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Glass ceiling 指一种不可见的障碍,这种障碍使得妇女无法升上管理高层的阶段Spell out 讲清楚Null and void 无效act of God不可抗力collective agreement工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议curates egg=Vicars egg 好坏参半By the grapevine 据小道消息Man to man 坦率地,开诚布公地Knee-slapper 一个能让人笑得拍大腿的笑话Chance ones arm 冒险一试Rain or shine 不管在什么情况下Hot time 不愉快的时刻Guest star 客串Salary cap 工资上限Hit the big screen 上映Old Glory 美国国旗Old nick 恶魔,魔鬼Lady luck 好机会,好运气Snap up 抢购Kiss the rod 甘心受罚Lie-abed 常睡懒觉的人Cheapskate吝啬鬼,小气鬼Table finisher 食量大的人Word is that 据说,传闻Give 5 fingers 打某人耳光White feather 胆怯,缺乏勇气Wet hen 讨人厌的人,泼妇Doubting Thomas 指那些不肯轻信别人的人The walls have ears 隔墙有耳Eat dog 忍气吞声Top dog 居支配地位的、有最高权力的人From China to Peru 远隔重洋Its Greek to me. 一窍不通,完全不明白Set ones teeth on edge 使人感到不舒服Fall between two stools 两头落空,两边不讨好Have pot luck 吃便饭Sad sack 不中用的人Portion a daughter 给女儿准备嫁妆Little shot 没价值的人、小人物From hence 今后Glass arm 易酸痛的手臂Pull a boner 愚蠢的大错或出丑Ready tongue 口齿伶俐In open arms 公然反抗Easy street 形容一个人有足够的钱,生活得很舒适Kiss the Blarney stone 形容一个人口齿伶俐,能言善辩Make the fur/feathers fly 引起争斗,吵闹,骚乱等Green eye 嫉妒Elderly jam 渐老的女人Take air 流传,散播Get arise out of someone 挖苦某人,有心激怒某人Shoot oneself in the foot 政治或其他社会著名人物想攻击别人,结果却害了自己Go haywire. 一个人非常生气,导致无法控制自己Take candy from a baby 办事非常容易Polish the apple 拍马屁Wise saw 格言,谚语Open hand 慷慨,宽大Greece and Rome 学问和势力On the house 免费招待Wear the pants 家里主事的人Touch and go 危在旦夕的局面,摇摇欲坠或一触即发的形势Pain in the neck 令人讨厌的人或事Moon about 闲荡,东张西望Like clockwise 有规律的,顺利的Curious as Lots wife 好奇心太重NEET group (Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training) 啃老族To pull ones leg 逗别人,开别人玩笑A stuffed shirt 爱摆架子,表现神气十足的人Give people a hard time 暗地里整人报复,给某人穿小鞋Money bugs 巨富,豪商Split chums 绝交Son of dripping 厨师Hold a penny 小额赌博Coffee spitter 让人愤怒、惊愕或不安的事情,尤指报纸头条Fat cat 有钱,很成功的人Under the aegis 获得保护或支持Everything but the kitchen sink 几乎所以的一切Deep file 老奸巨猾,骗子Make it fly 胡乱花钱,挥霍Wag halter 爱说爱笑的人Rub sb. The wrong way 使某人不高兴Monkey business 不道德或不合法的行为All skin and bones 皮包骨Full of beans 形容一个人很活泼,精力旺盛,情绪很好Sell the pass 出卖,背叛或放弃立场的行为Strong room 保鲜库Jerk a book 编写,撰著Up the creek 处于困境Man Friday 得力的助手Have gas 腹胀Ring true/false 似乎是真的、假的Hot air 夸夸其谈,吹牛Stir up a hornets nest 捅了蜂窝,招来麻烦Left holding the bag 背黑锅Wage hike 加薪Old flame 旧情人Joint concern 合资企业Man of nerve 有勇气的人A mess of pottage 眼前小利Land-office business 非常兴旺的生意Poke and pry 管闲事,打听消息Within oneself 不用全力的Happy dosser 身无分文的流浪汉Look fishy 先兆不详,前途茫茫Cross ones fingers/keep ones fingers crossed 祈求好运Spinach cinema 很有教育意义的电影Pink slip 解雇通知书It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响。Cook the books 造假账Greek gift 危险或害人的礼物Kissing gate 只能通过一个人的小门Over the hill 老了As one man 一致地Put high price 给予很高评价,重视Loom ahead 迫在眉睫Nose on 告密Green hand 生手,没有经验的人Upset the applecart 计划,安排被打乱Lay all your cards on the table 摊牌Steal identity 冒名顶替Chalk and cheese 完全不一样Hook and eye 携手同行Rabbit heart 懦夫Jobs news 坏消息Jobs wife 泼妇,悍妇Brass ring 中大奖,发大财的机会Put on the dog 耍派头,卖弄On/in the cards 注定的,很可能实现的,意料之中的Pipe dream 白日梦Third ear 告密者Knock sb. dead 使某人倾倒In truck 交换Upper regions 天堂Elephant in the room 显而易见而又被忽略的事实Chip on ones shoulder 蛮横好斗Like a bolt out of blue 晴天霹雳,出乎意外Have itching ears 好打听,爱听八卦Sure shot 百发百中的射手Length of days 长命,长寿Turn yellow 胆怯起来Wonder boy 事业上成就卓越的青年Secret ballot 无记名投票Clean someones clock 把某人打得落花流水Whirlwind romance 闪婚Have a strong head 酒量大In good cue 好心情Pleasant folk 神仙Long family 多子女家庭Wet blanket 令人扫兴的人或事Blow ones own horn 自吹自擂tongue-lashing 狠狠训斥Eighty-six 缺货,恕不招待In a pet 不痛快,生气Drinking bout 酒宴, 宴会Show bill 海报,广告Chop and change 变化无常,摇摆不定Great Scott! 老天!啊呀!Funny farm 精神病院Straight arrow 正直坦率,值得信赖,道德高尚的人Make fashion 做样子,伪装Magic car 太阳,日轮Knife-and-fork 有关生活的,有关生机的Go seesaw 动摇不定,拿不定主意Slap-happy 被幸福或胜利冲昏头脑的人,高兴的晕头转向Happy camper 对自己的日常生活状况心满意足的老老少少Hit the hump 越狱Bird-brain 没啥头脑,非常愚蠢Eat the leek 忍受耻辱,被迫收回自己说过的狂言A slap on the back 好好地祝贺一下Talk ones ear off 没完没了反反复复地对你说话Good society 上流社会Jelly belly 大胖子Off ones box 神经不正常Hush-hush 极秘密的A drop in the bucket 微不足道Steal ones thunder 抢某人风头Gild the lily 画蛇添足,多此一举Merry man 党羽,随从Man of man 杰出人物,优秀人物Drink driving 酒后驾驶Scapegoat 替罪羊Perk out 打扮的漂亮Away ream 客场队Home team 主场队Couch in 表达Urban management officers 城管Make a cameo appearance 客串演出Penny father 守财奴Budget travelling 自助游Loophole 漏洞Rat in a hole 瓮中之鳖Drag racing 飙车Plainclothes 便衣Ill be a monkeys uncle! 天啊!Double talk 不置可否,模棱两可In the pink 身体健康,精力充沛Judge a book by its cover 以貌取人Race of Adam 人类Mob gee 强盗,歹徒Clap trap 信口雌黄Pros and cons (从正反两方面)争论,辩论Chuck box 饭盒Legal eagle 杰出的律师Shady deal 见不得人的勾当Happy-go-lucky 乐天知命,随遇而安Cellar gang 没有男朋友来约会的女学生Old lag 惯犯Sitcom 情景喜剧Bite ones tongue 极力克制自己保持沉默,忍住不说会给自己招惹麻烦的话Learn the ropes 掌握窍门,摸熟门路Consumer durable 耐用消费品Cut mug 做鬼脸At odds 争执,不一致Press for a new tone 定下新的基调Milk sop 懦夫Overseas returnee 海归Sharp walk 漫步Chicken out 临阵退缩Pipe dream 白日梦Mar up 把。弄坏To have a bone to pick 有理由来抱怨或争论A hill of beans 形容一钱不值To beat ones brains out 绞尽脑汁Goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩Rare bird 不平凡的人Work in three shift 三班倒Pop-up ad 弹出式广告Rainbow hunt 痴心妄想,追求不可能的事物Mortgage slave 房奴Reality show 真人秀Muffin worry 茶话会Plastic surgery 整形手术Weep Irish 假哭Military parade 阅兵式Hit the nail on the head 表示说话行事恰到好处,正中要害或者十分中肯Have a bear by the tail 生动形象地描绘出一种尴尬棘手,骑虎难下的局面As hard as nails 形容人顽固强硬又无情无义Hen-pecked 妻管严Chinese Zodiac 12生肖All mouth and trousers 光说不练Ace up ones sleeve 秘密武器,看家本领A real snap 轻而易举的成功Sunday driver 不常开车的新手Nosey parker 爱管闲事的人Package tour 跟团旅游Cross crib 贼窝Church key 酒瓶起子Die-hard fans 铁杆球迷Paddys lantern 月亮Punching bag 出气筒Spring fever 春困Sunday best 节日盛装New Year blockbuster 贺岁大片Near escape 幸免遇难Toe the line 服从命令Maternity leave 产假、Mental breakdown 精神崩溃Debased coin 假币Old womanish 婆婆妈妈的Sweet spot 最佳时机Make a hedge 中立Put it strong 骂,刻薄Catch some Zs 小睡一下Behind the eight ball 凶多吉少Button your lip 闭口不谈Guinea pig 试验品Jake hound 酒鬼In hall 在和平时代Smell a rat 感到不妙Blue blood 贵族血统Own goal 乌龙球Hell and gone 极远的,不可挽回的To go for broke 孤注一掷Small fry 小人物,小公司Appearance fee 出场费Ladys man 有女人缘的男子Gilded youth 纨绔子弟Gib-face 令人可憎的面貌Headhunter 猎头Human-powered search 人肉搜索Fender bender 轻微的汽车事故Bark up the wrong tree 形容将精力花在不该花的地方,攻击错了目标、Throw someone a bone 给某人一点表面上的小恩小惠,但并不是他所期望的Take the bull by horns 克服困难,解决问题Keyed up 紧张,兴奋Double Dutch 莫名其妙的话Doubting Thomas 生性多疑的人Tell sbs fortune 为某人算命Mike name 著名的广播员Big-timer 某行业的大腕My heart stands still 提心吊胆Shoot the breeze 好朋友没事聚在一起闲聊天,毫无顾忌地想说什么就说什么Caf society 有钱,有名气的社交名流Old stager 老手Mere tool 阿谀者,趋炎附势的人Car-pooling 拼车Malt worm 大酒鬼Kiss and tell 不守信用Midas touch 点石成金Knight of industry 商业骗子Blow hot and cold 比喻忽冷忽热,反复无常或摇摆不定Home stretch 冲刺阶段Telescopic umbrella 折叠伞Contact lenses 隐形眼镜In the mill 在准备中Foot in mouth disease 出言不当Turn tail 逃避麻烦或困难Blue blood 贵族血统,出身名门Own goal 乌龙球Bite the dust 死亡,失败,完蛋、Bail out 救援Turn rusty 赌气,闹别扭Sack time 睡眠时间Head boy 优等生Hooked on 沉溺于No sweat 轻而易举,不费吹灰之力Hang loose 轻松一下Fish or cut bait 不要举棋不定,而要当机立断Wait for the other shoe to drop 提心吊胆地等待最后结果Smoke and mirrors 骗局,使用不真实的消息来蒙混别人A storm in a tea cup 不知道大惊小怪Peaches and cream 完美无缺,一切都很完美Before one could say Jack Robinson 一瞬间To take ones hat off 表示致敬,钦佩To pass the hat 募捐To wear two hats at a time 一个人同时担任两个职务Blind alley 死胡同To a T 精确,丝毫不差Red flag 危险信号Ten feet tall 自豪,自鸣得意Tot lot 小型儿童游戏场Yea and nay 模棱两可,支支吾吾A bakers dozen 十三Cook up a story 编造故事A bed of roses 安逸的生活,舒适的生活Chips are down 事态紧急,形势严峻Old back 单身汉Off limits 禁区Zero weather 咫尺莫辨的恶劣天气True blue 久经考验,忠诚不渝的正人君子Come up for air 喘口气,调节一下精神Put your best foot forward 把好的一面展现出来,给人留下好印象Dance to another tune 改变注意或者决定Union Jack 英国国旗To land on your feet 逢凶化吉Higher-up 高层,大人物Borrowed time 苟延残喘Duck soup 轻而易举的事情Soft underbelly 软肋All at sea 茫然All gall 十恶不赦Above ground 活着Press box 记者席At the drop of a hat 一个脾气一触即发的人Adams apple 喉结Dead beer 走了气的啤酒Its academic 脱离现实Feet of clay 潜在的致命弱点Where angels fear to tread 办事鲁莽,不顾后果的人Draw a blank 希望落空,不成功或想不起来Take a leaf out of sbs book 模仿别人Down payment 首付Have a free hand 放手去做The Beautiful Game 足球Insanely busy 忙得发疯Fill ones pipe 发财致富Die in harness 在工作岗位上死去Cold snap 寒潮Front man 幌子Little joke 非恶意的恶作剧Put ones nose out of joint 挫人家锐气,夺人家的宠To get off on the wrong foot 某人一开始就没给人留下一个好印象Vanity project 面子工程Probationary period 试用期Skin deep 肤浅的Be on ones high horse 趾高气昂,藐视他人Stonewall 故意妨碍Apple of Sodom 徒有其表,金玉其外败絮其中Credit ceiling 贷款额度Pay cap 薪水上限Price floor 最低限价Whos who 名人录Student loan 助学贷款Top-grossing movie 票房冠军Kiss the dust 失败Hit show 受欢迎的节目Folk remedy 偏方Corkage fee 开瓶费Under the rose 秘密地,私下Hit the road 动身,启程Hit the books 啃书,复习功课Raw deal 冷酷无情,不公平的待遇Have a bear by the tail 描绘一种尴尬棘手,骑虎难下的局面Hourly employee 钟点工Merit pay 绩效工资Man on horseback 军事首领Match-fixing 假球Transfer fee 转会费Man about town 经常出入社交场合的人Successive postgraduate and doctoral program 硕博连读Postgraduate recommendation 保研Sleep it off 睡觉(解酒,忘却忧愁)Dance after sb. 奉承某人High-occurrence seasons 高发季节Drag racing 飙车My lips are sealed 守口如瓶,保密No respecter of persons 一视同仁Draw/pull in ones horns 退缩、低调或收敛Find holes 挑毛病Stretch the boundaries 挑战极限Milk run 熟路Catch flies 打哈欠或者酣睡Olive branch 和解,化干戈为玉帛Double-tongued 两面三刀,不诚实,欺骗人Put ones foot in ones mouth 无意中说错了话,让自己很不好意思Banana oil 花言巧语Across the board 全面的Evasive talk 含糊其辞的谈话Trump card 王牌Sitting pretty 生活优裕,吃喝不愁Beat around the bush 旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角地说话Archimedean lever 阿基米德杠杆,可以帮助完成某项重大任务的关键Clock watcher 坐待下班的人Human flesh search 人肉搜索Substitute teacher 代课教师Flag carrier 国家航空公司Renew contract 续约Chit-chat 闲聊Chin hand 中国通Coupled effect 联动效应Fighting fit 特别健康Even tempered 脾气温和的Asleep at the switch 严重失职Give someone the third degree 盘问,教训某人All his geese are swans 言过其实,自以为是Jump the shark 用来描述那些流行的连续剧失去魅力Talent pool 人才库False light 荒谬的见解Comfort fund 抚恤金Busy sack 手提包Fetal education 胎教Gasp for 渴望Temple fair 庙会Floor space 建筑面积Above the salt 上席A chip off the old block 某人(通常指男孩)和他父亲很像With flying colors 出色地,成功地完成了某件事Pep talk 动员讲话Long head 远见Live high 过奢华的生活Man of mark 知名人士Stuffed shirt 自命不凡的人New Years blockbuster 贺岁大片Rip off 敲竹杠Side effect 副作用Family half 夫/妻Beta test 电脑软件上市前的试用Bottom drawer 嫁妆柜All-time record 空前纪录Play by ear 做一件事不是事先有计划,而是走着瞧,临时决定Leave no stone unturned 不遗余力,千方百计去达到某种目的Put ones money where ones mouth is 不要说空话,拿出证据或行动来Brain trust 智囊团Bring grist to the mill 生利,使有利可图a square peg in a round hole 不适宜担任某一职务的人, 不得其所的人screw up 弄糟,搞砸knock it off 停止做某事free fight 混战get the axe 某人被排除在外,被解雇;企业倒闭停业blow ones own trumpet 自吹自擂get a bang out of 从某人或某事得到极大的乐趣fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼a chip off the old block 他和他的父亲很像to keep ones shirt on 劝告别人要保持冷静,有耐心,不要太紧张doomed single 必剩客horse work 艰苦呆板的工作courier firm 快递公司sci-fi = science fiction的简写, 科幻小说highest-grossing movie 票房冠军mad money 备急用的钱pupp


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