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牛津小学英语 Unit 7 A busy day Part A,扬州育才实验学校 李春霞,(1).能用past/to正确地读出时间; (2).能读懂全文,并了解信息:David在什么时间做了什么事情。 (3).能够运用句型:I . at 描述自己一天所做的事情。,我们的学习目标:,Lets talk.,My busy day,Monday is my busy day. I get up at 6:15. I have breakfast at 6:45. I go to school at 7:15. I work from 8:00 to 6:00. I go to bed at 10:45.,6:15,6:45,7:15,10:45,a quarter past six,a quarter to seven,a quarter past seven,a quarter to eleven,past,to,past,to,检查预习作业,1.Find the rules.找规律,用past/to填空。 当分钟小于等于30时,用_,读作: 分钟 _ 小时; 当分钟大于30时,用_,读作: 60-分钟_小时+1。2.Read the time.读出这些时间。 6:30读作:_ 4:15读作:_ 6:50读作:_ 11:45读作:_,half past six,a quarter past four,ten to seven,a quarter to twelve,past,to,past,to,Lets talk.,My busy day,_ is my busy day. I get up at _. I have breakfast at _. I . at I go to bed at _.,Watch the cartoon, and try to answer 2 questions.看卡通,试着回答。,What time does David get up?,What does he do after getting up?,Try to ask some questions about Davids day. 你想知道David一天的哪些事情,试着问一些问题吧。,What time does David .?,What time does David get up?,What does he do after getting up?,Answer the questions. 回答问题。,What time does David get up?,What does he do after getting up?,He gets up at half past six.,He brushes his teeth.,Read P52 and underline the answers. 大声读第52页课文并划出答案。,Does David have breakfast? Why?,What does he take with him?,No. Theres no time for breakfast.,He takes some bread with him.,Go to school without(不吃) breakfast. Take something to eat with you.,随身携带,Go on watching the cartoon and check your prediction. 继续看卡通,验证你的猜测。,What does he do in the afternoon and in the evening?,Read P53 after the teacher then answer.跟读P53,并试着回答。,What time does David have lunch?,What time does he ?,At a quarter to twelve.,He s at .,12:15 11:15 11:45,四人一小组合作,试着根据P53课文提问,一人一句,问题越多越好,Read the whole text loudly, then well play a game. 大声的自读课文, 用心记住文中的重要内容。接下来我们会玩一个游戏哟。,Game Time,幸运大转盘游戏说明: 转盘上有六个数字,想让它转起来就喊“start”,想停就喊“stop”。如果转盘停下来是一颗幸运红星,你就可以直接获得一张贴画。如果是时间,你则要读出时间并完成相应的题目,方可获得一张贴画。试试你的运气吧。,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,Does David have breakfast at half past six?,6:30,Is he ready for breakfast?,A. He is ready for breakfast.,Not yet.,B. He isnt having breakfast now.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,What does David do after a quarter to twelve?,11:45,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,Does David watch TV at 9 oclock? Why?,9:00,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,1,2,3,4,5,6,Roll!,Who watches the football game with David at a quarter past four?,4:15,I get up at that time. After that, he brush my teeth. What time is it?,用一句话编一个谜语: I _at this time. What time is it?,Game Time,用两、三句话编一个谜语: I _at this time. I . What time is it?,编字谜:想好一个时间,并用第一人称把你做的事情描述出来,让别人猜一猜What time is it?,Summary,当我们想要谈论我们的一天,可以用句型: _ _,I . at ,Its ., I ,Try to retell the text according to the time. 试着根据时间复述课文。,Post-reading,Its ., I I . at .,All of you are David. Four a group to retell the text. Each one should choose at least one time to say something about Davids busy day. 四人一组合作


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