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1、Managing Diversity at Workplace,Diversity- The India Inc. Way,Bharti Enterprises and American Express have mandated their recruitment agencies to have 25 % and 33% women candidates at the interview stage. Infosys BPO employs 112 people who suffer from different forms of disability and it wants to ta

2、ke the proportion up to 3-4% in the next couple of years. A team of 24 people at Infosys BPO were taught sign language to help them communicate with the hearing and speech impaired. But is this all what “Managing diversity” calls for,What do we mean by diversity in the thought process,Lets Find out,

3、Select a card mentally. Dont jus look at it, concentrate on it,And memorize it,Your card isnt there,Is it a magic? Did I really read your mind,Some examples to show what is diversity in terms of thought,We need to look at the actual picture behind the visible one. Well, things are not always as they

4、 appear,Want to see how ,Comparison:,These were the original cards,Conclusion - Dont just hear what the person, while interacting, wants to say but LISTEN and UNDERSTAND his point of view,None of the cards were dealt on the second hand,For that. We need to diversify our horizons Diversity is not jus

5、t in age, gender, race it ACTUALLY lies in your thinking, your thought process,Time to ask yourself,Why most of us do not think about going out of the boundaries? -We had to draw the lines outside the boundaries. This is what is required of us when we interact with others as every thinks differently

6、 (outside of our boundaries or box). -Why is it so hard to others point of views? -We often so busy thinking about our point of view, that we fail to see others point of views,This is an example of how we sometimes see things that are not really there. And thats how we tend to conclude the wrong fir

7、st impression of someone by looking at the physical attributes,What Do We Mean By Managing Diversity,A management system which incorporates the differences found in a multicultural workforce in a manner which results in the highest level of productivity for both the organization and the individual,W

8、hat is EEO,Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) means eliminating barriers to ensure that all employees are considered for the employment of their choice and have the chance to perform to their maximum potential. EEO practices include: -fairness at work, -hiring based on merit and -promotion based o

9、n talent. It concerns all aspects of employment including recruitment, pay and other rewards, career development and work conditions,Sources of Diversity in the Workplace,Workforce Diversity: Gender,Women in the Work Place Womens earnings are less than two-thirds of the earnings of men. Women hold o

10、nly 12% of corporate officer positions,Treating people differently because of their age Performance does not decline with age Older employees show better judgment, and are less likely to quit, show up late, or be absent Age discrimination is more pervasive than managers,Age,Workforce Diversity: Reli

11、gion,India: multi cultural country. -Accommodation for Religious Beliefs -Providing flexible time off for holy days -Posting holy days for different religions on the company calendar,Workforce Diversity: Capabilities and Disabilities,Disability Issues -Providing reasonable accommodations for individ

12、uals with disabilities -Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplace environment -Educating the organization about disabilities and AIDS,Workplace diversity,Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gend

13、er, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more,Benefits of Workplace Diversity,Increased adaptability -Broader service range competitive advantage -Variety of viewpoints -Better distribution of economic opportunity -More effective

14、 execution,Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace,Increased Cost of Training -Increase in conflicts -Communication -Increase in labor turnover and absenteeism. -Resistance to change,CASE STUDY,DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PRACTICS AT IBM,Recruiting people with disabilities. Work life Balance Women in work

15、force. Talent Mgmt,Managing Diversity in the Workplace,Demonstrate the FollowingBehaviors,Learn the professional aspirations of all team members and support their efforts to achieve them. -Create opportunities for highly talented employees to be exposed to leaders who may not otherwise interact with

16、 them. -Create cross-functional teams,Demonstrate the Following Behaviors cont,Volunteer for community projects that teach tolerance, both directly and indirectly Delegate fairly,Demonstrate the Following Behaviors cont,Communicate and support intolerance of inappropriate and disrespectful behavior

17、Evaluate performance objectively Consider individual needs when enforcing company policies and guidelines,Actions that Make a Difference,Talk privately with each of your employees -Ask your staff about their preferences -Take your staff to lunch,Prevailing Diversity,According to a recent survey cond

18、ucted by the Families and Work Institute, 52 percent of Americans prefer to work with people like themselves while only 34 percent would rather be with colleagues who are ethnically or culturally different,Conclusion,A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity,Conclusion,Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to


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