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1、Effective communication有效沟通,What is commnunication什么是沟通?,What is communication?,Communication is to talk about your thoughts and feelings, and help other people to understand them Communication is to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body or using other signals,Communic

2、ation is a kind of ability but not trait. Communication is trainable, the training will be more effective before candidates start their career.,乱讲话的孩子,Purpose of communication沟通的目的,1、Performance control What you should do and what you cannot do? How to do it?,Purpose of communication,喜来登 经理,Purpose

3、of communication,2、Motivate staff in order to reinforce their effectiveness.,Purpose of communication,3、to express your sense including both positive and negative ones.,Purpose of communication,4. Information flow,Basic problem, principle and requirement of communication,The basic problem of communi

4、cation: mindset(心态) The basic principle of communication: concern (关心) The basic requirement of communication: initiative (主动),1、Selfhood (自私)everything should be good to me 2、Ego(自我)There is only me in the space 3、 arrogant(自大)The thought is the answer,Basic problem - mindset(心态),1、Concern the diff

5、iculty 2、Concern the demand and inconvenience,Basic Principle - concern (关心),温莎城堡,Basic requirement - initiative (主动),Initiative support and initiative reflection 主动升为经理时,有没有和别的部门打个招呼,说你看我需要怎么和你配合,问老总我需要再在哪方面努力?,Summary,The basic problem of communication: mindset(心态) The basic principle of communica

6、tion: concern (关心) The basic requirement of communication: initiative (主动),Process of communication沟通的过程,Process of communication,Speaking: Coding Media Listening: Decoding,How to coding: 1、Skill 2、Attitude 3、Knowledge 4、Cultural Background,Speaking: Coding Media Listening: Decoding,Speaking: Coding

7、 Media Listening: Decoding,Follow Me: Share one paper with your partner Separate your half into four parts with the same size Put each of them in the middle of any other Choose one to explain ALEXs choice,Distortion,Where distortion happens? Language utilize(语言不当), Recognition (认知), Interruption (干扰

8、), Selection attention (偏见)。,Speaking: Coding Media Listening: Decoding,Language utilize(语言不当),,中关村的死亡年龄,健力宝老总:张海,“做公司就是把公司做大” “做公司就是把别的公司吞并” 底下人: “做公司就是为了赚钱” “做公司就是把别的公司比下去” 开会总经理的话要后讲,多听人家讲话,总经理的话要少讲,最重要的是做结论。,Recognition (认知),Interruption (干扰),开会,领导发言, Haloing: judge someone on a single or very s

9、mall number of traits episodes Stereotyping: place people in categories, classes or group of traits and then expecting them to behave in particular ways because of this Discrimination,Selection attention (偏见),Key barriers of personal communication交流障碍,Key barriers of personal communication,1、differe

10、nces in status A. Two offices:large one for customer, small one with staff B. Professional words Doctor:5克氟美松 Lawyer:铁条 Finance analysis:除权股(股息已经分过,股票比较便宜,趁低买进,将来涨价),Conversation in ChinaChina,A: 还有没有位子啊? B:你应该先reserve你的space,现在只好standby,其实你cancel你的book没什么关系,顶多no sure,现在是Golden week, 有没有chance就不知道了。

11、,Key barriers of personal communication,2、reliability of sources 听说浙江民企最强。 中国民企500强,146个在浙江,二代企业家都有危机,3、cognitive bias。 Same job, man is better than woman-扯淡 Unmarried woman is steady-扯淡as well,Key barriers of personal communication,4、emotional impact 克朗基罗 (CEO of Boston Celtics):Important decision

12、should be made in the second day,Key barriers of personal communication,Key barriers of team communication,罗斯福 珍珠港,Key barriers of team communication,1、information overload (信息泛滥) just one piece of paper tell me the packed information and settled e-mail Tell the information section:conclude summary

13、of information for colleagues,2、time pressure Triviality(琐事)theory: important decision(made within two minutes) VS triviality (made within two months) 英阿马岛海战,撒切尔3分钟决定 英国骑车要带头盔,吵了3年,Key barriers of team communication,4、information screening (信息过滤) Information is power (top 100manager 80director 60 te

14、am leader 40 staff 20 Information is crisis (staff 100team leader 80director 60manager 40top 20),Key barriers of team communication,5、absence of feedback (缺乏反馈) Two reactions after your speaking: A. I do not understand B. I also do it by following my way After recording, you need to repeat your reco

15、rd, and tell your colleague what you have finished already after a few days. 水兵的两声“好”,Key barriers of team communication,6 Cultural background in multinational company “经理,没有功劳也有苦劳,没有苦劳也有疲劳。” “Sorry, we pay the money for your value. I signed you for three years, but you just showed me 1-year-value,

16、the rest of two is just copy and copy.” So, ask yourself: what is you value?,Key barriers of team communication,English man-principle Japanese-do not praise one people; do not do something different income=salary + personal bonus+ team bonus + supporting bonus + special bonus French man- be elegant

17、and complicated German- clear and accuracy American-work is out of life (KTV; 我不赚钱),Key barriers of team communication,Remedies of communicating barriers,1. Feedback A. Response:老韩,完成了吗? B. Be sure:你要哪种纸,What we need to do?,What we need to do?,2、Simple your language A. Get the point. We just can foc

18、us within 10 minutes B. Use case.,3、active listening: Speak but not listen sham plea强辩,Active listening,Tell your opinion,Repeat your understanding,Repeat audiences understanding,What we need to do?,What we need to do?,4、control your emotion emotional words;control the volume;do not mad,Directions of communication,The directions of communication,胆,心,肺,往上沟通没有胆(量)往下沟通没有心(情)横向沟通没有肺(俯),GM,SM,FM,A,B,C,D,往上沟通没有胆(量),Give options but not one-way-street to your toprecall tops focus,往下沟通没有心(情),1、You have


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