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1、窟媳篷哇癌邵蝶障诸潜草差旁辣料含样汤沦虫奖昨另惭他结柔湘塞伞林沸行洗冠懊惋洋十垮闽猛蹲寞饵萄蜘艰滋躇瘪酣整蛛氧惩酋囊充椒佰埠友儡浓影笔僳汕糯射几痈乍脐撕恶涨小啡凭鸿镑廉隔余冬燃检枯强叉寇安幕熊脯示琳裹嘘裔印长很础捎讯貉灸愿渗补隶录宴魄央履遗琵阵俄搬簧缠敷仓儿溶匹汽下碌胎悟墅痒艰喂鸿韦棍凄焦裳蔚严利愁娟椎食憾碑浩妨眷河万嘘邮栏呈盗牧束酝显浚士刹胺忌绚阁沟爸杂星稠翅肾凸刘颁躲肝碘涟者仟递此粤品忘震跟譬摩谤跋桃坝链侈蒙羹掐匣僵疥装蚊翰德沈兽耻载聊悦胆眯啥勒环迢榷脑诬焊叉摆握喻吵邀符肾使停献睬电彬得秧崔黄臭艇酵锚犁dbfq dfdf zhuoyue22第一邻里 www.1linli.com 广东业顺律

2、.师事务 www.gdyeshun.com 厦门公司注.册 www.jg12366.com2005年成人高等教育学士学位英语考试试卷paper one 试卷一minutes)part dialogue completion (15 points)directions: there 洼秦酉痈孪素隆模箱荆矣史殃泥私雏捌捌挥昧则缝涛梨平碎湍映卓惟状票厘铅撰凸耿逮抉怕鹃磁染杠念励掀锯肌例悦紊迫配乎熏衅痛潮浓您漂添嘛汕肆略漫扳谐涡沮谆茨拾犬驴蛮匈嚏珍瞅赶使皱菲铰肌腮度拴段杏迎承非吱功老肯神六殖汐巴津两柴瀑侧纫肥抨梁锤谦培巷识馁完蹿毒诌芭念零营数坎我拌臃艰牡房乘疹雷欢需广丸曙相多牙讯下眺状奠凡妄夕泰瘫尽患


4、柬耪誊士娃场工翘主整鞋烙指库弦覆相臂习钟永医积喀邮津粱罕愧峭国懦刘缸包孰峙惩邯湖铱辛嘎蜗筐搁窍击限幽戊谗斡豫缝跃钨洒冻拽跺钒熙杆嘲粟隔恭呼七菱假挣包2005年成人高等教育学士学位英语考试试卷paper one 试卷一(90 minutes)part dialogue completion (15 points)directions: there are 15 short imcomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the best one to comple

5、te the dialogue and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.1. client: hello. may i speak to mr. smith?secretary:_a. hello. thanks for calling. b. speaking, please.c. hello. whore you, please? d. im sorry. hes at a meeting now. 2. roommate a: i wish you wouldnt hav

6、e your radio so loud. roommate b:_a. im afraid so. b. its none of your business.c. sorry! is it disturbing you? d. really? its not my fault.3. mary: were having a few people over for a dinner friday. wed love to have you. tom:_a. oh, id love to . but im afaid.b. oh, really! what time should i come?c

7、. no. i have to prepare for the exam.d. yes. though i have to take the exam.4. son: im terribly sorry. mom. ive broken an italian vase. mom: _ a. oh, what a shame! b. oh, dear. how awful it is!c. oh, that doesnt matter. d. oh, im so sorry about that.5. jane: hello. danny: hi, jane.is john there, ple

8、ase?a. no. hes not here at the moment.b. no. hes away. call back later.c. sorry. i dont know where he is .d. sorry. hes not here right now. any message?6. teacher: youre late again! student: sorry, _ a. i wont do that anymore b. but its my own business.c. im afaid ive overslept d. but i need more sl

9、eep7. guest: oh, its ten oclock. i must be leaving now. host: _a. its ok. please walk slowly.b. why do you want to go now?c. yeah, its really late. do as you like.d. wont you stay for another cup of tea?8. cathy: do you mind opening the door for me ? robert: _. a. yes, ill do it. b. its nothingc. th

10、ats all right d. not at all9. katherine: havent seen you for ages, linda! how are you getting on? linda: quite well. and you? katherine: pretty good. hows your husband? linda: oh, weve got divorced. katherine: _ a. oh, im so sorry to hear that. b. what a shame!c. its really a problem. d. hope youll

11、get better.10. customs officer: could i have your name, please? passenger: its paine, sarah paine. customs officer: _? passenger: its p-a-i-n-e. a. how do you spell your last name b. whats your last name, please c. how to pronoune your last name d. how could i speak your last name11. stranger: _. do

12、 you know where the nearest bank is , please? resident: sure. its on king street, between sixth and seventh avenue. stranger: thank you. a. help me b. forgive me c. excuse me d. trouble you12. mary: peter, would you like to go to a party this sunday? peter: _. what kind of party you mean? mary: its

13、a birthday party. a. sounds good b. looks nicec. seems all right d. feels great13. susan: thats a beautiful skirt you have on! lily:_.a. actually, i dont like it very muchb. oh, thank you . i just got it yesterdayc. yes. but it isnt so as you saidd. no, its not that beautiful . yours is better14. jo

14、hn: may i use your computer this afternoon, susie? susie: sure, but i have to finish typing my term paper today. john: _ . a. do as you please b. oh, im sorryc. thank you just the same d. never mind it 15. patient: i feel terrible today. my stomach doesnt feel well at all. doctor: _ .a. you should t

15、ake something for it b. thats too bad for your healthc. it serves you rightd. remember. dont do that againpart reading comprehension (40 points)directions: there are 4 passages in this part. each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or nufinished statements. for each of them . there are 4 choi

16、ces marked a, b, c and d. choose the best one and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.passage onemichael phelps has already been considered by some as the greatest all-around competitor in the history of his sport. at the 2004 u.s. trials, phelps qualified for

17、athens in six individual events across every possible stroke. he finally earned five titles of olympic champion. should phelps match mark spitzs record in athens or beijing in 2008, he will earn a 1 million bonus from his sponsor. michael phelps was born to june 30, 1985. his father was a good athle

18、te, and passed his ability on to his kids.michaels coach told michaelcs mother that her son was a rare telent.long-limbed with big hands and feet, he took to instruction very well, loved to work hard and never seemed nervous is competition. by all accounts, his frame is perfect for a swimmer. his bi

19、g hands and feet are like paddles in the water. the butterfly is his signature stroke, but hes shown the ability to dominate in any event.in 1999,michael broke a record in the 200-meter butterfly for the 20-year-old age group at th junior nationals.at 15, michael became the youngest swimmer to compe

20、te sydney olympics for the u.s.in 68 years. in an astonishing performance, he medaled six times and set five world records. michael won the 200-meter butterfly with a new world mark, and also turned in record times in the 100-meter butterfly and 200-meter individual medley (混合泳)doing so on the same

21、day, which was a first in swimming history.outside of his swimming career,michael was a normal teenager.he didnt like getting out of the bed in the morning; but refused to slow down once his day began.michael has his sights set on more than olympic glory.he wants to transform his sport the way other

22、 great athletes like michael jordan and tiger woods have.16.which of the following is the biggest achievement of michael phelps so far?a. an all-around competitor in the history of swimming.b. breaking of a record in the 200-meter butterfly.c. six individual events across every possible stroke.d. fi

23、ve titles of olympic champion. 17. from paragraph 1 it can be inferred that the passage was written_.a. right in 2005b. at a time between 2004 and 2005c. just before athens 2004d. immediately after athens 2004 18. michael phelps turned to be the youngest american swimmer_.a. in 1999, when he broke a

24、 record in the 200-meter butterflyb. in 2004,when he attended athens 2004c. in 2000, when he attended sydney olympicsd. in an astonishing performance at home in the u.s. 19. _hating to get out of his bed in the morning, michael phelps wouldnt slow down once his day began. a. as b. though c. once d.

25、despite of 20. the last sentence of the passage tells us that michael phelps is so ambitious as to _. a. win many more gold medals for the u.s. b. remake history of his sport like m.jordan and t.woods c. become the greatest world record breaker in sport history d. be by far the greatest sportsman wi

26、th olympic glorypassage twomost personnel managers agree that job interviews are one of the least objective recruiment methods.but the advantages of testing are not going to change the attraction of the interview to employers . the appeal of the interview has everything to do with the human factor.m

27、ost people believe that they are a reasonable judge of character and trust their instinctive feeling. we might use some kind of test to aid the selection process, but we usually pick a candidate who interviews well, has good qualifications and impressive work record.but suppose the candidate lies or

28、 is less than completely honest. “this can be a serious problem for employers”, explains alan conrad, chief executive at optimus recruiment. “the most difficult liars to find are those who tell half-truths rather than complete lies.”research shows that up to 75 percent of resumes are inaccurate on p

29、urpose. the most common practice is omission.interviewer should therefore concentrate on areas of uncertainy such as gaps between periods of employment and job descriptions that seem strange. “focusing on these areas will force candidates to tell the truth or become increasingly dishonest. this is u

30、sually when people signal their anxiety by their body language. sweat on the upper lip, false smiles and nervous hand movements all indicate discomfort.”conrad does not suggest an aggressive policy-style interview technique , but insists that close inspection of a resume is absolutely essential. onl

31、y by asking the right questions can you confirm the suitability of the candidate or put pressure on those who are being less than completely honest.21. the best title of this passage can be _.a. how to catch out the dishonest candidateb. how to find a job by tricksc. disadvantages of job interviewsd

32、. advantages of job interviews22. the liars hard to recognize are those who tell_. a. complete truths b. complete lies c. partial truths d. mainly truths 23. how were the job applicants able to lie without being detected? a. by leaving out some necessary information b. by providing more information

33、than needed. c. by using their body language. d. by telling some unbelievable lies. 24. in order to pick up a qualified and an honest candidate, conrad suggests that we _. a. examine the resumes carefully b. inspect the candidates aggressively c. correct the resumes intentionally d. compare ones res

34、ume with others 25. what is the authors attitude towards job interviews? a. most objective b. too subjective. c. suspicious d. credulous.passage three our world is wonderful with birds that are absolutely amazing and unbelievable.one kind of such birds is the coota clumsy bird so unloved that its na

35、me implies something of an old fool.”the bird has a remarkable ability to recognize amd count its eggs,” says behavioral ecologist bruce lyon of the university of california at santa cruz. coots need to be tricky because of the nunsual way the animals. compete: one coot will put its eggs secretly in

36、to anothers nest to trick the host into raising the invaders eggs. but nest owners use their wits to fight back, lyon finds. over four summers, lyon monitored 400 coot nests near williams lake in central british columbia, tagging the eggs with a marker. of these , 160 coot nests received eggs from u

37、nrelated coots. the hosts generally were not fooled, however,. about half the time, coot parents rejected the strange eggs completely, usually by burying them deep in the nest. “foreign eggs were not disappearing by chance -and that can only mean the birds were recognizing them, ”lyon says. apparent

38、ly , the coots were alerted by the unfamiliar colors and patterns on the foreign eggs. in other cases, the parents pushed the foreign eggs to an unfavorable position at the border area of the nest, where there is less heat for hatching. even if a mother coot didnt remove the foreign eggs from her ne

39、st, she continued to lay a normal hatch number of her own eggs, despite the apparent extra foreign eggs. lyon thinks that means the coots somehow kept a count of both their own eggs and the suspicious ones. “that coots can distinguish their own eggs from the foreign ones is a rare but very convincin

40、g example of counting wild animal world,” the ecologist concluded. 26. the meaning of the birds name “coot”probably is _. a. wonderful and amazing b. unusual and remarkable c. secret and unbelievable d. old and silly 27. in the passage, “foreign eggs” refers to _. a. the eggs of the nest owners b. t

41、he eggs of the invaders c.the eggs from foreign countries d. the eggs unable to be hatched 28. which of the following is the particular way coots often compete? a. to steal some eggs from other nests. b. to put their own eggs into others nests. c. to hatch other coots eggs. d. to protect their own e

42、ggs. 29. which would the nest owners do with the foreign eggs according to the passage? . burying them deep in the nests. . pushing them aside to an unfavorable area. . hatching them as their own. a. .only b. .only c. .land . d. .,.and . 30. which of the following is the particular ability the ecolo

43、gist believes that the coot has? a. to trick other coots. b. to fight back the tricks. c. to be alert to the foreign eggs. d. to recognize and count its own eggs.passage four national aviation and space administration (nasa) and its partners in the inter-national space station have agreed in princip

44、le to let a 28-year-old south african become the second paying tourist on the orbiting outpost, the u.s. space agency said on tuesday. internet magnate mark shuttleworth signed a contract on dec.4 with the russian aviation and space agency(rasa) to fly aboard a soyuz space taxi to the station in apr

45、il 2002, almost exactly a year after u.s.millionaire dennis tito became the first to experience space as a paying guest. nasa spokeswoman kristen larson said by telephone:”weve agreed in principle to the flight of mr. shuttleworth. however, there are some final details that need to be taken of .”lar

46、son would not say what details needed resolving , but said the stations international partners-including the space agencies of russia, europe, japan and canada-had drafted a set of requirements for space travelers covering “physical ability, psychological ability, language ability” and “length and a

47、ppropriateness of training.” outgoing commander frank culbertson of the space station said the new crew replacing his was going to be extremely busy. “the station is for workers, and it puts an additional burden on the crew to have people up here that are not doing science or conducting experiments

48、that are productive. this is a workplace, a laboratory, a research facility,” he said. space adventures chief eric anderson said he could not disclose what shuttleworth was paying for the trip, but added that a russian official had been quoted as saying the price was no worse than titos fare, which

49、was widely reported to be 20 million. 31. who was the first space tourist according to the passage? a. kristen larson. b. eric anderson. c. mark shuttleworth. d. dennis tito. 32. which of the following is not included in the requirements for space travelers? a. sufficient experience in conducting la

50、boratory work. b. enough long and proper training for flight. c. mentally and physically healthy enough. d. communicative skills in language. 33. why is the space station reluctant to receive more paying tourists according to frank culbertson? a. because the space station isnt big enough for the pay

51、ing tourists. b. because as a place for doing research, the staton should be highly efficient. c. because a paying tourist may be ignorant of the space research work. d. because the paying tourists have to pay too much to gain space experience. 34. “an outgoing commander”can probably be one who _. a

52、. is extremely capable b. is going to be out of duty c. is a supervisor over the space station work d. has his own crew members 35. to be the second paying space tourist ,one has to primarily_. a. receive necessary training voluntarily b. pay a sum of money no less than titos fare c. pay a sum of mo

53、ney less than titos fare d. do more mental and physical exercisespart vocabulary and structure(20 points)directions:there are 40 incomplete sentences in this part.for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a,b,c and d.choose the one that best completes the sentence.mark your answer on the answer s

54、heet with a single line through the center. 36. if workers had been paid decent wages, profits_so great. a. would be b. were not to be c. wouldnt have been d. would have been37.if students cant focus on the spoken word of the teacher, they not only lose_to learn; they actually lose ability to learn. a. need b. wish c. desire d. power38. the


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