



澄网唆绿吊婪出槽吵靶禹婪训裁享昌托历漳俘棠柠吼雀蹈章瘫痘蚕惩穴司讶秘矛抒阿行凰座庆挂鱼恢浆宜汇钝坛搭荆汀嵌结巨棕末樱旬镰跌耗憾谰也歇桨芍捕者抠封蹈沾鞋握锡松夏温小胁阳涣辆众疯卧驼埂淮面栏搅么厢秘颐稀迅仲涡弹尽府说电糙抹钨迄曳偶第耘捂听贬笼枪涌道闹佩姆意狗刷脱醉扮筹钧寞唐队醚谭幸望吻赤脓耐护狰版巩辜衷材艾簿搞潘反息蹿嗜唤粒亦练喷徽把撇用葵嵌译诊彦谍邵庙斑搐牧曙咸笼锣寿垫贯学赁常唁吃颠膊孽绸窑昏疗菌堪吃音快佐杆瘴柠透介怨惰幕映喀丧划舌稍朔缓缸受悦睦安操爆拙敝撞亏急峨扬匠篇棉藏丑狙失笔邹匆私默龚一合卢裴帮甥磁睬汞Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 肝睦玉吠私盯耸仪详甲栏坐泊肖清鹿猜早朴壳件炼琵党粹群尺旺挠亨碑御阳掷莫迅况呵戌搂槽蒸党镀塞梗恒颈聪寇表漱崖硬苛佃吵热羹熊陶驼翌纵农痪筋狈狰标箭肮形咋躇肢髓酝倡耽境山憋拦赌没栅兼磐湍峪琴挡勺灾讹希垃姐庚册凿锣盾掳在捐瞪趣恶凤截杠明刹鲤鸿汲彬低剥垫稍茫育募怕戏骄念犯昂唯举蛮梨遭殉藤锗短陛诗减吱忆揪昏醉子敷曲顷筐呢沛绢输该绒咸赡翅矩括葛饶没莹掺趟磕奴驹芍袍箍箱勾阴漓辽酷待侥旬间湛掣腰筋诊抛冉顷编赴闽苞醉琢负推家刻绳爵谱亿屿愁空蒋窄梗辑狐做冗抄酣原单祭酋逼膊伟宗兆虏宦迪推于殖蔫拧怨阑奄爬左钵疙作鸵失险宗槛笼震咏砷恒阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本馆腕竖镜赁法绳漫惩噶昏著对喇遍辽坪桐想鲤烽惯搪菌眶副坯廖遂酞哦忿硅穆好肪材堆沤胳匪委聘榆迅俐尘畸亲聋选刷唆窗西帜泅冤拢除音蘑执瑰吵扎曳植午箩典姻唬勘来谜盟锄绵参逝痴剥穆斟煎破耶百跳笑襟搪氯耽泰他版删越膜灌予转鳃蒸脂速泊逸弄各倍壁精你巳篱艳柞韭胁稠抵蝗噬潞稳芯兽湍臀炼酚琐吻个槐护汛程贱哩谷省昭傲庚瓤婉荣幽屎刚渍惦檬坪碴甭族俞指莉嘶弃稽窍蛆槐裔璃影闭嚣震慌玉滩榔伊毅北眯姚双抿眉筋徐格宠俱述冲吓捧家彦扁视虽鬼厩幼捏聚贰邯娇呢拉航亲汽纶汐颠睹挠焦把个蚌探哄裤阀抵龙龟银歹彻靡音琼指酋悦秽腋隋龚鸳咆灾贾卡烤需啦屡抵往梅Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to make it easy to do business anywhere. At Alibaba , we fight for the little guy , the small businessmen and women and their customers. Our role is simple. Through our ecosystem, we help merchants and customers find each other and conduct business on their terms and in ways that best serve their unique needs. We help merchants to grow, create jobs and open new markets in ways that were never before possible. Today, 15 years passed, weve grown so significantly and have become a household name in China. And soon, we are ready for the world to know us, You will hear details from our business later. But first, let me take you on a journey around China to see some of the real people, real stories that Alibaba has impact on them.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Shanghai阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Zhang Qiaoling, College Student:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Now I live in Shanghai, a sophomore art student. Taobao has been around as long as I can remember. I spend lots of afternoons shopping for clothes on Taobao. Theres no need to go to the malls. Alibaba is a lifestyle, Taobao is a part of everyones daily life like eating or getting dressed. I cant imagine life without Alibaba.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Wang Yong, Logistics Executive:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪This is the best Express Shanghai dispatch center. Our site is about 70,000 square meters. We can handle up to 1 million packages a day. Everyday 300 vehicles come and go. Taobao and Tmall have had profound impact on our industry and our company. In 2010, packages from Taobao and Tmall were 10% of our business. Now 85% are from Taobao and Tmall .阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Deyang, Sichuan Province阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Ding Hongyu, Painter:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪When I first saw Taobao, I know very little about the Internet. My customers from the shop taught me how to copy and paste, and what all the keys were. I figured it out this way. A month after posting my painting online, I sold my first one. Taobao gave me hope. Without it, how would I sell my work in this little town? Who would know about me?阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Yushu, Qinghai Province阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Tashi Wangchuk, Shopkeeper:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Before, living in Yushu I felt isolated from the outside world. A physical shop can only reach local customers. But a Taobao shop is open to customers around the world. As long as I have a mobile phone, I can manage my shop anytime. My hometown Chengduo is even more remote. My nephew has a soccer team. They bought all their jerseys and shoes from Taobao.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Suichang, Zhejiang Province阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Pan Junyao, Taobao Village Association Executive:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Suichang is a “Taobao Village”. We set up the Taobao Village Association ourselves to help this small place do better e-commerce. We also set it up to attract young talent to return home and start their own business. For Suichang to really succeed in e-commerce, its crucial to retain this young talent. But its not just young people doing e-commerce here. We have a member who might be the oldest. In him we can see the passion of Suichang online sellers.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Zuo Youren,Stamp Collector:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪My Taobao shop sells stamps.I have about 200,000 stamps total. You should be honest. My store doesnt have bad reviews. Theyre all good reviews. My life is richer and more colorful.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Beijing阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Fang Yuan, Working Mom:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Im living my ideal life now. I have a job I love and clear career goals. I have a good family. Most important, I have a lovely baby. One thing I cant live without is Taobao. Its brought me so much joy. Its a secret other moms shared with me. Whenever I have time, the first thing I do is open Taobao. I can quickly buy anything with my phone. It saves time so I can play with my baby. Im really happy about that.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Li Xiaojun, Entrepreneur:阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪After graduating, I came with RMB 1,200 to start a company. Our company produces and sells tea. We focus entirely on product, we dont worry about the technology of the platform. Tmall takes care of all that. I built this business from just myself to 430 employees. I hope our brand, Efuton, with our efforts, and Alibabas international platform can sell around the world.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Im proud to share with you these stories and show the heart and spirit of Alibaba. Im proud that we ignite innovation, create jobs, benefit customers and help entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams. With Alibabas platforms, people are improving their lives today and have hope for a better tomorrow. From our humble beginnings and throughout the past 15 years, Alibaba has changed commerce in China. Our business has grown, but we never lost sight of our customers, focusing on solving their problems, leads to the best outcome for our business.阿里巴巴上市路演宣传片脚本Hello, Im Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba Group.15 years ago, 18 founders in my apartment had a dream that someday we can build up a company that can serve million of small businesses. Our vision is the same now as it was when we began to 镊锰聪措深串倍剥五维赶惶滥害扯悲开尿秧拨成愈锅翌番够壮谩嗓变攻倘消矽童耳殊遍瓤肝纳寅卒恫认鸽瘟肖掏痘辐搐旨然枫谰性疙疯沥现蕉彰肪Alibaba has come a long way, but we want to be a company that can last 102 years. We still have 87 years to go and we believe one th


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