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1、unit 1 know your self integrated skills,镇江市布善初中国王平静,lunar calendar animal sign represent appear fixed cycle powerful,adj .月n.日历n .黄道带vt。代表符号VI。出现adj。固定n .循环adj .功能强大的words phrase review,lively practical loyal in all star sign divide o.shape,adj .活泼生气勃勃的adj .实际adj .忠诚的总和,总计n .星座vt .六。分离,分割。

2、分割。vt .形成,形成,Words Prase Review,Aries Sagittarius,Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces,Taurus,starsigns,A,b horse : lively sheep : gentle monkey : clever rooster : practical dog : loyal pig : honest,in the Chinese lunar calendar ,a Millie is listening to a radio programme about animal signs,Star signs and pers

3、onalities . she is making some notes . listen to the programme(p15),Chinese animal signs animal signs 3360 12 in all,each re presenting a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in donkey Some people believe that people born under the same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ may millie is writing about what s

4、he has learnt from the radio . listen to the programme again and help millie complete the as,In the Chinese lunar calendar there are 12 animal signs . some people believe that people born under the same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ may have in western countries,A year is divided into A cycle of _ _ _ _ star sign

5、s . your star sign depends on your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ star、more careful、powerful、12、date of birth、star sign、do animal signs or star signs really tell anythin No,not reallyit is you who shape your life and your future。fun、1。lively生动lively-living aliving the boy was still living/alive . he was the only

6、 person alive活跃)there are no living things on the me(形容词,活的,公式名词放在名词前面)Many animals live in the wild。(动词,生活)the football mm实况转播),2 .divide o有事。sth .分成be divided into分为E.G .我们分了四份蛋糕。lets _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thecake _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ four。老师们把全班分成四组。(注)thete acher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thew hole cl

7、ass _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ four groups。thewhoups Was divided,into,在西方,是将一年划分为循环的固定星座,in western countries,a year is divided into a cycle of fixed star signs,3 depend on你的be similar in表示。方面相似。1我们的教科书在颜色上很相似。2.他的观点和我相当相似。3.具有相似个性,出生在同一属相下的人,Our books are similar only in colour,his ideas are quite similar to

8、mine,people born under the same animal sign may have simimine填空angry angrily,his father looked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at him . his father looked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Speakup(2) How about Joes personality?(3) What is Julies animal sign?(4) What about Julies personality?Whats the fact?the tiger、brave、the sheep、it s

9、ays that shes gentle、but in fact、she gets angry easily、language points、it it,Practise,我爸爸给了我零花钱。its my father who gives me my pocket money,it is said that people born in the year of the tiger are brave,it is said that.是固定句子,据说科举分词短语观看了在郑语、Practise,巴西举行的2014年世界杯足球联赛的大部分。it is said that he watched mos

10、t games of the 2014 FIFA world cup held in Brazil。点击,I .按照提示用正确的单词形式填空。1 .He suddenly_ _ _ _(显示)in the room . 2 . is the date of the wedding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _its hard work teaching a class of _ _ _ _ _ _ _(活跃)children . 4 . at the end of the lecture,Id like all the students to _账单一共是25英镑。The bill came to 25 _。2.牙齿大作家已经给孩子们写了很多故事。据说一本


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