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英文译文:论多媒体技术对学习的有效支持肯.鲍威尔现代科学技木的飞速发展,使人类社会进入了信息时代。多媒体技术在今天学习领域中的应用,是学习现代化的一个重要标志,并因而引发了全球范围内的学习革命,这必将对学习者的学习产生深远的影响。1 、多媒体技术及其特点多媒体技术,简单地说就是利用计算机技术综合地处理文字、语言、图像等多种媒体信息的系统技术。它以计算机为中心,把语言、图像处理技术和视听技术集结在一起,并通过对音频、视频信号的模数转换和数据压缩、解压等过程,实现计算机对不同媒体信息的存储、传递、加工、变换和检索。将多媒体技术应用于学习可表现出如下特点:(1)集成性。多媒体技术将多种媒体对信息的呈现形式有机地结合在一起,实现了信息呈现形式的多样化。(2)交互性。多媒体技术具有便捷的人机交互特点,利用多媒体网络可实现人与人之间、人与机器之间适时快捷地交流。(3)信息组织的大容量和非线性。多媒体技术是一种大容量的知识库,可容纳非常丰富的教学信息资源,其信息组织形式也具有非线性网络化特点。随着计算机多媒体技术和网络技术的发展,多媒体技术既可用于一般课堂教学,又可用于个别化学习,能实现教学资源的共享,实现远程教育,在学习领域得到广泛地应用。2 、多媒体技术对学习的支持传统的学习观念认为,学习是通过教师的直接传授来进行的,教师的教育是一门艺术。教师是否深请教学方法中的技巧艺术,是评判教师水平的唯一依据。“教育艺术”是教师们所醉心研究和向往的学问。但是,现代远距离多媒体技术的产生,改变了人们传统的学习思想,单调乏味的学习活动,逐渐被充满色彩美、构图美、立体美等声形并茂的视听教材所替代,人们所向往的“一切学习带有乐趣”的学习愿望正在变成现实。灵活多样的多媒体技术使学习效果实现最优化成为可能。利用多媒体学习,能突破时间、空间、宏观、微观的限制,直观、形象地再现客观事物,使学习者获得丰富的感性材料,简化由感性认识上升到理性认识的中间环节。另外,它也有助于集中学生注意力,引起浓厚兴趣,激发学生的学习积极性,便于知识的理解和巩固。详细说来,我们认为多媒体技术对学习的支持主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)多媒体技术的运用丰富充实了学习资源,使学习不受时间、地域等的限制。传统的学习模式是以教师、课堂和课本为中心的“三中心”模式,学习者主要从老师的课堂教学和课本中获取知识。随着人类社会的发展和科学技术的进步,知识产生和更新的速度越来越快,人类知识总量不断扩大,知识体系结构也发生更大变化,知识的有效性将会变得短暂、要想从书本上、从传统的教育模式和教育方法中掌握这些知识将越米越困难。而多媒体与先进的通讯技术的结合,特别是建立在网络基础上的多媒体系统,即多媒体网络系统,不仅具有多种媒体信息处理和人机交互功能,而且实现了网上多媒体信息传递和多媒体信息资源共享,可充分利用大学、图书馆等学习资源,各种社会教育机构的教育资源,使适应于各类学习者的学习资源丰富而充实,网络的巨大信息包容量所提供的学习资源远远大于任何教师、任何教材乃至任何一座图书馆所能提供的信息量。利用网络进行学习,在空间上,在讲课教师面前学习的学习者与距教师千里之外的学习者是没有本质区别的,正规的学校教育和大量的非正规教育、非正式教育并存,并相互补充;在时间上,人们随时都可以进行学习,学习贯穿人的一生,教育终身化的目标会因为多媒体网络的发展而得以实现;网络具有使用上的极大自由度,使用者不受文化水准、专业知识、年龄大小的限制,打破了国度和区域的限制。(2)多媒体技术具有强化学习者记忆的功能。学习者在学习知识过程中,有许多不同类别的材料需要记忆。有的是图像,有的是文字,有的是数字,有的也可能是声音等等。心理学家实验证明,学习者对不同类别的材料的记忆容量是各不相同的。对于图像的记忆明显超过对于表明物品名称的词语如“橘子”、“钢笔”的记忆。短时记忆主要以听觉编码为主,长时记忆以视觉编码为主。同是一种材料采用不同表现形式对学生的视觉感受力与注意力的影响是不同的。多媒体技术集声音、图像、文本、动画为一体,为学习者营造出形象逼真的学习环境,可以使不同的感官在同一时间内接受到同一信息源的信息,这都有利于加强对知识的记忆,以达到提高学习质量的目的。据国内外有关专家调查统计,同样的内容,只凭听能记住约10,单凭看能记住25,而视听结合可记住65,而多媒体技术恰是视听结合的有效手段。(3)应用多媒体技术能够增强学习者的感官效应,提高学习效率。人类的感知行为主要包括视觉、听觉和触觉三种不同形态。传统知识的传授基本上都是用语言描述的,虽然能描述客观世界,但很抽象。然而有了多媒体技术就可直接把现实世界表现出来。例如,宏观的宇宙世界、微观的物质世界,如果用语言描述,要得到形象的概念是非常困难的,但是在今天的多媒体时代,可以使用模拟、仿真,使内容变得非常直观,容易理解。应用多媒体技术,可以方便地适应不同个体在认识形态上的种种差异,从而激发起学习者的学习积极性和学习兴趣,有利于学习效率的提高。(4)应用多媒体技术有利于实现创造性的学习目标将现代化的多媒体技术引入学习中,将多维的教学媒体信息用于多媒体结构,有效地组织、运用多媒体技术的灵活多样、生动逼真、便于控制的特点,使全方位的主体教学空间在教学过程中得到充分运用,由此来引发学习者的想象力和创造力。这种多媒体技术和学习内容的完美结合,可以促进人类感官与想象力的相互融合,以全方位的立体空间产生出前所未有的思维空间和创造灵感。(5)应用多媒体技术可以实现学习信息交流的双向化。将多媒体技术引入学习过程,由于多媒体技术的人机交互特性,学习者利用计算机的键盘和鼠标,可方便地选择学习内容和探索路径。这样就可以很方便地实现学习过程中的信息反馈与交流。这种交流包括教师与学习者、教师与教师、学习者与学习者、教师与计算机、学习者与计算机等多向交流。教师可以根据学习者的具体情况随时调整学习过程,而学习者也可随时向教师反馈自己的学习情况,真正做到因材施教,使得所有学习者都能取得满意的学习效果。(6)应用多媒体技术,能促进学习观念的转变。现代学习的思想、理论、观点都是为了适应时代的发展,适应社会对人才的需求,这就在教育改革上提出了更高的要求。一般的“工匠型”人才已经不能适应知识快速更新的信息社会的发展需要,而素质全面、接受继续教育能力强、智能型、有创新精神的人才,则更适应时代的激烈竞争。所以,教育家提出要促使传统的以教师为中心、以课堂为中心、以书本为中心的教育方式转变为以学习者为中心、以强化全体实践为中心、以信息交流为中心的教育方式,变被动教育为主动教育,变应试教育为素质教育,变知识教育为智能教育。先进的技术则可以促进先进思想的实现,有了现代学习技术的支持,许多新的教学模式、方法和手段便可以应运而生,所以教师掌握多媒体应用技术,便可以使这些教育观点、教育方法能在教学实践中得以实现。(7)多媒体技术可以为学习者提供丰富多样的参考信息。学习者为了能得出所要探索的问题的结论,必须在大量有关感性材料的基础上进行某些高级思维活动,大量的感性材料的获取,若采用传统的方式是较困难和费时的,而利用多媒体技术则可非常容易地做到。多媒体技术可容纳非常丰富的与学习内容有关的信息资源,学习者能非常方便、快捷地检索到所需要的信息,这样就极大地促进了学习者学习过程的顺利进行。3 、在运用多媒体技术学习时应当注意处理好的关系尽管多媒体技术在学习中有如上所述诸多支持,但并非是使用了现代化手段就能保证学习的成功和达到预期的学习目标,这需要我们根据学习内容的特点合理选择多媒体技术,所以在运用多媒体技术进行学习的过程中必须注意处理好以下几个关系:(1)处理好多媒体技术与教育理论学习的关系。多媒体技术在学习中有其无可比拟的优势,但它毕竟只是一种学习手段,是一种与传统教学互补的实践活动,因此必须与教育理论紧密联系,理论可以指导一切实践活动,反过来理论又为学习实践提供更有效的帮助。因此在运用多媒体技术于学习的过程中,也必须充分考虑教育理论的学习和运用。只有充分掌握了包括学习理论、教学理论和传播理论在内的众多教育理论知识,才能在学习中合理运用多媒体技术,做到有的放矢、游刃有余而不致陷入只流于形式而与学习内容脱钩的地步。(2)处理多媒体技术与学习者掌握信息技术的关系。振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在于不断的学习,我们的教育事业不会因为有了新的教育手段便会现代化,更需要的是具有现代观念的人和掌握多媒体技术的人。在科学技术高度发展、传播媒体日新月异的今天,学习者要把自己作为一个开放系统,不断地接受、消化、使用新知识,新技术,以适应时代发展的要求。(3)处理好多媒体技术与学习内容的关系。在学习系统中,包含了教师、学习者、学习内容和学习手段四个要素。作为整体的各个部分,它们各司其职,又相互联系。要保证学习手段的应用取得最佳效果,必须研究系统中各个要素及其组合,不能将现代化学习手段游离于学习内容之外。多媒体技术作为学习系统整体的一部分,仅仅注意到自身的因素是不够的,必须对学习内容进行深入研究,根据内容的需要,选择手段与媒体,才能使学习达到最佳效果。摘自:学赛网多媒体课件简述附:英文原文:On the study of multi-media technology to effectively supportKen England,Gavin PowellModern science technique wooden swift development,Caused the human society to enter information age. Multimedia technologies in today study domainapplication,Is studies modernized an important symbol. And thus has initiated in the global scale study revolution, this will certainly to have the profound influence to learners study.1 Multimedia technologies and characteristic The multimedia technologies, put briefly are process the writing, the language, the image comprehensive using the computer technology and so on many kinds of media information system technology. It take the computer as the center, the language, the imagery processing technology and the seeing and hearing technology builds up in the same place, and through to processes and so on audio frequency, video signals a/d conversion and data compression, decompression, realizes the computer to the different media information memory, the transmission, the processing, the transformation and the retrieval. Applies the multimedia technologies in the study may display the following characteristic:(1) Integration. The multimedia technologies present many kinds of media to the information the form organically to unify in together, realized the information to present the form the diversification.(2) Interactive. The multimedia technologies have the convenient man-machine interaction characteristic, uses the multimedia networks to be possible to realize between the human and the human, the human and the machine at the right moment quickly exchanges.(3) Information organization large capacity and misalignment. The multimedia technologies are one kind of large capacity knowledge library, may hold the very rich teaching information resource, its information configuration of organization also has the misalignment network characteristic.Along with the computer multimedia technologies and networkings development, the multimedia technologies both may use in the general classroom instruction, and may use in the individualizing study, can realize teaching resources sharing, realizes the distance learning, obtains in the study domain widely applies.2 Multimedia technologies to study supportThe traditional study idea believed that the study is carries on through teachers direct instruction; teachers education is an art. Whether the teacher does invite in the teaching method deeply skillful art, is judges the teacher level the only basis. “Education art” is the knowledge which the teachers are infatuated with study and yearned. But, the modern long-distance range multimedia technologies productions, changed the people tradition study thought that the monotonous tasteless learning activity, is filled gradually sound shapes and the luxuriant audio-visual aids and so on color US, composition beautiful, three-dimensional US substitutes, the people yearned for “all studies have the pleasure” the study desire is turning the reality. The nimble diverse multimedia technologies cause the study effect to realize the optimization possibly to become. Uses the multimedia studies, can break through the time, the space, macroscopic, the microscopic limit, direct-viewing, reappears the objective things vividly, causes the learner to obtain the rich perceptual material, and simplifies rises from the perceptual knowledge to the rational knowledge middle link. Moreover, it is also helpful to the centralized student attention, arouses the strong interest, stimulates students study enthusiasm, is advantageous for the knowledge the understanding and consolidated. Goes into particulars, we thought that the multimedia technologies the support mainly manifest to the study in the following several aspect:(1) Multimedia technologies utilization enriched the study resources richly, causes the study not the time, the region and so on limit. The traditional study pattern is take the teacher, the classroom and the textbook as the center “three centers” the pattern, the learner mainly from teachers classroom instruction and the textbook the knowledge acquisition. Along with human societys development and sciences and technologys progress, the knowledge produces with the renewal speed is getting quicker and quicker, the human knowledge total quantity expands unceasingly, the knowledge architecture will have the sweeping change, the knowledge validity will also become short, if wants from the books, masters these knowledge from the traditional educational pattern and the education method to jump over the rice to be more difficult. But multimedia and advanced mechanics of communication union, specially establishes in the network foundation the multimedia systems, namely multimedia network systems, not only has many kinds of media information processing and the man-machine interaction function, and has realized on-line multimedia information transmission and multimedia information resource sharing, but uses study resources fully and so on university, library, each kind of social education organizations educational resources, cause to adapt and enrich in each kind of learners study fruitful in resources, the network huge information tolerance provides the study resources are bigger than the information content which by far any teacher, any teaching material and even any library can provide. Carries on the study using the network, in the space, in teaches the learner who in front of the teacher studies with the learner who is apart from outside the teacher great distance not to have the essence to distinguish, the regular school edition and the massive non-regular educations, unofficial education coexisting, and supplemented mutually; In time, the people momentarily may carry on the study, the study pass through persons life, the goal which the education lifelong melts because of the multimedia network development, but can realize; The network has the enormous degree-of-freedom which uses, the user not the cultural standard, the specialized knowledge, the age size limit, has broken the state and the region limit.(2) Multimedia technologies have strengthened the function which the learner remembered. The learner in studies in the knowledge process, many different categories material needs to remember. Some are the images, some are the writing, some are the digit, and some also possibly are sound and so on. The psychologist tests proved that the learner to the different categorys materials memory capacity is various. Surpasses obviously regarding the image memory regarding indicates the goods name the words and expressions like “the orange”, “the fountain pen” the memory. Short-term memory mainly by sense of hearing code primarily, long-term memory by visual code primarily. With is one material uses the different manifestation to students visual feeling strength and the attention influence is different. The multimedia technologies collection sound, the image, the text, the animation are a body, builds the image lifelike learning environment for the learner, may cause the different sense organ to inscribe in the same time receives the identical information source the information, this is advantageous in strengthens to the knowledge memory, achieves the enhancement study quality the goal. According to the domestic and foreign concerned experts investigates the statistics, the similar content, only depends on listens to be able to remember approximately 10%, looked can only remember 25%, but the seeing and hearing union may remember 65%, but the multimedia technologies are the seeing and hearing union effective measures exactly. (3) Applies the multimedia technologies to be able to strengthen learners sense organ effect, raises the study efficiency. Humanitys sensation behavior mainly includes the vision, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch three kind of different shapes. The traditional knowledges instruction basically is with the language description, although can describe the objective world, but is very abstract. However had the multimedia technologies to be possible to display directly the real world. For example, macroscopic universe world, microscopic material world, if describes with the language, must obtain the image concept is very difficult, but in todays multimedia times, may use the simulation, the simulation, causes the content becomes very direct-viewing, the understand easily. Applies the multimedia technologies, may adapt the different individual conveniently in understanding shape all sorts of differences, thus stimulates learners study enthusiasm and the study interest, is advantageous in the study efficiency enhancement.(4) Will apply the multimedia technologies to be advantageous in achieves the creative study goal in the modernized multimedia technologies introduction study, the multi-dimensional teaching media information will use in the multimedia structures, will organize, to utilize the multimedia technologies effectively nimble diverse, vivid lifelike, to be advantageous for the control the characteristic, will enable the omni-directional main body teaching space to obtain the full utilization in the teaching process, from this will initiate learners imagination and the creativity. This kind of multimedia technologies and the study contents perfect union, may promote the human sense organ and the imagination mutual fusion, has the unprecedented thought space and the creation inspiration by the omni-directional three-dimensional space.(5)Applies the multimedia technologies to be possible to realize the study communication bidirectional. The multimedia technologies introduction learning process, as a result of multimedia technologies man-machine interaction characteristics, the learner uses computers keyboard and the mouse, but chooses the study content and the exploration way conveniently. This may realize in the learning process information feedback and the exchange very conveniently. This kind of exchange including teacher and learner, teacher and teacher, learner and learner, teacher and computer, learner and computer and so on multi-direction exchange. The teacher may momentarily adjust the learning process according to learners special details, but the learner may also momentarily feed back own study situation to the teacher, achieves truly teaches students in accordance with their aptitude, enables all learners to obtain satisfaction the study effect.(6)Applies the multimedia technologies, can promote the study idea transformation. The modern studys thought that the theory, the viewpoint are to adapt the time development, the adaptation society to talented persons demand, this set a higher request in the educational reform. Generally “the artisan” the talented person already could not meet the knowledge fast renewal information societys development need, but the quality comprehensive, accepts the continuing education ability to be strong, the intelligence, has the innovative spirit talented person, then adapts the time steep competition. Therefore, the educationalist proposed that must urge the tradition take the teacher as central, take the classroom as central, to transform take the books as the central educational mode into take the learner as the center, take strengthens to practice as central, take the communication as the central educational mode, changes the passive education is the initiative education, changes the shopping online is the education for all-around development, changes the knowledge education for the intelligent education. The advanced technology may promote advanced ideas realization, had the modern study technology support, many new educational models, the method and the method then may arise at the historic moment, therefore the teacher masters the multimedia applied technologies, then may enable these educational view, the education method to be able to realize in the teaching practice.(7) Multimedia technologies may supply the bountiful reference information for the learner. For the learner can draw the question conclusion which must explore, must carry on certain high-level thinking activity in the massive related perceptual material foundation, massive perceptual material gain, if uses traditional the way is difficult and time-consuming, but uses the multimedia technologies to be possible to achieve very easily. The multimedia technologies may hold very richly with the study content related information resource, the learner can be convenient the information which, retrieve quickly needs, like this enormously promoted learner learning process smooth advance.3 When utilizes the multimedia technologies studies must pay attention to the relations which processes.Although the multimedia technologies have as stated above many supports in the study, but used the modernized method to be able by no means to guarantee that the study the success and achieved the anticipated study goal, this need we chose the multimedia technologies reasonably according to the study contents characteristic, therefore in utilized the multimedia technologies to carry on the study in the process to pay attention deals with the following several relations:(1) Processes many media technologies and the education theoretical study relations. The multimedia technologies have its incomparable superiority in the study, but it is only one study method after all, is one kind with traditional teaching supplementary practice, must therefore relate closely with the education theory, the theory may instruct all practice, in turn the theory provides a more effective help for the study practice. Therefore in utilizes the multimedia technologies in the study process, must con


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