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1、Unit 3 The world online,. 立体记单词 快速识记 1. _ (n. ) 命令;控制;掌握 (vt. ) 命令;指挥;控制 2. _ (vt. ) 宣称,断言;索取,认领 (n. ) 声明,断言;索款,索赔 3. _ (vi. ) 通信;相一致,符合;相当于 4. _ (vt. ) 探讨,解决,处理;向说话;称呼(某人) 5. _ (adj. ) 虚假的,伪造的;错误的;人造的 6. _ (vi. look into“调查”; compare with“和相比”。,3. (2015宿迁模拟)I know this is not quite the right word,

2、but I cant be _ to think of a better one. A. disturbed B. bothered C. troubled D. worried 【解析】选B。句意: 我知道这个词不完全准确, 但我不想费心再想一个更恰当的了。bother“费心, 麻烦”, cant be bothered to do sth. “不想费力做某事”。disturb“打扰, 妨碍, 使不安”; trouble“麻烦”; worry“焦躁不安”。,4. Our _ resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the adv

3、antages of developing their businesses. A. generous B. limited C. narrow D. abundant 【解析】选D。句意: 我们丰富的资源及稳定的政策为外国人提供了发展他们的公司的有利条件。abundant“丰富的”, 符合句意。generous“慷慨的”; limited“有限的”; narrow“窄的”。,5. (2015南通知名中学模拟)The US government threatened that it would _ all its investment from the country if the count

4、ry didnt reduce the customs duties. A. take B. move C. withdraw D. draw 【解析】选C。句意: 美国政府威胁如果这个国家不减少海关各种关税, 它将会从这个国家撤回所有投资。withdraw“撤回”, 符合句意。take“拿出”; move“移动”; draw“提取”。,. 常考短语 1. turn to 转身;求助于;致力于 【思维激活试一试】 When you arrive at the first crossing,_ _ the left. 当你到达第一个十字路口时,向左转。,turn,to,【知识构建记一记】 tur

5、n to sb. for help 向某人求助 turn down 拒绝;关小;调低 turn out 结果是;证明是 take turns to do. . . /in doing. . . 轮流做 in turn 依次,轮流;相应地 by turns 轮流地,I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than turn to my parents. 我设法自立而不求助于我的父母。 As it turned out, he lost his job because of being late frequently. 结果,因为经常迟到,他丢了工作。

6、,2. drop out 退学,辍学;退出,脱离 【思维激活试一试】 Peter _ _ before completing the race because of his injury. 因为受伤,彼得在比赛还未结束时就退出了。,dropped,out,【知识构建记一记】 drop behind 落后 drop down 倒下;突然停止 drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人 drop into 顺路到;陷入状态 drop off 下降,减少;打盹儿,小睡 drop by/in/round 顺便拜访,顺便进入,She dropped out of college. 她大学中途辍学了。 I

7、f you are in our neighbourhood, be sure to drop in on us. 如果你到我们社区来,一定要来我们这儿玩。,【要点拾遗】 keep. . . in mind 记住,牢记 【思维激活试一试】 Its a good idea and Ill _ _ _ _. 这是个好主意,我要记在心里。,keep,it,in,mind,【知识构建记一记】 have sth. /sb. in mind 心中考虑到某物/人 change ones mind 改变主意 make up ones mind 下定决心 call/bring. . . to mind 使想起;

8、回忆 Never mind! 不要紧/没关系/不用担心! Thats not what I had in mind. 我想要的不是那个。,【即学即练】 . 用适当的介词、副词填空 1. We must keep _ mind that pride goes before a fall. 2. I think there are other things to take _ consideration there. 3. Since were League members, we should set a good example _ others. 4. If you love someone

9、, you will like all that belongs _ him. 5. Can you drop the kids _ at school this morning?,in,into,to,to,off,6. I cant tell my parents about it; I dont know who to turn _. 7. The manager drops in _ the boss office several times a day. 8. The letters PRC stand _ the Peoples Republic of China.,to,at,f

10、or,. 完成句子 1. He was running for monitor, but _ (退出) when he knew he couldnt win. 2. The police and the volunteers _ the forest _(仔细搜寻)the lost puma from the zoo. 3. My son gave me _(一束) beautiful flowers and a beautiful sweater last Mothers Day. 4. Do not hesitate to _(向求助)us if you are in difficult

11、y. 5. We told him that our services were completely _(受他支配).,dropped out,combed,for,a bunch of,turn to,at his command,6. He learns easily and _(而且), he remembers what he has learnt. 7. Time goes by quietly and the past doesnt _(属于) us. 8. People usually eat mooncakes which _(代表)a happy reunion on Mi

12、d-Autumn Day. 9. What you have told me may _(有影响) to my own position. 10. I would very much appreciate it if you could _ our suggestion _(把考虑在内).,what is more,belong to,stand for,make a difference,take,into consideration,. 单项填空 1. Mr. Richard was disappointed that many students who had signed up for

13、 his adventure course _ at the last moment. A. left out B. got out C. passed out D. dropped out 【解析】选D。考查动词短语。句意: 理查德先生感到很失望, 因为很多报名参加他的冒险课程的学生在最后时刻退出了。drop out“退出, 脱离”, 符合句意。,【加固训练】(2015南京模拟)On the way to the Summer Palace, we _ Beijing University. A. dropped off B. dropped out of C. dropped into D

14、. dropped behind 【解析】选C。句意: 去颐和园的路上我们顺便去参观了北京大学。drop off“减少”; drop out of“退出”; drop into“顺路进入”; drop behind“落后”。,2. I dropped in _ her on my way home. A. at B. for C. on D. to 【解析】选C。句意: 在回家的途中, 我顺便拜访了她。drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人, 符合题意。,3. Shes having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn

15、t know whom to _ . A. turn to B. look for C. turn against D. turn around 【解析】选A。句意: 她在使用新电脑方面遇到了许多困难, 但她不知道向谁求助。turn to sb. 向某人求助, 符合句意。,4. (2015苏南五校联考)New computers are soon out of date since newer models are _ constantly. A. turned up B. turned out C. turned down D. turned over 【解析】选B。句意: 由于更加新型的电

16、脑不断地被生产出来, 新电脑很快就会过时。turn up出现; turn down拒绝; turn over翻身, 翻转。turn out为及物动词短语, 意为“生产或制造”。newer models与turn out之间为被动关系, 故应用被动语态。,【误区警示】本题易误选A项, 但turn up意为“appear(出现)”时为不及物动词短语, 没有被动语态。,5. (2015衡阳模拟)Why does she always ask you for help? There is no one else _ , is there? A. who to turn to B. she can tu

17、rn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn 【解析】选B。考查定语从句。句意: 为什么她总是向你寻求帮助? 这里没有她能寻求帮助的其他人, 不是吗? turn to sb. “向某人寻求帮助”, 此处sb. 为先行词, 在定语从句中作宾语。,. 经典句式 1. Usually,people try to put correct information on the Internet,but not every person bothers to read over their own writing and make corrections. 通常

18、人们会把正确的信息放到互联网上,但是并不是每个人都费心去阅读自己的写作和矫正错误。,【思维激活试一试】句型转换 Every one of them doesnt like English. _ Everything is not bad. _,Not every one of them likes English.,Not everything is bad.,【知识构建记一记】 含有全体意义的代词all,both,everyone,everybody,everything和全体意义的副词,如everywhere,always,together等用于否定结构时只表示部分否定。 I couldn

19、t understand every word. 我不是每个单词都能听懂,【拓展延伸】 当句子中出现no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等否定词时,表示全部否定。,2. Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile. 遵循这些窍门儿的话,你在网上搞研究所花的时间就会更加值得。 【思维激活试一试】仿写句子 _ be admitted to a key university. 更加努力

20、学习你就会考上名牌大学。,Work harder and you will,【知识构建记一记】 (1)“祈使句and陈述句”句型。其中祈使句相当于一个if引导的条件状语从句,and之后的句子相当于主句。 (2)祈使句or/otherwise陈述句。 (3)在“祈使句并列连词陈述句”句型中,也可以用“名词并列连词陈述句”表示。,Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。 A few minutes earlier, and I could have seen the famous scientist. 要是我早来几

21、分钟,就能见到那位著名的科学家了。,【误区点拨悟一悟】 (1)当陈述句是一般将来时或一般现在时的时候,祈使句可转换成真实条件句。 (2)当陈述句的谓语动词是would/should/could/might + 动词原形或完成式时, 祈使句可转换成非真实条件句。 (3)该句型重点是对连接词的考查。and表示前后两句是顺承关系,or表示选择关系。,【要点拾遗】 Without the Internet,these people would have fewer avenues to meet people. 如果没有因特网的话,这些人和别人见面的途径就更少了。 【思维激活试一试】句型转换 If t

22、here were no electricity, human life would be different today. _ _, human life would be different today. 如果没有电,人类现在的生活将会不同。,Without,electricity,【知识构建记一记】 without the Internet相当于if there was no Internet。有时假设的情况并不以条件句的形式出现,而通过一些介词短语表现出来,这种句子叫含蓄虚拟条件句,常用于这种句式的词或短语有or,otherwise,with,without,but for等。 She

23、 came here yesterday, otherwise/or I would not have met her. 她昨天来这里了,否则我就不会遇到她了。 If it had not been for the storm, I would have arrived much earlier. =But for the storm, I would have arrived much earlier. 要不是暴风雨,我就会早到些了。,【即学即练】 . 完成句子 1. _ you would be a good fit for this job? 为什么你认为自己非常适合这项工作? 2. I

24、 _ without your support. 没有你们的支援,我是不会成功的。 3. _ the chance, _ you will regret it. 抓住机会吧, 否则你会遗憾的。 4. _ youll succeed. 再努力一下,你会成功。,Why do you think,wouldnt have succeeded,Take,or/otherwise,One more effort/Make one more effort, and,. 汉译英 1. 你吃得越多,就会越胖。(the比较级. . . ,the比较级. . . ) _ 2. 努力学习,你会及格的。 _,The

25、more you eat, the fatter you will be.,Study hard, and youll pass the exam.,. 单项填空 1. In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, _ . A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will

26、 our holiday be 【解析】选C。该句属于“the more. . . , the more. . . ”句型, 且第二部分应用陈述语序。故选C项。,2. Start out right away, _ youll miss the first train. A. andB. butC. orD. which 【解析】选C。句意: 立刻出发, 否则你会错过第一班火车的。or否则, 符合句意。,3. _ straight on and youll see a church. You wont miss it. A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When g

27、oing 【解析】选A。祈使句+and+陈述句中, 祈使句表示条件或者假设, and后的陈述句经常用sb. will do sth. 这一模式。,4. Which of the two computer games did you prefer? Actually I dont like _ . A. both of them B. either of them C. none of them D. neither of them 【解析】选B。句意: 这两个网络游戏你喜欢哪一个? 说实话, 我两个都不喜欢。not和both连用表示部分否定。none指三者以上的否定, neither指两者都不, 前面有dont, 就不能再和neither搭配使用了。,5. _ , and the problem will be worked out. A. If you have a bit more effort B. Having a little effort C. A bit more effort D. There being a little effort 【解析】选C。句意: 再多努力一点, 这个问题就会


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