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1、,Book 3 Unit 2,Iron and Effects of Exercise,The whole essay is written in a typical problem-analysis-solution-evaluation pattern.,I. Structure Analysis,Part I (Para. 1-3),Central Topic:,Supporting details:,Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.,A new study

2、is cited to support the topic.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Part II (Para. 4-6),Effect (Para. 4):,Iron deficiency is very common among women.,Cause 1 (Para. 5) Cause 2 (Para. 6),(As to Cause only 2/3 of the recommended daily allowance,iron loss,1. Too many women ignore the amount of iron they take i

3、n; 2. Womens monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss; 3. Many women increase their risk of iron loss by rejecting red meat; 4. Women are liable to experience a deficiency as a result of restricting their diet in weight control,4 general causes for iron deficiency (Para 4-6):,Text StudyUnders

4、tanding,Main Idea of Part III (Para. 7-12),3 stages of iron deficiency (Para. 7-8),Stage 1,symptoms,Stage 2,Stage 3,+,fatigue and poor performance,often feel weak, tired and out of breath,Text StudyUnderstanding,Check iron deficiency (Para. 9),checking,the blood protein,a different compound,Suggeste

5、d ways to correct iron deficiency (Para. 10),+,iron-rich foods,Best sources of irons?,Main Idea of Part III (Para. 7-12),meat, chicken, fish,beans,leafy green vegetables,dates,supplements,Text StudyUnderstanding,Suggested ways to correct iron deficiency (Para 12),+,No,Yes,No,Main Idea of Part III (P

6、ara. 7-12),iron-added cereals,or,Yes,ceramic cooking pot,iron pan,+,or,III. Summary,Text StudySummary,It is not infrequent for the bodies of endurance athletes to be deficient in iron. In particular, female athletes often have this problem. Even _ exercise can cause the problem. A study indicated th

7、at formerly _ women showed a _ in iron levels. Iron deficiency _ many women, including exercising women, health-_ women, etc.,moderate,inactive,decrease,affects,conscious,There are _ stages of iron deficiency. However, most people with low iron _ dont know they have a deficiency. So its advisable fo

8、r people to have a _ blood test. In addition, people are suggested to _ their diet or take _ such as adding more _ foods.,III. Summary,Text StudySummary,3,reserves,yearly,modify,supplements,iron-rich,But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. (L11),But th

9、ose women who began a program of exercise while going on with their diet as usual showed a decrease in iron levels.,IV. Focus Study,但突然参加锻炼却仍沿用旧食谱的人则显示出铁含量降低。”,2. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat (L19),In addition, many women who care much about their healt

10、h refuse to eat red meat such as beef and mutton and thus increase the danger of losing iron ,此外,许多保健意识太强的女性也很危险,因为她们拒绝食用牛肉或羊肉,3. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency. (L22),A

11、nd because women often limit their food, trying to control weight, they may not eat enough food containing much iron, and therefore are likely to have less iron than necessary.,而且,由于女性常常为了控制体重而节食,从而未能摄取足够的含铁丰富的食物,结果可能导致缺铁。,4. For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss f

12、rom exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency (L27),For a woman who is already lack of iron, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to bring about a more serious deficiency tip over the edge: bring about a noticeable change,对于那些已经缺铁的女性,任何因锻炼而产生的更多铁离

13、子流失都足以导致体内缺铁状况的恶化。,5. and exercise performance is severely compromised. (L38),运动成绩大打折扣。,be compromised = be affected severely = badly,Notes to the TextFocus Study,6. The iron content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase, the level going up nearly 30 times.

14、 (L67),absolute structure 独立结构 used to add more information to the object “a striking increase”,consume vt. (L10) 1. eat or drink 2. use, esp. in large amounts,V. Words 尊敬的,有礼貌的,(与“尊重”无关) 各自的; 分别的,值得尊敬的, 受人尊敬的, 高尚的,(prep.) 关于;由于, 鉴于,respective respectful respectable respecting,1. They listened in _

15、silence. 2. He was born in a _ family. 3. These are problems _ population control. 4. They became successful in their _ fields. 5. _ the heavy rain, we had to put off the match. 6. The older generation are _ of tradition. 7. He is a _ professor and we are _.,respectful,respectable,respecting,Words a

16、nd ExpressionsWord Using,respective,Respecting,respectful,respectable,respectful,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,ratio , rate n. (L14),ratio n. +of/to a figure showing the number of times one quantity contains another, used to show the relationship between two amounts 比,比率,比例,The ratio of 10 to 5 is

17、 2 to 1. The ratio of nursing staff to doctors is 2:1.,MORE,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,ratio , rate n. (L14),rate n. +of a quantity such as value, cost, or speed, measured by its relation to some other amount 比率,We drove at a steady rate. The birth rate is the number of births compared to the s

18、ize of the population. The drug has a high success rate in curing the disease.,他们为了消除蝗灾正设法把十万只母鸡运往家乡。,They were trying to transport one hundred thousand hens to their hometown in an effort to wipe out the plague of locusts.,9. 为了,in an effort to (do sth.) (L. 23),为了,毫不费力 勇敢地做某事 下功夫做某事,without effort

19、 to do sth. by an effort of will to make effort to do sth.,Phrases with “effort”,不仔细调查研究,你就会得出错误结论。,Without careful investigation, you _ _.,上一页,to be likely to 可能;有倾向,to be liable to (L. 24),are liable,to come to a wrong conclusion,派生词 liability (n. ),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,allowance n. (L2

20、6) the amount allowed or granted sth. such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose,Most of our flights have a baggage allowance of 20kg per passenger. The manager traveled on business with an allowance that covered hotel and restaurant bills.,MORE,我们的大多数航班容许每位旅客免费带20公斤行李。 这位经理

21、出差时有包括食宿的补贴。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,随汗液流失/埋头工作沉思不胜惊奇,我们大家都被眼前的美景所吸引。,to be lost in sweat / ones work / thought/ amazement (L30),We were all lost in admiration of the beauty before our eyes.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,compromise v. (L38),你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。 他们拒绝同恐怖分子做交易,以免原则受到损害。,You wi

22、ll compromise your good name if you associate with these people. They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists.,1) expose somebody or something to danger 连累,危及,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,compromise v. (L38),他拒绝放弃原则。 政府是否准备向工人就其工资要求进行妥协呢? 经过一番讨论后我们在贸易问题上达成了妥协。,H

23、e refused to compromise his principles. Is the government prepared to compromise with the workers over their pay demand? After some discussion we reach we reach a compromise on the trade.,2) settle by concession 妥协, 折衷 compromise with sb. on/over sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,sufficient adj.

24、(L46) enough,There is no sufficient evidence to show that he is guilty.,派生词 sufficiently (ad.) sufficiency (n. ),近形词 efficient 有效率的 (efficiency n.),反意词 insufficient (a.),throw up (L57) vomit; be sick,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。,The strong smell made me throw up.,throw away 放弃,丢掉; th

25、row out 否决,不接受; throw over 放弃,跟(某人)吹了,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,derive from (L66) obtain (especially a feeling or an advantage) from,He is one of those people who can derive pleasure from helping others.,有些人从帮助他人中得到快乐,他便是其中之一。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,derive from come from,The town deri

26、ves its name from the river on which it was built.,这个市镇沿河而建,由此得名。,deprive: take away from 剥削,夺去 deprive sb./sth. of sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,interfere with (L70) prevent sth. or slow down the progress touch or change sth. without permission,很多人认为科学家不该做干涉大自然的事。,Many people feel that scien

27、tists shouldnt interfere with nature.,interfere with,interfere in,I have never interfered in his affair. 我从不干预他的事。,interfere in sth. 指别人未请而自己主动参与 interfere with sth. 指阻碍事情发生,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,1. I turned down the radio lest it should interfere _ his lessons. 2. We have no right to inte

28、rfere _ the internal affairs of other countries. 3. Every time the telephone rings it interferes _ my work.,with,in,with,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,remedy v./ n. (L74) v. correct or improve a situation n. a solution to a problem; a cure for pain or minor illness,Efforts to remedy this fault mus

29、t begin right away. Warmth is the best remedy for a cold.,要立即纠正这个错误。 热疗是治疗感冒最好的方法。,运动医学专家,a sports medicine expert,耐力运动员,耐力运动,缺铁,an endurance athlete,endurance exercise,iron deficiency/iron loss,iron supplements,铁离子补充剂,women of child-bearing age,育龄女性,含铁丰富/加铁的食品,iron-rich food; iron-added food; food

30、with fortified iron,Words and Expressions E to C,VI. English to Chinese,(To be continued),消化系统,digestive system,血管,疲劳,血蛋白分子,blood vessel,fatigue,molecules of blood protein,iron reserve,铁离子储量,blood test,验血,physician,内科医生,surgeon,外科医生,substance,物质,Words and Expressions E to C,(To be continued),适度的锻炼 反

31、弹 四人中有一人 多达,直到 吸入,吞入 而且有保健意识的 羊肉、牛肉 有. . 倾向的 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁 大打折扣 长跑运动员 验血 铁锅 弥补不足,moderate exercise bounce back one in four up to take in plus health-conscious red meat be liable to out of breath be severely compromised long distance runners blood test iron pot remedy the deficiency,iron deficiency (L13)

32、,reduced iron in the blood (L3),iron loss (L6),a decrease in iron levels (L12),缺铁的几种表达方式,Structure Writing,Practical Writing,From effect back to causes From cause to effects,I. Structure Writing,1. Structure Analysis,Cause and effect is one of the most commonly used writing techniques. There are two

33、 types:,WritingStructure Writing,2. Sample Paragraph,WritingStructure Writing,Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, Lyle says, that “too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in”. Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source

34、 of iron loss. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, . And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.,Effect,Causes,3. Tips for writing,Write an effect. Offer some causes.,WritingStructure Writing,or,Write an cause. Offer some effects.,4. Your Task,Write a paragraph with Cause & Effect method.,Topic: Human population has increased rapidly. (from effect to causes) 2. The knowledge economy brings a lot of benefits


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