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代 词,代词在连续两年的广东高考语法填空中都有两个小题,占语法填空的五分之一。可见,代词在所有语法项目中占分的比例最大,是语法填空的重要内容。主要考点有:考点1:人称代词人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。,考点解密,考点2:物主代词形容词性物主代词只能在名词前作定语,名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语或与of连用作后置定语,但不能作定语。如:考点3:反身代词反身代词在句中可以作enjoy, teach, hurt, buy, introduce等动词和by, for, to等介词的宾语,还可以作主语或宾语的同位语,可译作“亲自,本人”,但不能作主语。,考点4:指示代词指示词有this, that, these, those, such等。注意以下4点:(1) this, these是时间或空间上的“近指”,可与here连用;that, those是时间或空间上的“远指”,可与there连用。(2) 指上文提到的事一般用that,有时也用this,指下文的事只能用this。(3) 打电话时,用this来介绍自己,用that来问对方,不用I或you。(4) this和that还可表示程度,意为“如此,那么”,相当于so,作状语。,考点5:疑问代词疑问代词有what, which, who, whom, whose等。用法要点如下:(1)what除可用来询问人的身份外,一般指物;which可指人也可指物;who, whom, whose一般指人。(2)有一定范围时,用which,意为“(其中的)哪一个”,可接表范围的of短语;没有一定的范围时,用what,意为“什么”,不能接of短语。,考点6:表示两者或多者的不定代词,注意:(1)表示完全否定可以说noteither/any,但没有either/anynot的说法。(2)both/all与not连用是部分否定,意为“并非都”。(3)none既可指人也可指物,可与of短语连用;而no one (=nobody)只能指人,也不能与of短语连用。,考点7:表示“另外的”不定代词,说明:表示“别的,另外的”还有:(1)用于疑问词或复合不定代词后面的else,其所有格形式是elses。(2)既能指可数名词也可指不可数名词的the rest(其余的)。但上表中的代词只能代替可数名词。,考点8:表示“每一”的each和every(1)each强调个别,而every则用来概括全体,与all相当。因此,与almost, nearly, without exception等连用时,可用every, 不能用each。(2)each可指两者,而every则不能。(3)each还可用作代词,而every只能用作形容词,且只能作定语。(4)every可表示“每(隔)”,但each不能,考点9:表示“一些”的some和any(1)any一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,或用于never, hardly, without, if/whether等词之后。(2)some用于肯定句中,或用于建议、请求、邀请的疑问句中,或用于希望对方作肯定回答的疑问句中,也用于表示反问的否定疑句中。如:Would you like some more bananas?你再吃点香蕉吗?,考点10:复合不定代词复合不定代词是指由every-, some-, any-, no- 与-thing, -one, -body等构成的不定代词。注意以下几个问题:(1)复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词要用单数。(2)含-thing的,用it代替;含-body, -one的,一般用they代替,在正式文体中可用he。(3)修饰复合不定代词的形容词要位于后面。如:something important重要的事。(4)something, somebody/someone, anything还可作名词,意为“重要的事情(或人物)”。如:His wife is now somebody in television.他的妻子现在是电视界的大人物了。,考点11:替代词他it, that, those, one(1)it和that都替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”,都是特指,但it指前面提到的“同一”事物,而that是指前面提到的“同类”事物。(2)只能替代可数名词的one和those。,注:口语中,特别是当后面有of短语时,多用that或those;当有前置修饰语时,只能用one(s)。We kept seats for those who might arrive late.我们给可能来晚的人留了座位。(those=the ones替代the persons)The population of Scotland was eight times as large as that of Cornwall. 苏格兰的人口是康沃尔人口的八倍。(that替代不可数名词the population,不能用the one),考点12:it的用法(1)替代前面提到的同一事物。(2)替代前面整句话的内容。如:When the factory closes, it will mean 500 workers will be out of work. 工厂一旦关闭, 那就意味着要有500工人失业。(3)指动物、婴儿,或在情景中确认的某人。(4)指时间、距离、气候、环境等。(5)作形式主语或形式宾语。如:(6)用于it isthat强调结构中。,分析句子结构,若句子缺少主语,或者及物动词或介词后缺宾语,就可能是填代词。然后再根据各个代词的意义与用法的不同,选出符合语境的某一个代词填空。有的不定代词,如another, the other, many, much, either, neither, both, any, all, each等还可以在名词前作定语。若名词前缺少定语时,根据意义和用法,以及主谓一致等,填入一个恰当的代词。,解题技巧,例1I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I had caused_36_. But she refused. (广东),实例剖析,思路分析:因(that) I had caused是定语从句,先行词是trouble, 代表先行词trouble的关系代词that在从句中作宾语,被省略了;由搭配cause sb. trouble (给某人造成麻烦) 可知,填her作擦caused的宾语。,例2It is said that a short tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) was very anxious to hope _33_rice crop growing up quicklyOne day, he came up with an idea that he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. (广东),思路分析:因crop是单数可数名词,前面必定是填限定词;由下文pluck up all of his crop a few inches可知,这个急性子人是急于希望“他的”禾苗长得快。故填形容词性物主代词his。,例3Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it_. (全国),思路分析:能与they相呼应,并作they的同位语的,填反身代词themselves。,考点击破,一、单句填空:用适当的代词填空或者根据汉语提示填空。1. I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even one minute. (重庆)2. To save class time, our teacher has _ students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework. (湖南)3. My grandma still treats me like a child. She cant imagine _ grown up. (重庆),they,us,me,4. The boy promised _mother never to lie to _again. (全国). Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _. (全国). Is her hair shorter than _(我的)?(全国). Our neighbours gave us a baby bird yesterday that hurt _ when it fell from its nest. (湖南)8. Isnt it amazing how the human body heals _ after an injury? (江西),her,his,theirs,mine,itself,itself,9. My daughter often makes a schedule to get _ reminded of what she is to do in the day. (上海)10. Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it_. (全国) 11.The mother didnt know _to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (全国) 12. There are so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I cant make up my mind _to buy. (全国),herself,themselves,who,which,13. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ of the parents spoke the language. (北京) 14.To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or _. (天津) 15. I had to buy _these books because I didnt know which one was the best. (上海)16. We had three sets of garden tools and we seemed to have no use for _. (浙江),neither,both,all,any,17. It is easy to do the repair. _you need is a hammer and some nails. (天津)18. Id been expecting _letters the whole morning, but there werent _for me. (全国)19. These plants are watered _ other day. (全国)20. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from _ spoken in England. (全国),All,some any,every,that,21. My most famous relative of all, the _ who really left his mark on America, was Reb Sussel, my great-grandfather. (江苏)22. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _one this month. (天津) 23. Both sides have accused the _ of breaking the contract. (上海)24. Some people like to stay at home on Sunday, but _like to go to the cinema. (全国),one,another,other,others,25. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and weve decided to stay for_ two weeks.(上海)26. First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone _.(湖北)27. Make sure youve got the passports and tickets and _ before you leave. (山东)28. The book is of great value. _ can be enjoyed unless you digest it. (福建),another,else,everything,Nothing,29. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _ left in the house. (重庆)30. We havent enough books for _; some of you will have to share. (全国)31. I made so many changes in my composition that only I could read it. To _ else, it was hard to make out. (上海)32. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. (浙江),anything,everybody,anyone,It,33. As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town. (湖南)34. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. (山东)35. I just wonder what _is that makes him so excited. (山东)36. He doesnt have _ furniture in his roomjust an old desk. (陕西),it,it,it,much,37. The schools music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two _ on the weekend. (安徽)38. He has made a lot of films, but _ good ones. (北京)39. Although h


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