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1、高二英语下学期期中考试试卷一、 听力 (共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)Listen to the conversations and then choose the best answers. A. Listen to conversation1 and choose the best answers to question 1 and question 2: 1. What is the man working now? A. He is working as an engineer in Maryland.B. He is working in Harvard University .C

2、. He is working in the National Motors Factory.2. Where did the man grow up? A. In MarylandB. In New York C. In HarvardListen to conversation2 and choose the best answers to question3 ,4,and 5.:3. What does the man want to mail?A. Some books and tapesB. Tapes and radiosC. Some boxes and tapes4. How

3、long does it take if it goes by regular mail? A. One or two weeksB. One or two monthsC. Two or three months5. How much does the man have to pay?A. 100 yuanB. 65 yuan C. 165 yuanB. Listen to the passage and then choose the best answers to fill in the form.The Language Study FairDates: 17th to 19th Ma

4、rch Place: National Education CentreFair includes: 1. stands with textbooks2. _6_ by educational speakers3. exhibition of furniture4. demonstrations of latest computer programsOpening hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday Tickets:$ 5 or $3 for _7_Tickets c

5、an be booked by ringing the hotline on _8_6. A. textbooksB. talksC. materials7. A. a full-time studentB. a full-time teacherC. a full-time visitor8. A. 948 1177B. 894 7711C. 984 7711 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳答案。9. My TV is out of order. Can you tell me what the _ news is about Ira

6、q War? A. latelyB. latestC. laterD. latter10. We stood there _at the _ sight.A. frightened; frightfulB. frightening; frightfulC. fright; frightening D. frightful; fright11. The good policy _ a lot to the economic development.A. gives B. contributesC. causesD. benefits12. My sister met him at the Gra

7、nd Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _ your lecture.A. couldnt have attendedB. neednt have attendedC. mustnt have attendedD. shouldnt have attended13. As we joined the big crowd, I got_ from my friends.A. separatedB. sparedC. lostD. missed14. A new cinema _ here. They hope to finish it next month.A

8、. will be built B. is builtC. has been builtD. is being built 15. Do you like the new pen?Yes, it _ very well. A. is writtenB. is writingC. writesD. wrote 16. He will show you the right path _.A. talkingB. takenC. to be taken D. to take17. When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ So

9、rry to miss you; will call later.A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading18. _, Ill go over all these lessons before the exam.A. If time will permitB. Time permitsC. Time permittedD. Time permitting19. Is that 110? A thief is in my house Ok, help is _. A. in the way B. in its way C. on the way D. by the

10、way20. He got to the station hurriedly only _ the train had gone. A. to tell B. telling C. told D. to be told21. Excuse me? _ How can I get to the nearest post office? A. Thats OK! B. Pardon? C. Whats wrong D. Yes?22. He walked down the hills, _softly to himself. A. sing B. singing C. sung D. to sin

11、g 23. He buried the money, without anyone _ where it was.A. knowingB. knownC. was knowingD. was to know. 完形填空 (20分)Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices, factories or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this _ 24_ they have to get up

12、earlier in the morning and reach _ 25_ later in the evening.One benefit of living outside London is _ 26 _ houses are _27_ . Even a small flat in London _28_ a garden costs quite a lot _29_ . With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of _ 30_ own.Then, in the count

13、ry one can be free from the noise and hurry of the town. _31_ one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep _32_ at night, and, during weekends and _33_ summer evenings, one can enjoy the _34_ clean air of the country. If one _35_ gardens, one can spend ones spare t

14、ime digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which _36_ in the garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables _37_ , one has the reward(报偿) of a person who has shared the secrets of _38_ .Some people, however, take _39_ in country things; for them, _40_ lies in the town, w

15、ith its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would _41_ that their life was not worth _42_ if they had to live it outside London. A walk in one of the parks and a visit _43_ the sea every summer is all the country they want.24. A. shows B.

16、expressesC. meansD. requires25. A. homeB. familyC. flatD. house26.A. becauseB. thatC. heD. all27.A. cleanerB. nicerC. biggerD. cheaper28.A. withB. withoutC. nearD. opposite29.A. to giveB. to lendC. to borrowD. to hire30.A. itsB. itsC. onesD. their31.A. IfB. AlthoughC. BecauseD. After32.A. littleB. l

17、essC. longerD. better33.A. onB. forC. atD. by34.A. coldB. warmC. freshD. pleasant35.A. pleasesB. likesC. wantsD. interests36.A. needB. neededC. are needingD. are needed37.A. come onB. come toC. come upD. come over38.A. mankindB. societyC. scienceD. nature39.A. no interestB. an interestC. much intere

18、stD. great interest40.A. healthB. happinessC. wealthD. future41.A. knowB. feelC. understandD. hope42.A. to liveB. to spendC. livingD. spending43.A. forB. toC. ofD. at A The following is from Clintons remarks at Beijing University. I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of Chinas leade

19、rs about the critical importance to your future, of building a strong partnership (伙伴关系) between China and the United States. Over the last 100 years, this university has grown to more than 20 000 students. Your graduates are spread throughout China and around the world. You have built the largest u

20、niversity library in all of Asia. Last year,20 percent of your graduates went abroad to study, including half of your maths and science majors. And in this anniversary year, more than a million people in China, Asia, and beyond have logged on (上网) to your web site. The new century is upon us. All ou

21、r sights are turned toward the future. Now your country has know more millennia (千年) than the United States has known centuries. Today, however, China is as young as any nation on Earth. This new century can be the dawn of a new China, proud of your ancient greatness, proud of what you are doing, pr

22、oud still of the tomorrow to come. It can be a time when the world again looks to China for the vigor of its culture, the freshness of its thinking, the elevation of human dignity (人类尊严的升华) that is apparent in its works. It can be a time when the oldest of nations helps to make a new world. 44. Clin

23、tons speech suggests _. A. it is important of the next generation to become leaders of ChinaB. the younger generation will be pioneers in building their countryC. the future leader of China will come from Beijing UniversityD. the students in Beijing University will give the next generation a lead45.

24、 Last year _ began to study in foreign countries. A. 20 percent students of maths and scienceB. 10 percent of the graduates who majored in maths and scienceC. 20 percent students who graduated from universities in BeijingD. 10 percent of the students of maths and science46. The words “in China, Asia

25、, and beyond” in the second paragraph mean _. A. in China and the countries around China in AsiaB. in China and its neighborC. just in China and Asia, excluding other countriesD. throughout the world47. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?A. The new century will be proud of Chinas yesterday

26、, today and tomorrow. B. China has made great achievements in all fields. C. The twenty-first century is coming to us. We are expecting it. D. China is as young as, if not younger than, the U. S. 48. President Clinton thinks highly of China, for_. A. China will be full of vigor and play an important

27、 part in the new centuryB. China will be the first to go into the new centuryC. China will build a new worldD. the twenty-first century will be the century of China BHave you ever heard of Angel Falls? Its the highest waterfall in the world, deep in the jungles of Venezuela. Few people have ever see

28、n Angel Falls. Its very hard to get there. If you went by land, you would have to travel for weeks through thick jungles. If you went by plane from Caracas, a city on the northern coast, it would take about four hours. What would it be like to take a trip by plane from Caracas to the falls? For hund

29、reds of miles you would fly southeast over green plains. Then the land would become higher and you see mountains with forests. Soon the land would level out to high plateaus(高原). Finally, you would fly toward a deep valley steep, rocky sides. Suddenly you would see a silver thread in the distance. T

30、hen as your plane flew closer, you would see the waterfall more clearly. You would see water falling over half a mile straight down the cliff. It is a sight you would never forget. No one knew about this high waterfall until 1930. In that year James Angel, an American pilot flew over the areas. As h

31、e was flying over the mountains and valleys, he suddenly saw a waterfall. It was an unforgettable sight, the water seemed to be dropping straight out of the clouds. In 1941 an American expedition explored and measured the falls. From the top to the bottom, the water falls more than 3,200 feet. These

32、 falls are over 1 000 feet higher than any other falls in the world.49. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world. B. Many people go to see Angel Falls every year.C. Angel Falls is in Venezuela. D. Angel Falls looks like a silver thread in the distance.

33、 50. Angel Falls was named after . A. an AmericanB. a pilot of CaracasC. an American expedition D. a deep valley51. If you travel to Angel Falls by air, which is the correct order of what you do and see? a. fly toward a deep valley with steep, rocky sidesb. the land becomes higher c. take a plane fr

34、om Caracas cliff d. the water falls straight down the cliff e. fly southeast over green plains f. see a silver thread in the distance A. c, e, b, a, d, f B. a, c, b, d, f, C. c, d, a, b, e, f D. c, e, b, a, f, d52. The best headline for this passage would be . A. A Trip to Angel FallsB. An Unforgett

35、able SightC. Angel FallsD. Waterfalls in the World CWhen we walk through the city, we all experience a kind of information overload but we pay attention only to those that are important to us. We dont stop, we keep our faces expressionless and eyes straight ahead, and in doing so, we are not just pr

36、otecting ourselves but are avoiding overloading other people as well. We make use of stereotypes(刻板的模式)as convenient ways to make quick judgments about situations and people around us. They may not always be accurate(正确的),and they can often be dangerously wrong, but they are used regularly. The prob

37、lem with the stereotypes is that they restrict experience. By using limited clues to provide us with a rapid opinion of other people or places we may choose to limit our communication. We may decide not to go to certain places because we believe they will not offer something we enjoy. In the city, s

38、tyles of dress are particularly important with regard to self-presentation. Different groups often use clearly identifiable styles of clothes so that they can be easily recognized. It is becoming increasingly common for brand names to be placed on the outside of clothes, and this labeling makes it e

39、asy to send out information about fashion and price instantly, and lets others tell at a distance whether an individual has similar tastes and is a suitable person to associate with. In England, where social grouping or class continues to make social distinctions(区分),clothes, hairstyles, peoples pro

40、nunciation and the manner of speaking are all clues to our social group. Class distinctions tend to be relatively fixed, although in the city where greater variety is permitted, they are more likely to be secondary determining factors of friendship and association.53. .People walking in cities ignor

41、e the surroundings because .Athey do not wish to talk to other peopleBeveryone else is expressionlessCthe environment is already familiar to themDthere is too much information to take in 54. According to the passage, the main disadvantage of using stereotypes is that they .Aare likely to lead us int

42、o dangerous situationsBmay make us miss some pleasant experienceCcan rarely be relied onDmake us mentally lazy55. From the passage we may conclude that .Astereotypes can help to understand people fullyBpeople are becoming more interested in fashionCdressing can send messages about individualsDstereo

43、types can do more harm than good to people56. It would appear that in England, a persons class .Amight be less important in making friends in a cityBis mainly determined by his pronunciationCplays less of a role than it did in the past Dis something that can be changed easily. DWant to find a job? N

44、ow read the following advertisement. FAIREMONT HOTEL Five waiters and ten waitresses;- Aged under 22- At least high school graduates- Good- looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women at least 1.65- Those knowing foreign languages favored- Paid 1600-2200 dollars per month One secretary:- Aged u

45、nder 30- Females favored- Good at writing and skilled at computers If interested, call 465-4768 or write to : Mr Jack Hundris Room 0825, Fairemont Hotel 567 Wood Street, San Marers,78003 Fax: 6954828WILSON BOOKSTOREAccountant (会计):- Aged between 25 and 40- With an experience of at least two years- W

46、ith a degree and an accountant certificate- Paid 3000-4000 dollars monthly- With a practical knowledge of computer. Computer salesclerk:- Aged 25 or less. - Basic education of 12 years or more.- Good at computer.- Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthly.Tel: 447-4398Fax: 348526957. If you dont know how to us

47、e a computer, you can just apply for the position as _ A. a secretary B. a waiter or waitress C. an accountant D. a salesclerk58. If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following conditions except _.A. being a woman B. knowing well how to use a com

48、puterC. having been an accountantD. having an accountant certificate59. If you want to try for a job in Fairemont Hotel, you _A. have to be a woman and know foreign languagesB. should be a university graduateC, have to be taller than 1.72 metersD. should be younger than 30 years of age60. Who can mo

49、st likely get the job? A. A woman of 26 years old with basic education of 15 years B. a woman of 23 years old with basic education of 17 years C. A man of 35 years old with basic education of 8 years D. a man of 24 years old whose major is computer with basic education of 13 years old第四部分:写(共三节,满分23分)1. 单词拼写: (共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)61. Tell the visitor I am not a_ to


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