课堂实录 (2)_第1页
课堂实录 (2)_第2页
课堂实录 (2)_第3页
课堂实录 (2)_第4页




1、课堂实录教学目的:1、掌握询问物体主人的表达法,或寻找失主 2、通过任务型活动教学,激发学生学习热情、培养学生良好的学习习惯 教学思路:用复习寻找某人为切入点,为学生创造一个真实的交际机会,同时引出本节课的重点内容:寻找某件物品的主人。为确保交际的真实性,课前已悄悄的把部分学生的学习用品拿来,作为本节课的教具。 教学过程: T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, Miss Yang. T: There are many teachers in our classroom. Who is Miss Wu? Who is Miss Li? Who is M

2、iss Zhao? Do you know? Ss: No. T: Well, I have some names here. But I dont know who is who. Can you help me find out? Ss: Yes. T: How can you find out? What questions can you ask? Ss: Excuse me, are you Miss? T: OK. Please go to them and ask them. Then tell me. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5(to the teachers) Excuse

3、 me , are you Miss Zhao(Miss Liu, Miss Guo, Mr Zhang.)?(学生们手拿纸条,走到老师中间,与老师对话) T2 (T3 T4 T5 T6) No, Im not Yes, I am. S1(to Miss Wang): Miss Yang, this is Miss Zhao. S2: Miss Wang, this is Mr Zhang. T: Thank you. Is this Miss Zhao? Ss: Yes, she is. T: Is this Miss Guo? Ss: No, she isnt. She is Miss L

4、iu. T: Oh, Im sorry.(show the pictures of the things) Is this a pencil-box? S7: Yes, it is. T:(to the whole class) Is this a pencil-box? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Can you ask me? Ss: Yes. Is this a pencil-box? T: Yes, it is(to a student)Excuse me. Is this your pencil-box? S8: No, it isnt. T: (to S10)Excuse

5、 me. Is this your pencil-box? S10: No, it isnt. T: Excuse me. Is this your pencil-box? S12: Yes, it is. T: Here you are. Please answer me, thank you. :Repeat after me. Here you are Ss: Here you are. Thank you. T: Excuse me. Is this your book? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Can you ask Miss Wu? S11: Excuse me.

6、Miss Wu, is this your book? Wu: Yes, it is. S11. Here you are. Wu: Thank you. S11. T: Please say “Thats OK”. S11 and Ss: Thats OK. T: This is another picture. Whats this? S: Is this a school bag? T: I dont know. Please ask her. S: Is this a school bag? S14: Yes, it is. S: Excuse me. Is this your sch

7、oolbag? S14: Yes, it is. S: Here you are. S14: Thank you. S: Thats OK. T: Please ask and answer in pairs like this. You can use your pen, eraser, ruler, book T:(get three pairs to act out) Look! I have many things here. But whose is this eraser? Whose is this book? Whose is this bag? Whose is this p

8、encil-sharpener? Can you find its owner? Ss: Me, me (老师把文具交给共二十名学生,学生领受任务后开始在同学们中间询问。同时,老师交代其他学生,注意这些学生的语言是否有纰漏,还应注意些什么,完成后全班小结。) S: Excuse me. Is this your pen? Ss: No, it isnt. (如此反复询问,直到找到主人为止) S: Yes, it is. S: Here you are. T: Thank you. (持续十余分钟后,只有两、三名同学还未找到主人。已找到主人的同学在向老师报告铅笔是谁的、钢笔是谁的、橡皮、书、文具

9、盒等是谁的,然后再去帮助还没有完成任务的同学。) T: Very good. I have no pens here. I have no books here. Im very happy. Are you happy? Ss: Yes, I am. T: 刚才大家在完成任务的过程中有哪些是我们应该注意到的?哪些句子是非常有用的? S: Is this your ?这个句子非常有用。 S: 把东西递给人家的时候一定要说Here you are. S: 拿到东西时要说Thank you. T:那哪些是我们还做得不够好的呢? S:有的同学不记得说Excuse me. S:还有问着、问着,就把汉语说出来了。就在用汉语说:“是不是你的?” S:我对他说了Thank you,但他没说Thats OK。显得没有礼貌。 T:大家刚才说的都很好。习惯不可能一天养成,这次没有做好,我们下次一定要注意。 Now please open your books . Lets do the exercis


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