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Company Logo,Main Idea of the Text,In the text, Harry Allen Smith offers some ideas about how to deal with compliments. By his own experiences when receiving a compliment, he asserts that in social intercourse a compliment is much harder to respond to than an insult. In searching for a technique to cope with compliments, he turns to children and the Spanish-speaking people who are said to be the most conversationally adroit on earth, but they are of no help. Finally he concludes that poise is the basis of all graceful social intercourse. So the only sensible response to a compliment is: Thank You.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,1. cope with 2. blurt out 3. inarticulate 4. bestow sth. upon (on) sb. 5. downright 6. carry sb. away 7. well off 8. get possession of 9. put ones mind to sth. 10. come up with 11. brush sth. off,12. on the right track 13. appalled 14. be inept at doing sth. 15. fall flat 16. fall apart 17. execrable 18. adroit 19. poise 20. etiquette 21. comport 22. the chances are (that),Company Logo,Words & Expressions,1. cope with be able to deal with (sth.) difficult; manage successfully Examples: They lack the strength to cope with all the problems as they are not quite experienced. Even Mr. Smith, who is noted for his inexhaustible patience, could not cope with this difficult student. 2. blurt out say (sth.) suddenly or without thinking of the effect or result Examples: Peter was so excited that he blurted the news out before we could stop him. Kids are known for blurting something important out at unusual times.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,3. inarticulate adj. unable to express oneself clearly and fluently Examples: My meetings with him left me inarticulate with rage. Maisie had always thought of herself as being uneducated and inarticulate, and was surprised that anyone should ask her opinion. 4. bestow sth. upon (on) sb. present sth. as a gift to sb. Examples: He doesnt deserve the praise that has been bestowed upon him. The new ruler took his enemies property and bestowed it upon his followers.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,5. downright adj. used to emphasize that something is completely bad or untrue Examples: She had made trouble whenever she could, stealing her boyfriends by telling downright lies. I thought my wedding was, despite its lacking the familiar trappings of tradition, downright legal. 6. carry sb. away (usu. passive) cause sb. to lose self-control or be very excited Examples: He was so carried away by fear that he didnt know what he was saying. When we listen to music we should allow ourselves to be carried away into the musical paradise.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,7. well off in a very good position or condition, esp. financially Examples: You shouldnt grumble about that house; you dont realize when youre well off. I think youd be better off if you just moved back to your mothers house for a while. 8. get possession of become the owner or occupier (of sth.) Examples: We didnt get possession of the car until a few days after the auction. How did you get possession of the painting?,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,9. put ones mind to sth. give all ones attention to (achieving) sth. Examples: I dont think youre incapable of accomplishing that task; if you put your mind to it, you can do it. The scientist put his mind to the math problem to solve it. 10. come up with find or produce (an answer, a solution, etc.) Examples: Scientists will have to come up with new methods of increasing the worlds food supply. He receives ideas, organizes and comes up with interpretations and new ideas.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,11. brush sth. off remove sth. with a brush; ignore sth. Examples: John brushed off Bills warning that he might fall from the tree. Ive tried to make contact with the neighbors but theyve always brushed me off. 12. on the right track thinking or acting in a correct way Examples: He solved the problem in no time because he started out on the right track. Weve had the initial test results and it looks as though were on the right track.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,13. appalled adj. very shocked and upset by something very bad or unpleasant Examples: Appalled at the state of the kitchen, she set about scrubbing away the layers of grime and grease. When I heard what had happened I was absolutely appalled. 14. be inept at doing sth. be completely unskillful at doing sth. Examples: In some parts of China, a woman inept at stitching will be laughed at. Whether a student is skillful or inept at performing the task depends a great deal on the teachers instructions.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,15. fall flat (of a joke, story, performance, etc.) fail completely to produce the effect intended or expected Examples: What we meant to be a funny story fell completely flat. The scheme for rebuilding the city centre fell flat, owing to the refusal of the council to sanction the expenditure of the money it would have required. 16. fall apart break; fall to pieces Examples: Ann did what she could do to keep the marriage from falling apart. The only flaw of the poem is that the rhyme falls apart in the last line.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,17. execrable adj. very bad; detestable Examples: Critics blame the students poor test performances on execrable teaching. Your handwriting is so execrable that I can hardly read it. 18. adroit adj. skilful Examples: They are highly efficient and especially adroit at persuading the employees to do more work. Employing such devices is a fine test of sheer writing skill, of careful and adroit manipulation of language.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,19. poise n. dignity and self-confidence Examples: They felt that he lacked sufficient poise and confidence for the job. Nigel was ostentatiously smoking a big cigar to give an illusion of poise. 20. etiquette n. rules for correct or polite behavior between people or within certain professions Examples: It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation. Professional etiquette dictates that judges should not express their opinions about a case in public.,Company Logo,Words & Expressions,21. comport vt. behave (oneself) Examples: He comported himself in a way that won him respect. The teacher tells us what things are like, how the world is, and how we should comport ourselves in it. 22. the chances are (that) it is likely that Examples: The chances are that she has already known the bad news, otherwise she wouldnt look so desperate. The chances are that the insecticide is a potential threat to many species of birds and may even lead to their extinction.,Company Logo,Passage analysis,Language points: (line 1) I have never cultivated a mustache though Im sure one would enhance my distinguished looks and cause women to giggle as I passed along the boulevard. I have never got a mustache, though Im sure if I had a mustache, I would look more handsome, and will make women laugh as I passed along the boulevard.尽管我确信蓄胡子会使我更加气度不凡,走在大街上会使女性发笑,但我从不留胡子.,Company Logo,Passage analysis,cultivate a moustache 留胡子 cultivate: foster the growth of eg. He is cultivating a blond mustache which will not take. 他嘴巴上留起了不招人喜欢的淡黄色的小胡子。 enhance: make better or more attractive eg. This sauce will enhance the flavor of the meat.,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 4) It invites compliments. It encourages others to pay me compliments. 它会招来别人的恭维。 (line 7) I might be thrown into such a panic that Id blurt out . I might feel great panic suddenly so that I would say without hesitation .我可能会惊慌得脱口而出.,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 9) It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is harder to respond to than an insult. The fact that it is harder to respond to a compliment than an insult seems to be foolish or impossible in social communication but has some truth in it.在社会交往中,应对恭维比对付辱骂要艰难得多,这话听起来有点矛盾,却有一定的道理。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 10) Here is an area of small talk that most of us act awkwardly. Compliment is the conversation about everyday matters but most of us dont know how to respond to it properly.闲聊时来句恭维话,往往让我们大多数人不知所措。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 12) Someone utters a pleasing, praiseful remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate. Someone pays a compliment to us and we will feel at a loss and our kneecaps begin to tremble. 有人对我们说上一句动听、赞美的话,我们就慌得说不出话来,膝盖开始瑟瑟发抖。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 14)I cant accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isnt reall mine. I couldnt embrace the particular compliment which is beyond me. 如果别人称赞不是真正属于我自己的东西时,我根本无法欣然接受.,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 18) I didnt do it. I didnt create the beautiful valley.山谷不是我造的. (line 21) The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said, “Well, we like it.” I ever came nearest to complete acceptance of this particular compliment when I said, “Well, we like it.”我在接受这种特定的恭维时,表示最能完全接受的说法就是“嗯,我们喜欢。”,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 30) . carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark . too excited by the empty complimentary remark被他的这种极度夸张的恭维话所吸引的,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 32) I think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation. I think it improper to say “no” to a compliment or to lessen a compliment.我认为,对待恭维采取否定和贬低的态度是错误的。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 35) The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view. 这种情景,与我上述提出的观点非常相似。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 42) I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise. I know a man who gives all his thoughts and attention to this problem and thinks of a way to remove praise.我认识一个潜心研究这种问题的人,他想出了一个办法来避开别人的表扬。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 43) He employs a sort of unreasonable realism. He adopts a very realist but quite unreasonable approach. 他采取了一种不近情理的现实态度。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 51) I dont think this fellow is on the right track. I dont think this fellow acts in a right way.我想这个家伙回答的方式有问题。 (line 55) This sort of thing, the witty reply, ought to be placed under government regulation. The clever reply of this kind should be discouraged from being overused.这种俏皮机智的应答,应该置于政府的规定之中。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 61) That one, I thought, was more than passable. I thought that reply was fairly good.我想,这个回答相当不错。 (line 61) But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat. Out of a thousand replies that fail to produce the desired effect, only one is really clever.但是,在千百次的应对中才会有一句真正巧妙的应答。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 61) It takes a Dorothy Parker or a George S. Kaufman to handle the quip comeback with skill. Only a person like Dorothy Parker or George S. Kaufman can manage a clever reply skillfully. 只有像多萝西帕克或乔治考夫曼这样的人才能应对自如。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 68) swell out their chests 挺着胸脯 swell: ( swelled; swollen)1. increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity eg. The music swelled to a crescendo. 2.become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger eg. The mother was swelling with pride when she spoke of her son“ = puff up,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 80) I worked like a dog to get it written. I worked very hard to write it. 我当时写得好苦啊。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 81) . the unwritten code of authorhood . the convention that authors have to follow著书人的一条不成文的规定 (line 100) . with immeasurably lovely egg on your face . with your feeling extremely embarrassed一脸尴尬,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 101) There is no point in trying to play the game back at them theyll top you in the end, no matter what. It is no use trying to make a clever retort theyll eventually surpass you in all situations.要想回敬他们是没有用的不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 103) . at the bottom of all graceful social intercourse lies poise . keeping dignified and confident is the most important in all decent social intercourse在所有得体的社交场合,最根本的就是保持镇定,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 109) . a lady of quality . a lady of high social position 一位贵妇人 (line 109) Given the same circumstances I would have quietly asked for a coil of rope. If I were in the same situation, I would have felt so ashamed as to hang myself with a coil of rope without being noticed.要是我遇到这种情况,我会感到极为窘迫,恨不得悄悄地找根绳子去上吊。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 111) He said, with superb calmness and gravity, “Madam, I will thank you for that goose.” He said, very calmly and seriously, “Madam, I will thank you if you give me back the goose.” (The man cleverly shifts the embarrassment by deliberating talking down to her in a formal and dignified way.)他极为平静而庄重地说,“夫人,您把那鹅给我,我将感激不尽。”,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 112)If we could all comport ourselves with that kind of dignity, and quit jittering, our social life would be much more enjoyable. 要是我们的行为举止都能保持这种风度,摆脱局促不安,那我们的社交生活就会有趣得多。,Company Logo,Passage analysis,(line 116) . the chances hes just making conversation . . it is very likely that he just wants to have a talk with you . 他可能只是想和你说说话。,Company Logo,Section four,section three,Section two,Section one,Text organization.,(Para.1-4) Its difficult to accept with grace a particular compliment.,(Para.5-7)People make mistakes when reacting to a compliment with denial and derogation,(Para.8-11) different techniques employed by different people to cope with compliments.,(Para.12-13)conclusion: the poise in all social intercourse- the only sensible response to compliments,Passage analysis,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,III. Vocabulary A.1. came up with 2. The chances are 3. fell flat 4. bestowed upon 5. downright 6. put your mind 7. appalled 8. verdict 9. poise 10. blurted out,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,B. 1. inarticulate 2. insults 3. inept 4. glowingly 5. execrable 6. enhance 7. invite 8. sickly 9. adroit 10. charming,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,C. 1. A2.C3. C4. B5. A 6. C7. D8. A9. C10. A,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,IV. Cloze 1. hesitant 2. playing 3. contributes 4. or 5. confidence 6. external 7. lurking 8. whose 9. because 10. withhold,11. Given 12. for 13. perspective 14. drawback 15. competition 16. achieved 17. equal 18. based 19. enters 20. enhancing,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,Translation A. 我想了片刻,觉得世界上讲西班牙语的人最善于辞令,也许可以从他们身上学到点什么。你对他们中的一个人赞叹说,“我从来没见过这么漂亮的房子,”他马上答道,“您大驾光临,更使蓬荜生辉。”让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。要想回敬他们是没有用的不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风。,Company Logo,Key to Exercises,有一点很清楚: 在所有得体的社交场合,最根本的就是保持镇定。伊利莎法勒写过一本美国最早的有关礼仪方面的书。她在书中讲述了一个故事,阐明保持镇定的重要


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