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Robert Burns 1759-1796,Robert Burns was Born in a tenant farmer family of Scotland, in 1759. After his fathers death in 1784, Burns and his brother Gilbert took over farm. Between 1784 and 1785, Burns also wrote many of the poems collected in his first book, Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, which was printed in 1786 and paid for by subscriptions. This collection was an immediate success and Burns was celebrated throughout England and Scotland as a great “peasant-poet.“,In 1788, He began to assist James Johnson in collecting folk songs for an anthology entitled The Scots Musical Museum. Burns spent the final twelve years of his life editing and imitating traditional folk songs for this volume and for Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs. These volumes were essential in preserving parts of Scotlands cultural heritage and include such well-known songs as “My Luve is Like a Red Red Rose“ and “Auld Land Syne.“,From youth Burns had been interested in collecting the fragments he had heard sung or found printed, and he came to regard the rescuing of this almost lost national inheritance. About his song-making, two points are especially noteworthy: first, that the greater number of his lyrics sprang from actual emotional experiences; second, that almost all were composed to old melodies.,Most of Burns poems were written in Scots. They document and celebrate traditional Scottish culture, expressions of farm life, and class and religious distinctions. Burns wrote in a variety of forms: epistles to friends, ballads, and songs. Even today, he is often referred to as the National Bard of Scotland.,Is there for honest Poverty (or, A Mens A Man For a That),This poem was written in 1795. Feared of French Revolution, the English government gathered the military forces to aid the French armies, and at the same time, strike down the democratic activities at home. Burns, at the stake of government oppression, wrote this poem to celebrate the revolutionary ideas: liberty, equality, and fraternity.,“For a that”: a Tune, of which Burns employed to write this poem. Burns successfully used the refrain, “ For a that, an a that”, to give the poem a force of contempt and rebellion.,It is one of Burns most famous songs of the manhood and dignity of the poor and down-trodden people on defiance of the rank and the title of the gentle folk, putting emphasis on the ideal of social equality and showing contempt for social ranks.,The poem is composed of five iambic tetrameter, the evened-numbered lines end with “an a that”, or “for a that”, and are in rhyme with each other , with the exception of the last stanza.,Is there for honest Poverty virtuous That hings his head, an a that; The coward slave-we pass him by, We dare be poor for a that! For a that, an a that. even if our toils Our toils obscure an a that, are disregarded The rank is but the guineas stamp, 金币上的图案 The Mans the gowd for a that. gold 权位只是外表,人才是真正的金子。,希腊七贤之一: 毕阿斯(6th cent. B.C.) Bias,贵重的财物 毕阿斯出生于古希腊普里埃耶城。一次,当普里埃耶城遭到围攻时,居民们纷纷带上自己最贵重的财物四散奔逃,只有毕阿斯一个人赤手空拳。居民们问他为什么这样离开时,他回答说:“因为我的一切都在我的身上。”是的,还有比生命更宝贵的吗?,What though on hamely fare we dine, homely meal Wear hoddin grey, an a that; coarse grey cloth Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine; give A Mans a Man for a that: For a that, and a that, even if they have Their tinsel show, an a that; showy and worthless appearance The honest man, tho eer sae poor, though ever so Is king o men for a that. “Their tinsel show”: 绣花枕头似的华美外表。,Ye see yon birkie, cad a lord, yonder a fellow Wha struts, an stares, an a that; walk disdainfully Tho hundreds worship at his word, 虽然他一呼百诺 Hes but a coof for a that: only a fool For a that, an a that, His ribband, star, an a that: ribbon 绶带(代表爵位) The man o independent mind 有独立见解的人 He looks an laughs at a that.,A prince can mak a belted knight, make 国王可以封人为爵 A marquis, duke, an a that; But an honest mans abon his might, above the power of prince Gude faith, he maunna fa that! 发誓语: 老实说 For a that, an a that, Their dignities an a that; The pith o sense, an pride o worth, strength (archaic) Are higher rank than a that. their dignities “he maunna fa that!”: he must not claim that!(他别想使好人 (honest man)听命于他.) pith o sense: essence of good judgment(真知灼见的力量)。 pride o worth: 因具有高贵品质而产生的自豪感。,Then let us pray that come it may, sense and worth (As come it will for a that,) That Sense and Worth, oer a the earth, Shall bear the gree, an a that. win the prize(将夺取胜利) For a that, an a that, Its coming yet for a that, brotherhood That Man to Man, the world oer, equality Shall brothers be for a that. Burns anticipates a world of equality and brotherhood coming.,Scots, Wha Hae (Robert Bruces March to Bannockburn),This is a song of patriotism ,national liberty, and loyalty. Burns calls up Scottish people to rise up against the English tyrants and oppressors.,The poetic form: The poem consists of six quatrains, which the first three lines of each quatrain ending in rhyme and the fourth line of all the six quatrains taking up the same rhyme.,Quatrain 1 Scots, wha hae wi Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, Welcome to your gory bed, Or to victorie. The memory of the Scottish national heroes.,Who was William Wallace?,Wallace was born in 1272,the younger son of a Scottish knight and minor landowner.,Wallaces Rising In 1296 Scotland had been conquered. Beneath the surface there were deep resentments. Many of the Scots nobles were imprisoned, they were taxed and expected to serve King Edward I in his military campaigns against France.,The flames of revolt spread across Scotland. In May 1297 Wallace slew William Heselrig, the English Sheriff of Lanark. Soon his rising gained momentum, as men oppressed by the burden of servitude under the intolerable rule of English domination joined him like a swarm of bees. He was captured treacherously in 1305 and executed.,The film Brave Heart was adapted from the heroic story of William Wallace.,Wallace was shouting “freedom” at the moment he was being executed.,William Wallaces Truth This is the truth I tell you: of all things freedoms most fine. Never submit to live, my son, in the bonds of slavery entwined.,Quatrain 2 Nows the day, and nows the hour; See the front of battle lour; See approach proud Edwards power - Chains and slaverie! Lour: lower, a verb (to appear dark and threatening. Urge the people to take arms against enemy.,Quatrain 3 4,Wha will be a traitors knave? Wha can fill a cowards grave? Whas sae base as be a slave? Let him turn and flee! Wha for Scotlands King and Law, Freedoms sword will strongly draw, Free-man stand, or free-man fa? Let him follow me! To raise the questions of whether being a slave man or a freeman in fight.,“Wha for Scotlands King and Law, Freedoms sword will strongly draw,” Who will stronly draw freedoms sword for Scottish King and law. 谁愿为苏格兰的国王和政权,奋战拔出为自由而战的宝剑。 Free-man stand, or free-man fa? 生为自由人,死为自由鬼。,Quatrain 5 By oppressions woes and pains! By your sons in servile chains! We will drain our dearest veins, But they shall be free! We swear by “drain our dearest veins”: to shed our last drop of blood.,Quatrain 6: the most famous lines,Lay the proud usurpers low! Tyrants fall in every foe! Libertys in every blow! Let us do, or die! We will be killing a tyrannt in every enemy we kill. We will be winning more liberty in every blow we strike. 每杀死一个敌人,就消灭一个暴君! 每给敌人一次打击, 就争得一些自由!,My love is like a red, red rose,is in the form of ballad, with the three stressed syllables in the even-numbered lines and the four stressed syllables in the odd-numbered lines. The even numbered lines have the same rhyme. It is a song of immortal love.,O my Luve is like a red, red rose, Thats newly sprung in June: O my Luves like the melodie, Thats sweetly playd in tune. Melodie: melody in tune: harmoniously,As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, pretty So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a the seas gang dry. go My love is as deep as you are beautiful.,Till a the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi the sun; And I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o life shall run. “Till a the seas gang dry, my dear”: is the repetition, which is a typical feature of a ballad. From this line, the poem goes into a deep level: the personal feelings(1-8)extending into the grand cosmos by mentioning sea(8-9), rocks(10) and sun(10). It not only connotes the spatial extension, but also time extension.,And fare


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