七年级英语 Unit 11 How do you get to school 教学案 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语 Unit 11 How do you get to school 教学案 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语 Unit 11 How do you get to school 教学案 人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语 Unit 11 How do you get to school 教学案 人教新目标版_第4页




1、山东省日照经济开发区中学七年级英语 Unit 11 How do you get to school 教学案 人教新目标版一教材分析:本节课作为unit4的第一课时,以How do you get to school?为中心话题,学会交通工具的动词表达方式,谈论如何到达某地,询问到某地有多远,要花费多长时间。新目标英语的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践、能力”,发展“学习策略”。本节课与学生的实际密切相关,易于引发学生用英语进行交际交流,完成听说读写的任务活动。二学生分析: 经过一年的英语学习,基本的拼读已不成问题,同时也具备一定的会话能力,交通工具与其生活息息

2、相关,更容易激起其学习兴趣。三.教学目标1.知识目标:1)掌握乘坐各种交通工具的表达方式take the train /by train ,take the bus/by bus ,ride a bike /by bike , on foot etc.2)学会询问他人如何去某地 How do you get to ?How does he/she get to ?2.能力目标:通过对话交际练习,巩固关于交通的表达方式。3.情感目标:培养学生的人际交往,学会与他人合作,同时还要有一种竞争意识。四、重点、难点本单元的重、难点是学生能较熟练地在口语交际中学会如何的合理的选用交通工具。能自如地运用所学

3、英语进行实际的交流。如何将输入的语言信息在一定的语境下合理输出。五、教学方法及策略1、运用“组内合作,组间竞争”的小组合作机制2、恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,运用了网络视频、音频等有效素材。3、充分调动学生的积极性,以学生为中心,开展各项英语教学活动。六教学设计总体思路: 语言的根本目的在于运用,而运用又是以一定的语言知识和技能为基础。本节课所涉及的话题与学生的日常生活紧密相连,贴近生活。所涉及的活动环换相扣,从学生的实际出发,通过大量的口语训练,不但能就去上学这个话题进行简单的会话,后面进行了升华就是去各地旅游的交通方式,活学活用,层层深入,把三维目标有机地结合起来,完成本课的教育教学任务,让学

4、生通过运用形成技能。七教学过程:Step1: Greeting and lead-in:Show CAI,the pictures of the transportation .T:Whats this?(Tasks.Ss anawer it one by one ,in lines,in pairs or in groups) 设计思路:通过图片导入新课,贴近学生们的生活实际,有利于学生热身,走进英语学习天地。Step 2: Brainstorm: What kind of transportation do you know?(Let students list the transport

5、ation as much as possible)设计思路: 让学生尽可能多的列举出各种交通工具,一个问题抛给学生,学生小组合作,主动探究,到了高效课堂的目的。Step 3: Presentation:1. Walk T: I walk to school, because I live near school.T: Who walks to school? Hands up!(ask one student who walks to school)T: How do you get to school?S1: I walk to school.Ask another St who also

6、 walks to school.Help him to answer it like this: I get to school on foot.(接着引出第三人称单数)How does she/ he get to school?She/He walks to school.She/He gets to school on foot.设计思路: 以自身为例,引出上学的第一种方式,走路去上学,直接明了,易于理解,再以学生为例,引出第三人称单数及复数,完成人称转换,自然过渡,且以学生为例,贴近生活。板书易于学生掌握,下划线让重点突出。The same way with other transp

7、ortation.Step 4 Chant:Bus, bus, lets take the bus.Train ,train, lets take the train.Bike, bike, lets ride the bike.Subway, 设计思路:节奏欢快简单的娱乐形式不仅调节出了轻松的气氛,与此同时将交通工具的不同乘坐方式在短时间内熟练掌握。Step 5: Groupwork(Three students a group)A: How do you get to school?B: I.A: How does she/ he get to school?C: She/ He.设计思路

8、:此活动让学生巩固上面所学习的句型,包括第一人称及第三人称的转换,也可检验学生的掌握情况。Step 6:Practice1) T:Show the picture (1a).Ask the Ss to find how the Ss get to school in the morning.Then add other ways to get to school.Put the answers in the chart like this:1take the subway /by subway5take the taxi /by taxi2,take the bus/by bus ,6take

9、 the plane/by plane3take the train /by train7Walk/on foot4take the taxi /by taxi8 ride a bike /by bike设计思路: 词组学习的拓展与加深。2)(1 b)Listening practicePlay the tape and check the answers.1Bobtakes the train2Marytakes the subway3Paulwalks4Yang Lanwalks5Johntakes the bus设计思路:通过听力练习,在锻炼学生听力的同时,也反馈出前面的教学效果。3)(

10、1c)Pair workS1:How does Bob get to school? S2:He takes the train.S3:How does Mary get to school? S4:She takes the train.S5:How do Yang Lan and Paul get to school? S6:They walk to school.设计思路:两人一组的对话练习,进一步巩固训练。Step 6Guessing game:(Show a picture of their headteacherl)Let students guess How doeshe get

11、 to school?讲授新句型A:How does he get to school?B: He takes the car to school./ He gets to school by car.设计思路: 此环节为猜谜游戏,一方面巩固上面学习的句型,一方面教授新句型,此环节既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又进行进一步的升华。Step 7: Make a reportInterview (采访)your classmates here. By using the following questions:How do you get to school?NameHow do you get to

12、school?Jiang YunchenWalkHan XiaolongRides a bike.Report: In my group, Wang Yucheng walks to school, Huang Yiyan rides his bike to school, I walk to school.设计思路:通过上述的学习,此环节在于检测学生的学习效果,同时也是小组合作学习的一个体现,通过调查汇报,并形成书面材料,既锻炼了学生的合作学习能力,又训练了学生的写作能力。Step 8: Task: National Day is coming,where are you going? ho

13、w do you get to.?(Show a map of China)T: There are many famous places in China, right?I really want to go to Shanghai for vacation, because I want to see the Expo, do you know the Expo? Its wonderful. Do you want to go with me? OK, lets go!(Show the pictures of the Expo)T: The Expo is wonderful. How

14、 do I get to the Expo?Now, Im in Rizhao, there is no plane or airport. First, I take the bus to Lianyungang. And then I take the plane or the train to Shanghai. Last I take the subway to the Expo.(Give the students a task)T: If you can take a vacation, where are you going, and how do you get there?

15、Pair work: Talk about your vacation.设计思路:此环节是本节课的一个升华部分,通过前面的去上学的话题,上升到去其他地方,帮助学生进一步理解句型,看世博的话题导入,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生发挥想象,去某个地方度假,鼓励学生“异想天开”、“标新立异”,满足学生的想象力,调动他们的积极性,也能让学生追逐梦想,实现梦想,真正做到了活学活用,贴近学生的现实生活。Step 9: 语法点击how 意为“如何;怎样”,是对交通方式进行提问,回答时需用相应的交通方式作答。Eg: How do you get to school? I walk to school./ I get to school on foot.交通方式的表达方法: take + 限定词 + 交通工具名称,如 take the bus/ subway/ train 等。 by + 交通工具名称,如by bus/ by train/ by subway 等。 注:该结构中交通工具名称前不加任何限定词,而且也不用复数形式。Eg:take the bus = go to by bus设计思路:本环节为一个创新,在最后给予语法点击,让学生明确语法项目。教学反思:本节课以How do you get to school?为中心话


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