山东省滕州市滕西中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(1a2d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
山东省滕州市滕西中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(1a2d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
山东省滕州市滕西中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(1a2d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
山东省滕州市滕西中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(1a2d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页
山东省滕州市滕西中学九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A(1a2d)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第5页
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unit 12 life is full of the unexpected.第二课时section a 1a-2dlearning goals:一、功能:talk about the events with the past perfect tense.二、 词汇和常用表达: learn and use “unexpected, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give a lift,”and the sentences “by the time i got outside, the bus had already left. when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home.”三、 文化知识: 能学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信。 (设计意图:目标引领,采用尽量简单的语言表述本节课的学习目标。)teaching and learning steps:step i. pre-listening activities1. preview(1)write down the words correct past tense and past participle.ring _ _ go _ _leave _ _ start _ _ be _ _ take _ _ run _ _ begin _ _ get _ _ oversleep _ _(2) put the following into english orally, then write them down.1.到时候_ 2.起床_ 3.开始讲课_ 4.睡过头_5.意识到/认识到_ 6.回到学校_(3) put the following into english.1.发生什么事了? 我睡过头了。2.当我起床的时候,我的哥哥已经进入浴室了。3.当她到外面时,公交车已经走了。4.当我回到学校时,铃声已经响了。5.但是当我到达学校时,我意识到我把书包忘在家里了。6.当我走进教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。(设计说明:本部分词组为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)3. lead in(1)show some pictures to the students and ask them some questions.t: what do you usually do in the morning before school?s1: i usually wash my face and brushes my teeth.t: what about you?s2: i usually get up early brush ones teeth wash ones facehave breakfast do some exercisetalk about tinas morning.t: what happened to tina in each picture?picture 1 she overslept.present “ the past perfect tense”picture 3 when she got outside, the bus had already left.(设计说明:让学生讨论自己早上常做的事情,贴近学生的生活,调动了学生的学习积极性。对tinas morning 的讨论,引导出了本节的语法过去完成时态,同时又为本课的听力奠定了一定的基础。)step ii. while-listening activities1. listen for the general ideaof 1btell the ss that tina and a boy are talking about something. ask the ss to listen to their conversation and find out:the general idea of the conversation is about _.a. tinas morning before going to schoolb. tina was late for classc. tina got up late2. listen for the specific ideas(1)ask the ss to listen again and complete the sentencesby the time i got up, my brother _already _in the shower.by the time i got outside, the bus _already _.by the time i got to school, i realized i_ _my backpack at home. (2) check the ss answers .(3) then, ask the ss to listen to the tape a third time and finish the tape scripts.boy: hi, tina. you look _ out.tina: i am. i had a _ morning. boy: really? what happened?tina: well, first of all i _. by the time i got up, my brother _ already _ in the shower.boy: what a pain! tina: so, after he got out the shower, i took a _ shower and got _. but by the time i _ outside, the bus _ already _.boy: oh, no! tina: oh, yes! so i _ all the way to school. but when i _ to school, i realized i _ _ my backpack at home.boy: no wonder you look stressed out.(4)look at each picture and talk about what happened to tina this morning.t: what happened to tina this morning? s1: she overslept. s2: by the time she got up, her brother had already gotten in the shower.s3: by the time she got outside, the bus had already left.s4: she was running quickly.s5: when she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home.(设计说明:检查学生对听力材料的掌握情况,让学生进一步熟悉过去完成时态的用法。)t: now lets go on with tinas story. guess what happed to poor later. lets come to 2a. 3. listen and find the general idea. ( 2a 2b)(1)the general idea of the conversation between tina and john is about _.a. tinas morning.b. tina was late for classc. tinas way to school (2) check the ss answers.4. listen for the specific ideas(1) ask the ss to listen again and number the pictures 1-4.(2)check the ss answers.(3)play the tape a third time and ask the ss to fill in the blanks.1. when i got home(get home), i_(realize)i _(leave)my keys in the backpack.2. by the time i _ (get) back to school, the bell _ (ring).3. by the time i _ (walk) into class, the teacher _(start) teaching already.(4)check the ss answers.(5) listen and repeat. (设计说明:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻大意和听寻细节信息的能力。可以先帮助学生听出每个对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节。)step iii. post-listening activities(1.) retell the continued tinas morning using the key words and the pictures: .got.realized.had left. .ran back. .got to.had rung. .walked .had started.(2.)writing:t: tina really had a bad morning. it is a good habit to go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.so you will never be late in a hurry in the morning. as the saying says:the whole days work depends on the plan in the morning. can you tell us the whole story of tinas morning using the pictures? lets write a short passage.(3.) role-play the conversation: (2d)1 put the conversation into chinese and answer the questions: 1) why was kevin late for class? 2) how did kevin get to school? (2d)2 role-play the conversation in pairs. then go to the front of the classroom and perform it to the whole class.(设计说明:多为学生们创设使用英语的环境,培养学生的口语表达能力,使学生们体会所学的语言是真实可用的。让学生在双方活动及小组活动中体会说英语的快乐。) step iv. summary:inquiry into knowledge by translation一 when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home.1.句中i had left my backpack at home 用到了_ 时态,其构成是_. 2. 过去完成时的用法:主要是表示在过去某个时间,或是动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,也就是_。过去现在过去的过去例:when i got to school, the bell had rung.练习:1. we _(learn) two thousands words by the end of last year. 2. i _(know)him when i was a student. 3. when we _(arrive) at the station, they _(wait) for more than twenty minutes. 二when i got to school, i realized i had left my backpack at home. 1. 辨析:get, arrive 与 reachget to 意为“到达”同义词为:arrive in/at, reach。其中 reach是及物动词,其后必须有地点;1)get和arrive都是不及物动词,其后只能跟表示地点的副词,若是跟名词则须再加介词,即get to 地点名词,arrive in / at 地点名词(in 之后跟表示大地方的词,at之后跟表示小地方的词)。若是只说“到达”,而不指出到达哪里,则只能用arrive。2)reach为及物动词,其后既可跟名词 也可跟副词。例如: 1.我前天到的北京。 2. 我们步行到这儿的。 3. 你昨晚什么时候到的? 4.我每天7:00到家。 5.我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。 关于get的词组小结: (记住)get to school 到学校 get into the shower 去洗澡get outside 到外边 get home 到家get up 起床 get married 结婚get to class 到班里 get dressed 穿好衣服get bored 变得无聊 get tired 变得疲劳2. leave sth +地点 forget sth forget to do sth 例如:(1). i _the book. 我忘记拿书了。(2) -where is your english book, mike ?-sorry, sir. i _ it at home. (3).- im sorry _ (忘)your cds at home. -thats all right.dont _them to school tomorrow(忘记带)。 (设计说明:本节课的翻译探究先让学生自己在组内讨论,组内学生如果能把答案都讨论出来并展示,教师用语言给予鼓励表扬,若解决不出,看其他组能有解决的吗,最后老师再点拨。而且配有句子练习可以更好帮助学生理解知识点。)step v. exercises: the end-of- class test一 根据汉意完成单词。1. i _up late this morning. (醒来)2. have you ever _? (睡过头) 3. after i got to the cinema, the film _already. (开始)4.he _(完成) his homework before i came here.5.by the end of last year, she_ (学)to swim for 3 years.二 翻译下列句子。1 在我走进教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。 _2 当我到达学校的时候,我才意识到我把书包忘 家里了。 _3 当我起来时,我的哥哥已经进去洗澡了。 _4 早上上学之前,你通常做些什么? _中考链接1-why dont you have a notebook with you? -ive _it at home a. lost b. forgotten c. left d. found2. when my mom_ , she realized she had left her bag on the bus. a. got on a bus b. got home c. got along d. got in the way3. the students _busily when mrs. white went to get a book she _in the classroom. a. had written, left b. were writing, has left c. had written, had left d. were writing, had left (设计意图:通过检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。链接中考,让学生随时了解中考动向。)step vi. homework1. read 1b and 2a after the tape and recite them.( )2. write an article about your unlucky morning. the title is “ my unlucky morning” . 提示:今天早晨是你不幸的早晨。昨天晚上由于 ,所以今天起床 ;起床后发现 ;当你赶到车站时 ;当你走到学校时 ;坐下来又发现 ;老师问你为什么 并告诉你下次要 ( )3. preview 3a.( ) keys:review1. do 2.cooks 3.did 4.am doing 5.will do 6.have donepreview1) ring rang rung go went gone leave left left start started started be was/were been take took taken run ran run begin began begunget got got/gotten oversleep overslept overslept2)1. by the time 2.get up 3.start teaching 4.oversleep 5.realize 6. get back to school听力 while-listening activities :1. a2. (1) had gotten; had left; had left (3)stressed;bad;overslept;had;gotten;quick;dressed;went;had;left;rangot; had left3. a4. (1) 3 1 2 4 (3) realized; had left; got; ha


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