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分类号 密级 U D C 编号CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY硕 士 学 位 论 文论 文 题 目 法律多元视角下的冲突法价值研究学科、专业 法 学国 际 法研究生姓名 欧 阳 灏导师姓名及专业技术职务 刘益灯 教授中 南 大 学2010 年 5 月分类号 VDC 密级 硕士学位论文法律多元视角下的冲突法价值研究The Study on Value of Conflict Lawfrom the Multiple Legal Perspectives作者姓名: 欧阳灏学科专业: 国际法学院(系、所):法学院指导教师: 刘益灯教授论文答辩日期 答辩委员会主席 中 南 大 学2010 年 5 月原创性声明本人声明,所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了论文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得中南大学或其他单位的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我共同工作的同志对本研究所作的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本人了解中南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留学位论文并根据国家或湖南省有关部门规定送交学位论文,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用复印、缩印或其它手段保存学位论文。同时授权中国科学技术信息研究所将本学位论文收录到中国学位论文全文数据库 ,并通过网络向社会公众提供信息服务。作者签名: 导师签名 日期: 年 月 日I摘 要价值既是一种追求,也是一种指引。价值问题成为当代哲学和法学研究的轴心,其动力既来自价值对学科和实践的核心作用,也来自多元复杂背景下价值冲突的不同关切。冲突法价值追求的时代和区域差异是这一现象的典型诠释。历史考察冲突法视角和价值多元化的演变轨迹,以揭示冲突法视角从单一到多元、法律选择依据从单一到多样,法律选择方法由简单到复杂的发展规律,以及这一规律背后的深层次社会根源,从而发现法哲学思想对开拓冲突法视野和进行价值指引的重要意义。自然法学、分析实证主义法学和社会学法学,站在各自的时代和利益立场,分别从“理性” 、 “主权意志”和“社会本位”出发探索法律实现正义和良好秩序的路径,各自在价值取向上明显的重心偏向,指引着冲突法实体价值和形式价值的演进进程。 “建构理性” ,既是欧洲传统冲突法形式价值追求的理论基础,也是修正现代冲突规则的基石。美国“进化理性”的实用主义哲学,为其冲突法摆脱欧洲视野,关注个案、追求实体正义,开拓了新的进路。二者既各自发展又相互借鉴,使冲突法价值追求日益趋同。转型中国的冲突法缺乏厚实的法哲学基础支撑和核心价值的指引。 “实践理性”和社会主义核心价值,是我们构建冲突法“理想图景”和实现多元价值目标的必然选择。关键词 冲突法,冲突法价值,价值取向IIABSTRACTValue, as a kind of pursuit and instructions, becomes the focus of the study of contemporary philosophy and legal research, on which the study has the motive power for its core competency in terms of branch of learning and practice and also for the different concerns over its conflicts under the pluralism and complicated backgrounds. The typical interpretation of the issue comes from the era of Conflict Law value pursuit and regional difference.Pursuant to the historical inspection, the track of evolvement of Conflict Laws perspective and value diversity has revealed the law of development that the Conflict Law perspective has been picked from sole to multiple, the legal basis has been chosen from uniquely to multifariously and the methods to choose law are from simple to complex, it also has exposed the deep social causes behind the law of development, thereby the jurisprudence of legal philosophy is of great significance for broadening the horizon and conducting value of Conflict Law has been found.Natural law, analytical-positivist jurisprudence and sociological jurisprudence that stand at their own benefit and era perspectives, based on rationality, sovereign will and society-oriented respectively, tried to find a way to achieve justice and good order by law, showing their preference obviously in respect of value orientations which conducts the evolution process of substantive and formal value of Conflict Law. “Constructive Rationality” in Europe is the rationale of formal value pursuit of traditional Conflict Law, also is the cornerstone of reference for supplementing and amending modern conflict rules. While “Evolutionary Rationality” that put forward in the American pragmatic philosophy opened up a new access to slip off the limitation of Europes consciousness, pay close attention to individual cases and seek substantive justice. “Constructive Rationality” and “Evolutionary Rationality”, as theories, have developed respectively, and at the same time they have been used for reference mutually which leads to an assimilating tendency in the aspect of value pursuit of Conflict Law. Chinese Conflict Law that is in the proceeding of transformation lacks IIIsolid shoring of foundation of philosophy jurisprudence and instruction of core value. “Practical rationality” and socialism core value


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