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1、Unit 2Listen1-1If youre invited to an American friends home for dinner, keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior. First of all, arrive approximately on time (but not early). Americans expect promptness. Being a few minutes late might give the host more time to get dressed or finish prepa

2、ring the dinner, so its OK to be 10 or 15 minutes late but not 45 minutes late. Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then. When youre invited to someones home for a meal, its polite to bring a small gift. Flowers or candies are always appropriate. If you have an attractive item made in your nati

3、ve country, your host would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.If you are served some food that you dont like or cant eat, dont make a fuss about it. If your host doesnt say anything about what you arent eating, then you shouldnt, either. Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices wh

4、at you left. If you are questioned, you may have to admit that you dont eat meat (or whatever), but you can also say that youve enjoyed the other foods and have had more than enough to eat. Dont make the host feel obliged to prepare something else for you. Be sure to compliment the host on the food

5、that you enjoyed.Dont leave immediately after dinner, but dont overstay your welcome, either. When your friend seems to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a cue to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.Listen

6、2-1Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but doesnt really. This creates problems when he misunderstands what is said. No one wants soap when he asks for soup. So if you dont und

7、erstand what is said to you, admit it and politely ask the person to repeat or explain. All you have to say is, Excuse me, would you mind repeating what you said? I didnt understand. Second, it is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standin

8、g there feeling uncomfortable because they cant understand the conversation. The Americans may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something you dont want them to hear. If you have to switch to your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion, then at lea

9、st translate for your American friends so they dont feel left out. Statements:1.Americans will get impatient if a person cant understand English.2.Sometimes it is wise to pretend to understand what one actually doesnt in order to avoid embarrassment.3.Asking for repetition or explanation is not cons

10、idered good manners when talking with Americans.4.It is impolite for people to talk in their native language in the presence of Americans.5.Americans may feel uncomfortable when they cant understand the conversation of non-English speakers.请预览后下载!Mlisten1-1One winter day in San Francisco, a woman in

11、 a red car drove up to a tollbooth. The back seat of her car had a pile of colorful Christmas gifts on it. She smiled at the tollbooth operator and said, Im paying for myself, and for the six cars behind me. She handed the operator seven toll tickets and drove on. As the next six cars arrived at the

12、 tollbooth, the operator told each driver, A lady up ahead paid your toll. Have a nice day.Why did the lady do this? As she told her husband later, I read a card taped on my friends refrigerator. It said, Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. I liked that phrase and copied it for my

13、self. Paying the tolls was a little act of random kindness I could do.Now all over the U.S., it is becoming a popular phrase. One can see it on car bumper stickers, on walls, and even on business cards. Random acts of kindness are easy to perform if one is looking for opportunities. In Portland, a m

14、an might put a coin in a strangers parking meter just in time to save that person from getting fined for overtime parking. In Chicago, a teenage boy may shovel snow not only from his driveway but also his neighbors driveway. Undoubtedly thousands of random acts of kindness occur every day.What are s

15、ome senseless acts of beauty? A person might plant flowers along a highway. Another might clean graffiti from a city park bench. Yet another might pick up litter from the street and put it in a trash can.You should remember this phrase and put it into action. Not only will you help others, but you w

16、ill feel better yourself since you have helped the world to become a better place. And who knows? The people you help might well be inspired to help someone else later. Its a win-win situation.Statements:1.The woman paid for the six cars behind her as a Christmas gift.2.The woman taped a card on her

17、 refrigerator that reads: Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.3.Random acts of kindness are not difficult to perform.4.One can see graffiti everywhere in the U.S.5.People sometimes do good unconsciously.6.The world can become a better place because of the little acts of kindness an

18、d beauty.7.The people you help may well help someone else later.8.Random acts of kindness and beauty do good to all parties involved.Mlisten2-1Dont talk with your mouth full.Keep your elbows off the table.Say thank you.Any of those sound familiar?请预览后下载!Chances are, if you observe a parent, he or sh

19、e has repeated at least one of those lines a few thousand times. Etiquette experts and people who work with children tend to agree that teaching the children good manners is more than worth the effort. Good manners can definitely begin at home. Veronica tries to teach her 5-year-old son Matthew abou

20、t the importance of the Golden Rule in words that he can understand. You need to treat people the way you want to be treated, she tells Matthew.According to etiquette experts, teaching by example is the best approach. By using good manners, parents can be role models for their children, who often le

21、arn by imitation. At 2 years old, theyre watching, experts say. You know, monkey see, monkey do. They also advise parents to begin introducing their toddlers to simple words like please, thank you, excuse me, and Im sorry.Its never too soon to start teaching them, they say. When theyre sitting up in

22、 the high chair, you can start.By teaching children good manners and then helping them practice, parents are doing their children a great service. Its not just about being polite and well-mannered in the short run. Ultimately, as they grow and theyre better-behaved, theyll go on to greater success i

23、n their lives and be better liked.But home is not the only teaching environment when it comes to manners and etiquette. More and more schools are looking for ways to instill good manners in their students. Statements:1.All parents try to teach their children good manners.2.You need to treat people t

24、he way you want to be treated.3.Monkeys are especially good at imitating small children.4.Parents should set an example to their children when teaching them good manners.5.Parents are helping their children in the long run by teaching them good manners.6.Both parents and teachers are responsible for

25、 the teaching of etiquette.Questions:1.What manners do parents teach their children?2.What is the Golden Rule?3.What is the best way for parents to teach their children good manners?4.Whats the appropriate time to start teaching children manners? 5.What is the ultimate goal of teaching children good

26、 manners? Mlisten3-1请预览后下载!(Four students are sitting in a dorm lounge, casually watching TV.)Wayne: You know, people lie to us all the time! That advertiser on TV just told me that all I have to do to be attractive is to drink the right kind of beer. I dont even like beer!Celia:And Ive seen the sam

27、e kind of ads for different clothing brands. I dont see how anyone can believe all of that stuff.Heather:Its not just TV ads. Religious leaders tell us that if we attend their church well be happy and politicians tell us if we vote for their party members the nations problems will disappear. Not tru

28、e!Randy:I think most of us are smart enough to figure out that these things are lies. But it really irritates me when people have the arrogance to start their sentences to others by saying You need to do something when they really mean I need you to or I want you to. Thats a kind of lying too.Celia:

29、Youre right. In fact its really rude because it implies that other people lack the intelligence to determine for themselves where their interests are and to act accordingly.Heather:My dad has talked about a person in his office who does this a lot. Hes creating a bad work environment and its obvious

30、 that the co-workers are getting tired of being ordered around like this. They know what they should do and want to do it their way.Wayne:I imagine that even the boss should be careful in this respect. If hes rude to his employees by implying they dont know what theyre doing, they wont put forth the

31、ir best effort.Celia:Since we started talking now, Ive been thinking about a friend I had in high school. She kept telling me what I needed to do. After a while I realized it was her way of getting me to do what she wanted. Needless to say, our friendship ended. And it was a kind of lying on her par

32、t because she wasnt saying that what I needed to do was really what she wanted me to do. It took me a while to figure that out.Randy:I guess there are all sorts of ways to lie. Wed better watch out, right?Others:Right.Mlisten4-1(Paul and Joyce are going to a movie.)Paul: Hurry up, Joyce. We need to

33、leave now if were going to get to the theater a half hour before the feature begins.Joyce:Why on earth do we need to be there that early? The theater is never even half full. Ive also been wondering if we should take the kids with us, even though Mom is here with them.Paul:Leave the kids at home. We

34、re not going to a kids movie like Harry Potter. When I went to the movies that night you went to play bridge it looked like a day care center in the theater. Strollers were flying down the aisle, kids were restless and obviously bored, so started whining for candy, and there was even a fight.请预览后下载!

35、Joyce:My goodness! What happened?Paul:One other patron who was trying to enjoy the movie told the parents of some noisy children behind him to shut their kids up. The father of the noisy kids hit the complainer and that led to a fight. The police had to be brought in.Joyce:Im ready to go, but you st

36、ill havent told me why we need to be so early.Paul:Actually I like to watch the people. For some just choosing a seat is a major decision. They stand in the middle of the aisle juggling coats, popcorn and Cokes, almost overwhelmed by having to choose. You can almost read their thoughts. Should I sit

37、 down in front, or will that be too close? Is this too far back? That man is tall. I wont be able to see the movie if I sit behind him. Id love to sit close to the middle, but then Id have to sit close to that big group of teenagers. Oh, dear! The lights are dimming and I havent made up my mind. I w

38、ont be able to see where Im going.Joyce:You arent the only one to notice such things. Many people choose their seats, find they are unsatisfied, so move. Ive watched a few couples go from one spot to another four or five times before settling down. Paul:While were on the topic, my other pet peeve is

39、 people who wont be quiet during the movie. They comment on everything. What a cute puppy, they say when they see a dog appear. I have a lamp like that at home but mines red. And on it goes.Joyce:I dont like the people behind me to sit and chew popcorn noisily. Its possible to be quiet but they dont

40、 try. They just keep on chewing and then start on a big box of candy.Paul:So lets go! Well try to find a good seat, look around us a bit, and then well sit down and shut up. Questions:1. Why does Paul decide not to take kids to the movie?2. Why was there a fight the other night?3. Why do some people

41、 find it difficult to decide which seat totake?4. What problem troubles the couple at the theater?5. Which of the following is true according to the dialog? Quiz1-1China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation such as Civilit

42、y costs nothing or Courtesy demands reciprocity and so on. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way and in his effort to catch it, he got hold of nothing but a fea

43、ther. Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved by the story as well as the sincerity. And the saying The gift is nothing much, but its the thought that counts was spread far and wide. 请预览后下载!Chinese

44、used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute. This tradition has a history of more than 2,000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions. Bowing, to convey respect to the higher leve

45、l, was often used by the lower like subordinates and attendants. But at present, things are quite different. Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting. To some extent this evolution reflects the ever-increasing pace of modern life.Quiz2-1Writing a thank-you letter after an interview doesnt

46、 just show a candidates mannersit can also make or break their chances of landing a job. Nearly 15 percent of hiring managers say they would not hire someone who failed to send a thank-you letter after the interview. 32 percent say they would still consider the candidate, but would think less of him

47、 or her, according to a recent survey. The survey, How to Get in the Front Door, included more than 650 hiring managers. Although most hiring managers expect to receive a thank-you note, format preferences differ. One-in-four hiring managers prefer to receive a thank-you note in e-mail form only, 19

48、 percent want the e-mail followed up with a hard copy, 21 percent want a typed hard copy only and 23 percent prefer just a handwritten note. According to the survey, no matter which format you choose, its crucial to act quickly when sending a thank-you letter to your interviewer. 26 percent of hirin

49、g managers expect to have the letter in hand two days after the interview, and 36 percent to have it within three to five days. Sending the letter quickly reinforces your enthusiasm for the job, and helps keep you top-of-mind for the interviewer.Statements:1.Sending a thank-you letter after the inte

50、rview adds to ones chances of getting a job.2.32 percent of hiring managers would not consider the applicant who does not write a thank-you letter.3.650 hiring managers advise people on how to climb up the ladder in their career.4.As to the format of the thank-you note, most hiring managers prefer a

51、n e-mail.5.19 percent of hiring managers want a thank-you note in e-mail form followed up with a hard copy.6.Sending a thank-you letter to the interviewer promptly is of vital importance.请预览后下载!Quiz3-1One day many years ago, Swift Eagle visited some friends on an Indian reservation in central New Yo

52、rk. While he was out walking, he heard sounds of boys playing in the bushes.Theres another one. Shoot it! said one of the boys.When he pushed through the bush to see what was happening, he found that they had been shooting small birds with a gun. They had already killed three. The boys looked up at

53、him, uncertain what he was going to do or say.As an Indian bird lover, Swift Eagle might have given a stern lecture on the evil of killing birds or threatened to tell the boys parents about their wrongdoing. However, he did something else.Ah, he said, I see you have been hunting. Pick up your game a

54、nd come with me.He led the boys to a place where they could make a fire and cook the birds. He made sure they said a thank-you to the spirits of the birds before eating them, and as they ate he told stories. It was important, he said, to be thankful to the birds for the gifts of their songs, their f

55、eathers, and their bodies as food. The last thing he said to them they never forgotfor it was one of those boys who told me this story many years later. You know, our Creator gave the gift of life to everything that is alive. Life is a very sacred thing. But our Creator knows that we have to eat to

56、stay alive. That is why it is permitted to hunt to feed ourselves and our people. So I understand that you boys must have been very, very hungry to kill those little birds.Thus children were taught the values of their culture through example and stories. Instead of scolding or lecturing them, Swift

57、Eagle showed the boys how to build a fire and cook the game they had shot, giving the birds the same respect he would have given a rabbit or deer. He told stories that pointed out the value of those birds as living beings. What he did taught the boys more than a hundred lectures would have done, and the lesson stayed with them all their lives. Questions:1. What is true about Swift Eagle?2. What did he do when he found the boys killing birds?3. What did the boys do afterwards?4. What did Swift Eagle tell the boys to


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