



精品文档 1欢迎下载 学科学科英 语 课题课题 Reading and writing 授课授课 教师教师 洪昊 教教 学学 目目 标标 At end of the class the students are able to 1 find some details after readimg the short passage 2 use the structures from the reading material to introduce Beijing 3 use the words and phrases discussed in the class to introduce Beijing 4 write one or two complex sentences in the composition 重重 点点 The students can write an article about introducing Beijing 难难 点点 The students can use the structure words and phrases correctly to introduce Beijing 教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1 Greet the students 2 Show the goals to the students 1 Greet the teacher 2 Look at the goals and listen to the teacher carefully Let the students know what they re going to learn 3 Ask the students to read the short passage and then answer the question 4 Read the passage again pay attention to the structure and underline the key words and phrases about introducing Guangzhou 5 Pay attention to some complex sentences and then translate two sentences 3 Read the passage and then find the answer 4 Read the passage again and underline the key words and phrases 5 Learn how to write the complex sentences Let the students learn how to introduce a place It contains location area history population culture climate and place of interest They also learn the useful structure words and phrases 6 Ask the students to have 6 Discuss in groups and Learn more useful 精品文档 2欢迎下载 教学反思 本节课是一节读写结合课 我觉得这种课对学生的写作有很大的 帮助 学生可以在读完文章后借鉴文章中的好词好句来完成自己的写作 学生 也比较喜欢这种上课模式 通过本节课的学习 学生掌握了一些描写地点的单 词和词组 可以简单描写一个地方的情况 我把整节课分为五个环节 在自主探究环节里学生能够很好地完成任务 能 够在读完文章后画出重点的句型 在答疑解惑环节里学生能够总结出以往的句 型并用在作文中 在写作过程中 学生能够准确的运用学到的单词和句型 最 后让学生大声朗读自己的作品 本节课学生能够积极的参与 认真的讨论 最 a discussion about some useful expressions 7 Ask them to give us their answers write the answers on the learning plan 7 Tell us their answers words and phrases to introduce a place 8 Before writing ask the students to ask some questions they may meet when they write the article 9 Write the article 10 Ask some students to show their compositions to us 8 Ask some questions 9 Write the article according to the table 10 Show their compositions Write an article using the structure words and phrases learnt in this class to check if they have grasped the knowledge 板书板书 设计设计 Reading and writing How to introduce a place 1 Location 2 Area 3 Population 4 History 5 Climate 6 place of interest 精品文档 3欢迎下载 后能够拿出自己的作品 大多数学生能够完成本节课的目标 人们都说教师是人类历史的工程师 我很庆幸自己成为教师行业的一员 但现 在深有体会 当一位老师难 成为一位称职的老师更难 成为一为称职而又秀的老 师更是难上加难 自己要积极进取 不断的提高自身素质 多听有经


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