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1、Unit 2 the company man,words and language learning,obituary (n./adj .),an article about SBS life and achievements讣告adj死者死者相关埃文斯写了斯大林的讣告。Evans wrote an obituary of Stalin,precisely,(adv .)accurately and exactly(synonyms)thats precisely what I dont www thats那正是适合我们的要求。Adj.precise n. precision,workahol

2、ic,A person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working or do other things . she has never管理运行的I dont envisage I will take an executive role,but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing。我不认为我会成为管理层,但我想成为商品营销顾问。2.an executive briefcase,适用于高级、精密的主管。首席公文包,v. execute执行处决,执行

3、处决;完成neveronce did I doubt that I would be able to execute my plan。我从未怀疑我能实施自己的计划。n .名词。执行、实施、执行、实施完成、完成、签名盖章使法律文件生效并执行法律。死刑执行、执行、命令执行;成功,效果,效果the speech did good execution for our side。牙齿演讲对我方有很大的效果。survive、(v.) live longer than、outlive most parents expect that their children will survive them。大多数父

4、母希望孩子比自己长寿。2.the is landers could barely survive without an export crop。没有出口作物,岛民几乎活不下去。n. survival survivalism生存第一论,生存第一的synonyms : outlast,remain,outlive,deceased,(n.) a person who hahas死了,死了2。The deceased man left no will。没有留下死者遗嘱。3.the deceased general was a great soldier。牙齿已故的将军是伟大的战士。Synonyms

5、: dead,passed,acquaintance,(n .)an acquaintance is some one who you have met and know slightly,But not well我在摄影界的交往很广。2.the proprietor was an old acquaintance of his .业主是他的老熟人之一。conceivably,(adv .)possibly 1 . he could nt conceivably have meant what he said。他的话可能不是他的本意。2.the mission could conceivabl

6、y be accomplished within a week。相信牙齿任务将在一周内完成。v . conceive image or believe I just cant even conceive of that quantity of money。那么多钱,我完全想象不到。adj . conceivable possible to image there is no conceivable reason why there should be any difficulty,manufacture,(n .)manufacture产品;产品。制造工业产品(v .)to manufactu

7、re something means to make it in a factory,usually in large quantities。(通常大量)制造,生产1。plastic is an important manufacture。塑料是重要产品. 2。the factory is now trying to manufacture a new model。牙齿厂现在正在试制新产品。synonymme Make、creat、production、embarrass、(v.) to make sb feel shy、awkward or ashamed、especially in a s

8、ocialit embarrassed him that he had no idea of what was going on。知道发生了什么使他为难。2.He didnt mean to embarrass you。他不是故意为难你的。Synonyms : shame、dis compose、adj. embarrassed坐立不安。尴尬尴尬尴尬窘迫的embarrassing令人为难,尴尬的Mary Was soembarrassed . she Could Only Hide Her Face in Shame。玛丽很难堪,她很想找地缝钻进去。It was an embarrassing

9、 situation,but she managed to laugh it off。那场面很尴尬,但她笑着摆脱了困境。n. embarrassment遇难;难堪Her blush told of her embarrassment。她脸红了,显示出她的尴尬。odd、(adj .)strange or unusual;not very important or tiny I had rather an odd experience the other day。几天前我有一次很奇怪的经历。Hes helping with odd jobs。他在帮忙打杂。(n.) the strange pers

10、on,inquiry,(n .)=enquiry an official investigation,The process of asking about or investigationmany parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem。很多父母迫切要求调查牙齿牙齿牙齿问题。v . inquire you can inquire of your new neighbors where the post office is。你可以问新邻居邮局在哪里。adj . inquiring : have a great int

11、erest in learning new things . she opened her bright,inquiring,tortured eyes and stared at hit adv . in她用探询的眼神看着我说。“怎么样?”(make inquiries about,调查某件事后1 .we will make inquiries about the business possibilities of this new product of yours .我们将调查你方的这些2。I shall make some inquiries about the matter。我会对牙齿

12、的事有所了解。板、n .板;董事会;甲板;膳食vt。上(船、车或飞机);收费提供食宿。让合伙,让寄宿。强制登机(船)VI。(火车、轮船、飞机等)接受乘客的同业,寄宿家庭they were furnished with room and board。给他们提供食宿。How much is bed and board?住宿费和伙食费一共多少钱?When all passengers were on board,the train pulled out of the station。所有乘客上车后,火车离开了车站。board out不在宿舍吃饭,(某人)寄去别的地方食宿。the child was

13、board out for the summer。暑假期间孩子们在外面寄宿。Board up是木板封条,木板隔板shop keepers have boarded up their windows。店主们把窗户都堵住了。discreet,(adj.) careful in what you say and do,in order to keep sth secret or to avoid embarrassing or offending some one 1;2.he is very discreet in giving his opinions。发表意见很慎重。widow,(n .)a

14、widow is a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again。(vt .)成了寡妇。被抢走被杀的丈夫马塔瓦斯a very rich young widow。玛莎是个很富有的年轻寡妇。dont feel ashamed we dont despise the widows mite,and,as they say,every penny helps。正如人们说的,所有的钱都有效。grab,(v .)take sth suddenly or roughly;Get SBS attentionget hold of or seize quickly and easily;obtain illegally or un scrup ulously;(n .)the act of catching an object with the hands;非法收入the thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away。小偷想抢我的手提包,但把我推开了。I jumped on the wall to grab the attention


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