多维阅读第9级 A Bag in the Jungle教案教学设计_第1页
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多维阅读第9级 A Bag in the Jungle教案教学设计_第3页
多维阅读第9级 A Bag in the Jungle教案教学设计_第4页




1、教学案例多维阅读第9级 A bag in the jungle 教学设计基本信息授课教师学 校授课年级六年级课程类型绘本阅读课课文标题A bag in the jungle教材版本多维阅读第9级授课时长40分钟教学分析本课教学内容分析本课是一节绘本阅读课。A bag in the jungle是一本故事类读物。1、 【What】主题意义和主要内容本书使用一般过去时讲述了相亲相爱的狒狒一家在丛林里过着快乐的生活,一个突然而至的手提袋打破了这种平静。手提袋是本文的主要矛盾(problem), 因它引起的家庭变化,激发学生思考并联系自己的生活,传达了“面对诱惑时,不能贪婪、自私”的主题。2、 【Wh

2、y】写作意图作者编写这个故事,希望学生在阅读理解的过程中,感受狒狒一家从“happy family”到“a big fight”再到“happy again”的变化,引发学生思考自己生活中类似的故事,并尝试反思,进而思考对应的解决策略,从而渗透“面对诱惑或问题时,学会分享,沟通交流”的主题。3、 【How】文体结构和语言修辞 本书为记叙文,作者选择丛林里一个手提袋作为故事的主要线索和矛盾,通过起因,经过,结果三大部分叙述故事,并通过层层递进的方式一步步将矛盾激化,引发读者思考。本文分为三个部分:起因:Bubba baboon在丛林里发现了一个手提袋,打破了狒狒一家的快乐和谐生活。经过:分别描述

3、mama,papa以及brats抢夺手提袋的场景,一步步激化手提袋带来的矛盾,直至整个家族的战争。结果:一只老鹰将手提袋叼走,狒狒一家又回归了平静和谐的生活。学情分析本课授课对象为六年级的学生,经过五年多的英语学习,学生有一定的语言学习基础,较多的语言知识储备,并乐于交流并表达自己的看法。同时,在过去的近三个月里,学生在北京版教材六上第一、二、三单元学习了一般过去时,能够读懂并运用简单的过去式表达,为本课学习奠定了基础。但是经过前期问卷调查,学生对于主要人物baboons以及描写动作的几个动词snatch, screech, sneak up等并不是很理解,因此设计了相关活动帮助学生理解。另外

4、,现在的学生,尤其是五六年级的学生,自私的现象也比较普遍,他们在班级的生活就好像故事中狒狒一家,平常是和谐快乐的,但是当出现某些诱惑或者利益冲突时,一切都不一样了。有了这样的背景,学生在阅读理解的过程中更容易结合自己班级生活深入思考并反思。教学目标1、学生借助图片及教师的引导读懂并理解故事的起因,经过,结果。能够通过paraphrase和TPR的方式感受并理解snatch, screech, sneak up等词汇的含义。部分学生能够自信表演重点片段。2、学生在阅读故事的过程中,能够从图文中提取信息,运用预测情节、猜测词义等阅读策略;通过独立思考或小组合作的形式分析故事前后关联性,完成故事的基

5、本结构图。3、学生能够将故事迁移到班级生活,联系实际问题并思考解决办法,引发反思。引导学生学会分享。教学重点1、在读懂故事,理解故事的过程中,引发学生反思,并引导学生结合自己的生活发表自己的观点。2、培养学生获取故事基本信息(character, setting等),整体信息以及细节信息的阅读能力。教学难点1、学生在阅读过程中,逐步构建并完成故事结构图。2、对文中snatch, screech, sneaking up等词的理解。3、引发学生反思并表达自己的观点。教学资源绘本、ppt演示文稿,故事录音,板书和相关图片,布袋子。教学过程StagesTeaching activities &

6、; Interaction patternsPurposeTeaching EvaluationTimingWarming-up1. Guessing game T: Please guess what animals Im talking about. I will show you some tips.Ss: Monkeys? Gorillas?T: They are baboons. T: What else do you know about them?2. Can you find baboons?T: Can you find baboons?1. get the Ss ready

7、 for the class and interested to learn.2. Double check if kids can recognize the baboons.Ss are able to have a clear understand of baboons and tell some facts.5minsPre-reading1. Present the cover pageT: We know the title and writer.T: What else can we know from the cover? (who, where, what.) (K)S: j

8、ungle, baboons, running.T: Why are they running and fighting?T: What do you want to know? (W)1. Lead Ss find out the basic information of the story, like character, settings.2. Get Ss interested in the story and motivate their thinking and prediction.Ss are able to tell the basic information from th

9、e cover and predict the story.5minsWhile-reading1. Read Page 2-3 togetherT: What do you see? What do you think of Baboon family? How do you know?S: They are happy.T: Do you have a happy family? How about your class? 2. Listen and checkT: Lets listen to see if they were happy.T: They were happy and l

10、ooked after.T: Look, what happened?S: A baboon found a bag.T: Whats his name?What will he do then?3. Think and say(Compare page 3 and 12)T: Look, what happened? What are they doing and why? What might happen next?4. Read the story for general ideaT: How do you feel now? Are they a happy family? Why?

11、T: Who got the bag and how did they get the bag? Read again5. Read again for detailsT ask Ss to present their part. (Bubba)And prepare some questions to help them think deeply. T: Who got the bag? How? What did he do? Why not throwing the bag?Ask another student to present second part. (Mama baboon,

12、 Papa baboon, Baboon brats)While presenting, T asks some question to help Ss understand the tricky words and expressions.6. End of the storyT: What might happen next? Read page 13-15 together and find out the ending of the story.7. Read after the audio8. Act the story1. Help Ss find out the beginnin

13、g of the story and encourage them to predict what happened next.2. Elicit the problem and prediction.3. Ss read and get general information to know the main parts of the story quickly and improve their extensive reading skills.4. Develop their intensive reading skills, which help them get the detail

14、 information.5. With the help of the questions, students will be clear of the detailed information.6. Lead Ss guess and experience the story, which promote the internalization of language.Ss are able to describe the baboon family at the beginning of the story and tell what might happened in the stor

15、y with the help of the pictures.Ss are able to tell the meaning of the tricky words with teachers explanation and students demonstration.Ss are able to read the story with emotions.25minsPost-reading1. Think and tellT: This is the end of the story, but actually its an incident. Can you think of some

16、 better solutions for them? If you were baboon, what would you do when you found the bag?2. The problem in your classT: The bag is their problem. How about yours? Do you have the same kind of problem in your class? Can you share your story?(T can help Ss recall kinds of problem in their life and discuss how to solve them.1. develop the Ss creative thinking.2.Focus on the connection to the story and help them solve the true problem in real life.Ss are able to express their own opinions.5mins备注:教学


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