



1、英语(五年级上册)Project 1 An animal school第2课时Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 能准确运用There be 各类句型讨论学校相关情况。2. 能综合运用There be句型介绍学校的设施。技能目标:通过小组交流和合作,综合运用所学语言,共同完成动物学校的设计和介绍。情感目标:在小组合作与交流中,培养学生的动手能力,激发学生热爱校园生活的情感态度。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点教学重点:通过小组合作,综合运用U1-

2、U4所学语言进行动物学校的设计,制作和介绍。教学难点:制作animal school虽然富有童趣,但在实际操作中存在很多问题。教师可以多加示范,适度纠正学生在综合运用时的语言知识错误,通过小组合作完成动物学校的设计和介绍。Teaching procedures 教学过程:Step 1 Free talkT: Our school is a nice school. Our school is a shining school. Can you introduce our school?S: This is our school. Its big and bright.Step 2 New te

3、aching1. Talk about the old school of Goldilocks animal friendsT: Do you like our school? Our school is great. But Goldilocks animal friends school is not so good. Is it big? Is it new? Look! Is there a computer in their school? Are there any desks in their school? What can we say?S: There isnt a Th

4、ere arent any2. Finish the design on P46T: Oh, what a pity! The animal school is so small. Lets build a new school for the animals. But what should we do first? I think we need to design the map. First discuss what rooms they need. How many rooms are there in the animal school? Where are they?3. Pre

5、pare some rooms for the animal school (Check homework)1) T: We have finished the first step. I think you are all good designers. Next, what do we need for building the animal school? I think we need some rooms. In our last lesson, your homework is to design a room for the animal school. Now please t

6、ake out your rooms. Can you show us?S: This is a . Theres/There are 2) T: I see each group have some rooms, but I think, maybe you need more rooms. Lets play a gameBrainstorming. Please read and guess what room it is? If you are the first one, you will get an envelope from me. There are a lot of dif

7、ferent rooms here. Do you want to get it? Lets start the game, OK?4. Talk about teachers design1) T: We have the design and the rooms for the animal school. I think everything is ready. And I have an idea about the animal school. Do you want to know my idea? Can you guess whats in my animal school f

8、irst? You can ask me: Is there? Are there any? 2) T: Now please finish the exercises on your exercise paper. (exercise paper设计见PPT) And I want only one student to come to the blackboard. Listen and tick the rooms on the blackboard. Who wants to have a try? Lets listen and write. 3) Check the answer.

9、 4) 教师启发学生更好地设计animal school的设施。5. Build an animal school in groupsT: Boys and girls, its your turn to build an animal school. Please take out your animal school building and the rooms. Stick the rooms in groups. Dont forget to use the key sentences here. Start!6. Talk about the animal school1) T: T

10、ime to show your design. (教师出示板书提示学生如何介绍)2) 请一组学生上台示范,然后组内练习3) 学生到其他小组介绍自己的动物学校,并收集点赞T: Next, I think we can show the animal school to others. Lets have a race: collect likes. 7. Talk about the animal teachers and students选评哪组点赞最多,并将其设计作为全班写作的蓝本。8. Write about the animal schoolT: Do you love our ani

11、mal school? Our animal school has been built. It is good news. Shall we tell the good news to Goldilocks? Look, Goldilocks says hello to me on WeChat. Lets open and read it.T: Lets write down the introduction about the animal school.Step 3 SummaryT: Our school is beautiful. Our school life is colour

12、ful. Boys and girls, love our school. Love our school life.Step 4 HomeworkIntroduce our animal school to your friends.Finish the introduction of the animal school.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT,板书,练习纸,Animal School设计图。板书设计 Project 1 An animal school Animal SchoolThis is our animal school. Its _.T

13、here is a _. Its on the _.There are _. Theyre _We can _.说课:一、Project单元教学目标整体设计,分步达成五上Project 1话题为 An animal school,教材围绕该话题出示了一系列的任务,这些任务的目标语分别涉及了一、二、三、四单元的内容,但仅点到为止。显然,如果实际教学中仅囿于教材,学习目标就会有所缺失。基于上述认识,我们在对教材内容研读、分析的基础上对该单元的课时教学目标做了设计、开发及完善。我们将此单元划分为两个课时,第一课时教学确立了新的话题 Welcome to the animal school,侧重复习了

14、三、四单元的重点目标语,课时目标为:1. I can introduce myself. 2. I can introduce animals. 3. I can draw a room for my animal school on page 99. 第二课时紧扣教材原有话题An animal school,侧重对一、二单元的重点知识进一步整理夯实,要求学生从语句逐步过渡到语段、语篇的表述。课时目标为:1. I can draw a room of animal school and introduce it. 2. I can design an animal school. 3. I c

15、an tell my classmates about my animal school and its teachers and students. 分析上述教学目标,我们不难发现,首先两个课时的目标都对教材原有学习目标进行了重新整合,再度开发,合理补充。两个课时各有侧重:第一课时进行充分的话题、句型、词汇、篇章结构的输入,再让学生通过小组合作进行分工讨论和准备素材;第二课时让学生进行作品展示,动手写作和各种评价。第二课时目标是对第一课时目标的延伸,拓展,升华。二、突显主题情景策略,力求重构文本,开展Project单元教学。Project 1的话题为An animal school,共有6个板块。板块A是复习知识点的任务型项目;板


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