



1、牛津译林版九年级英语上册UnitSl-3词汇专练I .根据句子或对话意思及所给汉语,写出正确的单词。1. JOhIL IOOk at your room. The things are all OUt Of(顺序)!Sorry. MUnL I Will tidy them UP right now.2. Leaming(ii) Well is a necessary SteP if We Want to Iearn EngIiSh Well3. LiU HUan is a (天生的)Singer and I Iike his SOngS VCry much4. My father is the

2、 (总的)manager Of a COmPlIter company.5. At the DragOn BOat FeStiVaL We Can enjoy the exciting dragon boat (竞赛)6. Many foreigners are SUrPriSed at the (高速的)growth Of Clllna,s economy (经济)7. BOyS and girls, (注意),please. Here is an important announcement (通知)to make8. All Ihe PrOdUCtS in OUr factory hav

3、e reached high (标准),SO they are Very POPUlar in theInarket 9. Li DaZhaO is One Of the great (先锋)Of the ChineSe revolution (革命)10. Whats the date today, Dad?Oli. I dont know. Why IlOt IOOk at die (日历)yourself?II The WOrld CUP brings the (热)Of football to every COmer Of the world.12. ItS Very importan

4、t for EngIlSh IeanlerS to remember SOnlC (日常的)English.13. After reading the book, I began to know more about What Iife WaS Iike in (古代白勺)China14. DOn t tell IieS or yon Will IOSe your friends (信任)15. The blue tie and the White Shirt is a good (搭配)16. WOmen in CitieS are USed to Carrying a (手提包)Where

5、Ver they go.17. The young WOman (从事)COlOUr therapy and has helped Inany StreSSed PeOPle OUt Oftrouble 18. FeW StUdentS Iike taking (考试)because they may become Veryr nervous19. TOO much (课业)Will make StUdCntS bored With going to SChOOI.20. When the POP Singer appeared there WaS a moment Of(寂静)and the

6、n the audience (观众)SCreamed excitedly.21. All your (建议)are VCry good and We Will accept them.22. NOt knowing how to find the Way out, the young man IOOkS Very (烦恼的)23. A (字典)is a great help to students.24. (化学)is an interesting SUbjeCt and We Iike it VCry much.25. The girl IikeS Sharing all her (想法)

7、with her InOthe匚26. ThOmaS MUlIer is a Very famous(徳国的)ftball star.27. The teacher USed his mobile PhOne to keep a (记录)Of the WhOle ClaSS meeting28. That basketball team is Very StrOng and it WinS One (胜利)after another.29. FOOtball and basketball are both SPOrtS that need team (精神)30. The mother mon

8、key had great (勇气)to PrOteCt its baby in front Of a big IiOn.根据句子或对话意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1 一Did you do Well in the EngliSh test IaSt week?No. My(CareleSS) made me IOSe a IOt Of marks2. Mary WantS to be a nurse What do you think Of her dream?I dont think She Will be a good nurse. Slle is SO (Patient).3. O

9、n Seeing the PreSent box, the boy (SnIlPle) couldnt Walt to OPell it.4. Mr Wang, Can you give me two more hours for the work?Sonyl cant. EVeryOIle must finish die WOrk WItllill the (fix) time.5. MO Yalh the NObel PriZe Winnen has made IOtS Of (SPeak) around the WOrld6. It,s dangerous to Iet OUt your

10、 (PerSOn) information to Stranger PerSOnS.7. The girl didnt vm a PriZe in the drawing COmPetitiOn and there WaS a Iittle (Sad) in her eyes.8. YOU must Inake a (decide) now. There is IittIe time Ieft9. It WaS raining, SO We got to the top Of the mountain With great (difficult).10. The music SOUndS SW

11、eet and SOft It helps reduce OUr StreSSYes. I have the Same (feel).IL Congratulations (祝贺)On your WiSe (chse)!Thank you.12. When I SaW the beauty Of ZhangjiaJiet I COUld (hard) believe Iny eyes.13. TO Stay (Wake) to WatCh the IiVe WOrld Cup, the young man kept drinking COffee14.1 Won,t WaSte any mor

12、e Of your (ValUe) time.15. If you answer all the questions (correct), you Will get a big PriZe16. OUr EngIiSh teacher always tells US to be CarefUl With OUr EngliSh (pronounce).17. All OUr SChOOl (Iead) are kind to the teachers and the StUdentS18. Zheng ChenggOng WaS a famous (nation) hero19. A IOt

13、Of COUntrIeS admire Chinas great (achieve) in the PaSt thirty years20. Its (USUaI) to See,ogs (青蛙)in Winter. They USUally go to SleeP Under the earth.III.根据句意和首字母完成下面句子。1 一IS CvCryonC here today, Li Jun?No. Wang Ming is a because hes got a bad cold.2. Dont Iet her WordS i your decision, JaCk3. WOrki

14、ng as a nurse renough PatienCe and CarefUlnCSS4.1 don,t know W my father Will buy me a new COmPUter Or not.5. AftCr d his Car WaS StoIen (偷),the man Called the POIiCe for help at OnCe6. Can you help me With this MathS problem?C Let me have a IOOk7. WllatS the r between the two girls?They IOOk the sa

15、me, SO they must be twins.8. What advice did JOhn give you On how to keep fit?He S that I eat IeSS and exercise more.9. A burning Cigarette 刃“/ (烟头)WaS the C Of the fire IaSt night.10. HOW Will your UnCIe COme to Nanjing to See you?P by Ca匚 m not sure.11 The new WOrking m Can help US SaVe IOtS Of ti

16、me12. Her main W is Whether her illness Will affect her IeSSOnS13. We hope the PrOblem Of air POlkltiOn Can be S as SOOn as possible.14. He knocked On the door three times but there WaS no r15. EVeryr InOrning, We read EngliSh Or ChineSe ain the ClaSSrOOrn.16. The harder you work, the greater Pyou W

17、ill make in your StUdieS.17. The grs dream is to be a top StUdellt In Beijlng U18. The football Star S 8 POintS in a match IaSt night.19. SCientiStS are Still Carrying On medical r to help CUre cancer.20. The City is nafter a hero CalICd LiU Zhidan.IV根据句子或对话意思,从方框中选择恰当的动词并用其正确形式填空。forcePreferimagine

18、SUitPrOmiSeCreateremindSUrViVePrOVeremain1 Thank you for me to take my raincoat.You,re welcome.2. It,s difficult for any IallglIage the Same all the time.3. I believe I Can do better at SChOOL DO you believe me?Yes, Of course. Don,t forget your WOrdS With your action.4. In 2008, there WaS a big eart

19、hquake in WenChUan. Luckily, the Wang familythe earthquake.5. ClOSe your eyes and tlat yofre On a SnlaIl island.6. In the Old days, the boss his WOrkerS to do too much WOrk With terrible pay.7. My father SPiCy (辛辣的)food to SWeet fd When he WaS young.8. ThOmaS EdiSOn WaS a great inventor (发 明家)and he

20、 WaS good at new things.9. HOW beautiful you IOOk today! NOt Only this Skirt but also the blouseyou WelLThank you.10. m Sorry m late. Mr Li. BUt I I Will never be laic.NeVer mind. COme in, PleaSe.V.单项选择()1 My brother always asks me a IOt Of questions. He is about everything new.A. CUriOUSB. modest C

21、. energeticD. PraCtiCal) 2. ThC SUrgeOn needs great CarefUlneSS. AnyCan make a SiCk PerSOn IOSe his life.A. ChanengeB. moodC. missD. PUrity)3. Dont go swimming alone, you Will be in great danger.A. andB. OrC. butD. SO)4. MUnl I have a fever.DOn t worry. Take this medicine and It Will .A. SUitB. SUnr

22、iVeC. failD. WOrk)5. Why dont We InVlte Jane to WatCIl football Witll us?I if She Will agree. Shes not interested in sports.A. doubtB.believeC.hopeD.think)6. m SOrryr I forgot to brmg your book here.It doesnt.YOU Can keep itfor two more days.A. mindB.CareC.matterD.Inean() 7. Did you finish your home

23、work IaSt night?Sony I dd,t, I tried my best.A. becauseB. although C. WheneVerD. if() 8. EXCUSe me, you are the traffic law!Sorry, sir. I WilI never drive this way.A. inB. againstC. forD. through) 9. Have you ever fallen asleep m your MatllS teacher,s class?No, never. HiS ClaSS is SO A. IiVeB. aliveC. IiVingD. IiVely)10. WOUld you Iike a CUP Of tea Or a glass Of juice?. d IIke a CUP Of COffee instead.A. BOthB. EithCrC. NeitherD. NOneKev:I . 1. Order2. grammar3. born4. general5.race6. high-speed7. attention8. StandardS9. PiOneerS10. Calendar11 heat12. everyday13. ancient14


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