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1、重点单词 1 n天文学 n天文学家 2 n系统;体系;制度 3 n学说;理论theoretical adj.理论上的 4 n球体;地球仪;地球 adj.全球性的;全世界的 5 adj.猛烈的;强暴的 n暴力 adv.猛烈地 6 _ n大气层;气氛 7 prep.不同;不像 vt.不喜欢 8 n出席;到场;存在 adj. & n. & v在场的;目前,现在;出席;颁发,授予,astronomy,astronomer,system,theory,globe,global,violent,violence,violently,atmosphere,unlike,dislike,presence,pr

2、esent,9 adj.有害的伤害的 n危害害处 adj.无害的 10 vi.存在,生存 n存在,生存 11 n谜;难题vt. & vi.(使)迷惑;(使)为难 adj.迷惑的 adj.令人迷惑的,harmful,harmless,harm,exist,existence,puzzle,puzzled,puzzling,重点短语 1 及时;终于 2 下蛋 3 产生;分娩 4 轮到某人;接着 5 阻止;制止 6 挡住(光线) 7 感到高兴;感到振奋 8 既然 9 突发;爆发,in time,lay eggs,give birth to,In ones turn,prevent.from,bloc

3、k out,cheer up,now that,break out,Reading HOW LIFE BEGAN ON THE EARTH,Do you know how many planets in our solar system? What are they?,海王星 Saturn,水星 Uranus,金星 Venus,地球 Earth,火星 Mars,木星 Mercury,土星 Jupiter,天王星 Neptune,Pre-reading,1. Nearly everybody has this or that puzzles: How do human beings come i

4、nto being? How does the earth come into being?,2. In China, there are two legends about these puzzles. Do you know the names?,盘古开天辟地 女娲补天造人,3. In the western culture, who creates everything in the world?,The God,Learning aims: To learn the important words and expressions. To improve listening skills

5、 and reading ability. To arouse interest to search for the space.,Para. 1 The formation (形成) of the earth. Para. 2 The importance of water for life. Para. 3 A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe. Para. 4 The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth. Para. 5 The developm

6、ent of plants and animals on the earth.,Fast Reading: Q1: Match the main idea with each paragraph.,Q2: According to the origin of life, we can divide the whole passage into two stages. Please get the main idea of each stage. Stage 1(para.1to 3) The development of the _ Stage 2(para.4to 5) The develo

7、pment of _ on the earth.,earth,life,Step 2: Careful reading Task 1 . Read stage 1 and finish the following questions. Q 1: How did the universe begin?,The universe began with a “big Bang” that threw matter in all direction.,Q2:Whats the significance of the presence of water on the earth?,It allowed

8、the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.,3. Fill in the blanks in the following form.,Atoms,violent,atmosphere,presence,acids,1.Small plants in water,2_ _,3.Green plants on land,4 5,6.forests,7. reptiles 8 9 10,shellfish and all sorts of fish,insects,amphibians,mammals

9、,dinosaurs,humans,plants,animals,Task 2: Read the stage 2 and fill in the blanks.,Reptiles,existed,gave birth to,Task 3 : Finish the form,clever,dioxide,Summary How life began on the earth The development of the earth: The earth was just a cloud of dust whose future is_ after the “Big Bang”. Then th

10、e went through a series of reactions, after which water_. And people think it is important for the beginning of life. It allowed the earth to dissolve _gases. Then life began to develop.,uncertain,appeared,harmful,The development of life: Small plants were the start of changes. They_ and filled the

11、oceans and seas with_ which encouraged the _ of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects, amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs and so on _after the first green plants appeared. But they didnt _long on the earth for too long. Then dinosaurs disappeared, which made possible the _of mammals on the earth. Then small clever animals_ all over the earth.,multiplied,oxygen,development,exist,rise,appeared and spread,followed,The future of the earth: And human beings put too much carbon dioxide into the _, which _heat _ escaping from the earth into space.


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