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1、the party's fine «e , cay fwad thetailinHCCie se virus, pact Ung the Seals ce vale s, VgorouSy carry fordIespi.ofJaoYulu,HongqiCanalspi.andspiritoflerece, hone- i poll Stic saesman,siktoIespirit heght of Ie Ccmmunis s Fou to ievl on, as, do pay a roe in q liyi ng. Of - C.mmui st dU y Tufl &

2、quot;pays pu pose, maita nfor the pe I pl e themseve s, ad - dial on, devol on, mainta andente," ng spii, active a Ie weloffextapraCicemakecntribuins.Theincentiveucinofpartyorganizainsatalshoudg ul pay t oa a m o, esal sh a e pese ntalv* advace a nd typica of Ie tmes, ad the br oad masses of pa

3、y membersto-. . I Ie95annsay of fudng-aopportuiytoar. inecgt on of a number of oUSandig paly members ' advanced gassrI os pay orgaizt ons, outsa nd .”" w or - s, ad pU lelioneerteesThid Ie "refrm- elors fr exmple be sue to change into. Leani ng I ."de t o sle t Ie pr oblm, i i de

4、s notsovet he probem, i wl form, ggesthroughthemotonsTostegghentheconsjiosne- of prblms ad isUid orent- problm sovig e ari . 一 " fr Iacin,tuy deeives'ain i "cage , modicat on. A ce - l> gg LLari ng grrmme frpaybbldiginouciylcua Ifousonso,Ionoffuy del s and bel es ve,cnsi ouses,pupoo

5、e of Ie 1ay wakse nonnsy ad sieldscil ne awaees s not stong, derese_ - isu_ of ehi camscnduc s - ycontesse. pr oggrmmesfor al parymlmbes and e - igc - rs a bo<e Ie ccuny lveshalfcusonurhernmetto t he pr obems.Se cfct evey pay mebe ad eveyccdre,alsrequiesacmbiatonof actala nd cnt.dfoc - la a nd e-

6、 put yurel i, pep, e tigs se , Wil thei ow n se clcp.bl-sto ean Ccnsilt on Paryr - s sei es addes, s prci sion to find t he probem, layng a sld foundaton fr urhecorecieacin.BIomalechangeForceckpuofprobem,IroghesablshedrectlcaIonTawaaccount,andtaesecasuevison,adona ccount PN, appr oac, is std d s de

7、ean sde modiid, a nd tha kow that modifiedWiefouuedonpu"wlarnad" larig e ducainrecicaI I n Wt hgas pay of ma- lne e ducaton pact ce acvie s and "Irie stic Ie e rra" Ipic e ducaton problm rictlcaioncombinndu,cnsliatonexanedhasmadeof ectlcaI on esut, st ongy corece d "fr oflce

8、 not for", ad Chi adendlss cre ced "our W nd", adrrg - I on mlsss s de of auue s ensue w ok Idvane moe po r ul ad problm sutin more compleel y. Thid, m us cons, our a chievme ns. For more pulc, sme pary m - bes Wo focus on IeousandIgisus,combiningcnce.tatd公共体育教研室本学年工作总结在学院领导的关怀下、在公共体育

9、教研室全体教职工共同努力 下,本学期公共体育教研室的体育工作取得了重要的进展,无论是公共体育科学体系的构建,还是学科的系统发展,科学研究工作都取得 了可喜的进步,现将本学期的体育工作总结汇报如下:一、教学、训练方面(一)积极承担教学任务。公共体育教研室现有体育教师25人, 全年共承担127个教学班的体育课教学任务。在课程设置上,立足于 我院现有体育资源,坚持以学生需求为导向,积极拓展新项目、增添 新内容,最大程度地满足学生的兴趣爱好。(二)完善建立规章制度,保证公体部各项工作的有序发展凡事欲则立,不欲则废”。公共体育教研室成立之初,教研室负 责人就以强烈的责任感和事业心,以高标准、严要求认真对

10、待、努力 做好每一项具体工作,首先是抓团队精神建设,公体教研室成立伊始, 我们就根据实际情况,坚定地提出“精诚团结、艰苦奋斗、改革办学、 争先创优”的公体精神,决定“不等、不靠、不要、不相互依靠推委, 工作后不要计酬,”积极努力工作,打开工作的新局面,实现“开门红”。 其次抓制度建设,通过制度管理将部里工作纳入有序规范、稳定、发 展的轨道,为此,公体教研室多次召开会议,集思广义,研究制定工 作计划,教学计划和岗位工作职责,经过大家努力,我们先后制定完 善了教研室规章制度、体育教师日常工作行为规范、体育器材 管理条例、体育教师课堂纪律规定、优秀教职工评选办法、场 地器材管理岗位职责等。这些制度的

11、建立为体育教研室教学、 竞赛、 训练、科研等各项工作的开展提供了保证。(三)强化教学质量监控、严把质量关。为切实实施素质教育,努力全面提高学生的身心健康水平,体育教研室强化教学质量监控,努力提高教学质量。教研室采用不定期教 学检查、教师之间的相互听课、教师意见反馈、学生评课等形式,保 证制度的落实和反馈渠道畅通,实施有效的教学质量监控。为保证正 常的教学秩序,严格执行以下管理制度:一是严格执行教师备课、听 课、评课制度;二是严格课堂考勤及教师调、停课手续;三是严格规 范体育教学常规;四是坚持定期召开教学研讨会,及时了解、协调和 处理教学计划实施过程出现的各种问题。为切实提高青年教师教学水 平,

12、严格执行学校相关规定,以青年教师培养计划为依据,要求指导 教师作为第一负责人进行全程指导、监督。止匕外,充分发挥优秀教师 的 传、帮、带”作用,提高青年教师的责任心及事业心。(四)以应用型人才培养为目标,不断深化体育课程教学改革。为了达到培养全面发展的应用型人才目标,势必要求体育教学与健康教育、生活教育相结合,与未来适应社会发展需求相接轨。通过 借鉴其他高校成功经验,结合我院现有体育资源,进行了有针对性的 改革,在授课目标上逐步实现科学化、在授课内容上强调实用化、在 授课手段上倡导多样化,在授课监控上保证持久化,进而不断完善课 程模式。the party'sfine style, ca

13、rryforwardthetraditional Chinesevirtues,practi cing t he Socialistcorevalues,vigorouslycarryforward the spiritofJiaoYulu, Hong qiCanalspirita ndspirit of persistence,honestyin politics, strictstatesman,stickt othe spiritual heights ofthe Communists. Fourto devoti on,as,do playa role inqualifying. Of

14、ficialCommunistdut y.Tofulfillthe party'spurpose,maintai nforthepe opl e themselves,and dedicati on, devoti on, maintainpione er, pi oneering ande nterprisi ng spirit,activeatthewell-offextra practice,make contributions.T he i nce ntive functionof party organizationsatalllevels should givefull p

15、layto advanced models,establi sh are prese ntative, advanced andtypical of thetimes,and guide thebroad massesof party memberstoemulate.Inhonorofthe 95anniversaryoffounding as anopportunitytoaward in recogniti on ofanumber ofoutstanding party members'advanced grass-roots partyorganizations, outst

16、a ndi ng partyw orkers, andputthepioneertrees.Third,the"reform" efforts forexample, besureto changeinto.Learni ng toteachEducati onin ordert osolve thepr oblem, if it doe s not solvet heproblem,itwillform,goes throughthe motions.To strengthent heconsciousness of problemsand insistedon pr o

17、blem -orie nted, problem-solvingle arni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep inve stigationi ntochange ,modificati on.Achecked swing. Learni ngeducati on programme for party-building in our cityactua lly proposed tofocus on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswaver,consciousness,purpose ofthepartyweaks

18、e nse, honesty andself -disciplineawareness is not strong, depressed,six issues ofethical misconductstudycontentsspecific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleadingcadresa bove thecountylevelshallfocus on furt herrefinementto t he pr oblems.Specifictoeveryparty memberand every cadre , alsore quire sa

19、com bination ofactuala nd controlled, focused a nd reallyputyourself in, peoplese e thing s,see ,with th eirownspe cificprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,series,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying asoli dfoundation for furthercorre ctive action. B to make change. For che ckputofpr

20、oblem,through e stablishedre ctification T ai wan account,andtake specialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put "twolear na do"learninge ducationrectificati on wit h grasp party ofmass linee ducation prac

21、ti ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topice ducation problem rectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, stronglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwind", andregulati on massessi de ofabus

22、e s, ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsolution more completel y.Third,we must consolidate oura chieveme nts. Formore public,some partymembers whofocus on theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated(五)开展丰富多彩的“第二课堂活动”, 全面提高学生素质。按照“ 每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子”口号精神, 体育教研室坚持课堂教学与课余体育相结合、普

23、及与提高相结合,大力开展课外体育活动。利用第二课堂,积极配合相关部门和二级学院,开展丰富多彩的课外体育竞赛,为营造健康、文明、有序的校园文化做出了努力。一学年来,公共体育教研室成功组织的比赛和取得的成绩如下:1、 3月8日,成功举办学院迎“三八” 节趣味运动会。2、 5月3日,成功举办院第九套广播体操比赛。3、 5 月 23 日,由河南省教育厅主办、河南城建学院承办的河南省大学生“ 华光” 体育活动第八届乒乓球比赛,我院首次组队参赛,经过赛前认真刻苦的备战和五天紧张激烈的角逐,取得了专科甲组男子团体第八名的优异成绩。4、 6 月 10 日至 14 日, 河南省大学生“华光” 体育活动第十七届大

24、学生田径运动会在河南工程学院举行。本次运动会共有来自全省87所高校的1671 名运动员参赛。我院首次组队参赛,基础部历经近4个月的训练选拔出8 名优秀运动员,在代表团团长陈哲副院长、领队李少勇主任的带领下,在教练员李少勇、赵巍老师的辛勤指导下,取得优异成绩,实现了我院在此项大赛中零的突破。其中陈宏昌同学获专科男子甲组5000米银牌、 专科男子甲组3000米第四名,赵文博同学获专科男子甲组1500 米第七名并获“优秀运动员”荣誉称号,赵巍老师获“ 优秀教练员”荣誉称号。ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntofdailyeducation,the

25、spiritofreformshortofthecomplete system,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizationand partymembereducati on a nd stri ctmanagement, solid. Fi nally,t he "urge" workonthe lead, be sure topromoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducationa

26、l,notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, must stickaround theCente r,servi ng theoverall situation, coor dinate,truly result-orie ntedand promoteefficiency.Curre ntand future aperiod, to tightlyaround coordination advance "fourafull" strategylayout,winningfull built societythis acentraland work ov

27、erall,put carried outlearning educationa spromote dworkof importantopportunities and p owerful powe r,gui deGeneralmembers cadre s insi sted deve lopme nt first priority,activeadapted economicdevel opment new normal, consci ously practice linefive big developme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysidest

28、ructural reform,toguarantees a nd im proved livel ihood,construction morehigh ecologi calvitalityhappi ness ofcity.Lastyear,w e carryout "three-three" activities as a "three-three" speciale ducation important,finde ducati ona nd effective platform to facilitate thecombination ofw

29、ork.Referencet hisagood practices,provincial, andmunicipaldecided in "twolear n ado"learning e ducationin thecarried out "five check fivepromoting", theCounty Districtunitst o insi sted put "twolearnado"learni ng educati ona nd "fiveche ckfive promoting" organ

30、i cfusion,and common advance,doone plan layout, and one organizationimplementation,put carriedout "two learna do" situation, and"fivecheck five promoting" situationaspartyworkevaluati on ofimportantContent, asan important aspect ofm utual eval uation on partymembers,testingasan i

31、mportant basisforlea ding bodie sand leadi ng cadres'performance andguidethe br oad masses of partymembers and cadre stostudy educati on opens up tothemain economicand social development.Atpresent,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin our city, butdownward pressure i s stillhigh,faceda numbero

32、fchallengesand tests.Meanwhile,coincides withthecity,Countya ndtow nshippartycommittees thisyeargeneralelection year, howto reallychoose oyal,cl eanand serve sas agood cadre, ir on di sci plineofGeneralFeng Qing Qi ,Qi,QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgoodsituation,is arealtestforall ofus.Generalworkon&qu

33、ot;two" to studythe effectofe ducation inspecti on,ifthetr ueseriesofparty rule s and Constituti onspeaksw ella nd trulybecome aqualifiedparty member, nat urallywecan dealwithadva nceand retreatleft turn treatment,proper organi zationalarrangements and sele ction, propertreatmentofpersonal inte

34、rests.oput carried out "two learna do"learning e ducationw ith doreform developmentstablet he work combined up,and seriouslydoCe nterwork,and daily andjob combinedup, andguarante es improve dlivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetask combine5、7月14日至17日,我院男子篮球队在河南

35、省大学生“华光” 体育活动第二十届篮球联赛中夺冠。我院男子篮球队由基础部负责队 员的选拔、训练,在近4个月的赛前备战中,教练员贾大鹏老师和全 体队员刻苦训练,取得了优异成绩,为学院赢得了荣誉,展现了我院 大学生良好的精神面貌。同时,我们利用参加大运会的机会,向兄弟院校学习体育教学好 经验、好做法,不断加大改革力度,进一步强化我院体育教学工作, 保证体育教学水平的持续提升!6、10月30日至31日,成功举办院2012年田径运动会。7、12月28日,成功举办院2012年阳光体育"冬季长跑比赛。 (六)认真开展学生体质测试工作。全面实施国家学生体质健康标准,学院体育教学学生体质健 康测试中

36、心组织学习新标准的文件精神,制定详细的工作计划,按要求完成专科生一年级、二年级共约 7000名学生的体质健康测试,对 各项测试数据进行了统计并上报国家教育部“中国学生体质健康标准 数据库”。二、学科建设方面学科建设是部门可持续发展的基础,是有效推进课程改革的重要 保障,它直接影响和决定人才培养的质量和层次。部门始终把学科建设作为重点工作,经过全体教师辛勤努力,在过去的一年中,体育教 研室在师资队伍建设、课程建设方面取得了丰硕的成果。(一)师资队伍建设probl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siont

37、ofindt heproblem,laying a soli dfoundation for furthercorre ctive action. B to make change. For che ckputofproblem,through e stablishedre ctification T ai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse

38、 don put "twolear na do"learninge ducationrectificati on wit h grasp party ofmass linee ducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topice ducation problem rectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d&

39、quot;forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregulati on massessi de ofabuse s, ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsolution more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate oura chieveme nts. Formore public,some partymembers whofocus on theoutsta ndi ng is

40、sues, combi ning conce ntrated1鼓励教师参加各类继续教育学习,拓展专业技能。为深化教学改革, 进一步拓展教师专业技能,鼓励教师通过自学或参加由教育厅、体育局组织的各类培训。此外,为了更好地满足学生对部分项目(如形体操、有氧搏击操等)的兴趣,鼓励中青年教师利用假期及课余时间进行技能拓展,基本解决了部分运动项目因师资不足而难以满足学生需求的困境。2强化责任意识,加大师德师风建设。建设一支高素质的教职工队伍是部门健康可持续发展的关键,良好的师德师风是教职工队伍素质中至关重要的方面,是一个部门发展的重要思想动力。为此,体育教学部在过去一年采取了以下措施;第一, 加强教师的

41、政治理论学习。通过政治活动和理论学习,树立正确的人生观和价值观,增强热爱本职工作,热爱学生,敬业乐教的事业心,以自己的正直去构筑学生的正直,以自己的纯洁去塑造学生的纯洁,以自己美好的情怀去浇灌学生人格,以自己高尚的品德去培养学生高尚的品德,努力提高教师的思想道德素养和职业道德素质。第二, 重点抓好青年教师的师德师风建设。通过指导教师的指导,加强青年教师的学习和培养,提高他们爱生重教的使命感;加强教学管理和监控,部门领导经常深入课堂进行听课,抽查部分课程的学生评教情况,对教师有较大的促进作用,使教师逐步形成强烈的授课质量意识,保证了教学质量。(二)课程建设方面为了更好的实现应用型人才培养目标,体

42、育教学部通过创新课程模式,改革教学手段、方法,力求使学生在大学期间,在掌握体育知ectificationand strengtheningthemanageme ntofdailye ducation,the spiritofreformshortofthecomplete system,paycloseattentiontosystem implementation, rea lly makethe partyorganizationand partymembereducati on a nd stri ctmanagement , solid. Fi nally,t he "ur

43、ge" workonthe lead, be sure to promoteefficie ncy. "Two" educati on, notoneducationeducational,notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, must stickaround theCente r,servi ng theoverall situation, coor dinate,tr uly result -orie ntedand pr omoteefficiency. Curre ntand future aperiod, to tightlyar

44、ound coordination advance "fourafull" strategylayout,winningfull built societythi s acentraland work overall,put carried outlear ning educati ona spromote dwork of importantopportunities and p owerful powe r,gui deGeneralmembers cadre s insi sted deve lopme nt first priority,activeadapted

45、economi cdevel opme nt new norm al, consci ously practi ce linefive big devel opme ntconce pt,effectivegrasp supplysidestructural reform,toguarantees a nd im proved livel ihood,construction morehigh ecologi calvitalityha ppi ness ofcity. Lastyear,w e carryout "three-three" activities a s a

46、 "three-t hree" speciale ducation importa nt,finde ducati ona nd effective platform to facilitate thecombination ofwork.Referencet hisagood practices,pr ovincial, andmunicipaldecided in "twolear n ado"learning e ducationin thecarried out "five check fivepromoting", theC

47、ounty Districtunitst o insi sted put "twolearnado"learni ng educati ona nd "fiveche ckfive promoti ng" organi cfusion,a nd common a dvance,doone pla n layout , and one organizationimpleme ntation,put carried out "two lear na do" situation, and"fivecheck five promot

48、i ng" situationaspartyworkevaluati on ofimportantContent, asan important aspect ofm utual eval uation on partymembers,testi ngasan important basisforlea ding bodie sand leadi ng cadres'performance andguidethe br oad masses of partymember s and cadre stostudy educati on ope ns up tothemain e

49、conomi cand social development.Atpresent,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin our city, butdownwar d pressure i s stillhig h,faceda numberofchallenge sand tests.Mea nwhile,coincide s witht hecity,Countya ndtow nshippartycommittees thisyeargeneralele ction year, howto re allychoose oyal,cl eana nd

50、 serve sas agood cadre, ir on di sci pline ofGeneralFe ng Qi ng Qi ,Qi, QiShun, swapped outPowerfulgoodsituation,is arealtestforall ofus.Generalwork on"two" to st udythe effectofe ducati on inspecti on,ifthetr ueseriesofparty rule s and Constituti onspeaksw ella nd truly become aqualifiedp

51、arty member, nat urallyweca n dealwit hadva ncea nd retreatleft turn treatment,proper organi zationalarrangement s and sele ction, propertreatmentofpersonal interests.oput carried out "two learna do"lear ning e ducati onw ith doreform developmentstablet he work combi ned up,a nd seriouslyd

52、oCe nterwork,a nd daily andjob combinedup, andguarante es improve dlivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetask combine 识技能、参加体育运动实践、改善自身体质状况的基础上,学会科学 锻炼方法、形成终身体育观念、养成自我锻炼习惯,为将来能够坚持 参加体育锻炼、持续促进身心健康打下坚实基础。为此,在课程设计 上做了以下工作:第一,依据学生需求,结合我院体育资源情况,适 时调整授课区间、教学内容;第二,结合先进的教学技术,鼓励教师

53、利用视频技术、多媒体动画课件进行体育学科教学;第三,在整个教 学环节中认真贯彻国家学生体质健康标准,并将相关标准引入课 堂教学,以使体育教学与健康测试工作有机结合;第四,启动篮球、 排球、武术等项目特色课程建设。整合现有场地资源,通过合理规划 和科学管理,力争通过3-5年时间,将篮球、排球、武术等课程打造 成省内有一定影响的特色课程。三、科研工作方面科研一直是部门学科建设的重点工作,部门的整体科研能力直接 决定整个教师团队的水平。在过去一年里,鼓励教师一边从事教学工 作,一边进行科学研究。使教师一方面能够掌握丰厚而扎实的专业基 础理论和基本业务知识,并能运用科学的教学方法,指导和启发学生 去学

54、习和掌握科学知识;另一方面能培养教师善于研究问题和解决问 题的能力,以提高学术研究水平,使广大教师既是教学的能手,又是 科研的精兵。止匕外,积极创造条件为教师学术交流、项目申报提供支 持。四、存在的主要问题及今后努力方向1.进一步加强体育课程建设,整合课程内容。要加强精品课程probl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,so preci siontofindt heproblem,laying a soli dfoundation for furthercorre ctive action. B to make chang

55、e. For che ckputofproblem,through e stablishedre ctification T ai wan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on a ccountPIN,appr oach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,a ndthat knowthatmodified, whilefocuse don put "twolear na do"learninge ducationrectificati on wit h grasp party ofma

56、ss linee ducation practi ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topice ducation problem rectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati on results, str onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwi nd", andregula

57、ti on massessi de ofabuse s, ensurew ork advance more powerf ul,and problemsolution more completel y.Third,we m ust consolidate oura chieveme nts. Formore public,some partymembers whofocus on theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntrated建设,争取增加12门院级精品课程。2加强体育教学改革。要按照学院人才培养目标,围绕基础课为专业服务的主题,加强体育课程

58、改革、教学内容和教学方法改革。体育课要坚持快乐教育、健康教育,以学习和掌握运动技能、发展学生身体素质与运动能力为主线。要在“花样” 上下功夫。要进一步丰富学生的课余活动,加强参赛选手的选拔和培训工作,要把教学要与参赛训练结合起来,争取比赛获奖有新的突破。3 进一步加强体育教师师资队伍建设,我院师资队伍在学历上、职称上还存在一定差距,理论教师和技术教师相对不足,缺乏高层次的科研队伍和教学团队。4 虽然在体育学科建设、科学研究工作取得了明显的成绩,但是我们应该清楚地认识到,与全国同类院校相比,我们还有较大的差距,还存在许多困难和不足,论文质量上,横向课题和国家级等课题上还未突破。在质量工程上,如:市级以上的教改项目未突破,市级以上的教学成果奖未突破。5 今后的改革方向应既要有利于学生掌握“三基” 养成良好的习惯, 又要符合大学生的生理心理特征以及文化层次。把学生放在核心地位, 把培养终身体育理念作为目标,使学生掌握一两项形成专长的健康手段,内容突出健身性、娱乐性、终身性。公共体育教研室toguarantees angthemanageme ntofdailyend im proved livelmain economi cand social devel


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