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1、Are you ready?,Football match begin at once,Wonderful wait.,proucer,5,4,3,Football match START,Welcome to the world of football,伦理曹斌,Article Directories,Soccer star style and football star power,足球运动发展史 Football History,足球运动的认识General knowledge of football,德国人说:“小孩踢上足球可以成为大人,大人踢上足球可以成为绅士”。German sai

2、d: The kids play on the football can become adults, adults play on the football can be a gentleman.,英国人干脆称:“足球就是绅士的运动”。 British altogether, said: Football is a gentlemans sport.,第一节、足球运动的特点,整体性 思想统一 行动一致,足球的团队和整体性,unity is strength.that is an old CHINESE saying,but now it is a well-spread phrese amo

3、ng our whole world! bacon once said unity is the key to sucess,and it does.。 Football itself is fun, and team spirit is the soul of football.A game without a team of hard work and good players it is difficult to rival.German football has always been known as a team, the Dutch Code of Practice for th

4、e entire attack, the Argentine master of the steel.Team spirit is the true essence of football.In fact, for a team, the most dangerous thing was internal discord and internal unity, will be able to conquering, internal discord, and your spirit is bound to damage the enemy without fighting the soldie

5、rs.Team members need both good charge forward, also need excellent leadership strategist.Enhance the standard rules,对抗性 同场对抗 冲撞到地 200次以上,Adversarial confrontation with the market crash to the ground more than 200,多变性技术变化战术变化,Soccer fields are changing the need for technical and tactical,艰辛性 实践90分钟 奔

6、跑6000-12000米 完成上百种技术动作,Every football player needs to run 6000-12000 m,易行性 场地可大可小 人数可多可少 时间可长可短 器材可有可无,Football players to make changes at any time,第二节、足球运动的作用,一、有利于良好的心理品质及思想品德的形成,The role of football,Football is conducive to enhance the psychological quality,二、有利于增强体质、促进健康,约瑟夫,布拉特,(Joseph.S.Blatte

7、r,瑞士)出生于1936年3月10日。1998年当选国际足联第七任主席,Football is conducive to enhancing physical,三、有利于精神文明建设,Football is conducive to spiritual civilization,四、有利于振奋民族精神,Conducive to inspire the national spirit of football,五、有利于人际交往和国际交往,Conducive to interpersonal and international relations,六、有利于国家税收,Favorable finan

8、cial and tax,古代足球运动,Ancient football comes from China Cuju古代的足球源于中国 Cuju football originated in China in ancient。 China is the home of football, football is the birthplace of Shandong Zibo Linzi,呈现古代蹴鞠的场面,This picture shows the following: a group of people playing kickball,现代足球运动起源于英格兰,诞生于1863年10月26

9、日,标志是:统一了竞赛规则,Modern football originated in England, was born in October 26, 1863, marked: unified competition rules,现代足球运动在 法国卢梭,Picture shows the French celebrity Rousseau,1867年英国哈罗公学的一支11人制足球队,Here are some of the early football picture,1889年普雷斯顿队战胜汉普顿队,1895年英国妇女俱乐部队举行的第一场足球比赛,1932年阿森纳或英国足总杯冠军,足球

10、竞赛规则简析,The analysis of soccer Rules,足球竞赛规则的基本精神The basic spirit of the Competition Rules,足球竞赛规则的基本精神,足球竞赛规则是裁判员临场执法的准绳,虽有十七章和很多条款,但概括起来其基本精神有四条: 一、是对等的原则,即对比赛双方一视同仁; 二、是保护运动员健康; 三、是促进足球技、战术的发展; 四、是提高比赛的观赏性。,Competition Rules Football Referees law enforcement is the criterion, although many provision

11、s of Chapter Seventeen, but it summed up the basic spirit has four: One, is the equivalence principle, namely for the game both equally, Second, is to protect the athletes health; Third, is to promote the development of football skills and tactics, Four, is to improve the appreciation of the game.,第

12、一章比赛场地,kickoff circle / center circle,sideline,goal area,midfield,end line,halfway line,penalty area,field / pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈 halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 penalty mark (点球)罚球点 penalty area 禁区(罚球区) goal area 小禁区(

13、球门区),球门,场地规格,世界杯比赛场地的长为105米、宽为68米,World Cup venue is 105 meters long, 68 meters wide,世界杯足球比赛场地,Old Trafford,Old Trafford( : the trafford ) is located in the manchester city on the west of england.it is the big club, manchester uniteds home, the worlds most famous football one of capacity : 76212 fro

14、m 1910. manchester united began to the court as a home, 1941, during world war ii the bomb had been bombed and used to move to manchester city at the maine road race, until in 1949, 老特拉福德球场 to complete the reconstruction.,Emirates Stadium,the emirates stadium ( emirates stadium ), into the air or am

15、eel the court, is an english premier league club today, in the arsenal at the 2006 season - s official opening. the capacity of the people: 60432,Anfield Stadium,Anfield Stadiumgame ( anfield ) stadium, and for the court in england, 晏菲 road west 赛德郡 said liverpool 市安菲尔德区, european football league st

16、ar, and a liverpool football club stadium.,第三章 裁判员的手势,助理裁判员的旗示,比赛开始和重新开始,预备通过掷币,猜中的队决定上半场比赛的进攻方向。另一队开球开始比赛猜中的队在下半场开球开始比赛。下半场比赛两队交换比赛场地。,何谓干扰比赛,处于越位位置的队员与同队持球队员构成传接球关系,何谓干扰对方队员,主要指处于越位位置的队员干扰对方守门员,足球明星和他们的孩子,Soccer stars and their children,马拉多纳和女儿,吉安娜迪诺拉马拉多纳(1989.5.16 昵称吉安妮娜)Gianinna Dionrah Maradona

17、 (Gianinnina) 她嫁给阿根廷队前锋阿圭罗She married Argentine striker Aguero,齐达内和儿子,埃托奥和儿子,保罗-马尔蒂尼和他的儿子,德罗巴和他的儿子,范德萨和儿子,福勒和小女儿,基恩和孩子们,杰拉德和女儿,卡卡幸福的一家,Kaka is a devout Christian,兰帕德和女儿,劳尔和儿子,罗纳尔多一家,Ronaldos wife is very sexy,穆尼里奥和他的儿子,Mourinho is a madman godfather figure, popular criticism of his experience,内德维德和女

18、儿,欧文和女儿,希勒和两个女儿,小贝和儿子们,战神和儿子们,The 2010 World Cup,VS,VS,2010年南非世界杯四强对阵表【全】 2010世界杯1/2决赛赛程表: 7.7. 2:30 荷兰 vs乌拉圭 7.8. 2:30 德国 vs西班牙,The 2010 World Cup,FIFA World Cup, the world football championships) is the world top level football, with the Olympic Games, F1 called three global top matches. Held ever

19、y four years, any FIFA (FIFA member countries (regions) can be dispatched teams participated in, and the World Cup qualifier mainly divided into two stages and finals.,、中国足球运动,History of the development of Chinese football,19131923年旧中国获得远东运动会第2至第6届足球比赛冠军,1992年 德国人克劳斯施拉普纳被聘请为中国足球队的主教练,成为执掌中国国家队帅印的第二位

20、外国人。 1992年6月 中国足协在北京西郊红山口召开工作会议,即“红山口会议”。会议以改革为主题,决定把足球作为体育改革的突破口。确立了中国足球要走职业化道路的发展方向。 1992年12月31日-1993年2月28日 由于1993年全运会取消了联赛,中国足协为举办全新的联赛,在广东试验举行了全国俱乐部队(甲级A组)锦标赛,辽宁队获得冠军。在重庆和南宁进行的甲级B组比赛中,广西队夺得第一名。 1993年5月-6月 中国足球队在第15届世界杯亚洲区小组赛中,阴沟翻船,0:1输给也门队,最终未能从小组出线。,中国足球的编年:Historical records of Chinese football,1993年6月 国家体委主任伍绍祖在成都展示了中国足球的十年前景,称中国男子足球队要在1998年打进世界杯决赛圈,2002年世界杯进入前十六名。 1993年9月15日 辽宁队在第七届全运会男子足球赛中荣获冠军,这是该队自1984年以来在国内甲级联赛、足协杯赛和


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