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1、英语二轮复习“题型指导”建 议,一、高三英语二轮复习的目标任务 二、高三英语二轮复习的基本要求 三、不同题型的考纲要求与“题型指 导”的具体建议,一、高三英语二轮复习的目标任务 (1)通过“题型指导”使学生的做题方法进一步明确化、系统化、熟练化、应用化,提高学生的做题能力。,(2)通过“题型指导” (题型指导+巩固性训练) 、题型训练(专项训练)、综合模拟训练以及科学的讲评,培养学生思维与表达的规范性,良好的应试习惯和应试心理素质,提高学生的做题速度和准确性。,(3)适时地巩固与扩展知识,使知识更加系统、熟练,结构更加完整 ,促进学生综合语言运用能力的进一步提高。 总:巩固一轮复习成果,全面提

2、高学生的高考得分能力。,二、高三英语二轮复习的基本要求,*总要求:以“题型训练”为主要手段,瞄准高考,突出重点,提高效率。 (根据高考要求和学生实际;不必刻意地应对“万一”) *“题型指导”的五个具体要求 1、方法来源于做题实践。方法指导要和做题训练紧紧结合在一起进行,不能抛开训练另搞一套,不能离开题目进行空泛的、大篇幅的指导,严防“两张皮”现象;,2、引导学生通过典型试题自己感悟、归纳做题方法。教师不要将自认为好的方法直接灌输给学生,不能生拉硬扯,要自然渗透; 3、做题指导要具体,不能过于笼统;,4、做题要求必须是考生在考场上能落实的。不能进行正确但不可操作的指导(如完形填空的“四步做题法”

3、); 5、做题要求的表述必须言简意赅、高度凝练、便于上口、易于运用,要让学生烂熟于心。但不能给学生造成过重的记忆负担。,三、不同题型的考纲要求与“题型指导”的具体建议,(一)听力 考纲要求:要求考生听懂所熟悉话题的简短对话和独白。考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义(主旨大意题) (2)获取具体的、事实性信息(事实细节题) (3)对所听内容做出推断(推理判断题) (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度(推理判断题),13. What could the man speaker most probably be? A. A person who saw the accident. B. The driv

4、er of the lorry. C. A police officer. 14. What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place? A. Walking along Churchill Avenue B. Getting ready to cross the road. C. Standing outside a bank. 15. When did the accident happen? A. At about 8:00 am. B. At about 9:00 am. C. At about 10:00 am. 16. H

5、ow did the accident happen? A. A lorry hit a car. B. A car ran into a lorry. C. A bank clerk rushed into the street. 时间:某上午;地点:城市某街道;人物:驾驶员、目击者、警察等;事件:交通事故(读题目,猜大意),M: Now, Mrs. Franks. I just like to read your statement back to you, and then you can write your name on it. W: Fine.(据事实,巧推理:13. C. A

6、police officer ) M: I was standing in front of the Second National Bank building at about 8:50 am. I saw a small red car heading for the cross roads of Churchill Avenue, and York Road. It was coming towards me along Churchill Avenue at about 40 miles per hour. The traffic lights on York Road changed

7、 to green, and a delivery lorry began to move forward at about 5 miles per hour. The driver of the car probably didnt see that his traffic light had changed from orange to red, and ran into the side of the lorry. (抓关键,善速记) W: Thats correct.,做题建议,1、听试音,入情境; (前五题现象,市一模54.89) 2、读题目,猜大意; 3、据事实,巧推理; 4、抓关

8、键,善速记。,(二)语法和词汇知识,考纲要求:考查语法、词汇知识和简单表达形式的掌握情况。,26. Please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop. (2007山东) A. to seat B. to be seated C. seating D. seated 22. Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please? (2007山东) A. anyone B. someone C. whoever D. no matter who 27. Lo

9、ok over theretheres a very long, winding path _ up to the house. (2011山东) A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead (部分考查语法知识的题目析结构,定成分),34. Theres a _ in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share. (2011山东) A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship 35

10、. Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children. (2010山东) A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D. complex 25. They are broadening the bridge to _ the flow of traffic. (2011山东) A. put off B. speed up C. turn on D. work out (部分考查名词、代词、形容词、副词、动词、介词

11、等词汇意义的题目析语境,辨词义),23. _ was most important to her, she told me, was her family. (2008山东) A. It B. This C. What D. As 30. Up to now, the program _ thousands of children who would otherwise have died. (2010山东) A. would save B. saves C. had saved D. has saved (除干扰),30. Where did you get to know her? (20

12、07山东) It was on the farm _ we worked (that I got to know her). A. that B. there C. which D. where 32. Shall I have our picnic tomorrow? (2009山东) (Yes, you may have your picnic tomorrow) _ it doesnt rain. A. UntilB. WhileC. OnceD. If (善补全),33. Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four oclock and ta

13、ke me to the airport? (2008山东) A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient 27. So sudden _ that the enemy had no time to escape. (2009山东) A. did the attackB. the attack did C. was the attackD. the attack was (巧还原),做题建议,两种基本方法: 1、析结构,定成分; 2、析语境,辨词义。 三种具体技巧: 1、除干扰, 2、善补全, 3、巧还原。,(三)完形填空,考纲要求:在一篇短文中留出20个空

14、白,要求考生从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。,做题建议 1、瞻前后,理“双线”; 2、依语境,词义辨; 3、据常识,选答案; 4、重复词,直接选。,瞻前后,理“双线” “双线”指的是记叙文(或夹叙夹议文)中的明、暗两条线索。其一是“情节线”,其二是“情感线”,前者为明线,后者为暗线。在做此类完形填空时,理清故事的“情节线”和“情感线”,紧紧抓住这两条主线,想主人公所想,置身于文章之中,才能提高做题的准确率。,2011山东卷“情节线” (1)圣诞节前,everyone became more (1)anxious, waiting for the

15、 final school bell (2)ringing描写学生对圣诞节的期盼心情。 (2)everyone except David in ragged clothes But something made David (5)special. he was always (6)wearing a smile.侧重表明了David的“与众不同”。 (3)Weeks passeduntil the last day of (11) school before the holiday break表现了圣诞节临近学生的兴奋心情。 (4)I have something for you送礼物,但盒子

16、是空的。 (5)After that Christmas, David and I became good friends,“情感线”:记叙文并非为叙事而叙事,作者讲故事的根本目的是要表达自己的思想。因此,记叙文在叙事的同时往往蕴含着深刻的生活哲理,或者表达作者的某种感情。在做此类题时,我们要在理清“情节线”的同时,设法理清其“情感线”。准确体会作者情感,有助于快速正确地选出答案。,2011山东卷“情感线” (1)I had often (3) wondered what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could se

17、nd her son to school dressed so (4) inappropriately for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. 作者一直“想知道”究竟是一个什么样的母亲竟会让孩子穿着破旧的衣服,冒着严寒去上学。也就是说在作者看来,让孩子在寒冷的冬季穿着破旧的衣物去上学是“不合适的”。 (2)David (13) quietly standing by my desk 表示David的行为与其他急于离校享受圣诞节的学生形成鲜明对比。,2011山东卷“情感线” (3)I lift the lid a

18、nd to my (16) surprise saw nothing发现是礼品盒是空的,感到非常“惊讶”。 (4)love was something you couldnt see or touch unless you know its there. 文章主旨。 (5)I had rarely given (19) attention to. 以前我对David的“关注”太少,作者很自责。 (6)After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning (20) behind t

19、he little empty box作者对David和他送给自己的圣诞礼物的认识得到了升华。,(四)阅读理解,考纲要求:要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义(主旨大意题) (2)理解文中信息(事实细节题) (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义(词义猜测题) (4)作出判断和推理(推理判断题) (5)理解文章的基本结构 (6)理解文章的意图、观点和态度(推理判断题),干扰项的特点,绝对化; 对一半; 无生有; 偷梁换; 事实反。,做题建议 主旨大意题:析结构、找主题(段、句、词) 事实细节题:找出处、除干扰

20、 词义猜测题:上下文、构词法;代 原句 推理判断题:据事实,推结论;据 文义,揣意图。,Last summer, facing an empty nest, I drove to our local store, got a simple bird feeder and hung it from a single hook on a plastic pole. I stuck the pole in the ground just outside our kitchens sliding glass doors and filled the feeder from a bag of brand

21、-new “Finest Food for Colorful Birds!” For half a day, I waited for my feathered friends. However, the first I noticed was a squirrel The next morning, I glanced proudly at the nearly empty feeder and sat down across the table from my husband, Sherrod, my back to the window. “Those birds would starv

22、e without me,” I said to him. Sherrod smiled. “Honey,” he said, “look behind you.” There he was!,56. Why did the author buy a bird feeder?(推理判断题,39%) A. To feed the squirrels around.(偷梁换) B. To trap some beautiful birds.(事实反) C. To make friends with birders.(无生有) D. To offer food to birds nearby.(据事

23、实,推结论) P1: filled the feeder from a bag of brand-new “Finest Food for Colorful Birds!” P2: For half a day, I waited for my feathered friends. P3: Those birds would starve without me,57. Which of the following shows that Floyd appeared for the second time?(图表题细节理解题,32% 找出处、除干扰) 答案B来源:文章第二段第五句But ten

24、minutes later, he was back, hanging upside down with his tongue squeezed into one of the feeders holes. 即:松鼠倒挂着(在喂鸟器上),舌头伸进喂鸟器的小孔里(吃东西)。,(五)阅读表达,考纲要求的6种题目类型 主旨概括:“概括文章大意、标题,或者指出作者写作的主要意图”(也可能是某段的大意或写作意图) 补全句子:“补全文章中空缺的句子” 翻译句子:“根据语境翻译句子” 替换句子:“同义语句替换” 开放性问题:“陈述个人观点” 封闭性问题:“回答问题” 必要时可根据文章的题材和体裁设置其他题目

25、。 ( 为2011年后的顺序命题更具开放性),(1)主旨概括:析结构、找主题(段、句、高频词、转折词)(标题型、大意型) (2)补全句子:析语境、找关系 (3)翻译句子:析成分、找主干(定状前、忠原文、忠习惯;信达雅:good Englishbad Chinese good Chinese) (4)替换句子:析句意、找同义(原词、同义词、近义词) (5)开放性问题:析题干、找提示 (6)封闭性问题:析要求、找依据(写作目的型、写作方法型 ),2On the financial side, theres enough data to suggest that on average a colle

26、ge graduate will earn a great deal more than _. In America, over a lifetime a college graduate will earn on average about $2.1 million compared to $1.2 million for a high school graduate. Compared with the cost of attending a four-year university, about $10,000 per year, and even adding the cost of

27、lost working time, its clearly of financial value to attend university.,76. What conclusion can we draw from the data in Paragraph 2?主旨概括:主题段、主题句(首、尾句)、全文义、关键词(高频词、转折词) A college education is of great value. (范)/ A college education has higher rates of return. / A college education increases peoples

28、 earning power. / Its clearly of financial value to attend university. / Attending university is worthwhile financially.(更能挣钱?值?) 77.补全句子:析语境、定成分,代原句 a college graduate will earn a great deal more than a high school graduate / one who isnt / one without a college education,(六)写 作,考纲要求:根据题目的提示(包括情景、图画、图表、


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