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1、The Neoclassical Period,新古典主义时期,Duration(P.79),Neoclassical period is the one in English literature between the return of Stuarts(斯图亚特王朝) to the English throne in 1660 and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with the publication of Lyrical Ballads抒情诗集 by Wordsworth华兹华斯 and Coleridge柯勒律治 in

2、1978.,A turbulent time,An age full of conflicts and divergence of values. The restoration of Charles II in 1660 The Glorious Revolution in 1689 Constant strife between the monarch and the parliament Constant strife between big partiesthe Tories and Whigs,Constant strife between ruling class and the

3、laboring poor Constant strife between religious sects, such as the Roman Catholicism and protestants (church of England) The eighteenth century saw the fast development of England as a nation,Social Background:,fast development of England as a nation Economic Development 1. A vast expansion of Briti

4、sh colonies in North America, India, the West Indies 2. Acts of Enclosure圈地法案(Enclosure Movement圈地运动)“Ship devouring man”,3. Industrial Revolution工业革命 4. The rise of the British bourgeois or middle class,Enlightenment启蒙运动(P.80),The 18th-century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment启蒙时期 or the

5、 Age of Reason理性时代. 1. a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France 2. simple theme 3. poet as a “man speaking to men”; poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. 4. imagination and nature,Prose散文,Also a great age of prose Newspapers, magazines and periodical期刊 Repres

6、entatives: Coleridge,Hazlitt黑兹利特 Lamb兰姆 De Quincey德昆西 Novelists: Jane Austen简奥斯汀 ,Walter Scott沃尔特司各特,Jane Austen: (p.165) Her major theme: love and marriage Love should be justified by reason and disciplined by self-control,Walter Scott: established the historical novel Waverley威弗利 Rob Roy罗伯罗伊 Ivanh

7、oe艾凡赫,Gothic Novels(p.166),a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century ,4. her time with the Rivers family: her cold clergyman-cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her 5. her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester.,Jane Eyre,A girl of quick wit, honesty, frankness

8、, loving heart, spirit of independence and self-dignity. The first governess heroine in the English novel. Represents those middle-class women who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being.,Rochester,Grim-looking, energetic, quick-tempered but an outstanding

9、middle-aged man. A Byronic hero (拜伦式英雄),Themes,1. The criticism of the bourgeois system of education 2. The position of woman in society ( the heroine maintains women should have equal rights with men.),Emily Bronte,A child of nature A poet best known as the author of Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄,Wuthering

10、 Heights呼啸山庄,A story of two families and an intruding stranger. The Earnshaw family in Wuthering Heights (Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley, Catherine) The Linton family In Thrushcross Grange (Mr. Linton, Edgar, Isabella) A foundling: Heathcliff,Story,Mr. Earnshaw picked up Heathcliff Catherine loved Heathcliff

11、 Hindley hated him Catherine intended to marry Edgar Heathcliff ran away and returned five years later to take revenge on Hindley,Catherine (Mrs. Linton) loved Edgar but had passion for Heathcliff Catherine died giving birth to Cathy Heathcliff, heartbroken, took revenge on people of both houses. To

12、ok possession of Wuthering Heights Married Isabella and took possession of Thrushcross Grange,Heathcliff saw Catherines ghost and soon died Hareton (son of Hindley) and Cathy married,Themes,A story about a poor man abused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters because he is a poor nobody. A l

13、ove story Revenge(复仇) and Love,Alfred Tennyson,The most representative Victorian poet. Voiced the doubt and the faith, the grief and the joy of the English people (p.237) Poet Laureate in 1850,His works,In Memoriam:悼念集 A poetic diary An elaborate(详细的) and powerful expression of the poets philosophic

14、al and religious thoughts哲学和宗教思想.,Idylls of the King亚瑟王之牧歌 Based on the Celtic legends of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table (亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士),Break, Break, Break破碎 Crossing the Bar越过沙洲 Ulysses尤利西斯,Robert Browning,罗勃特布朗宁 A Victorian poet A contemporary of Alfred Tennyson, acknowledged as the

15、most original poet of the time,Dramatic monologue,戏剧独白诗 一个叙述者(这个叙述者一般不是诗人本身)在一个非常特别或者重要的场景下,说的话就组成了整个诗篇。 在整首诗中,独白者与一个或多个听众沟通或交流,但我们对这些听众说的话,做的事,只有通过这个独白中的线索才能知道。 通过诗人对独白者语言的选择和控制,我们可以充分了解到独白者的性格和气质,这样使诗歌读起来更有趣。,In his hand, dramatic monologue reaches its maturity and perfection. (p. 283) In a dramat

16、ic monologue, the character is made to talk about their lives, and about their minds and hearts.,My Last Duchess我已故的公爵夫人 -his best known dramatic monologue (p.287) The Ring and the Book戒指和书-his masterpiece,George Eliot,Mary Ann Evans A woman novelist,Her works,Adam Bede亚当贝德 The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河

17、上的磨坊 Silas Marner织工马南 Middlemarch米德尔马契 -her greatest work,Achievements,1. Initiates a new type of realism 2. Naturalistic and psychological novel 3. in her works, she seeks to present the inner struggle of a soul and to reveal the motives动机, impulses冲动 and hereditary遗传 influences which govern human

18、action。 4. a particular concern for the destiny of women.,Naturalism自然主义,自然主义(Le Naturalisme)是文学艺术创作中的一种倾向。作为创作方法,自然主义一方面排斥浪漫主义的想象、夸张、抒情等主观因素,另一方面轻视现实主义对现实生活的典型概括,而追求绝对的客观性,崇尚单纯地描摹自然,着重对现实生活的表面现象作记录式的写照,并企图以自然规律特别是生物学规律解释人和人类社会。 Darwins Origin of Species 物种起源 The survival of the fittest适者生存,在文学艺术上,以

19、“按照事物本来的样子去摹仿”作为出发点的自然主义创作倾向,是同现实主义创作倾向一样源远流长的。,Middlemarch,米德尔马契 One of the most mature works in English literary history. A panoramic view of life in a small English town, Middlemarch, and its surrounding countryside in the mid 19th century. Mainly about the lives of Dorothea Brooke and Tertius Ly

20、dgate. (P. 293),Main Characters,Dorothea Brooke Casaubon Will Ladislaw Lydgate .,Thomas Hardy,托马斯哈代 born near Dorchester多尔切斯特(英国英格兰南部城市) , the area that later became the famous “Wessex韦塞克斯 ” in many of his novels(p.299) Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. 过度时期作家(p.301),His works,Hardys

21、 novels are all Victorian in date. Most of them are set in Wessex (p. 300) a naturalistic writer 自然主义作家 A major theme: conflict between the traditional and the modern,Naturalism自然主义,自然主义(Le Naturalisme)是文学艺术创作中的一种倾向。作为创作方法,自然主义一方面排斥浪漫主义的想象、夸张、抒情等主观因素,另一方面轻视现实主义对现实生活的典型概括,而追求绝对的客观性,崇尚单纯地描摹自然,着重对现实生活的

22、表面现象作记录式的写照,并企图以自然规律特别是生物学规律解释人和人类社会。 Darwins Origin of Species 物种起源 The survival of the fittest适者生存,Under the Greenwood绿林荫下 Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣 Tess of the DUrbervilles德伯家的苔丝 Jude the Obscure无名的裘德 The Return of the Native还乡 The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市市长,Tess of the DUrbervilles,One of

23、 the best and most popular work by Hardy A fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society The capitalist invasion into the country and destruction of the English peasantry (p.303),Characters and the story,Tess Angel Clare Alec,The Modern Period,现代时期 from the second half of the 1

24、9th century and the early decades of the 20th century,Historical Background,First World War Second World War Philosophical ideas in Western Europe: Karl Marx and Engels: Scientific Socialism科学社会主义 Darwins theory of evolution进化论,Einsteins theory of relativity相对论 Freuds analytical psychology 分析心理学 Irr

25、ationalism非理性主义(irrational philosophy),Modernism现代主义,1. rose out of skepticism and disillusion of capitalism: 源于对资本主义的怀疑和幻灭 2. French symbolism(象征主义) heralded(预示的来临) Modernism Expressionism(表现主义) surrealism超现实主义 futurism未来主义 Dadaism达达主义(崇尚虚无的艺术派别) ,imagism 意象派 stream of consciousness意识流,3. Modernism

26、 takes the irrational philosophy(非理性哲学) and the theory of psycho-analysis(心理分析理论) as its theoretical base. 4. Theme: the distorted扭曲的, alienated疏远的 and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. (p.312-313),4. more on the private than on the public,

27、more on the subjective than on the objective. 5. the inner being of an individual. 6. a reaction against realism 7. Major figures: Kafka卡夫卡, Picasso毕加索, Pound庞德, Eliot艾略特, Joyce乔伊斯, Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚伍尔夫,Literature,Realist novels(现实主义小说): a continuation of the Victorian tradition Outstanding realist

28、 novelists: John Galsworthy:约翰高尔斯华绥 H.G. Wells乔治威尔斯 Arnold Bennett阿诺德班尼特,Modernist Novels,Stream-of-consciousness novels: 意识流小说 James Joyce詹姆斯乔伊斯 Ulysses (尤利西斯) Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚伍尔夫Mrs. Dalloway黛洛维夫人 E.M. Forster福斯特 A Passage to India印度之旅,D.H. Lawrence劳伦斯 :,Rainbow彩虹 Women in Love 恋爱中的女人,Drama,Osca

29、r Wilde奥斯卡王尔德 George Bernard Shaw乔治萧伯纳 Irish National Theater Movement 爱尔兰民族戏剧运动-led by W. B Yeats (叶芝) Poetic drama: Murder in the Cathedral大教堂谋杀案 by T.S. Eliot(艾略特) Theatre of Absurd荒诞派戏剧: Waiting for Godot等待戈多 by Samuel Beckett贝克特,George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳,The best-known English dramatist since Shak

30、espeare Novelist Critic of music and drama More than 50 plays,His works,Early plays: Widowers Houses鳏夫的房产 -A realistic exposure of slum landlordism贫民窟的地主主义的揭露 Mr.s Warrens Profession华伦夫人的职业 -the economic oppression of women. (p. 332),History plays: Caesar and Cleopatra凯撒和克莉奥佩特拉 Plays that explore hi

31、s idea of “Life Force”: Man and Superman:人与超人 Back to Methuselah:回到玛士撒拉,Other plays: The Apple Cart: 苹果车 John Bulls other Island: 英国佬的另一个岛 Pygmalion: 皮格马利翁 Getting Married Misalliance 错姻缘 Fannys first Play范尼的第一部戏剧 The Doctors Dilemma医生的困境 Too True to Be Good矛盾,Features of his plays,1. a realistic dr

32、amatist followed the great tradition of realism (p. 323) 2. Characterization人物塑造: showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. (p. 323) 3. inversion反转: an integral part of an interpretation of life. (p. 323),Inversion is also used in character portrayal to achieve comic effects: hero

33、as a villain, villain as a hero. (p. 324) 4. Shaws plays have plots, but they dont work by plots: talk, the dialogue.,Mrs. Warrens Profession,华伦夫人的职业 About the economic oppression of women. Characters: Mrs. Warren: keeping brothels. Vivie: her daughter,John Galsworthy约翰高尔斯华绥,Novelist and playwright

34、Man of Property有产业的人 The Silver Box银盒子,His works,The Forsyte Saga福尔赛世家 : a trilogy(三部曲) The Man of Property有产业的人 In Chancery骑虎 (进退两难) To Let(出租),A Modern Comedy 现代喜剧 End of the Chapter 尾声,The Man of Property,First novel of the Forsyte trilogy About the ups and downs of the Forsyte family from 1886-1

35、926 Characters Soames Irene Bosinney,Theme: human relationship is an extension of property relationship.,William Butler Yeats叶芝,Born in Dublin, Ireland Director of Irish National Dramatic Society爱尔兰国家戏剧协会 Noble Prize for literature in 1923 To write about Ireland for an Irish audience To recreate a s

36、pecifically Irish literature poet,His works,Early romantic poems: The Lake Isle of Innisfree梦茵湖岛 The Man Who Dreamed of Faeryland 梦见仙境的人 Delicate with natural imagery, dreamlike atmosphere and musical beauty (p. 352),Modernist poems: Nietzsche 尼采 French Symbolism法国象征主义 John Donnes metaphysical poetr

37、y但恩的玄学诗歌 Ezra Pound庞德 and T.S. Eliot 艾略特,No second Troy没有第二个特洛伊 September 1913 Sailing to Byzantium驶向拜占庭 Leda and the Swan丽达与天鹅,Reading,The Lake Ise of Innisfree梦茵湖岛 Fairyland Hermit Beauty of nature,Down by the Salley Garden,柳园里 Love,T.S Eliot艾略特,Born in USA, took English citizenship in 1927 Harvar

38、d and Oxford: philosophy and logic, literature Elizabethan literature, the Italian Renaissance and Indian mystical philosophy of Buddhism, French Symbolist poetry,Editor of Egoist-a magazine advocating Imagism意象派 Editor of The Criterion标准 Nobel Prize 1948,His works(p.358),Poetry: two periods 1915-19

39、25: theme: decay衰退 of culture, disintegration瓦解 of life (p.358) Psychological,The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Prufrock) J阿尔弗瑞德普鲁弗洛克的情歌 Gerontion: 小老头 The Waste Land 荒原 The Hollow Man 空心人,Waste Land(p.359-360),Most important single poem A landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry p

40、hysical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world现代西方世界的混乱和精神废墟. Disillusionment and despair幻灭与绝望,Spiritual breakup of a modern civilization in which human being has lost its meaning, significance and purpose Peoples disillusionment and frustration (p.360),Ash Wednesday圣灰星期三(复活节前

41、的第七个星期三) Four Quartets 四个四重奏,Plays,Murder in the Cathedral (1935)大教堂谋杀案 The Family Reunion (1939)团圆 The Cocktail Party (1950)鸡尾酒会 The Confidential Clerk (1954)机要秘书 The Elder Statesman (1959) 资深政客,Essays,Tradition and Individual Talent 传统与个人才能 -importance of tradition A poets mind should remain inert

42、呆滞的 and neutral 中立的towards his subject matter.,PrufrockJ阿尔弗瑞德普鲁弗洛克的情歌,Eliots most striking early achievement. the meditation冥想 of an aging young man over the business of proposing marriage求婚. Dramatic monologue 戏剧独白,D.H Lawrence,one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century more than 10

43、novels,His works,The White Peacock 白孔雀 The Trespasser逾矩的罪人 Sons and Lovers 儿子与情人(autobiographical novel (p.369)) Rainbow彩虹 (p. 370) Women in Love 恋爱中的女人(p.370),Rainbow(p.370),A story about the three generations of the Brangwen family on the Marsh farm. Tom and Lydia- a model, true love Anna and Will

44、-physical passion Ursula -social corruption that accompanies the progress of human civilization (p. 370),First time for Lawrence to combine social criticism with psychological exploration in his novel writing. (p. 371),Women in Love 恋爱中的女人(p.371),A novel about two pairs of lovers Ursula Brangwen and Gerald Crich Gudrun and Rupert Birkin,Lady Chatterleys Lover 查泰莱夫人的情人 -a return to nature.,Features,1. social criticism combined with psy


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