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第 1 页 共 13 页 1 Some people waste food others haven t enough B while 2 The tea is hot he here before D may have been 3 Do you know A what he s reading 4 By the end of next year I 1 000 B will have saved 5 The laws everyone no matter that their races or colors are B apply to 6 What do you think of Peter C I find him OK 7 I don t care much for fish A Me neither 8 I m afraid of is their attitude to me A What 9 I don t think we should any more time to this question C devote 10 This is a regarding China in your eyes D survey 11 This is George class you will be taking C whose 12 I wouldn t my money into his company D invest 13 If I were you I plant some trees around the house C would 14 If we these marks 分数 up we ll get a total of 90 B add 15 Which would you rather have tea or coffee A Neither thank you 16 His speech is so boring that nearly half the dozed off 打瞌睡 B audience 17 Rising job losses are likely to future sales A cut into 18 I m filled with to go back home A desire 19 He turned over in his head the idea by David A proposed 20 Are you keen on music D No not particularly 21 Carl N Karcher is one of the fast food industry s pioneers 先驱 He was born 1 1917 on a farm in Ohio He 2 out of school after eighth grade 3 twelve to fourteen hours a day on the farm In 1937 an uncle C 1 C in A 2 A dropped C 3 C working D 4 D offered 第 2 页 共 13 页 B 5 B local D 6 D a B 7 B married D 8 D amazed C 9 C opposed B 10 B cash 正确答案 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B 6 D 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 B 22 Soldiers returning home from World War II were usually eager to go on with their lives For most that meant starting a family Between 1946 and 1960 63 million babies were born in the United States up 22 million from the D 1 The article mainly discusses D the change of the way the baby boomers were raised B 2 What can be implied about the baby boom from the first paragraph B Most of the baby boomers were from the soldier s families C 3 According to the article Dr Spock believed that C there are bad child behaviors but no bad children A 4 The word permissive in Paragraph 3 probably means A allowing great freedom B 5 The word they in the second sentence of Paragraph 3 refers to A critics of Spock 正确答案 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A 1 Today there is more awareness of the between food and health B connection 2 For all of us to be able to talk in an of trust and support is the most important D atmosphere 3 Within a few hours I noticed a large number of fish at the water surface A appearing 4 In the early days everyone have a good time indeed B used to 5 If you d seen me five or six years ago you wouldn t me now A recognize 6 We have followed the trail of these people find that they have moved C only to 7 Dad is a little and needs a hearing aid B deaf 8 The rain was we could hardly move forward A so heavy that 9 There were in some of the distant fields which i thought to be sheep B dots 10 He came to Peking University a visiting scholar several years ago A as 11 That s a real letdown My parents are not able to attend the graduation B That s too bad But they ll feel happy for you 12 Energy is makes things work A what 第 3 页 共 13 页 13 Not particularly he said as though it mattered very little C lightly 14 I m afraid I cannot pass the exam A Why not You can do it 15 Judged her appearance she can t be over 30 D by 16 Could you please consider again D I m afraid we can t give you that position 17 How could you screw things up 把事情搞砸 again D I m sorry It won t happen next time 18 You will learn that I can be a better friend to you than sent you here D those who 19 Did you have a word as well to describe in that jungle C what it was like 20 Is my illness serious B Don t worry You will be well soon 21 Money exists as a convenient tool to 21 the main problem associated with barter 物物交换 This problem can be generalized 22 the problem of find someone who both happens to have what you want and B 1 B solve C 2 C as D 3 D what A 4 A exist A 5 A apples C 6 C both B 7 B trade C 8 C so that D 9 D imagine A 10 A accepted 正确答案 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 A 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 A 22 1 Slow Food International a non profit organization was founded in 1989 The organization aims to promote the consumption of fresh high quality local foods that are produced using safe practices 2 We believe in the pleasure of B 1 The best title for the passage is B Slow Food Movement D 2 Why did the author cite Donna Reno s words D Because it illustrates the aim of Slow Food International A 3 What does the phrase take off paragraph 3 probably mean A Succeeded C 4 How many Slow Food on campus chapters are there in the US now C None D 5 Which of the following is an advantage of establishing Slow Food on campus chapters D Large number of student population 正确答案 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 D 1 Before John left home his father told him never to forget the family B motto 2 It is said that the caused by the accident was over five hundred dollars C damage 第 4 页 共 13 页 3 There are no tickets for Friday s performance C available 4 He is always very careless about his appearance D personal 5 How much is it D It s 84 dollars 6 answering my questions she began to cry A Instead of 7 Good afternoon Can I help you C I need to buy a birthday present for my son 8 Did your brother go to America last year A No he has never been there 9 Have you any oranges and apples A Yes madam on the second shelf over there 10 We the problem very early and were able to correct it B identified 11 Hello I m looking for a flat but I can t pay much A How much do you expect 12 Can you lend me the book the other day A about which you talked 13 Can I get a discount B 5 That s the best I can offer 14 He his arm to protect his face from the blow D raised 15 I have two cats and I like C them both 16 He could no longer have a long running because of his bad leg B distance 17 As a worker he has worked in this factory for 30 years C senior 18 The news reporters hurried to the airport only the film stars had left D to be told 19 is standing at the corner of the street D A policeman 20 was 1998 I graduated from the university A It that 21 Long gone are the days 1 music could be enjoyed simply for being nice to listen to Now there are things far more important than 2 you actually like the song For on you must 3 whether the band or artist you are A 1 A when B 2 B whether B 3 B consider A 4 A After all B 5 B touch C 6 C make sure C 7 C linking B 8 B enjoyed D 9 D scale D 10 D that 第 5 页 共 13 页 正确答案 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 D 22 Some couples choose not to learn the sex of their baby before he or she is born because the moment people hear boy or girl they begin to make assumptions 设想 about a child One couple in Sweden decided to take that logic a C 1 What did the couple in Sweden do to their child C They are refusing to tell the sex of their child D 2 Why was the child called Pop D The name makes it hard for others to tell the sex of the baby A 3 What can we learn from what Nordenstrom said A It s hard to tell whether the influence on the D 4 What can we infer from the last paragraph D Pop s parents will also keep secret the sex of the B 5 The best title for the passage is B Keeping the Gender of a 2 Year Old Secret 正确答案 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 B 1 The police that Kim s son was a thief C discovered 2 In high season we received over 200 calls a day C on average 3 The poor little boy has a very strong for knowledge B desire 4 Do you mind if I open the window I feel a bit cold B I d rather you didn t 5 Linda asked Tom to go to the party with her but he said he A wouldn t 6 Do you think Jane will like these red roses I don t mean to upset you But C she favors white lilies 7 How many monkeys are there in the zoo B None 8 There s nothing like a terrible toothache to make me feel so D miserable 9 He was often laughed at for dreaming of making a B fortune 10 It s a beautiful day isn t it B Yes it looks lovely 11 He was lying on the grass his hand under his head A crossed 12 Theory is valuable it can provide a direction for practice A in that 13 We object punishing a whole group for one person s fault D to 14 Mary sold most of her belongs She has scarcely left in the house A nothing 15 Not really Winter is too cold and summer is too hot A Do you like the weather here 16 you say so I suppose it is true B Since 第 6 页 共 13 页 17 reading a book or playing computer games I like playing cD Which attracts you more 18 What are you going to the problem D do with 19 He asked me if I could answer of the two questions D either 20 The plan failed to have a an on the present situation C effect 21 Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity Its impacts are already showing and will intensify over time 1 left unchecked There is overwhelming scientific evidence 2 shown in the Fourth Assessment Report 第四次评估报告的综合报告 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate A 1 A if B 2 B as D 3 D economic C 4 C pace B 5 B rise A 6 A with D 7 D increasing B 8 B historical C 9 C essential to A 10 A that 正确答案 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 A 7 D 8 B 9 C 10 A 22 I teach economics at Harvard 哈佛大学 three times per week Last Monday at the beginning of class I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been One young man said that his weekend had not been so good He had C 1 Why did the young man in the class feel sad on his weekend C Because he had his wisdom teeth B 2 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason why the author still felt lucky after his car broke down B He met a very helpful secretary in school A 3 How did the secretary feel when she heard the author s explanation A Surprised and approving D 4 How did the students feel after they heard the author s story D They were moved B 5 Which is the best word to describe the author B Optimistic 正确答案 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 B 1 The is to make people aware of the brand value B aim 2 He should be for the fire that destroyed the house D responsible 3 The president as well as a number of professors asked to attend the party A was 4 Many people thought of the war as a an one D aggressive 5 After he had been in prison Peter was the black sheep of the family C regarded as 6 Why don t you have a try I m afraid I can t do it D Come on You can do that 7 I d be interested to know your thoughts on online shopping C I think it is convenient 第 7 页 共 13 页 8 the less time you have to see them A The more people you know 9 Unbelievable I have failed the driving test again This is not the end of the world C Cheer up 10 Write clearly everybody can understand you correctly D so that 11 Studies in the US show girls are better on spoken tasks than boys B slightly 12 Napoleon once said attack is the best method of defense A As 13 He is no better at English I am C than 14 The reason for all the changes being made to us yet C has not been explained 15 You look really cool today A Thank you 16 these experiments are interesting and useful it is important to remember that they may not always tell us much B While 17 What s your point of view on cloning 克隆 B I am against it 18 Many people said that it was not a very serious film but it was good B entertainment 19 Kelly loved her husband he drank too much A despite that 20 She didn t go shopping last night becuase she her father B had to look after 21 There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman 1 they met the two eldest who were twins 2 to quarrel about which of them should be his father s heir 继承人 The youngest who was not 3 ambitious 野心勃勃 的 took no part in their argument As soon as they left home the father arranged for an adequate income to be B 1 B Whenever A 2 A used C 3 C in the least D 4 D each D 5 D elder A 6 A as A 7 A joined B 8 B unpopular C 9 C changing A 10 A making 正确答案 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 D 6 A 7 A 8 B 9 C 10 A 22 Marco Polo was an explorer and merchant whose account 描述 of his travels in Asia was the primary source for the European image of the far East until the late 19th century Marco s father Niccolo and his uncle Maffeo had D 1 The Polos in Paragraph 2 refers to D Marco Polo his father and his uncle B 2 The word consented in Paragraph 3 probably means B agreed C 3 Finally the Polos could leave for home because C they promised to complete a task for the king 第 8 页 共 13 页 A 4 What is said about the book The Travels of Marco Polo A Marco Polo told his story to Rustichello who D 5 What is the main idea of this passage D To introduce how Marco Polo inspired western people to travel to 正确答案 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 D 1 The weight of the moon is only about of the earth D one eightieth 2 If you could complete the report by Friday that would be C ideal 3 Most probably we ll stay with my parents B How do you spend the Spring Festival 4 Are you letting me plan our trip C Yes why not 5 Jane Eyre is a good book I have read it and I decide to read it D a second time 6 Refugees 难民 are still across the border B flooding 7 Why does your brother want a new job he s already got a very good one B when 8 I m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for a holiday A Have a good time 9 He must have taken the camera it isn t here A since 10 Ten minutes an hour when one is waiting for a phone call B seems 11 Let s take a vacation C Sounds good 12 Our knowledge of the ocean has considerably over the last ten years C advanced 13 way shall we go By the stream 小溪 or through the wood A Which 14 The law equal rights for men and women C guarantees 15 We hope that most students will make a transition 过渡 into college D smooth 16 I was reading my brother was writing B while 17 When do you plan to go D The sooner the better 18 She didn t know information had been known by the public A how much 19 Canceling the conference will make a very bad A impression 第 9 页 共 13 页 20 had we arrived in New York City we got in touch with Mr Brown B Hardly when 21 More and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution 1 came from the printed papers sold on streets These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them You can only find C 1 C which B 2 B made up A 3 A others D 4 D in B 5 B whoever A 6 A asked C 7 C the more D 8 D another B 9 B worried A 10 A get rid of 正确答案 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 D 9 B 10 A 22 Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it and to go in to their offices or schools everyday by train car or bus even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening One B 1 Which of the following statements is NOT true B People who work in London prefer to live in C 2 With the same money one can buy a little house with a garden in the country C renting a small flat without a garden B 3 When the garden is in blossom it means that one if they had to live outside London B having spend time working in the garden A 4 People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that if they had to live outside London A their life was meaningless C 5 The underlined phrase get away from in the 3rd paragraph refers to C escape from 正确答案 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 1 All things are difficult before they are easy 答 凡事皆先难后易 答 凡事皆先难后易 2 Each time history repeats itself the price goes up 答 历史每重演一次 价格就会上涨 答 历史每重演一次 价格就会上涨 3 Even young people with little money do not want to buy cheap furniture that they may soon dislike 答 连没有多少钱的年轻人也不想买便宜的家具很快就会不喜欢的 答 连没有多少钱的年轻人也不想买便宜的家具很快就会不喜欢的 4 Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in powerful or moving words 答 伟大的作家是那些不仅有伟大的想法 但也表示这些想法在有力 感人的语言 答 伟大的作家是那些不仅有伟大的想法 但也表示这些想法在有力 感人的语言 5 In no other region in the world can you find such rare animals as giant pandas 答 没有其他地区在世界上可以找到这种稀有动物大熊猫 答 没有其他地区在世界上可以找到这种稀有动物大熊猫 6 Luckily the planes appear to be quite safe 答 幸运的是 飞机似乎很安全 答 幸运的是 飞机似乎很安全 7 Most of the plants like water and sunshine 答 大多数植物都喜欢水和阳光 答 大多数植物都喜欢水和阳光 8 Semiconductor chips are small in size and light in weight 答 半导体芯片是小尺寸和重量轻 答 半导体芯片是小尺寸和重量轻 9 The evolution theory explains the differences in sleep among animals 答 演化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异 答 演化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异 10 The library is to be closed because it needs redecorating 答 图书馆要关闭 因为它需要重新装修 答 图书馆要关闭 因为它需要重新装修 5 Composition 要求在 30 分钟内 根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于 80 字的作文 第 10 页 共 13 页 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists 1 校园是否应对游客开放 人们看法不同 你的观点 2 阐述你的理由 3 结论 重申观点 So far as the present situation is concerned many famous university campuses have BECome one of the popular tourist attraction is it a good or bad thing to open the university campus for tourists Different people have different opinions On one hand some people argued that it is a good thing for the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the middle students to get more information about the university and they can have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university On the other hand some people hold a negative view about this phenomenon In their opinion the public tourism will have negative effect on the universities BECause it will not only do harm to the environment but also to the intellectual atmosphere In my opinion the tourism to the universities is not a good thing First of all from the University of the building itself its no longer the starting point is to improve the academic reputation but to attract tourists such as college campuses is a culture have lost the meaning of this temple Secondly from our students the campus living circle of our family I do not know whether someone is willing to casual living room of their own to allow strangers to visit so the feeling is that this is not some strange Finally as the visitors is the object of their appreciation of the university campus perhaps some of it is cultural but in the end of the visit can give them what is like to enjoy the natural The campus is mainly a place for study With the increasing tourism on the campus it will ruin the spiritual atmosphere in this learning field 1 A characteristic of American culture is to respect the self made man the man who has made it through his own efforts 答 美国


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