高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件_必修五_414《unit 4listening and speaking》(可编辑ppt课件)_第1页
高中英语新课标(人教版)优秀课件_必修五_414《unit 4listening and speaking》(可编辑ppt课件)_第2页
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新课标人教版课件系列 高中英语 必修5-4.14 Textbook (Page 31) Go over the three choices before listening to the tape. Then circle the correct summary of the listening passage. A.This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu May. B.This about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Liu Mei. C.This is about a young man who want to ask Liu Mei about how to work abroad. Listen to the tape again and answer these questions. 1. Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Liu Ming? 2. He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad and work. 2. What are his fans worried about? His fans are worried that they will not see him in the flesh. 3. When is Liu Ming going to talk to Zhou Yang? Liu Ming will talk to Zhou Yang on Wednesday at 12 oclock. 4. What is Liu Mings intention at the moment? Liu Mings intention is to learn more about tennis and return to China. Listening text CAN I HELP YOU Zhou Yang is hoping to interview Liu Ming about his decision to work abroad. So he is calling Liu Mings assistant, Lily Wong, to make an appointment. LW: Hello, this is Lily Wong, Liu Mings assistant. ZY: Hello. I would like to speak to Liu Ming please. LW: I m sorry but hes busy now. Whos speaking? ZY: I m Zhou Yang of China Daily. Id like to interview Liu Ming about his decision to go abroad to play professional tennis. LW: I know he likes China Daily so I am sure hell be happy to speak to you. But hes very busy at the moment and he leaves Beijing at the end of this week. It may be difficult to make an appointment to see him. ZY: Well, Im free tomorrow afternoon and all of Wednesday. Is it possible to speak to him then. LW: Hes going to see his family today and talk to some students tomorrow morning. Then at four oclock hell go to a special banquet given by the leaders of the city. Maybe you can meet in the early afternoon. ZY: Perhaps we could talk over lunch. Our readers will be very interested in his views. LW: Well, hes very happy about his decision to go abroad and hopes to return to China in a few years time. This experience will help him improve Chinese tennis. ZY: But many of his fans will be sorry not to see him play in the flesh. Waiting on TV is not quite the same thing. LW: Yes, but he need to learn more about tennis and to become an professional player is a good opportunity to develop his skills. On TV you can still enjoy his sparkling play. ZY: But if he never comes home well have lost a great sportsman. LW: Yes, but I dont think that hell stay abroad. He says he has no intention of doing that. ZY: I am glad to hear that. But what if he gets wonderful offer to stay? LW: I think youll have to discuss that with him yourself. ZY: So will 12 oclock be OK? Where would be the best place to meet? LW: Yes, I think that time will be convenient and perhaps you could meet at the Garden Hotel. Ill put it in his diary for Wednesday so hes sure to come. ZY: Thank you so much. Goodbye. LW: Bye. Practice in making appointments One of you needs to have your picture taken for a magazine. You would like to have it taken in the afternoon because you must have your hair cut in the morning. The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture in the morning because he/ she wont be free in the afternoon. See how well you can arrange the meeting. These phrases may be useful. Shall we make an appointment? How about ? When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you? Is it possible to ? Where is the best place? I shall be busy at and but I can be free at Maybe we can meet at . S1: Hello. Id like to speak to Li Feizhou. Im the photographer ringing him to make an appointment for some photographs for “Cool Scene” magazine. Is it possible to meet him tomorrow? Sample dialogue S2: Hello. Perhaps I can help. I am Li Feizhous secretary. Im afraid he can only meet you tomorrow afternoon as he had a haircut in the morning. Is that OK? S1: Oh dear. I was hoping he would be free in the morning as I have another appointment then. It should only take two hours. Maybe we could meet before or after his appointment. S2: Yes. That might be possible. But hes busy between 9:00 and 10:30 and then between 11:30 and 1:00 but he might be free for an hour between 10:30 and 11:30. S1: I dont think thats long enough. Could he change his other appointment to another day? S2: I dont think so. S1: Then could he be free at 10:00? We could do the photographs and I would still be on time for my next appointment. S2: That sounds quite possible. Ill ask him. What would he need to wear? S1: Some comfortable clothes would be best. S2: Fine. Ill talk to him and call you again very soon. Where would it be best to meet? S1: At the studio if that is OK with you. Thank you very much. S2: My pleasure. Arrange a meeting on the phone (P62). Which day would suit you best? I would like to arrange What time would be most convenient? That will/ wont be convenient because I can / cant do that because Where would you like to meet? I suggest that we meet I may be able to see you at ? Please, can you tell me ? I look forward to seeing you. S1: Good mooning. This is the secretary of Zhou Jie. Can I help you? S2: Is it possible to make an appointment to interview her? S1: Who is that? Sample dialogue S2: I am the representative of a company which produces Look bright beauty products. We would like to arrange for her to do some work for us and help sell our goods. S1: OK. She is very busy working on a film at the moment. What about next week? Which day would suit you best? S2: Tuesday and Thursday are better. Does that suit her? S1: Well, her diary is empty for Tuesday so she may be able to see you then. What time would be most convenient? S2: Any time that day? S1: Then I suggest you meet at 2pm. S2: OK. Where would she like to meet? S1: At the Apollo Theatre perhaps? S2: I look forward to seeing her at the Apollo Theatre at 2 pm on Tuesday. Thank you. Goodbye. Workbook (Page 62) 1. Listen and tick the correct day. Day Monday Tuesday Yesterday Time 2pm 6am 6pm Place home TV station BBC radio station 1. Why did Greg have to go to the radio station and not use his home telephone? He had to got to the BBC radio station because the sound effects are better there. Listen again and answer the questions. 2. Give tow reasons why Greg was anxious. Use sentences not phrases. He was anxious because he wondered if he had got the right day or right time. 3. How are the windows of the house described? The windows are described as dark. They are like large, tired eyes. 4. How did George know the house was empty? Greg knew the house was empty because the bell echoed through empty rooms 5. How did he feel when the man appeared and opened the studio? He felt very relieved when the man appeared next to him. A True Story Many people think that making a radio or TV interview is fun and interesting. But there can be problems. For example, you can be too nervous and forget what you want to say. Here is another kind of problem and its a true story. Listening text It is Thursday and Greg has just come home from a radio interview on the “Today” programme. He is talking to his wife, Susan. S: Hello. I heard you on the radio and it all seemed to go very well. G: Yes, it did as soon as we got started. But I had a bad time before they phoned me. S: Why? What happened? I thought youd fixed it all up yesterday? G: Yes, I did. You remember I told you that they didnt want to phone me at home because the sound effects were better at the BBC radio station here in Reading. S: Yes. G: Well, I got up very early, as you know, and went to the radio station. I arrived before 6 oclock in the morning. They were going to phone me at 6:15 to check all was well. S: Yes, I remember that. So what was the problem? G: When I arrived there, I expected to find someone waiting for me. But there was nobody there. The building looked tall and old. It had many windows but they were all dark. They reminded me of large, tired eyes. S: Did they frightened you? G: No, not really. But I did begin to get worried. I wondered if Id got the right day or the right time and place. After all they said theyd have someone waiting to let me in. S: So you got anxious. Oh dear! Did you ring the bell? G: Yes, I did. It sounded very loud and echoed through the empty rooms. I felt even worse. I was sure I mustve got things wrong. S: But you hadnt. I heard you on the radio. G: Yes. Just at that moment a man appeared and he opened the studio for me. As soon as I entered the room the telephone rang. It was the newsman from the “Today” programme. S: So everything was OK after all? G: Yes, it was. But I felt so relieved when that man appeared. I really thought I was going to miss the programme. But once I was on the air everything was fine. Workbook (Page 66) You are the police officer and you must fill in this report about the fight between the British and the Turkish fans. Look at the form and then listen to the tape. Report Form Name of officer: Li DaDate: 05/08/12 Where was it? What was it? What happened? Who started it? Beijing, China Fight after a football match Fighting broke out between fans supporting the two teams. When the police arrived it was impossible to tell. There was an eyewitness. Eyewitness account:Evidence: Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bricks at the British supporters first . Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved. Fred Smiths eyewitness account and his photographs Your conclusion:Reason: Signed: It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong. Fred Smiths photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight. Li Da The Importance of Eyewitnesses Zhou Yang (ZY) and his photographer Fred Smith (FS) are talking about a story they are going to cover. FS: Did you hear the news? Were going to Albania to cover the international football match. Listening text Well leave tomorrow and be away for three days. Im getting my camera ready. Isnt it exciting? ZY: Yes, indeed, as its the Chinese national team against the Russians. Do you think well win? FS: I imagine China stands a good chance. The team has been practicing hard and did very well against Mexico last month. ZY: Yes, they did. Did you go to that match? FS: No, but I went to the one in Beijing when Britain played Turkey. That was a good match too. But the real problems came after the match. ZY: Why was that? FS: Well, our British fans were not happy that their team lost. The became even more upset when the Turkish fans began calling them rude names. I wondered if there might be a problem so I got out my camera and started taking photographs. ZY: What happened? FS: The Turkish fans went further and sta


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