山东省德州市2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 含答案.docx_第1页
山东省德州市2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 含答案.docx_第2页
山东省德州市2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 含答案.docx_第3页
山东省德州市2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 含答案.docx_第4页
山东省德州市2019-2020学年七年级第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 含答案.docx_第5页
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1、2019-2020学年七年级期末质量检测英语试题注意事项:1. 本试题共七个大题,分选择题和非选择题两种类型;试卷总分1强)分,考试时间12。 分钟。2. 考生应将答案全部写在答题卡上的相应位置。考试结束后,仅收答题卡即可。一、听力测试(共25小题;1 20小题,每小题】分 23小题,每小题2分;总计3。分; 每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)(一录音中有五个句子每个句子听两遍.然后从却小飓A.B.C中选出能对每个句子 做出适当反应的答语(5分)1. A. Yrs it is.2. A. Yes. I will.3. A. h 's snowy.I. A. It's hard.5.

2、A. Really great.K h s my p t.K The same to you.K I like it.K Three.K Sorry to hear that.C. It s white.C. Good idea.C. I'm fine.( (."hinesf and English.('.She is fine.(二)录吉中有三个句子.每个句子对应一幅图片.每个句子听两遇.然后选择与句子内宕相对应的图片.(3分)6. 7. 8.BAnn s sis(< r's.C. ()n the sofa.(三浪音中有五组对话.听对话两遍后.从每小题

3、AJkC中选出能回答所给问题的正 确答橐,(3分)9. Whose school hag is it?A. Gina s.B. Ann's.10. Where's Sally's pencil lx)x?A. ()n the bed.R On the desk.85. (iive a proper title(合透的题目)to the passage.七、书面表达(共1题,计2。分)寒假生活即将开知 为倡导同学们过一个愉快而有意义的假期.学校英文报开辟r名 为“My Wimer Holiday"的匕栏,清写莉英语短文讲述你通常过废假的方式.并向此推 投稿。要点

4、如下:1. 每日早起锻炼:2. 不打电脑游戏.因为,3. 帝助父母做家务.因为;I. 和家人庆祝春节.通常»5. 上午卜午各读书2小时,因为。注意事顼:1. 要点齐令填充一些细节.作诂',发挥;2. 词数:80左右。开头已给出.不汁人总词数:3. 文中不得出现M实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息The U'itUer holiday coming. I urn glad to tell you sumething alum I iny winter holiday.英语试题答案七年级1-5.ACACB 6-10.CABBB 11-15.ACACC 16-20.CBBCA(

5、每小题 1 分)21.brother 22.bus 23. interesting24.elephants25.draw(每小题 2 分)26-30 CBCAD 31-35 CCDCD (每小裁 1 分)36-40 BDBBD 41-45 BBDDA 46-50 DBBBD 51-55 AC8BD (每小独 2 分)56-60 BFDAE(每小独 2 分)61.days 62.with 63.how 64.him65.and 66.lucky 67.pieces 6 8. after 69.Marks70. your (每小题1.5分)71. thinks 72.1 eave 73.has 7

6、4.is75.are watching 76.v/akes 77.to see 78.is sitting79.looks80.to help (每1 曜 1.5 分)81. Five/5.82. breakfast83. 吃像水果和酸奶这样的小吃还是个不错的注意。84. 6:00pm85. Howto eat healthily/Some ideas on healthy eating.(每小独 2 分)书面表达(共20分)The winter holiday is coming. I am glad to tell you something about my winter holiday

7、.Every morning I usually get up early and go to the park to do some exercise. It can make me fit and healthy. In winter holiday, I don't play computer games because I think it's bad for my eyes and it wastes a lot of time. Every year I stay with my family to celebrate the Spring Festival tog

8、ether. We clean the house, make and eat dumplings and visit our relatives. We often enjoy ourselves together. Also, I often read books for 2 hours after lunch every day I like reading and I can learn a lot from the books.I hope you all have a greattime in the holiday18. TomA. listens to music11. Who

9、 is Mary?A. Jane's cousin.K Jane's frirnd.C. Jane's sister.12. What colour is Jack s watch?A. lilue and yellow.Bl Purple and orange.C. Black and white.13. Wliai is Lily's phone iiun)lK*r?A. 4702216.B, 7402126.C, 1270621,(四录音中有一段长时话.听时话两遍后.从给小趣A.、B、('中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。4分)11. There a

10、rcpeople in John s family.A. 311.4C.515. John'、is a doctorA. uncleli. brotherC. mother16. John's sister works.A. in the schoolB. in the libraryC. in the bank17. John's sister is innow.N BeijingR NanjingShanghai(五录皆中有三小段独白.听他白两遇后.根据独白内容.将信息配对;(3分)19. JackB. watches films20. HarryC. reads

11、hcx)ks(六)听力填表(共5小霆;录音捕放浒.你有20杪钟的读题时间):(10分)who1 often go lo the? zoo on Sunday morning with my 21howWe go to the zoo by 22 .hewI think pandas are v<*ry 23 .whalI like 241心I.whatElephants can play football or music th< y ivm ?iR> 25 pictures very well.二、单项选择(共1。小题,计10分)从每小匙A、R、( J)中选出一个能虞人句中

12、空白处的最佳签案26. Therea lot of beef, but thereonly a few potatoes.A, is» i*K are: areCi* areIX are: is27. Miss Wu teachesEnglish and wc all likevery much.A. our: herB. us: herC. ours sheD. us; she28. Tile Sj)rii|g Felival is uuiillyJamutry or February <iik1 il's oflcii a)ldthis time of year,A

13、. in; onK ntt inC. in: atD. on: at29. Andy, why dcx-s your mother go to work by car?Because shv thinks walking is good for health.A. seldom11 sometimes C. alwaysD. usually30. Would you likewater. Vicky?No. thanks. I want milk.A. anys some11 anys anyC. sonics any D. xoinej some3】.一Kitty, come h< r

14、c pleas» f I n<t<l your help.Sorry, nuim. 1 my friend cn the phone.A. talk withB. talks with C. am talking with D. talking with32. your brother oftenhomework a! home?Never. He finishes it at school every clay.A. docs B. Is: doing C. do D. 1st do33. do you work on the rf)mputcr ev( ry clay

15、?I lard to say! Six hours or more.I>. How longN How oftenLk How many C. How much31. John enjoys funny stories, bui hegood at ii.A. saying: isn't K sayingt isC. telling: isn't I), tellingt is35. My fnmily and I will fly 1<> the US? for a holidny.Wow. that's really nice. !A. Bese

16、wishes li Be careful C. You're welcome D. I lave a good time三、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分)阅读下列短文.然后从每小疑中逸出能回氛所提间题或完成所给句子的最 佳签案Dear Sir Madam.I'm a middle school student. In my khool. more and more >tudent> keep dogs, cats or other animals ns pels. 1 want to have a pet dog t(x>> but my

17、parents don't let me lviv<-(jn(. They say dog*; nwy rhasr and bite |MH>ple an<l they are <liriy. I hey run make people ill. I really want a dog.Whal should 1 do? C*an you give me some advice?Yours.MarlinDear Martin.From your letter 1 know you want a pel dog. Jogs arc pfoplc's bex

18、l friciids. but your parents words arc right too. I think if you want a dog aiui if you want to win friends for lx)th y<»ir(iog and yourself, you should <l<» the following ihings:浓Make sure your dog i、vaccinaied接神疫苗的).淤 Keep your dog(»n a lrash( J攵*J|7)when it is out .Keep yo

19、ur house clean when the dog is iiLI believe if you can make sure your dog doesn't make a lot of trouble, your (wrents may Ivi you liave one. You e<in liavc a try.Yours.Ben36. Whai is Martin?A. I ie is a worker.H He is a shiilctH. C. He is a teacher. Q He is ;in cdhor编辑).37. Martin s parents d

20、on't let him kix'p a dog iM-rauscB. Dogs arc dirty.D. Aik' are all right.B. I )ngs arc men s best friends.I). John s parenis like dogs.A. Dogs make people ill.('.I)og> may hurt |x?ople.38. Which of the following is lien's idea?A. IX* can t make people ill.John > parents wor

21、ds are wrong.39. How many pirers of advict- dors give- John?A. Two.Bl Three.C. Four.【).Five.10. Marlin aid lien may.A. lx; son and fatherR l)c student and teacherC. know each other wellD. not know each otherI lapiij- lirtlxlay! I>> you want to liavv h s|xt-ial IxrtkLiy? Haw n kxik al(xir wdisi

22、lc (网站)!Birthday partyV<! have two kinds of partirs. Thr party will Ik, at your home.</irl> pleaM- visit utciv. g birthday, com. Ik>ys pleast* visit untf. b birthday, tom.Birthday dinnerWe have three kinds of set dinner (晚餐套餐)at the co»t of $ 1() to $30 each.Set A S 10 pr |x?rson &l

23、t; 每人).金一 “.,工Set B $ 20 per personSet C$ 30 per personTel: 659-4876ion)uiqi noX oq Dundiaiui Xj.a si .umnj qi ui ajq)(uiqi |,p|J(»A jqi putuuu UI|p.HJl 3lUt JO |()| u puods Kdill Pjp!<p jpqi q)iM diuu ipnui puads siuojcj *KXvproi| ojoiu cm 由叫上,sn joj >|i<).v.)sn<H| aqi |p op s)<

24、m| oj «i3«j uKjjooo ioqoj Suiocx) * <qiop ijshax jo 5|ooo i.<«op叫dondJOJ >|JOA |MI?q op S|(X|O> ,SHHjOJ JJOIU .UH <M3l| |up (>| |).MU | U<)p O|(<X)(|001 mim】u -x|i no sjntpui jpip 01 甲omnu叫.>qi。,侦 u)jp|ii|),HUJiiq Aqj uo 5|j()M.mu)i| umip pu» sm.)pius j

25、pi|i ipt-u 7眼卜)甘jj, *<*>1 mu jni(i| 呷 no n<uo< 1H «uossa( oaimj 6此 18i|X 01 oX 01 Xjjr dn 1 nop uajpi(|j *u>ujd)u| 叫i uo aiuoq iv ui<l(k)q> nuios op Xp?nsn Xnq j ,no oH 1 npaii d(Kxi spuaon.vk ir ,sinjvuudns jo sdotjs auuui «)s iou .»jh <>jqj ,Wuitlcloqs oJl

26、 Xaqi ( pt (5)spj«.)ii|WJ Ji.np .>n a|dcx)( .)ip ui K.juqlu j.xlwi Xuw iou ;>ju .uaqj ,moh iuojj lu.Mojjip si (米以:)>ninj nip ur jjij3S3!JB<1 AUpiflJK U«X|V SM.»U JO U ,(| JUVjnmsJ、? JO HMlUllJ.Api; UV ,)XijecI Avpqutq u 01 (毕隼')u()nu|iAUi uh oii«<pM v jo(/)iuau

27、iMiMdApv ue *y.<|quq(M(i si aStfSSi;c aq | ,e|-nn?jmnJ nip jo iuvu aqi ,(叫)jo (:|耳用)s<njppE mp »sjuuip j.)s j()isei)叫 1 ,jj soji«q<)M dqi jo jJK)tunu auoqdapi dip、r>HB>iswi,甲 iuojjinoqi? aouj| i.um 3 sptS ptitf sa<m| joj sjms<|.»m jujjajjip aju ajaqj ,(,sjoimip in

28、s jo spui omi nAi?q Ai|£ 7) ,juyjnuisaj Hiq y ui aq |im XuvcJ aqj ,gsiund jo >pui5| oajqi。,叫叫上 *V ZMizvd ?ip 01 2iiiipj<xuB s! Jiu!Av)|<>J ;qi jo ,£ 00V S X)00£$ J00Z$ H31 $V6. <v<i 0)p.Mii no.< op qjniu Moq *suosjad uai joj q 1% Jpjo 0)hibm n。人 aX1<P<PJ1<

29、;I jnoX uo h.mu w |.州 xi 倾网冲 iuojj saiiJBd Xepquiq omi ja8,npwq .TLTin jisia.冲以“/ it Mtnn 1 is 1 a "v,um 110X *X<M| 0 jjv n<)X J,仆16. Teachers teach their students in the future.A. in the classroomR over the radio on TVD. on the Internvl17. What is I he Chinese for lhe underlined phrase ,

30、*rolx)ts"?A.教练K机器人C.炊具D.信用卡18. Why can p.ircnts spend much time shiying with their children and Irnveiling?A. They slay at home.B. They have more free time.C. They necdn'l do shopping.I). They don't go to work.19. Which is NOT right according to the passage?A. People use credit aird>

31、 lo buy tilings in the future.B. The teachers go to the students house to teach them in the future.Robots can do lol of things for people in ihv future.I). People have much time to travel around the world in the future.50. Which is the best liile(标题)for the passage?A. Shopping onlineK Studying at ho

32、meC. Robots in the futureD. Life in the futureI)(>> y(xir jKirents often s;iy "act like a !;t<lyw or "Im. a gviitlenKinw to you? Ku in ihi t-yv> o( texlay's tixTvix<TS< 少年 > what shoukl a lady or a gentleman br like? Ix?t s have a lock.What is a gentleman? The girl

33、s have their ideas:Zhu Xinxu of Suzhou: A gentlcnum <l(x sn't always get angry. Hr wants others io l)c well and happy. Hr i> always ready to help. There is a l>oy in my vla» and 1 think he is a gi-nllcnuiiu If I don't do well in I hr English vxanu hr will say. * You will <lo

34、 IxUtcr nrxt time. " That makes me feel happy.Lu Xiuqin of Shenzhen: A gentleman always says. 1ji<1ivs firsl" When siudeiHs clean up the cl;issrcx)m. he does the heavy work. ! le lets girls go into rooms (irt. There are no genllemeii in my class. When there is somelliing to cal. the boy

35、s in my class always gel them before girls!What is a lady? Boys tell us what they think a lady is:lang Caifcni* of Dalian: lady is qniel and kind, hut shenot、hy(常务)and she can talk alx>ui her ideas in from of others. To n)v. I Ian Xue. a film star, is a lady. She i> kind and docs a lot for oth

36、ers.Wang Chunchao of Tianjin: A lady is not just beautiful but clever. She never says bad words. She is quiet and kind to others. I don't think there is a lady in my class. Most of the girl、are Fid duties". I think.t;年级英港试匙 第6页(共1。贞)51. A genticman dorsn t .A. get angry easilyK, think about

37、 othersC. do the heavy workD. always say "ladies first"32. Why does l ang ('aifcng think I Ian Xue is a lady?A. she is quiet.Ik because slie is very shy.C. Uccausc she is kind and helpful.D, Because she likes expressing表达)hursvlf.53. Which of the following is TRI E according to this pa

38、ssage?A. Lu Xiu(|in thinks there is a gentleman in her class.B. Zhu Xinyu ihinks I here is a gentleman in her classC. Wang Chunchao thinks pretty looking i、enough for a lady.I). Tang Caifeng thinks a lady can t talk about her ideas in front of others.51. What <loes the underlined word、"wild

39、lx?auliesM mean in this pazgc?A. Ikautiful and kind girls.B. Pretty but rude(粗铮的)girls.C. licautiful and shy girls.D. (.'lever girls.55. The passage is mainly about .A. how to tell a ladyB. how to Ixrome famous starsC. whai io d。io Im- a gentlemanD. what ladies or genilemen are in smdenis cyt &l

40、t;四、短文还原(共5空,每小题2分,计10分)阅读粗文.从粗丈下面方枢中的六个句子中选择五个还原到粗文中.使短丈通成完整、 街接自然.In Thail;tnd(泰国 >. there arc many elephants. They arc very big aixl kind 56 They can carry heavy things to help p«)ple do a lol of hard work. 371 hey ranlearn to net and dance. Sometimes they can play games with people. Now

41、more and more people around the world go to Thailand to have fun with ele»hants It is very interesting.But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand? 的 It comes at the third weekend of November. ( )n that day. the elephants stop working or act ing. 59 And people give them mu

42、ch good food, like fresh fruii and vegeiabks.60()n thal day. the cltphanls c<in wv«ir colorful clothes and eat delicious food.They arc happy ntul have a good time.七年级英洒试题 第7页()t 10页)A. They can have a good rest.K People find them useful and helpful.The elephants are dangerous, tcxxI). Il is

43、ml led Klcphant Day.E. People also hav<- sonic activjtirs to crlfbratr the festival.F. And lhey nrt? very clever.五、综合填空(共20空,每空1.5分,计30分)A阐读下面的短文.根据短文内容,从每个方框内所给11个词汇中选择个意义相符的 伺汇,必秦时进行词形变化.填入空白处每空一伺.after piece Mark you day how and he quick with luckyJohn works in an office. He wants lo ask for a

44、 few 61 off(清假work. He would like io 1 ravel 62 his family.Mark is the head of his office. He doesn't want John io leave, but he doesn't know _ to say tx> to him and make 61 stay. So Mark «iys to John. ()K. I'll write * Yes* on one piece of paper 65, No * on the other piece. You

45、can choose only onepiece. If you get 'Yes', you are 66 to go.""m sure he'll write *o, on both 67 of paper.* thinks John. *What should 1 do?”61 a few minuter. John has an idea. I le takrs one piece.and then he <|uickly(快 地puts it in his mouth and eats it up.69 face turns red.

46、 Then he snys«*()K.John. Go and enjoy 7() holiday'.B阅读下面短文.根据短文内容.从每个才枢内所给11个词汇中选择10个意义相符的 词汇,必要时可加卅态动洞我#助动词.进行词者变化.境入空白处“leave be think have sit wake look watch sev help flyWlwn Jack gets home Im? Thinks of anoth<r problem Wkn can he cfo with div liawk(庵 >?*1 can't take him into

47、<he house." he " 1 ,*My mum even doesn't like cals or dogs. Ikit I can't 72 him outside all night."Then he 73 nn idea I le o|Kns the gate into the back garden There 71 a small house. He quickly goes inside and puts the hawk down on the floor with his T-shirt and closes the

48、door lx?hin(l him. Wlx,n he g»K;s into the living-room, his parents 7, I V and say nothing io him.*ls it all right? Is it hungry?” Jfirk can't skvp th<* wlx>l<- night.Next morning, after Jack 76 up. he quickly run to the small house. The house is warm and dark inside. It takes Jack a moment 77 his T shirt on the floor. But Fa! co i、n on it. Where is it?It doesn't take Jack too long to find himthe hawk 78 in a corner (角落).Its vyvs are o|X?n. but they arm i bright now. They arc like clouds on


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