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1、第18课时九年级Units 78英语人教版1.safety(安全的)_(危险的)_(危险)_2badly(副词:好地)_(差的)_(更差的)_(最差的)_3poem(诗人)_4educate(教育)_(有教育意义的)_5social(社会)_6entrance(进来)_7choose(名词:选择;挑选)_ 词汇拓展 safe dangerous danger well bad worse poet education educational society enter choice worst 8.who(谁的)_9value(贵重的)_10somebody(任何人)_11policeman(

2、复数)_(女警察)_12easy(担心的;不安的)_13outdoors(在室内)_14sleep(困倦的;瞌睡的)_15receive(接受)_16lead(名词:领导;领袖)_ whose valuable anybody policemen policewoman uneasy indoors sleepy accept leader 1.回嘴;顶嘴_ _2避免接近;远离_ _3自己做决定_ ones _ _4拍照;照相_ _5确保_ _6挡路;妨碍_ _ _ _ _ 重点短语 talk back keep away from make own decision take photos

3、make sure get in the way of 7.同时;一起_ _ _ _8回忆起;回想起_ _ _9举起;激励_ _10追逐;追赶_ _11不但而且_ _ _12属于_ _ at the same time think back to lift up run after not only but also belong to 1.Teenagers _ _ _ to choose their own clothes.应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。2I _ _ sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive.我认为不应该允许十六岁的青少年驾车

4、。3Teenagers are too young to _ _ _ _.青少年太年轻不能够自己做决定。4It _ _ Meis hair band.它可能是梅的发带。重点句型 should be allowed dont think make their own decisions could be 5Im really _ _ _ the famous paintings by Picasso.看了毕加索著名的油画我真的感到兴奋。6I _ _ back,not listening to Mom.我懊悔顶嘴,而不听妈妈的话。7We _ _ _ running!我们不反对跑步!8Only th

5、en will I _ _ _ _ achieve my dream.只有那样我才会有机会实现我的梦想。 excited about seeing regret talking have nothing against have a chance to 9._ _ _ we may be allowed to take photos if we dont _ _ _?你认为如果我们不使用闪光灯的话,会允许我们拍照吗?10It must _ _ Carla.它一定属于卡拉。11Im not sure,but it _ _ a dog.我不确定,但是它不可能是一只狗。 12He might _ _

6、 _ catch a bus to work.他可能是在跑着赶公交车上班。Do you think use a flash belong to cant be be running to 13Do you have _ _ in your schoolbag?在你书包里有一些贵重的东西吗?14I think somebody must _ _ it _我想有人一定捡到它了。15There _ _ something _ the homes in our neighborhood一定是什么东西闯入了小区住户的家里16They think the stones can _ _ and _ peop

7、le _他们认为巨石阵可以预防疾病和让人们身体健康。 anything valuable have picked up must be visiting prevent illness keep healthy 1.含有情态动词的被动语态2情态动词表推测的用法(must,cant,might,could) 核心语法核心语法 考点一:They see a woman with a camera.他们看见一个带着相机的妇女。with和without【考点抢测】1(2017孝感)Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane.Thats tr

8、ue.I never go travelling _ a book.Awithout Bfrom Con Dabout2(2017连云港)Im thirsty.Id like a glass of orange juice.What about you, Dad?I prefer a cup of coffee _ nothing in it.Awith Bwithout Cfor DtoA A without为介词,意思是“没有;不带”,后常跟名词、代词或现在分词,其反义词为with,意思是“有,和一起”。考点二:考点二:He should stop wearing that silly e

9、arring.他应该停止戴那副愚蠢的耳环。stop【考点抢测】3(导学号:01924028)(2017宜宾)The child is crying.Please do something to make him_.Astop to cryBstop cryingCto stop cryingB4We stopped _,but there was not any sound.Ato listen Blistens Clisten Dlistening5Sally,stop _ TV!Its time to go to bed.OK,Mum.Awatch Bto watchCwatching D

10、watched ACstop用作动词,意为“停止;阻止”。其用法如下:(1)stop doing sth.停止做某事。如:Our teacher is coming.Please stop talking.我们的老师来了。请不要讲话了。(2)stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。如:Whats happening?Lets stop to have a look.发生什么事?我们停下来去看看吧。(3)stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。如:We must stop the kids from swimming here.我们必须阻止小孩在这里游泳。考点三:It

11、 must be Marys.它一定是玛丽的。情态动词表推测【考点抢测】6(2017荆州)Sixty dollars for such a Tshirt! You_ be joking! Im serious.Its made of silk from Hangzhou.Amust Bneed Cwill Dcan 7.(2017黄石)Janet is sleeping at home.She _ be.I went for a walk with her just now.Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dwont AA情态动词表推测主要有以下几种情况:(1)在肯定句中可用mus

12、t,could,may,might对现在的情况进行推测,其中must表示完全肯定,could,may,might所表示的可能性依次递减。must be意为“一定是”,could/may/might be意为“可能是”。(2)can用来表示对现在情况的推测或判断时,只能用于疑问句或否定句,cant be意为“一定不是”。考点四:Stonehenge,a rock circle,is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵,一个石头圈,不仅是英

13、国著名的历史圣地之一,而且是其最神秘的事物之一。not onlybut also【考点抢测】8(2017咸宁)What have you learnt after three years study in China, Maria?I was taught _ knowledge_good manners.Aeither; or Bnot only; but alsoCneither; nor Dnot; but B9. (2017长沙)Not only my parents but also my sister_crazy about the TV play in the Name of P

14、eople.AisBareChave beenA(1)not onlybut also是一个连词结构,意为“不但而且”,相当于bothand,在句中连接并列成分,有时可以省略also,其反义短语为neithernor。如:Not only you but also he speaks Japanese in our class.在我们班上不仅你说日语,而且他也说日语。(2)not onlybut also连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。如:Not only Tom but also I speak Japanese in our class.在我们班上不仅汤姆而且我也说日语。(3)n

15、ot onlybut also可以连接相同的句子成分或者并列分句,在连接两个简单句时,not only可以放在句首,这时句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如:情态动词、助动词do,does,did,have,has,had等)放在主语的前面,而but(also)后的句子用陈述句语序。如:Not only did he say so,but also he did so.他不仅这样说,也这样做了。考点五:a number of/the number of【考点抢测】10(2017益阳)The number of people in the city _ about seven millio

16、n now.AareBhasCis11(导学号:01924029)(2017齐齐哈尔)A number of visitors_ visiting the West Lake and the number of the visitors _ increasing.Aare; is Bis; are Care; areCA12_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers.AA number of;womenBA number of;womanCThe number of;wome

17、nDThe number of;womanC(1)the number of表示“的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数。如:The number of students in our class is 50.我们班学生的数量是50人。(2)a number of表示“许多”,相当于many,修饰可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。number前可用large,small等修饰,以表示程度。如:A number of students are planting trees on the hill.许多学生在小山上植树。考点六:sleep/sleepy/as

18、leep/sleeping【考点抢测】13(2017宿迁)Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels _(sleep)14(2017白银)Be quiet ! The patients _(sleep)15How hard the noise made it for us _!Afell asleepBfall asleepCto fall asleep Dfalling asleepsleepy are sleeping C 考点用法例句sleep意为“睡觉”,既作动词,又作名词。He had a good sleep last night.

19、他昨晚睡得很好。sleepy形容词,意为“想睡的;困乏的”,可作表语或定语。He goes to bed very late every day,so he often feels sleepy.他每天睡觉很晚,因此感觉很困倦。asleep形容词,意为“睡着的”,用作表语,常用短语fall asleep,意为“入睡”。The soft music made him fall asleep soon.这轻柔的音乐让他很快睡着了。sleeping形容词,意为“睡着的”,作定语。This is a sleeping dog.这是一条睡着的狗。任务型阅读。Do you dream of the day

20、 when you can drive a car? In the United States, teenagers can get their drivers license when they are only 16 years old, but it feels like forever until that day comes.Trust me, because Ive been there.Getting a drivers license takes a lot of time and energy, but its worth it because it means having

21、 a lot more freedom.Im from the rural state of Iowa (爱荷华州) that doesnt have a lot of public transportation, and everything is really spread out.So until I turned 16, my parents had to drive me pretty much everywhere.There were several steps before I got that special plastic card.In Iowa, everyone ca

22、n get their learners permit at the age of 14, which means you can only drive if your parent is sitting in the seat next to you.The next step was getting my school permit at the age of 15.In the state of Iowa, if you live more than a mile (1.6 km) away from school you can get a school permit.But you

23、can only drive to school and back home.Luckily, I lived just over a mile away from school, so I was able to drive my moms car to school.But if you were caught going outside that route (路线) you would get in big trouble.Finally, after taking (and passing) a threemonthlong drivers education course and

24、the final test, I was able to get my drivers license.I could almost taste the freedom already, and it did make life quite a bit easier.根据短文内容填写表格,每空不超过3个单词。How teenagers get _1_ in Iowa, the USA_2_to get a drivers licenseAgeNamesConditions14_3_Youre allowed to drive with one parent sitting by.15Scho

25、ol permitYoure allowed to drive from home to school or back home if you live_4_away.16Drivers license*You have to take threemonth education course* You have to take and pass _5_ 1._2._3_4._5_their drivers license Steps Learners permit more than a mile the final test 一、单项选择。1(2017临沂)The little boy ha

26、s just had lunch.He_be hungry already.Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dcant2(2017凉山)Mom, can I drive my fathers car to the cinema? No way! You should not _ to drive, you dont have a drivers license.Aallow Ballowed Cbe allowed Dare allowed D C3(2017白银)The whole family were _ agreement about what they should do ne

27、xt.Aabout Bof Cin Don4(2016滨州)The “teacherfree exam” means that students take their exams _ teachers.Students must be more honest.Awithout Bagainst Cthrough DbyCA5Your coat looks very nice.Whats it made _?Cotton,and it is made _ Wuhan.Afrom;in Bof;in Cfrom;on Dof;on6We should _ our classmates becaus

28、e they are our friends.Acare about Blaugh at Clook like Dshout atBA7How do you like the game show?_.I cant stand it.AFunny BImportantCPerfect DAwful8Did you mend the radio yourself?No,I_.Because I dont know how to do it.Amended it Bget mended itCgot it mended Dwill mend itDC9Some parents worry that

29、their childrens hobbies may_their schoolwork.Aget the way of Bget on the way ofCget by the way of Dget in the way of10You look sad, John.Whats wrong?Oh, I _ my mum, so she was very angry.Awaited for Btalked withCtalked back to Dcommunicated withDC二、完形填空。(2017安徽)Bikesharing is a new choice for short

30、journeys in cities.It is good to the_11_ development of the big cities.A_12_ by a company found that shared bikes started the nations _13_for bikes again.Now more and more Chinese people are_14_ bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of that company says that since the_15

31、_of shared bikes, people have made fewer trips by car.The love for shared bikes is not only among _16_people, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, but also among people over sixty.At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the_17_of all cities.On weekdays, the number of people who us

32、e shared bikes to travel to work is _18_in Shanghai.It is said that bikesharing will help_19_the cities environment.It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of_20_ in cities.Take Beijing as an example, if more people choose shared bikes, an area of five Birds

33、 Nest stadiums (体育场) will be saved.11A.slow Bhealthy Charmful Dsudden12. Arule Bplan Creport Dsuggestion13A.search Bworry Cpreparation Dlove14. Achoosing Bpushing Crepairing Dlocking15A.end Bstart Ccontrol Dfall16A.strong Bweak Cold Dyoung17A.top Bside Ccorner Dline18. Acoming over Bputting off Cgoi

34、ng up Dgiving away19. Adiscover Bseparate Cexperience Dimprove20A.air Btime Cspace DmoneyBCDABDACDC三、阅读理解。(2017襄阳)Many kids do housework such as doing the dishes, making the bed, and folding the clothes.In exchange, they get some money or other computer time.Paying kids for housework is one of the m

35、ost popular topics, especially at a time when everyone is more careful about money.Some parents think since adults are paid to do their jobs, we should pay kids for everyday housework.But some people dont think kids should get rewards(报酬) for doing housework.Susie Walton, an expert, believe that by

36、rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isnt worth doing unless you get something in_return.“Running any kind of housework is a team effort,” Walton said.“A home is a living space for everyone in the family.Its important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house,

37、 and families decide how they want their home to look, and how they are going to keep it looking like what they want.”Other people believe that getting a reward encourages kids to do housework, and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to get money.There are also apps(程序)

38、 that give kids points and digital gifts that can be redeemed(兑现) either online or in the real world.“Our goal is to give kids lawful power so they can get rewards,” says Chris Bergman.“And kids need rewards to help encourage them.” 21. Which of the following housework is NOT mentioned in Paragraph

39、1? AWashing the dishes.BCooking meals.CFolding the clothes.DMaking the bed.22. The underlined phrase “in return” in Paragraph 3 has the same meaning as “_” Aas a reward Bfor punishmentCon sale Dunder controlB A 23. What is Waltons idea in the passage? ARunning exercise is a kind of team work.BPeople

40、 work to get some rewards.CKids have responsibilities in the house.DDoing housework is only the parents job.24. According to Chris Bergman, kids should be encouraged to _. Ado housework without rewardsBdo more houseworkCstay away from houseworkDdo housework by getting rewardsCD25. Which is the best

41、title for the passage?AKids Should Study as Well as Doing HouseworkBLet Children Do Some HouseworkCShould Kids Be Rewarded for Doing Housework?DDoing Housework Is Good for Childrens Study C四、情景交际。(2017白银)阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使句意完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项)(Mr. Crum is talking with his doctor.A is f

42、or Mr. Crum; B is for the doctor.)B:Mr. Crum, please.A:Hello, doctor.B:How are you?A:Im fine, thank you,doctor, but I need your advice.I want to give up smoking.B:Thats a good idea.Smoking is very bad for your health.26._A:I started smoking when I was 22.Thats 25 years ago.B:27._A:Yes, Ive tried sev

43、eral times, but I always start smoking again.Now, my daughter has asked me to give it up, and I want to try again. 28._ And I want to succeed this time.B:Well, lets see.Ill listen to your breathing, and do some tests.Have you got a cough?A:29._ And Im not fit.I get a lot of colds.B:Well, its really

44、a good idea to stop smoking.Smoking causes many illnesses, not only cancer.BFDAA:30._ B:One thing you can do is to join a group.That often works, because you have other people to help you.AYes,I have.BWhen did yon start smoking?CNo, I havent.DShes afraid Ill get cancer(癌症)EWhat other illnesses does

45、smoking cause?FAnd have you tried to give up?GHow can I give it up?G五、短文填词。(2017泰州)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。Many teenagers dont get along well with their parents and they dont know what to do. If you face such a problem, what Im saying now might be 31.h_ to you.elpful Have you ever thought of 32. t_ to your parents to find out why you dont get along well with each other? When I was a teenager, I didnt get on well with my parents, 33. e_. We sometimes argued (争吵) with each other. I am sorry that I


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