )= 24 25( )= 5 4422+20 = 16( )= 8 11 38 = (5923)9= 463= 5494 = (20+10)5= 在安全生产高压态势下,他由测量施工岗位转战到分公司安全管理工作and due diligence evaluations article 22nd head office, branch (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management branch within the Departments credit business person assumed responsibility for the supervision and inspection and due diligence evaluations. Article 23rd, Head Office, branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department through on-site and off-site inspection, investigation report, interviews with investigators for pre-loan investigation work by way of conducting supervision and inspection, quality evaluation pre-loan investigation work, and based on the evaluation results, the implementation of diversity management. 24th the control and inspection (a) the implementation of the credit system: there is no breach of credit policy relating to the granting of credit and the head office; (B) dual credit rating: timeliness of ratings, whether the provisions of the rating, rating results are accurate; (C) the survey contents: data collection is complete, report writing is comprehensive, indicators analysis is objective, real, conclusions and the facts are consistent and reasonable; (D) double implementation of investigations system: practical implementation of double system; (E) other supervision and inspection of the contents. 25th due diligence evaluation offices and branches (jurisdiction), risk management, Marketing Management Department agreed to carry out pre-loan investigation supervision and inspection work, evaluate whether investigators due diligence to determine whether the exemption should be. Investigators should be compatible with. Due diligence assessment should be based on the fact that, following the principles of objectivity, impartiality and fairness. Article 26th head51. 弟弟有彩笔3支,哥哥有彩笔的支数是弟弟的6倍,哥哥比弟弟多几支?2. 停车场原来停了9排汽车,每排6辆,现开走了15辆,停车场现在还剩下多少辆汽车?3. 红色、黄色和花色气球共87个,红气球有28个,黄气球有32个,花气球有多少个4.2杯可乐要8元,小明有20元,可以买多少杯可乐呢?1 4 = 4 3 = 564771 43 = 70 45 = 39 32 = 57 52 = 92 42 = 36 37 = 14 68 = ( )963 37 59 = 21 77 = 47 26 = 59 33 = 28 66 = 12 65 = 6( )30( )1010024 66 =21 35 = 35 54 = 20 72 = 15 81 = 35 46 = 18 75 = 20 35 = 13 14 = 24 47 = 1一个电饭煲158元,一辆自行车283元,妈妈带了400元买这两样东西够钱吗?(用估算的方法做)2小明今年7岁,爷爷今年63岁,爷爷的岁数是小明的几倍?7年后爷爷的岁数是小明的几倍?3小明看一本故事书,已经看了120页,正好看了这本书的一半,这本书一共有多少页?4学校体育保管室有篮球54个,是足球的6倍,足球有多少个?90 10 = ( )550 ( )485035 13 = 21 17 = 94 20 = 83 38 = 93 41 = 20 62 = 36 41 = 22 46 = 22 18 = 23 37 = 40 34 = 3( )2422 24 = 20 67 = 29 16 = 76 14 = 28 45 = 22 27 = 51 41 = 12 78 = 22 63 = 50 27 = 62 29 = 24 14 = 45 50 = 46 28 = 25 62 = 1 支铅笔6角钱,买5支铅笔一共要付多少钱?2.妈妈买回来30个梨,每5个梨放一盘,可以放几盘呢?3.饲养小组养了6只黑兔,白兔的只数是黑兔的4倍,白兔有多少只?4.书架上原来有43本书,放入一些后现在共有书89本,放入了多少本?5. 鱼缸里面有34条红金鱼,比黑金鱼的条数少12条,黑金鱼多少条?34 59 = 52 22 = 15 40 = 30( )1007( )7 20 67 = 34 10 = 53 37 = 22 59 = 61 13 = 22 66 = 40 19 = 33 18 = 43 43 = 69 15 = 50 36 = 62 34 = 18 64 = 11 41 = 43 56 = 31 19 = 22 59 = 50 32 = 17 41 = ( )210( )208040 43 = 64 27 = 17 33 = 69 24 = 1.五年级女生植树38棵,男生植树57棵,六年级的同学比五年级的多植树25棵,六年级植树多少棵?2.养鸡场有母鸡3249只,比小鸡少2483只,小鸡有多少只?养鸡场共有鸡多少只?3、果园里有50棵梨树,比桃树多18棵,桃树有多少棵?4、水果店里有一批水果,上午卖出50筐,下午卖出40筐。这时冷库里的水果减少了多少筐? 59 25 = 16 33 = 34 61 = 26 33 = 58 31 = 32 15 = 54 51 = 78 30 = ( )86456 50 = 67 19 = 7 62 = 96 51 = 98 20 = 76 27 = 7 75 = 67 18 = 79 22 = 84 33 = 84 52 = 44 40 = 97 41 = 52 16 = 62 44 = 60 37 =


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