已阅读5页,还剩10页未读 继续免费阅读




1、座号2015年4月自考英语二试题及答案解析完整版绝密表启用前全国2015年4月高等教育自学考试统一命题考试英语(二)试题答案解析及评分参考(课程代码00015)本试卷共12页满分100分;考试时间T50分铀q总分题号InIV |VVIK核分人g分ia .10101015IS30笈查人林分得分卷入I第一部分:阅读判断(第1 70题,每题1分决1。分)I,下面的陶文后列出了 10个句子,清根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断;如果该句提供 的是正确信息,选择a i如果假句提供的是错误信息,选择如果出句的信息文中设有提及I 选择C并将所选答案的代明(指或Q填在答题戳的相应位置上。公共英谗三艘(pets3

2、)bwE过可免考自考蕤语】英诘2 QQ253687166Using Munk t。Ch*n官。Yaur MoodEvtrycjp knows that litlaninf to nwic vhen feeling bad can pnwiA* - mJiM- Music can digreduce htrf;ii, make dopirfuiioQ mere bfiarkbltj and l.dp yoL relax.AH the i>cnofita of music rnn only he got ii' thn li-Uinor c:ijcyfi thft mufiie ha

3、 is fiM?n;ng to. If the i/1rnrr didikrji the miiic i>r Ci r:dr- i:尿干.1磐.it ki hn%1 rr:fntvr rf fc< | on kim :nHtttacl of CFit"eIIP.*g-.el':=匚 xnminr uhui m阴 l of u.= do vhm it inin=i to Eiat m:n(: to rruRieH ueually jtist lineng a play list and allow a progrwn to randcmly(任意堆),lent th

4、e wnga wc arc dij2 Li: ,:.'nTliis lb ivherp the problem Kcf . if vuu Lkfd 由世 lirH Bcng but tound the second one boxing?4 hul if tliird one was a motialir 呻 wh. In thn f口urlh d.dr ' T tiuiL your amotionf '; X hut do youM15JM4底力->试吃即眸斗,亲书.挈圻 至: <12T )think the result will be?hat you

5、* 11 have is an emotional mess I The Grat sorig will lift yuur mood a little. I,lic heeonil will make you a litlle bon,J. The ihiid will motivate you and dien the fourth will put yon down. In ihr end you' 11 end up feeling nurse than before.I strongly recommend dividing your play list info diffe

6、rent small listfi. For cxatripk, a lisl for relaxation, a list for monvation and so on. Another ven- impodunt thin再 you musl do is 3 get rid (jf all cf the oM miiair that you arr lx>red of. Besides,dun J t listen to 'Ongs with nialive words or messjgcs.The music you listen to can delay your r

7、ecovery frmn breakups(分手)bv months and months r 公共英谓三级储bao*U寸免考自考英语l,制QQ2&3687166Ptruple who listen to romantic sun及 uftrr breakups recover 10 time* slower than those who don11. So b« careful with your play list if you want to recover faMer.1, Music is believed to havt? a comforting effect.

8、A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given2* One can benefit from all kinds of music.A. I rueB. FalseC. Nat Civen3. People tend to listen to music selectively,A. True也 Fttliw?C. Not Given% People generally prefer motivating songs.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given5. You should listen Lo 5ongj: Lhut suit your emobons.A. T

9、rueB, FalaeC. Not Given6. It s advisablf: to have different lists of songs.A. TrueB, FalseC, Not Given7. You should remove all of the old munic from your list.A. TrueB. FakeC, Not Given8. People should listen io songs with positive words.A. TrueB, FalseC. Not Given9. RumEintic songs help people reco

10、ver from breakups fitter.A, TrueB» I alseC. Not Given10. Many people like romantic songs.A. TrueB. FalseC. Not Given我帮(二)谎时云手专苫案处承折 手2:页J得分岸卷入第二部分:阙读选闺第11、15题j每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从蛹文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项,并将 所选答案的代码(指A、B,C或D)填在答题纸的相应位苴上。Just Introduce YourselfIt' f* so easy to walk into

11、 your first job and feel like a ranker in a 4mn那 Lind But you 曲"1 have to stay that way>and you shouldn't.You have to remind yourself to ki<ik ycHr shyneas away and intTTKluce youriflL Just a handshake v*ill do, Ask the supervisor who hired you to introduce you arcumd a bit, 1 huL s t

12、he hesl I。make contaetfi. Then you1II know wha【to da and say when you me(ii these people aga.inDon't do what my friend Sue did at her Rrsi job at fnlenainment Weekly, That is on<? of Iny biggest regrets; 1 hardly talked to anyone at all wheij I was there, 1 vras scared and just thouglit peopl

13、e would talk to me £t»L For a long time TI was bung up on 由七 thought that if someone was older, I respected them autnmalically. And even if someone started Monday, and 1 starlud Tuesday, I just felt they had more expripnee, !n the area I worked lor four months, 1 hardly spoke lo these peop

14、le,1 ahe said."Of course,now I realize that wa& the most stupid ihin臣 If 1 could d。that 用au1/' d reintmbcr that it1 s so impoTtant not to feel shy about introducing yourself- llT s rot likt- you htm: L。尻 丫中 hold, ready to take over the place. Just introduce ynursell snd ask if there is

15、anylhiti you car du fur them, That breaks the ice. 11Sue believfis that if she had introduced herself arnund a HlTthere Tvould be juat nu telling 中1前 SOfet卬式用除*过可免考自考英制英诘2懒3即1的other opportunities or what other acquaintances she might have now - Not that she regrets 'where she now at alL But had

16、she talked to more people at her firsl job, 14 maybe it would have Im-lped me 职l somewhere sooner/' she saiid.1 L How do people usually feel when meeting people al their first job7A, Shy.B. Puzzled.Curious.D, Ejtnilet,12. When Sue started her first job,she.A. inboduced herself aroundB. asked her

17、 supervir for helpC. shook hands with c<Ueagues0. waited for others 1。血k to her13. "I was hung up on the thoughtH in Paragraph 3 probably ineans "【 Au believedR. guessedC. learned.D. admitted23$干二号英德1 )试判和争号本点蓝第评 第3京(法12二)14. 3rl闻 did Sue gugge地 we do at our IjmC job?A, Seize every pt 端

18、目 He upportimitj.B G1 neodF to tukr over I he place.C, Make active contacts wilh otherv.D. Stay hiimhie before the older staff.15. In talking about her first job exp(?riencet Sue eKpressed ft sense of .得分怦卷入A、relief机 it即elC. failureD Jun审阳第三部分;概括段落大意和补全句子T第16 25题,每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请完成短文后的2项测试任翦乂1)从第M

19、、却题后所给的6个推项中为 第T 5.段每段选择1个正确的小标题;2)从第21 -25强后所给的6个选项中选择5个正 确选项,分别完成每个句子,并将所选答案的代码指A、B、C、D、E或F)填在答题纸的相应位 置上The Woman behind the Brooklyn BridgeJ. Jahn Hobbling Gannett Lu build the Brooklyn Bridgt; Ijcfort. 1867. I3ut hr never rrally got started. Li 1K69 The died of an resident- The job fell to his s

20、on WuAhingtona masLer of cunslruction. n 1872,Washington was injured in building the bridge. H« could not walk any longer Ife could only see tha building of the bridge from hi& windlaw. Bui his mind was still fresh. How could he gpt his :Jeas down to the wnrki'rs?©:That' s xhsr

21、e Emily Cftfic in, Emily and Washingfnii m日mnd in ! 865. At that rimp Jnhn 3口三 planning the bridge. He *nl kis sem around the world to ?tudy bridges, Emiy went a!on with her husband and learnt much abnul brtdge building. Wlien Jokn died and Washingtnn becamf- the bca, flhe tauhl hem:lf mure ibuut br

22、idge building. She i,anted to lielp her husband with hi萨 n书钳 gh,Emily tegulariy came to the building site. She Eave Washingtoni & instructions to the workers.- i . i 触螂三隼网刷b陋1可妫自裸湿英谐2 W25椰g 1口And then she took quest ions back to him. However, as Lime went on, her role started t 口 change, boon, w

23、orkers &aw her as the new hiss. As site had more and more knowiedgt't she became the chiH' engineer. She met with officiahtdiscussed with other engineers and insiructed the workera>Emify akn helped to sclve problems outside the building iilc. Scnie people once qm,弓toned her huibanrl:

24、s ability is head the bridge building- And the AmeiKBn Society of Cii J H:。即对已拈 would think about 上电声acing h加.Emily ivernt to meet the group. She gave a speech in 也缶M her husband. Th. group finally deeded 也 keep hjni on ihc job.It took up 4 years to build the bridge. For 11 of Lhcsc years,Emily was

25、the one in charge. The bridge finally opened on May 24,1883. She was one of the first people to crosa the bridge. Emily ns ver planned on brnmin sn 附唱 irneer ,hu【shf lur 拄 ed otn to he a. rea one. 年4月英语二)试超和*年若案比解析 第”:巽1打一Task 116,':1 L Paragmpti: s.,心声即号: 19. Pimgniph: 加了妙叫叫曲:Task 2A, How did L

26、rnily pick up bridge building?B. Vi htil happened to Jahr and 哪整hin幽门?C. Hnw tiid Ertiil.y M abl her work?EL What role did Emily play in buihiin the bridge?E. How I nog did it take m build the bridge?F. Why did Ernily ive a speech?21. Aftr hih father dini T.22. Awiftrnpanied bj Emily, .23. Ab lime w

27、en I ona.24. Emily gave e speech25. H look fourteen yeara . Washington wnt to stud bridgesB. lu express her thanksC. Washington Look over the jobD. to build the bridgeh. Kmily 将n t” play a higge mb1E :o defend her hushsnrl得分评卷入第四部分;填句林文(第26 m30题,诲题2分发70分)= = : -下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有E个句子.其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其

28、分 别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并招所选答案的代码(指A、B,CJ>,E或F)埴在答题空的 相应位置上©公关英语三线(骐出)加湖1可曳学日考英曲英语2蟒。胡Playing G JunesNqE Only I'ujiFor many peopletplaying games is a way in have some fu»« 2 It is a /M way to kppp 1111,1 1l ntiJl hr.hlL in check. AcLujJy ,iinyLhirig that requires >ou Lu do stimtr

29、thinking will help you kfffp your hmin heal由一、ou may suv 1_hai thi iLind5 g产gt liuf you jusl den 1 L have the Lime 山 du it. If you ant tn 1 mpTivc y:Mir TTienial hjilth hyou wiH make hmc for j, 27 You can exercise your brain before “'”k Hu/ whib- blip r(Lsi 川 err fan) ;v f;i iill in Thi1; rt(n p

30、-fatlv chAHe youir attitude ft>r the Twvt of I he day.Tlie !<' T off in the evening .ind wnd some 而忙 F”叮“唱事hIujil oj with a family membei. 28 i;晨 arw:.y 口F 巾切即於行"口口. T»k 胃口"此:di.m ' i s<ct bured pl.iw 山已切!仁 ul I he dnir.m15年4月英调 <-)试题布才琴案及标 僚5夏(弊网。7 games offer sev

31、eral diflcnil levels»To get the exercise for your brain. start out with the easy stuff, 29 As >onr level of skill improvespgo 口n to chilknge your brain bj moving into more stdvanccJ leek uf ihf: game.Find【hr games that you rrally t rijoy playing. Keeping your brain sharp with such games is r

32、eally going io pay off for you in many 由肛耳, 30 ou will find that you have less str4M and that it is t!Jsier lo rndke decisions. 、ou will disc find lluit your meniory is improving.» I i m一 .1. 一 I_ . . 1A. Set iside about 30 minuter a day when you car pla> gam风B. This is especiaUy true if you

33、 are n七w ic a game.C. Playing games can help you make new fritnds.D. You will be surpnad ut how much it imprtivps your life,E. However,it cjji hUo help you exercise ycjnr brain.卜; Yoh can aisw invite friends over to play games with you.得分 评卷入 第五部分:埴词补文(第3140豳每题L5分,共15分)下面的短文有10处空白,短文后列出12个词,其中10个取自短

34、文,请根据短文内容将其 分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B、C、D、E、FG、HJ、J、K 或L)填在答题纸的相应位置上。Iearn from Your FailuresHave you ftver failed? Tf not, it is 31 ihat you have never taken a 32 on trying anything new, or ehe you nre lying.There is nothing 33 with failing, as long 瞅 you ieam from yourmodify your呼“,喝溺*除留展髅爵斯

35、蝙嗑盘樱“"山区仙中上"succeed, >rovided ikaL vou du learn and keep trying.'州 Cfln 35 only from experience and you get expcrieri<.r only from having a 幽 at something. Il may be more 36 lo sitccecstl, but you can 37 learn more front failing. This is only if you are obsennnt and take 38 of wh

36、at you are doing and which things have worked and which haven' tt Y ou ihen need to 39 what has happened t altPT your 40 und move on.So go for it! You will evenlually et thereunless you stop trying.A. probableE, start. wrongB. actuallyF. chanceJ. noteC. directionG. specialK.analyzeD. finallyH. g

37、rowL.pleasant颂18年4月英语(二)抵魏加参考落案及解新 第6页(兼12页)印卷人第六部分:完形补文(第41 50题,每题1.5分,共15分)下面的短文有10处空白,每处空3后的括号内有一个词,谐根据短文内容将其正确的形 式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案舄在答题纸相应的位置上。Voice and Text ChattingVojee chat and lest chat art1 quirkly quick : becoming prefemd o: runtn2ui iciU-in Willi otheirs online. Eor language 41(learner)

38、, these forms nf eommu liration 42( able) ihrm toshare ideas about thttinselves and the world in aliwwt ial lime. Th比 can establish friendships with pmplp fmm arrumrl the glnh. Tbg, it an he an easy way to learr Engua即s and world 43 (culture).评卷入第七部分:短文写他第51题,30分)However,carp u.id consideration shou

39、ld be 44 (give) when you arc looking f<r friends on the Internet because you _45( real) dnn * t knew who th person is at the r thei pnd. 1 hu, never give out personal inGirmation 46 ( ircludp ) yoir name T age, when? ou Ine, and the name of 'he school you attend. Also,be 47 (care)about meetin

40、g online Muquitjiiiuiiccs in persui: t ami if ”皿 do so.rriLike hutc il n iti a public pluee and go vilh a friend or a ftmily member, 超_( tinnl L cent act IacaI Aiithoritiea if yon frrl you are in danger. Again, chatting with othere ran be an enjoyable and 49 education ) activity if you us它 care when

41、 _50( du) so.请根据所提供材料中的要求完成一篇100词左右的美语短文。并将短文写在答题纸相应 的位置上。公共英谒三聂(pets3) h出过可也为自考英曲英语2 04253687166 5k某英文报杜正在举办题为“1 Like Pl丽玛3氤”的怔文活动。诸就此题目写一箱英文短文应征口内容包括以下两个方面:你经常通什么体育运动?体育运动对你有哪些好处? :二0154月英国,二设题与等麦反於析 第丁优(共12页;全国2015年4月自学考试英语(二)试题参考答案及解析第一部分:阑读判断第1 7。题,每题1分溪10分)1 . A 2,B3.B4.C5. A 6. A 7.«. A

42、SB 10, C!,解析 越干丸百人扪纵为普乐可以产生或匙的短果,膜日的关流同犬/mmfbrli博”,皤麻原文第-程第 嫌黄诲三曾(.9*过可免考M英胤英配00253637166._句.Everyone knows that littening to music when fe«ting bad can provide a relief.原文是说人人都二道与心情 不好的时候听音乐可以墙饰我慰.黑砰耳朦文的恚思j效战温编2 .解析邀干大意:人们可以从舂种音乐中受猛,题国的关键词是"b«i向二母虎悬文第二段第一句:钏 标 bendltt M music can onl

43、y he g if the listener mj* the hhirm he k listening to.晶文.是如如累听音乐的人 喜欢他所听的音乐他才能从中受益,题目与嫌丈的意感不符,城址H-3 .解析1慧千大喜:人们领得于有这建校地乎专服翘目的美蜒制是"sdectiw则二时应原文第三就第二 句:需e usually jusl listen to a pl*y llfil and iBow a pmrnin lu randomly (任 意地) Meet the wngs W pre 曲汨吕 to 运馆u切忌史是正我们经常只听曲列表上的电恭1并且让程#任急吭择我们褥听的音乐,题

44、目禹嫌文的 帝惠不科,就选R4 .解析J通千文章:人布一俄再就听灌吊的机曲 题月的关键制是"moii询亩月m即门.对应原文黄四位第-.句.Vt hal if thp - one was a motivating senp whUt the fourth dicin' t suit ynur mfldons?原文是说,应嚏第三 首是激昂的欲街,但第,皆即不适合你的情绪忠幺办晦?题目所次的内事才原文中并没有提别,敛提Q5 . 一解析题千丈意:秣就听适合你恰绪的歌曲 题4的美植词是 “加" ynur即I成由皿“,师应文“彩然目: 山牌Music to Chart耻、叫r

45、MoodC用音乐改史林的心情),文章第五段也乱明了要听地合殍惜浦的戕曲,放 ik Ai6 .解析题干大毒:建立不同的欧比弁表是明智的 题目的关械簿是飞而仃1口:心',时应原文第六段第一 由;I stiwigly recommcrKl dividing yvvr ply Sisi into由fFerent &mali 1诵忤.朦文是说作者建树速投把播弑列表分 成不同的小列表,题目与煮支的意息一豉.这选盘3 :解析 港干大意;你应演从件的我也免盘中暮隐所有的老就户即目的美钺询是"Nd m山Jc"*地®*丈第 六段第三句;Another w import

46、ani thing 仲 u muAt de is uj gel. riJ w al】H I he old ciiuk lliilt you twrwl ""原 文是说清除附有你不喜比的老歌,题剧的衷述与麻宣不符,被选Bog. fftf 黑干大童士人们通砍啼有正面歌词的歌曲”蓦.的先魅词是"pwitiwe ”师M”,对成麻M第六段量 后一句:Beedes, dciTi' t lisuin to son. with nrfjativr irtirds or幅平s.号文连说不要呻有负面歌羯或信思的歌希,遮目是原土的阿父表达.妣选A*9. (解析唐干丸意:浪渣的数

47、曲帮岫人们更快地从分手中恢盘虻朱x期目的关融是“山血&疝。M)n群”和 "recover'1 ,对应雅丈屈居一盘第二句:People who liolen g romaniic an嗫 after bnakupB recover 10 limes ilowei Wi thDM who dun't愿文是说在分手总听浪漫眈曲的人比那些不听浪漫股曲的人慷更喝要慢10传, ”的媪'与“四2”意愿是用火的.故逸以201544月英语(二)吠疑立参考零案砥解* 系国贾共同行博解析题干丈意;许方人喜就浪沈的歌曲口题目的匏钱可金”rnmanlic son即",

48、对原原丈最忌一较第二 句;People who listen I* romantic scnpa 曲*tr breakups recovpr 10$ slower than those who dun11.原文是说点分手后听海漫吼由的人比那不听浪漫歌曲的人度复得要慢10倍,期目新就的内容在原文中并没有提 到,被逮a第二部分:阅遣选择(第11 75电每跑2分,共10分)11. A 12, D13, A14, C 15. BL 解析事实修节题口根据丈章箫一收第一句"b'*的msj .feel likt a str&ngcr in a himnge land,"和

49、第二 段第一句"You have to remind ymininLf to kick your ihyness swsy and inLroduce yoursetf.”可知,当在一个所生 的环境第一次工作时,人们会感觉的已像一个苒生人,就会很宙及o双选Afl12解析 串案期节题°根据文章第三及Sue所就的话"I was Mand and ju»1 thought people would talk to me fi间可扣,当Sue第一次工作讨,她送有主动去介貂育已,而是等羯人先和她旗话&故达D。解析句意理第题.根据文章第三段渚统部分所在旬的意

50、思可知,如果别人是老员工的话,Sue就会习 惯挂比尊垂他媳中也是他所认为的观点,由下一包中的feh也可找淘出来,改选.工薇窿被(网声bat可曳船雄专女语2侬厕感14.解折 事实细野也口根据丈率第河段倒数第二句"h&t iiiLfoduce yourMlf and a& if there is anything you cindu for them,可如,Sue建设成第一生工作时受先介娼自己,然君他问别人你能为他扪毁什文,也就是 砥要和别人生动支流,技逢G】土【解析】 事实佃节题。根据丈案第二段第二由中的"my怔跳蜷t EsretC'可M,0ue在讲述

51、他的第一次工作 经扁叶表Ut出一种后悔的咫贪。故逸B。第三部分:概括段落大意和补至句子(第16 25造,每翻1分扶10分)Task 11也 B 17, A 18, D 19, F 2D. E解析孟先可林除选项人«E、F,因为第一段并出有提到Emily这个人-第一段主要讲述的是隼口去 姓以及他的儿子Washin做如在建谡大/时受格的经M,逸项B群的是John和%四M砧3n发生了什必争. 速项B写本段对庖q17解析本段主戛设述的是Emily跟隗*她的丈夫,并且学写了很质看关桩梁比设的如诅.在丈夫成为青 标后,她义自拜了更,的知识。逸瑶A讲的是EmS是如何学会排她虚设的,选里A与本就对应中

52、【乱解析本段主委讲述的是Emily授常去走就工物.对工人们递行指导,热后把网题反错给独的文夫.此 荒他成为了总工程师选项D讲的是Erd*&it就大饼中所起的作用是针幺,选项口与本段计应”19.解析本就主要讲述的爰Emii)做演讲的原因,限为一些人怀疑林,七天的能力,并且美国土木工程师博 会考虚替摸她的丈夫,Emi®为T给她的丈夫神# .就做了一次演讲,滥项F法的是Emily为什幺要格讲. 捻:F与本段对应口加/解析】表段第一句是中心句,主要讲述的是建设大护花了血耳忖同口速gE识的是建设大桥花了琴 长时间,这项E与本设计戚口2015r月茯祜( ) 丈颖女石可暮.我运W折 需9真

53、(挺】2THT»uk 222. A23. E24累斛折越千的中心同是“died一篇一At第二,四向萧正的是的K青RM于I晒,无手一 场事故建谈大游的工祚就落到了 Whinglm的身上口太建走就皿他的戈亲祀后,Washii菖ton我挣管了工 作二速孽C苻合愚高23-1解析J 程千附中理调足itWOtnpaiiiwi" 口 it二莅第H、五句讲的是Joli工起.小子宙ashiralwi运利世界等 地击掌4轿兼分以,Emily陪着她丈夫包一起争牙新麦建学&聚题是觇”在Emily的梏胖下,Uashmgron去 学毛了格瞿痴识 逸顼A巧合篁建q圆解析题干的中引词是“齿ne w

54、anl on"。由题干中种"As Kme went on.可直4蛔匕性别原丈It三姓多吗 电.苗三瞪寓日向讣述他是哺当时同J*埠.地购桂用开拈皱o立息是我'"妞卦时同静移,有卬开好发 坪更大的作(JTf i4%E树命题盅巾24, |解析】题干的中百洞是p收小、靠国税倒载第二句讲述的是袅为T给丈夫孵#而做了一次演讲工 "defend'1 "in #作诋of是时通的造第F籽禽题章。25解析题干的中E词是"Rurt帝n yt近二於五段衲中4句;?第一百话.索朋-第漆凿大怖#,费了 14年 时间,*墨玲原丈我迷一过,选第n尊爵

55、随恚_第四部分:填句讣文(第/ 的四,鼻题2分I共叫分)26. E 27. A 28 . F2轧 R30. D26,解析空瘩常一 句话的看外为“对于济多人来廷,此游戏是技程快乐的一仲方式、空裕后一句话的需 E: %“宜是一种控制心外?旧康酶+F方式二 遑可E4前后土柑提靛般褒,龙图为“赳而,&上能帮岫战昂林 内女胞工打与第 沃&后 句中的"iccpFulM bi«jit hahli,”和丈率帏题中的"Mx Only Fun"离凉口 比选E.工工解析空乘前一句的的意思为”在如果外根改加G崖健康,林索费爵出过可束北下文应紧找着讲如何 步出时间

56、,瞌项A的泰思为“专推蒋游城的时候.一天留出丈的30件的时间二玲上立桁接看景密.世 选A .上乱解析 空胫的一句谙的您悠为“在靶上吴并衽视.1百日一个人或者与军人一起花些时间藐羽戏进与 F的忐思为"等也可段邈漆胧发过来和你一起就带喊二与上文胸按卷步密淡逸乳的解析空修前一句话的意惠犷为T让你的火格得到更多的般黑,先从前单的严始,室格后一切话的 我愿为H当俳的蛙代水牛菸盏T .接盘进入谢碇的老高蜒割去批黑埠的士.酷”,亚星n防.毒廛苗”如臭库时 赠现不了解,去"情抗丁就士E加此、片J下火油接最累奢,故迪队w. f解林I空珞防一句法的意达为玩达杵的峙戏tt保挣长蚣是帔,它鼻的会以

57、很多方式圜/穆,空楮后 一电后的意思为“你焚会发现体有敕沙眄压力,升R也梗密多做出决豆",逸项D的#亮为“你将会暗惊地 工现等或给件的生活武警了热爱、与上下文粉接青索留,蚊遗口“加1534月更讨(二:式建和李寺并集及第行 第1GJT C共12项)第五部分:填同补交第31塞,每题1,5分.找15分)31, A 32. F 31J 34. D 35. H 36. L 37, B 38. J 39. K 40. C31解析】 由空格前的动词也南室格后的由曲队由可物,空格处需要随一个帮客词口根据句意可知.这里 展示如果俅曾姓没有失瞰过,假可能是你从来不救冒险变试叙的东画,否则你就在说魂=It

58、适probable that势固定旬3! +急先”很可处破逢Ao32解析由空整新的地词H可为,空格就离曼城一个用苗*闻员4皿,旗为“臂险、叔逸F433解析由空格蓟的3tl诞可知,空格处需臭填一个彩售诃力根据句志可如,比虻表不失败没有什幺幅, X受林他从错误中现电载词,旺变称的方法,然后再试一吹口蚊遮L34.【解析,由空格后的动利gE«d可知.该南靖构危整,空楙处需要瞋一个副词二桩战向需可知,此虻息 永住失联像次教越多,你最后式助再就短块,只戛你肯学习和一直K试电iin>Ik意为”量性B项也是制 司,生不将合句意,故逸D,35解析由空格前的情态动司con和空格首的副何gly可如.喧格处需要境一个动词裱据句竟可婀, 这里我子你可以从援历中成长,畀且从善其中将到建髓心械逸FL强解析】由空格茹的he动调和比敕蚊more可珈.堂楮虻索要填一个招东利:出据可意可和,拉里泉承 福共英网用则可免考白可英饶I英南侬曲87瞒虽然成功也许更令人高兴,恒实标上侏能从先眼中事以更多“ 十叫E费为“商界的,奉人确挟的“,敌 逸J,37解析由空格前岬情态勃司cm和空棒后的动稀1«5可M,空擀处警娶矫一个副智。柢卦向毫可加, 这里表示会序上锦施从失It中学习更0cl和3匕章弛“实除


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