



1、Lecture 1 IntroductionStep I Introduction to the courseThe importance of this courseTo sharpen our sense of style in EnglishTo help us with their systematic study of English rhetoric so that they will be able to read and write betterTo raise our levels of attainment in EnglishTo facilitate students?

2、 understanding of the history of rhetoric in human historyTo make a comparison of English and Chinese rhetoricRequirementsClass attendance is required, not optional.Study should not be confined to the teaching material.Reference books英语修辞大全,冯翠华,外语教学与研究出版社英语文体学引论,王佐良、丁往道,外语教学与研究出版社文体学概论,刘世生、朱瑞青,北京大学出

3、版社Step II What is stylistics?王宗炎,英汉教学语言学词典StylisticsDifferent definitions of“style ”Style as rhetoricStyle as formStyle as eloquenceStyle as proper words in proper placesStyle as personal idiosyncrasyStyle as technique of expositionStyle as the highest achievement of literatureStyle as saying the ri

4、ght thing in the most effectiveStyle as a shell surrounding a pre-existing core of thought or expressionStyle as the choice between alternative expressionsStyle as a set of collective characteristicsStyle as equivalenceStyle as functionStyle as foregrounding 突出Style as deviation 变异Style as transform

5、ationStyle as meaning potentialStyle as expressivenessGeneral speakingStylistics is the study of the use of language in literatureStylistics is a meeting-ground of linguistics and literary studyStylistics is an area of study which straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics. It tak

6、es literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end.How to understand “ style as rhetoric ?In China:1973年,陈望道修辞学发凡是中国现代文体学的开端。1980年,中国修辞学会成立,标志着中国文体学研究进入了新阶段。90年代童庆炳主编的文体学丛书,展示中国文体学论注重向西方文体论借鉴。In western countries,Stylistic study originates from rhetoric i

7、n ancient Greece Plato (427-347 BC) and Aristotle (384-322 BC) and Roman Cicero (106-43 BC).Attention:In ancient China, rhetoric dates back to the Chinese philosopher, Confucius (551-479 BC), and continued with later followers.The tradition of Confucianism emphasized the use of eloquence in speaking

8、.Step III What is rhetoric?Etymology of rhetoricRhetoric: derived from Greek“ rhetorike ” , through Old French and medieval Latin.It refers to “that which is said or spoken, word, saying.”In its broadest sense, rhetoric concerns human discourse.The definition of rhetoricEarly rhetoricians offered th

9、e following definitions:Aristotle: Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion. This is not a function of any other art.Wayne Booth (1921-2005): The art of changing one ? minds.Francis Bacon: Rhetoric is a technique making it possible to ap

10、ply reason to imagination, for the better moving of will.Cicero: eloquence to persuade their fellows of the truth of what they had discovered by reason.Dictionary definitions of rhetoricLongman Modern English Dictionary : The art or science of communication in words; this art or science practiced or

11、 taught as a formal discipline, esp. the doctrine formulated by Aristotle and taught throughout the Middle Ages; overornate or ostentatious language.The Oxford English Dictionary , 1933: The art of using language so as to persuade or influence others; the body of rules to be observed by a speaker or

12、 writer in order that he may express himself with eloquence.The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1982: The art of persuasive or impressive speaking or writing; language designed to persuade or impress (but perhaps insincere or exaggerated).From all the definitions above, we find that:-In Aristotle?s time,

13、 rhetoric was considered to be the science of oratory and the art of persuasion.-Today, rhetoric is regarded as a science of heightening linguistic effective expressions, and the art of effective communication.Classification of RhetoricCommunicative Rhetoric 交际修辞(Negative Rhetoric 消极修辞)-To add to pe

14、ople?s knowledge; accurate, plain;Aesthetic Rhetoric 美学修辞(Positive Rhetoric 积极修辞)-To get people affected, or moved; vivid, brilliant, colorful.Division of RhetoricPhonological rhetoric(语音修辞)Graphology rhetoric (语相修辞)Lexical rhetoric (词汇修辞)Sentence rhetoric (句子修辞)Semantic rhetoric (语义修辞)Paragraph rhe

15、toric (段落修辞)Textual rhetoric (语篇修辞)Step IV Rhetoric study from stylistic viewThree views on style:Style as choiceStyle as devianceStyle as foregroundingChoiceComments about choiceColeridge (English poet and literary critics):文体只能是清晰而确切地传达意蕴的艺术,不问这个意蕴是什么,作为文体的一个标准就是它不能在不伤害意蕴的情况下用另外的语言加以复述。”莫泊桑(France

16、):一个好的文体家无论所描写的东西是什么,只有一词可供他使用,用一个动词要使对象生动,一个形容词要使对象性质鲜明。因此就得去寻找,直到找到这个动词和形容词,而决不要满足于,差不多?”。:圣安格尼斯前夜第二十七章( John Keats ):原稿Blinded alike from sunshine and from rainAs though a rose should close and be a bud againClose, roseassonance现稿Blinded alike from sunshine and from rainAs though a rose should sh

17、ut and be a bud againshut, shouldalliterationshut, budassonancecloseshut王安石春风又绿江南岸VS 到,过,入,满deviation 变异Definition : Style as deviation from the norm 文体风格产生于偏离常规的变异。Norm is an established pattern within a text. The norm of language as a whole is solely concerned with linguistic levels of language, s

18、uch as the grammar, phonology, lexical, structure and graphology.Deviation is the breaking of rules which others obey.Thy soul the fixed foot, makes no showTo move, but doth, if th? ther do此处th?ther是the other的省略形式 诗歌为了押韵或节奏需要,有时会省略词的某个音节-语音变异 Phonological deviationseeker of truthfollow no path all p

19、ath lead wheretruth is hereVSSeeker of truthfollow no path.All path lead where truth is.Here.-Graphological deviance 书写变异They my-loved and my-deared each other.(William Thackeray)VS They called each other my love and my dear.It is easier to marry than unmarry.VS It is easier to marry than divorce.-L

20、exical deviance 词汇变异 日黄昏 爱人仔要落船 想着心酸 目睛罩乌云 有话要讲尽这时 谁知未讲喉先填-萧丽红诗中日指太阳,爱人仔指情人,目睛指眼睛,喉是嗓子,这些都是福建、台湾等地里的词语。-Dialectal deviance 方言变异钱钟书围城中的例子:张先生大笑道,我不懂什么年代花纹,事情忙,也没工夫翻书研 究,可是我有hunch,看见一件东西,忽然 What dyou call灵机一动,买来准OK。张先生 是在美国洋行里买办的,所以说话时会带一些英文,从而显示他是一个讲时髦的人。现代社会中,年轻人讲话时会夹杂一些英文的现象相当普遍。例如:我是4 2 1机主,请每天早上m点半给我一个 morning call,我好去打ball.-deviation of historical period历史时代变异你的笑容已泛黄(语义变异 semantic deviation)在鱼也孤生在湖面成双(lexical deviation; s


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