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1、大学英语六级词汇精讲 1 - 6 (附答案)1.1. Once you get to know your mistakes, you should _them as soon as possible.A. rectify B. reclaim C. refrain D. reckonCET-6,2001,12. Well be very careful and keep what youve told us strictly _.A. private B. rigorous C. mysterious D. confidentialCET-6,2002,13. Before every Boa

2、rd meeting, it is customary for the _ of the previous meeting to be read out.A. minutes B. precis C. notes D. protocol4. He was barred from the club for refusing to _with the rules.A. conform B. abide C. adhere D. comply5. The girl was _ a shop assistant; she is now a manager in a large department s

3、tore.A. presumably B. preliminarily C. formally D. formerlyCET-6,1995,66. Although the heavy rain stopped, it was at least an hour later that the flood began to _.A. retire B. recede C. recline D. retreat7. That ancient car of his is a _ joke among his friends.A. steady B. standing C. settled D. sta

4、ble8. Whether their football team will win is a matter of _ to me.A. discrimination B. deviationC. indifference D. interestsCET-6,1996,69. They threw petrol onto the bonfire and the sudden _ lit up the whole garden.A. glow B. twinkle C.spark D. flare10. He answers questions about how to keep _ meats

5、 from becoming tough when braising.A. tender B. vulgar C. mild D. frail11. The original elections were declared _ by the former military ruler.A. void B. vulgar C. surplus D. extravagantCET-6,1994,112. In the blazing heat of midday, the dog lay by the side of the boad,its mouth open _.A. yawning B.

6、panting C. surplus D. sniffing13. Humidity is so intense in some parts of the tropos that Europeans find they are unable to _ it.A. maintain B. persist C. endure D. sustain14. At school he had a good academic record, and also _ at sports.A. prevailed B. achieved C. surpassed D. excelled15. The lectu

7、re _ from prehistory to modern times and gave the audience much to think about.A. covered B. included C. ranged D. dealt16. All the guests were invited to attend the wedding _ and had a very good time.A. feast B. festival C. recreation D. congratulationCET-6,2001,117. Why should anyone want to read

8、_ of books by great authors whom the real pleasure comes from reading the originals?A. themes B. insights C. digests D. leafletsCET-6,1997,618. His letter was in such a casual scrawl and in such pale ink that it was _ .A. doubrful B. ambigous C. obscure D. illegible19. The human voice often sounds _

9、 in the telephone.A. twisted B. irregular C. distorted D. deformed20. When theres a doubt, the chairmans decision is _ .A. fight B. definite C. fixed D. final参考答案与精讲1. 答案选 A 。A. rectify:改正 B. reclaim:要求收回,重得 C. refrain:(正式)克制,抑制 D. reckon:推断,考虑,计算2. 答案选 D。A. private:私下的,不公开的 B. rigorous:精确的,严峻的 C. m

10、ysterious:神秘的 D. confidential:秘密的,机密的3.答案选 A。 A. minutes:会议记录 B. precis:摘要 C. notes笔记 D. protocol:法案,议案4. 答案选 D。 A. conform:(to)遵守 B. abide:(by)遵守 C. adhere:(to)遵守 D. comply:(with)遵守5. 答案选D。 A. presumably:据推测 B. preliminarily:初步地 C. formally:正式的 D. formerly:以前,从前6. 答案选B。 A. retire:退休 B. recede(洪水)退下

11、 C. recline:向后靠,斜倚 D. retreat:撤退7. 答案选 B。A. steady:平稳的 B. standing joke:习惯用法,老笑话 C. settled:解决 D. stable:稳定的8. 答案选C. A. discrimination:歧视,偏见 B. deviation:偏差,误差 C. indifference:不关心,不重视 D. interests:兴趣9. 答案选D。 A. glow:灼热,发光 B. twinkle:(星星、眼睛等)闪耀,闪烁 C.spark:火星 ,火花 D. flare:火焰10. 答案选A。A. tender:温柔的 tend

12、er meat 嫩肉 B. vulgar:轻柔的,柔软的 C. surplus:(脾气、天气等)温和的 D. extravagant:脆弱的,易碎的11. 答案选A。A. void:(法律上)无效的 B. vulgar:粗俗和 C. surplus:多余的,剩余的 D. extravagant:奢侈浪费的,昂贵的12. 答案选B。A. yawning:打哈欠 B. panting:(张口)喘气 C. surplus:叹气 D. sniffing:嗅,喷鼻息13. 答案选 C。A. maintain:维持,保养 B. persist:坚持,持续 C. endure:忍受,容忍 D. sustai

13、n:支撑,赡养14. 答案选D。 A. prevailed (over/against)优胜 B. achieved:成就,成功地做 C. surpassed:超越,超过 D. excelled(at/in):优胜,杰出15. 答案选C.A. covered:覆盖,包括 B. included:包括,包含 C. ranged(from.to):涉及 D. dealt(with):处理,处置16. 答案选A。 A. feast:盛筵 B. festival:节日 C. recreation:休闲,娱乐 D. congratulation:祝贺17. 答案选C。 A. themes:主题 B. i

14、nsights:见解,洞察力 C. digests:文摘,摘要 D. leaflets:传单18. 答案选D。 A. doubtful:怀疑的 B. ambigous:含糊的 C. obscure:难懂的,朦胧不清的 D. illegible:(字迹)模糊难辨的19. 答案选C。 A. twisted:扭曲的 B. irregular:不规则的 C. distorted:变形的, 失真的 D. deformed:畸形的20. 答案选D。 A. fight:正确的 B. definite:明确的 C. fixed:固定的 D. final:最后的,最终的2.1. The chairman say

15、s he needs an assistant that he can _ take care of problems that may occur in his absence.A. count on B. resort to C. look up to D. seek after2. His intelligence and experience will enable him to _ the complicated situation.A. cope with B. settle down C. intervene in D. interfere withCET-6,1994,13.

16、The wood was so rotten that when we pulled, it _ into fragments.A. broke away B. broke of C. broke up D. break through4. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plan in Athens, set to _ when it arrived in New York.A. go off B. get off C. come off D. carry offCET-6,1999,65. All the information

17、we have collected in relation to that caes _ very little.A. make up for B. adds up to C. come up with D. puts up with6. Care should be taken to decrease the length of that one is _ load continuous noise.A. subjected with B. filled with C. associated with D. attached to7. George assured his boss that

18、 he would _ all his energies in doing hiw new job.A. call forth B. call at C. call on D. call of8. Attemps to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were _ .A. in no way B. on the contrary C. at a loss D. of no avail9. The formal gardens originally _ in the early 1990s aere so elaborate that t

19、he care of 32 gardeners was required.A. laid down B. laid out C. laid over D. laid up10. If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthied.A. take off B. keep off C. get off D. set off11. Poverty depresses most people, _ my father it was otherwise.A. in case B. in case of C. in the case of

20、 D. in any way12. He was such a busy man that after a long delay, he _ writing the letter.A. get around to B. looked forward to C. passed on to D. took to13. Wten a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _ and ask them questions.A. at length B. at random C. in

21、 essence D. in bulkCET-6,1997,114. The fire must have _ after the staff had gone home.A. broken down B. broken up C. broken out D. broken offCET-6,1994,115. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan _ the great mobility in the V.S.A. contrary to B. in regard to C

22、. in contrast to D. with respect to16. Itstime we _ the experiment, otherwise we cant complete the task according to the schedule.A. turned to B. saw to C got down to D. sat in17.At the party we found that the shy girl _ her mother all the time.A. centering on B. adhering to C. coinciding with D. cl

23、inging to18. He failed to completely achieve the aim _ by the teacher at the begining of the term.A. brought forth B. set forth C. come up D. put forward19. Malaria, it is sure, has been practically _ in thirteen countries, including the V.S., and is under attack in many others.A. wiped out B. died

24、out C. put out D. left out20. Digestion _ the necessary chemical changes in the food which must occur before it can be absorbed.A.consist in B. feeds in C. puts in D. tucks in精讲解题思路:1. 答案为A。 A. count on:指望,依靠 B. resort to:求助于,凭借 C. look up to:敬仰,尊敬 D. seek after:探索,追求2. 答案为A。 A. cope with:对付,处理 B. s

25、ettle down:定居 C. intervene in:干涉,调停,阻挠 D. interferewith:干涉,妨碍3. 答案为C。A. broke away:(突然)逃跑 B. broke of:(突然)中止 C. broke up:打碎,破裂 D. break through:穿越4. 答案为A。 A. go off:爆炸 B. get off:动身,下车 C. come off:脱离,分离 D. carry off:带去,抢去5. 答案为B。A. make up for:补偿 B. adds up to:等于,意味着 C. come up with:赶上,得出(主意,想法) D.

26、puts up with忍受6. 答案为A。A. subjected with:使遭受 B. filled with:使充满 C. associated with:和发生联系D. attached to:把连接到,使附属于7. 答案为A。A. call forth:唤起,得起(精神) B. call at:(到某处)拜访 C. call on:拜访(某人) D. call of:取消(某种活动)8. 答案为D。 A. in no way:怎么也不,一点儿也不 B. on the contrary:相反地 C. at a loss:不知所措 D. of no avail:没用,无效9. 答案为B

27、。 A. lay down:放下,交出,规定,制定 B. laid out:安排,布置 C. laid over:做短暂停留 D. laid up:臣床不起10. 答案为B。A. take off:脱下(衣服),(飞机)起飞 B. keep off:远离,不接近 C. get off:下车 D. set off:动身,出发11. 答案为C。A. in case:假使,以防万一,后接从句 B. in case of:假使,万一 C. in the case of:对来说,至于 D. in any way:无论如何,总之12. 答案为A。 A. get around to:抽出时间(做某事) B.

28、 looked forward to:盼望 C. passed on to:传给 D. took to:开始喜欢,对产生好感13. 答案为B。A. at length:冗长的,详细地 B. at random:随意地 C. in essence:实质上,在本质上 D. in bulk:整批地,大量地14. 答案为C。A. broken down:机器出毛病,人的身体垮了 B. broken up:结束,中止 C. broken out(战争、疾病、火灾)爆发 D. broken off:突然停止,折断15. 答案为C。A. contrary to:与相反 B. in regard to:就而论

29、 C. in contrast to:与对照 D. with respect to:关于16.答案为C。A. turned to:求助于 B. saw to:负责,注意 C got down to:安下心来做 D. sat in:列席,旁听17. 答案为D。A. centering on:以为中心 B. adhering to:粘附,遵守,坚持 C. coinciding with与巧合 D. clinging to:紧紧抓住,粘着18. 答案为B。A. brought forth:提出(建议,主张) B. set forth提出(目标) C. come up:出现 D. put forwar

30、d:与brought forth同义19. 答案为A。 A. wiped out:消灭 B. died out:灭绝(不及物) C. put out:熄灭(火) D. left out:遗漏,省略20. 答案为A。 A.consist in:在于 B. feeds in:输入 C. puts in:插入,伸进 D. tucks in:给盖好被子3.1. I feel greatly _ by your invitation to address the meeting.A. flattered B. fluttered C. clattered D. scattered2. At the en

31、d of the match the _ went wild with excitement.A. audience B. viewers C. listeners D. spectators3. I hope that youll be more careful in tying the letter. Dont _ anything.A. lack B. withdraw C. omit D. leak4. The worlds governments have done _ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents.A. inhe

32、rently B. vitally C. virtually D. identicallyCET-6, 1995, 15. The directions we were given were so _ that we lost our way.A. dim B. indefinite C. feeble D. shady6. The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused mans _, but in vain.A. mistake B. guilt C. fault D. defeatCET-6, 199

33、6, 17. We should hand down a cultural _ to posterity.A. morality B. heritage C. liability D. mortgage8. One man had a _ skull and needed a blood transfusion before the operation.A. fractured B. slapped C. stunned D. crushed9. Drunken driving will result in _ traffic accidents.A. catastrophic B. disa

34、strous C. ruinous D. ruined10. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have _ opportunity to change his mind.A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequateCET-6, 2000, 611. The unpleasant taste of the medicine _ in his mouth for hours.A. prolonged B. retrieved C. lingered D. scattered12.

35、The monument in the Tianan men square _ those who gave their lives for the new China.A. celebrates B. commemorates C. recalls D. embodies13. This year, we have an _ amount of rain.A. abnormal B. irregular C. deliberate D. primitive14. We watched the mists _ from the valley.A. raising B. ascent C. as

36、cending D. amounting15. The firm _ their appreciation of her work by raising her pay.A. exemplified B. testified C. rectified D. qualified16. He is holding a _ position in the company and expects be promoted soon.A. subordinate B. succeeding C. successive D. subsequentCET-6, 1997, 117. It is earnest

37、ly hoped that these bracelets of ours will be made with _ workmanship.A. extinct B. expansive C. exquisite D. external18. If you want to get into that tunnel, you have to _ away all the rocks.A. repel B. haul C. transfer D. disposeCET-6, 2000, 119. The British Queen is the _ of German President.A. r

38、ival B. opponent C. counterpart D. equivalent20. He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the _ letter.A. unanimous B. anonymous C. infamous D. autonomous参考答案及讲解:1. 答案为A。A. flatter:奉承,使高兴,使感到荣幸 B. flutter:飘动,振动 C. clatter:发出劈啪声 D. scatter:分散,分布2. 答案为D。A. audience:观众,听众,常指观看戏剧、电影、讲演以及电视节目的

39、观众 B. viewer:主要指电视观众 C. listener:听者,主要指收音机听众 D. spectator:一般指看体育运动比赛的观众3. 答案为C. A. lack:缺少,缺乏 B. withdraw:撤退,退出 C. omit:省略,遗漏 D. leak : 泄漏(水、汽等)4. 答案为C, A. inherently:天生地,本质地 B. vitally:致命地,生死攸关地 C. virtually:事实上,实际上 D. identically:完全相同地,同样地5. 答案为B. A. dim:昏暗的,光线不足的 B. indefinite:不确定的,不明确的 C. feeble

40、:微弱的,虚弱的 D. shady:阴暗的,多阴影的6. 答案为B, A. mistake: 错误 B. guilt:罪行 C. fault: 过错,过失 D. defeat: 失败7. 答案为B, A. morality:尘世,不可免的死亡 B. heritage:遗产 C. liability:责任,(法律上的)义务 D. mortgage:抵押,抵押品8. 答案为A. A. fracture:(使)破裂,折断 B. slap:(用手掌)拍,击,掴 C. stun:使震惊,(打击头部)失去知觉 D. crush:压碎,压伤,榨9. 答案为B. A. catastrophic: B. dis

41、astrous C. ruinous D. ruined10. 答案为D. A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate11. 答案为C. A. prolonged B. retrieved C. lingered D. scattered12. 答案为B. A. celebrates B. commemorates C. recalls D. embodies13. 答案为A, A. abnormal B. irregular C. deliberate D. primitive14. 答案为C. A. raising B. ascent C.

42、 ascending D. amounting15. 答案为B, A. exemplified B. testified C. rectified D. qualified16. 答案为A. A. subordinate B. succeeding C. successive D. subsequent17. 答案为C. A. extinct B. expansive C. exquisite D. external18. 答案为B A. repel B. haul C. transfer D. dispose19. 答案为C, A. rival B. opponent C. counterp

43、art D. equivalent20. 答案为B. A. unanimous B. anonymous C. infamous D. autonomous4.1. As the final exam is next week. I will take advantage of the day off to _ on my English.A. brush up B. make up C. hurry up D. pick up2. It is well know that the retired workers in our country are _ free medical care.A

44、. entitled to B. involved in C. associated with D. assigned to3. There is a strong public _ on the question of unemployment.A. response B. sentiment C. affection D. sympathy4. The desperate doctors _ every possible drug into him with a view to saving his life.A. projected B. rejected C. infected D.

45、ejected5. Some pieces of gold coin rate have _ together in the blaze.A. softened B. melted C. dissolved D. fused6. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply _.A. declined B. lessened C. descended D. slipped7. Of the thousand of known volcanoes in the world, the _ majority are inactive.A. trem

46、endous B. demanding C. intensive D. overwhelming8. His writing is so _ that we cant clarify his ideas in first reading.A. obscure B. objective C. obliging D. obstacle9. The _ of energy and money on the launching of the rocket is surprising.A. exhaustion B. expenditure C. allowance D. ownership10. He

47、 gave his _ for new marketing procedures.A. representations B. presentations C. comments D. memoranda11. If you decrease the _ of alcohol in his solution, it would be less dangerous.A. part B. portion C. section D. share12. He has pointed out the dangers _ in this type of nuclear power station.A. in

48、terior B. inherent C. inside D. inner13. Schools are _ if they are staffed by people who only know about schools.A. disadvantageous B. inferior C. faulty D. handicapped14. One third of the Chinese in the V.S. live in California, _ in San Francisco.A. dominantly B. perpetually C. predominantly D. pra

49、ctically15. He lifted the heavy weight, but it was the greatest _ he had ever made.A. strength B. force C. effort D. energy16. When light illuminates an object, part of it is absorbed and part reflected, the _ lightness of an object depends on the proportion of light that is reflected.A. denoted B.

50、embodied C. insulated D. perceived17. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards womens status in society will _ through the cultural law system in Japan.A. permeate B. probe C. violate D. elaborate18. Many pare metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some ot

51、her _ .A. bruises B. blunders C. handicaps D. drawbacks19. Here is _ of our product. You can take it home and try it.A. an example B. a sample C. a model D. a specimen20. The lawyer advised him to drop the _, since he stands little chance to win.A. event B. incident C. case D. affair参考答案与讲析:1. 答案为A。

52、A. brush up:复习 B. make up:构成,弥补,编造 C. hurry up:赶快 D. pick up:拣起,拾起2. 答案为A。A. be entitled to:对享有权利 B. be involved in:被卷入,陷入 C. be associated with:与联系在一起 D. be assigned to:分配3. 答案为B。A. response:反应,答复 B. sentiment:意见,情绪 C. affection:喜爱,热爱 D. sympathy:同情,怜悯4. 答案为C。A. project:计划,规划 B. reject:抛弃,拒绝 C. inf

53、ect:注射,打针 D. eject:逐出,驱逐5. 答案为D。 A. soften:变软 B. melt:使融化,溶解 C. dissolve:分解,溶解 D. fuse:(金属)熔化6. 答案为A。A. decline:下降,减少 B. lessen:(数量、程度)减少 C. descend:(位置)下降 D. slip:滑倒7.答案为D:A. tremendous:巨大的 B. demanding:要求高的 C. intensive:加强的,集中的 D. overwhelming:压倒的,势不可挡的8. 答案为A。A. obscure:晦涩和,难懂的 B. objective:客观的 C

54、. obliging:乐于助人的 D. obstacle:障碍9. 答案为B。A. exhaustion:用光,用尽,疲惫 B. expenditure:花费 C. allowance:津贴,补贴 D. ownership:所有,所有人10答案为B。A. representation:陈述,叙述(指对某种艺术形式,如绘画、小说、雕塑等主题表现的阐述) B. presentation:讲述,描驸,演出 C. comment(on): 对的评论 D. memoranda:备忘录11. 答案为B。 A. part:部分 B. portion:部分,比例 C. section:(切割、分离成的)部分,如指书、文章的某一部分 D. share:分享,分担的一部分12. 答案为B。A. interior:内部的 B. inherent:固有的,与生俱来的 C. inside:在内部的,同内部的 D. inner:内部的,里面的13. 答案为D。 A. disadvantageous:不利的 B. inferior:次等的 C. faulty:有毛病的,有错误的 D. handicapped:


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