



Innovation, the key is to play the leading role of innovation in the innovation of science and technology. We have placed at the core of the overall development of science and technology innovation Location and develop technology, branding, quality as the core competitive advantages of regional innovation, better use of the multiplier effect on economic development. To strengthen scientific and technological cooperation. Around the forest and mineral resources of the deep processing, exploitation of technical innovation to promote transfer, transformation, application and popularization of scientific and technological achievements. We should improve the system of science and technology. Thoroughly implement the Central stream of deepening the reform of science and technology programme and the province issued regulations on scientific and technological progress, promoting the regions science and technology enterprises three years action plan, optimize the allocation of scientific resources, maximum release innovation potential of science and technology, and strive to better enterprise in seed industry and beyond, and more new Board listing. Sought to improve science and technology projects and administration. Strengthening science and technology innovation projects top design, and strive with national and provincial Thirteen-Five technology plans, actively seek national and provincial major science and technology projects, industrial projects and demonstration projects, supporting science and technology enterprises to increase scientific and technological investment in research and development and technology, research and Development Center, forming a number of technologies and products with independent intellectual property rights. (Specific to the XX, we will continue to do a good job in agricultural research and demonstration of County agriculture Park, rural agricultural demonstration base into full play the dual role of active counties to build cooperation with the provincial Agricultural University, introduction of advanced scientific research and experiments in promotion, promoting produce, learn, research development. Strengthening grass-roots agricultural technicians system construction and management to progressively increase the agricultural sensible quantities to build County XX County planting structure adjustment of agricultural technology-savvy experts. ), Third, we must strengthen human resources support. Talent is supporting the development of the first resource. Both the development of new industries, or corporate development requires talent as a lead. I was personnel structure characteristic of traditional forestry, professional and technical personnel more than 85% for culture, education, health and forestry personnel, pure business managers is less than 12%, with the capability of research and development professionals is not enough 1%, talent as a whole cultural structure of structure and low level of development关于驻场设计师的工作职责和工作流程设计方案阶段:1. 与业主及招商管理部门配合完成商业布局规划,掌握业主的需求和风格倾向,索取相关图纸(建筑规划图)及资料(设计要求)。2. 要求方案组配合出方案前,要进行方案交底会议,根据业主要求,表述基本设计格调,提供平面布局图,划分重点设计区域,拟定方案设计任务及时间节点。3. 对效果图及施工图的工作过程有督导义务。4. 项目提案版式设计,加注材料说明及做法,汇总后交由平面设计排版。5. 在正式提案前一天做内部提案演示,确保文件的准确性,检查电脑设备是否运行良好。6. 提案汇报会议结束后3个工作日内完成会议纪要,同时发传真给甲方请甲方签字确认。7. 要求施工图组配合出图前,要进行施工图交底会议,提供甲方确认版平面布局图,明确工作重点和工作内容,做到责任到人。8. 根据业主要求和本部人员工作安排情况,制定项目设计任务书和工作时间表,督促交图时间,审查图纸质量及规范,此举能清晰的掌握业主对图纸的需求时间,避免应交图引起的投诉和不良影响。现场协调阶段:1. 设计师驻场要求方案组配合项目交底。2. 将项目设计任务书和工作时间表和最终图纸,分发各配合部门进行消防、机电、暖通、幕墙、厨房等专业的图纸校正工作(根据最终方案图纸和本部要求对各专业点位进行调整),此步骤能将消防、机电、暖通、幕墙、厨房等专业在施工过程中,对布局及饰面效果的影响减到最小,跟进相关专业设计任务,在工作中争取最大的主动权。3. 在工作生活中建立与业主的基本联系,取得业主的信任和支持,并积极解答业主提出的问题,对无法当场解决的问题,使用迂回战术,通过其它途径解决问题(咨询专业人士或查询图纸),待出解决方案后首先上报本部领导,取得同意后,抄报业主及各配合单位。4. 对业主提出的一般性要求,有基本的定夺权,并有义务完成业主的合理要求,在面对不合理要求的情况下,要分析自我原则和业主的主观态度的妥协点,做好协调汇报工作,举例说明利弊,以优良的服务态度处理问题。5. 督促方案组按照施工图组提供材料表,配合方案设计师完成实物材料样板。6. 与施工方和业主(相关专业工程师)配合完成施工图会审。7. 及时跟进木作、石材、壁布、软(硬)包、灯具、五金、洁具、活动家俬等饰面配合厂商提供样品的质量及效果,做好汇报确认工作。9. 所有项目函件安日期和类别做好记录和归档,以电子版和文件夹两种形式,电子版存在个人电脑,文本归档保存。总结:在困难面前要有“挡我者死”的精神,在工作的过程中要“多钻研多汇报”,在协调工作时要“积极活跃”,以最终效果为工作核心,以本部利益为目的,端正态度为业主提供优良的服务。装饰施工图要求及说明装饰施工图装饰工程所必需的依据,工程施工的进度及质量很大一部分决于施工图,现将装饰施工图图纸表达作以总结归类,并进行规范化。一、 图纸顺序1.图纸封面注明:.工程名称.施工单位.日期。2.图纸目录注明:页码、图纸名称、图号、图幅(工程名称、建设单位、施工单位、设计单位、日期)。3.设计说明. 图纸包含内容;. 设计依据;. 施工图与施说明:1. 主材料说明;2. 施工工艺要求及说明;3. 图纸说明。4. 主要材料使用详细说明表*为非必要项目。材料代号代号1代号2英文名称代号1代号2英文名称A-xST-xStone石材I-xME-xMetal金属面板B-xCt-xCeramic tile瓷砖J-xGL-xGlass玻璃C-xWF-xWood floor木质地板K-xWP-xWall paper墙纸D-xCa-xCarpet地毯L-xFa-xFabric织物E-xFL-xFloor抗静电地板M-xJB-x防火板F-xCE-xCap plate吊顶板材N-xL-xLight灯具G-xWD-xWood木板材O-xTF-x洁具H-xP-xPaint图刷类x-编号5. 平面布置图注明房间名称、家具布置、标高。6. 吊顶平面布置图注明灯具类型(列图列表)、名称、间距、排列方法(如日光灯管交错排列)。注明吊顶材料、造型尺寸、窗帘盒、设备等。标出造型吊顶的剖切索引、标高。规格板用箭头表示出排起始方向。7.(平面)门(窗)墙体定位图(无家具、标高等)注明门窗的尺寸、型号(Mxay 、Cxay)。x-尺寸编号、y-门窗代号用图案填充将新砌墙体与原有墙体区分开。将同类型不同型号墙体编号区分,并列图列表。将门窗洞尺寸列入此图。8.固定家具、地面材料及索引图注明家具的尺寸(平面该放大的需放大)注明地面材料代号、尺寸、索引立面号。*9.平面机电示意图注明插座位置、室内电气设备名称、型号、位置。注明壁灯及墙面造型灯带位置。*10.吊顶灯具连线图示意灯具的控制线路。11.平面需要放大的部分标注详细尺寸及材料及代号、设备名称。12.立面图. 标注详细尺寸(*画出原有墙体及吊顶的剖面)。. 所有材料标明代号及名称,并用不同的填充表示。. 所有需详图的节点引出索引。. 尽可能的增加图库的种类和数量。. 标出一些设备及物品的名称。13.立面详图需要剖切的墙体需要详图。不同的材料用不同的方法填充表示。画出家具的剖切详图及节点详图。14.吊顶剖面图(画出吊筋、龙骨)尽可能的将节点画细致。标出标高、材料、详细尺寸。所有参加本项检修的正式工应为专业从事电机检修,且通过技能鉴定合格的人员。临时工应熟悉相应的设备系统工作环境,并且通过简单的技能培训合格,安规培训考试合格。Without leads, my transition would be struggling. To improve the talent mechanism. Recently, the Central Government issued a circular on opinions on deepening the reform of talent development system aimed at stimulating innovation to create the maximum of entrepreneurial activity. We to actual research developed implement views of implementation approach, further perfect prefectural last year introduced of 19 article talent policy, to through flexible introduced talent, and joint construction development center, and cooperation established focus laboratory, measures solution local talent short problem, implementation technology results pricing shares, and equity option incentive, and Division, award approach, guarantees talent to knowledge, and skills, and management, innovation elements participation interests distribution, in-depth implementation students introduced engineering and local students return engineering, Reverse the shortage situation as soon as possible. To further optimize the allocation of talent. Establishing and perfecting the talent flow system, improving horizontal and vertical mobility, promoting talent in the orderly flow of units with different properties and different areas, improve the wages, health benefits, job appraisal, pension policy, encouraging talent flows to the base first, production line, especially those business park, enterprise incubator . Policy, Tai Hing talent in the whole society, love, weight, using only wind, talent innovation create profit, honor, status, efforts to create a social media environment to encourage innovation, failure tolerated. Four to foster the market. Vibrant market, it is an important foundation for economic transformation and development. Inspire creativity is to enhance endogenous impetus for economic development. Padded short I industrial Panel, accelerating the pace of development, must be hard work on fostering market players. To activate the stock of State-owned enterprises. Through the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, reshape the industry chain and the supply chain, more soft values. (XX, to highlight the industrial development plan, lead cultivation and create


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