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1、用方法改变结果儿歌入门 拼读过关英语是一门实践性很强的语言课,要让小学生轻松愉快地走进英语学习的殿堂,让他们快捷有效地掌握学习英语的规律的关键就是要给学生提供符合他们语言发展水平和有趣易学的语言材料。实践证明:英语儿歌语言简洁、结构明快、富有韵律、便于记忆,是进行语言启蒙的最佳素材,诵读儿歌也是儿童喜闻乐见的学习形式,是英语学习入门的有效途径。英语儿歌简介英语儿歌(English nursery rhyme)是流传在英语国家儿童中的简易诗歌。许多儿歌充满着少儿的幻想,洋溢着儿童的纯真,有些儿歌虽没有什么意思,但独特的韵律却能赢得孩子的喜爱。实践也证明:若在教学中采用欢快,活泼的英语儿歌作为语音

2、训练材料。则能使儿童在轻松自如的环境中练习发音,既能激发起学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,又能最大限度的认识和掌握英语的语音体系。英语儿歌的主要特点儿歌是给儿童聆听和吟诵的诗歌。它的音韵格律有章可循,但又具有自己的特点。一、押韵头韵(alliteration):指重复两个或多个相邻词语开头的辅音、辅音连缀、字母等。尾韵(end-rhyme):指诗行尾词重读音节中的元音以及后面语音(辅音和轻读音节)的重复。二、节奏感强节奏感强,清晰是儿歌的主要特点之一。儿歌可以合着拍子吟诵,大部分儿歌有16拍,分布在四句诗行中,每行四拍。每拍都落在一个重读音节上。例一:Twinkle, twinkle, little

3、star Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high.Like diamonds in the sky.例二:Peas porridge hotPeas porridge hot.Peas porridge cold.Peas porridge in the pot.Nine days old.Some like it hot.Some like it cold.Some like it in the pot.Nine days old.儿歌在英语语音训练中的作用一、突出单

4、音练习,在语流中掌握语音 儿歌注重重复两个或多个相邻词语开头的辅音,辅音连缀元音字母等,容易让孩子们在这一过程中掌握语音及发音规则。二、强调节奏训练,与单音操练同步儿歌的格律非常有利于初学者认识和熟悉英语的节奏。采用儿歌,可以让单音训练和节奏训练同步进行,使学生尽早地认识和掌握英语的节奏模式。三、开阔学生视野,扩大学生的知识面 让学生了解英语文化背景,了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养学生的跨文化交际的意识和能力。英语儿歌在教学中的作用1.儿歌用于字母教学例一:AA,A,its a cake.A, A, its a lake.A, A, its a date.A, A, its a g

5、ate.可替换:AA, A, have a cake.A, A, have a date.A, A, go to a lake.A, A, go to the gate.例二:A letter songR, R, its a car.Its my fathers car.Car, car, my fathers car.Its near the bar.结合拼读法教学实例示范案例一: 学习开音节单词读出下列单词,找出发音规律:date, lake, date, cakelate, tape, wake, wave根据发音规则,写出相同规律的词并读出这些词。(这项训练主要培养学生见词能读,听音能

6、写的能力。)b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h, j, q, x, r, z, c, s根据例词用以上给你的辅音字母在下面的横线上写出五个符合语音规律的词:name: _ a _ e _a _ e案例二: 学习闭音节单词朗读前面学过的单词,体验发音规则,并朗读括号中的新单词: cat, dad, can (tap, bad, map) red, pen, yes (ten, men, hen) big, his, pig (sit, lit, did) dog, box, hot (lot, mop, not) bus, sun, mum (sum, hut, nu

7、t)案例三:学习字母组合的发音规则good, book, look, took, foot (发短音) cool, school, moon, noon(发长音,但是bedroom, classroom, sitting room这些非重读音节发短音 )troop, boot, food, noodle, shoot (一些特殊的词)tea, sea, meat, heat(发长音)breakfast, bread, sweater(发短音)great, break(特殊规律)注意:一定要进行归类对比,找出规律,记住特殊发音,然后才能使学生学得轻松。案例四:怎样以旧带新如: 6A Unit7

8、At a Christmasteapot tea, teacher( heat, beat)pot, not, hot( dot, frog)mirror milk, sit, big, his( pig, tin)wallet watch, what (walnut, toilet)comb coca, cola (climb)mine nine, fine, time( line, hide)2.儿歌用于单词教学They are happy together (句型操练) Tiger, tiger, its a tiger. Zebra, zebra, its a zebra. Bird,

9、 bird, its a bird. Panda, panda, its a panda. They are cute. They are friends. They are happy together.修改为:Were happy together (拓展练习) Tiger, tiger, you are great. Zebra, zebra, you are fast. Dog. Dog, you are kind. Panda, panda, you are cute. You are our dog friends. Were happy together.3.儿歌用于句型教学(以

10、学生生活为语言材料)Whats the time? Whats the time? Its seven. Lets go to school. Whats the time? Its twelve. Lets have a meal. Whats the time? Its four. Lets clean our room. Whats the time? Its five. Lets go home.Lets go (从易到难,从简到繁)Park, park, go to the park. Lets go to the park. Lake, lake, go to the lake.

11、Lets go to the lake. Zoo, zoo, go to the zoo. Lets go to the zoo. School, school, go to school. Lets go to school.What colour is yellow and red?(拓展并渗透美术学科教学“怎样调色”)What colour is yellow and red?Orange, orange, its orange.What colour is blue and red?Purple, purple, its purple.What colour is yellow and

12、 blue?Green, green, its green.4.儿歌用于语法教学如: 第一人称学习One , two, three, we go to the sea.Four, five, six, we see some ships.Seven, eight, we have a cake.Nine, ten, we are home at ten. 第三人称单数练习One, two, three, she goes to the sea.Four, five, six, she sees some ships.Seven ,eight, she has a cake.Nine, ten,

13、 she is home at ten.5.儿歌用于时态练习过去时One, two, three, she went to the sea.Four , five, six, she saw some ships.Seven, eight, she had a cake.Nine, ten, she was home at ten.除此之外,还可以根据教学需要对教材中的儿歌进行改编如: Unit8 of 4A (原儿歌) One, two, three, four. Come in and close the door. Five ,six, seven, eight. Its time fo

14、r class. But youre late. Nine, ten, nine, ten. Dont be late again.修改后:One, two, three, four.Come in and close the door.Five, six, seven, eight.But today you are late.Nine, ten, nine, ten.Dont be late for school again.A little book (原文)What a nice little book!May I have a look?Oh, I like your little

15、book.修改后: What a nice little book! May I have a look? Oh, its a storybook. I like your book!Fly, fly my kite(原文)Fly, fly my kite.Fly, Fly very high.Up, up to the sky.修改后:Kite, kite, its my kite.Fly, fly, fly my kite.High, high, it flies high.Sky, sky, its in the sky.6.儿歌用于突破教学难点案例一: Unit2 of 5B A te

16、lephone callHello, hello!Is that Sue?Yes, yes. This is Sue.Are you free this afternoon?Yes, I am. What do you want to do?Shall we go to Hongmei Zoo?That sounds great! That sounds good!案例二:Unit3 of 4B (怎样教反义疑问句)A:Its cold today, isnt it?B: Yes. Look at that old woman.A: Which one?B: The one in the re

17、d sweater.A: Shes my grandfather.B: How old is she?A: Guess!B: About sixty?A: No, she is eighty.教学过程:T(出示一只钟):Is this a clock?Ss: Yes, it is.T(出示一块手表): Is this a clock ,too?Ss: No, it isnt. Its a watch. T: Is it warm today?Ss(根据天气的实际情况回答):Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.T: (初步引出反义疑问句) Boys and girls, its w

18、arm today, isnt it?Ss: Yes./ No.T:(多媒体演示四幅关于天气的动画) Look at the pictures. Its cold/ warm/rainy/ sunny, isnt it?Ss:(学生看图回答) Yes, its cold./ No, it s rainyT: (拿出一个装满各种实物的包) Lets play a guessing game. Look, its my magic bag. Its nice, isnt it?Ss: Yes, it is.T: Whats in it? You can ask me questions like

19、this :“Its a ruler, isnt?” S1:Its a toy car, isnt it?T:(从包中拿出玩具汽车) Yes, its a toy car.S2: Its a koala, isnt it?T:(教师拿出玩具熊猫) No, it isnt.T: Next lets have a rest and enjoy a chant.Its warm , isnt it? Yes, yes, its warm.Its cold, isnt it? No, no, it isnt.Its sunny, isnt it? Yes, yes, its sunny.Its rai

20、ny, isnt it? No, no, it isnt.T:请同学们模仿自编儿歌,所编内容要有韵律有节奏感,学生之间可以自由搭配合作,大家可任意表现。有的根据课桌上的文具用品编了一首儿歌:Its a bag, isnt it? Yes, yes, it is.Its a pen, isnt it? No, no, it isnt.Its a ruler, isnt? Yes, yes, it is.Its an eraser, isnt it? No, no, it isnt.有的把身边的同学编进了儿歌:Shes Ding Meng, isnt she?Yes, yes, she is Di

21、ng Meng.Hes Zhu Jun, isnt he?No, no, he is Wang Ming.教师在本案例中设计的四处情境:复习一般疑问句导入新句型的学习巩固反意疑问句运用反义疑问句7.巧用我国传统儿歌(找朋友)Come to sing. Come to dance.Come to meet my good friends.Shake hands. Play a game.We are always good friends. Two little tigersTwo little tigers are running fast.One is brown. One is white

22、.They are lovely. They are smart.They are having a happy time.注意对学生进行德育渗透校园灰色童谣: 爸爸妈妈去work. 我在学校读book. 老师骂我小pig. 我骂老师老dog.修改后: Mum is going to work.I am reading a book.Mary is drawing a pig.David is walking a dog.课堂小故事:Once upon a time there was a man. He had fifty red nightcaps to sell at the fair.

23、 It was a long way, so the man was very tired. He stopped and lay down to have a rest by the roadside. He put one of the nightcaps on his head, closed his eyes and soon fast asleep. But there were monkeys in the trees near him. After a while a huge old monkey climbed silently out of a tree. He plunged his paw into the bag, pulled out one of the nightcaps and put it on his head. He ran up the tree and sat there chatting away to himself. “Oh dear,” he cried, “What shall I do?” He was very angry! He pulled his nightcap off his head and


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